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Ian's Story (The Immortal Clan Keith Book 1)

Page 4

by Ardent Rose

  “Anita, darling. Is that you I smell?” Helen scrunched her nose and waved her hand in front of her face.

  Helen sniffed Anita. “It’s not me, I thought it was you.”

  Quickly, the wind changed and the smell got worse. “If I didn’t know better I’d think our old friend, Orkus was around.” Helen shook her head.

  A loud growl came from behind the trolls and out jumped the smelly ogre himself, Orkus. “Ah ha! Why hello, my beauties.” He stepped closer to the naked women and started to paw at Anita.

  She shirked back from his gnarly hands and dirty fingers. “Don’t touch me, you oaf. What are you doing here anyway?” She coughed at the stench emanating from his body.

  Helen noticed he appeared to be sporting a raging hard on. He must have been watching them from behind the bushes. She whispered to Anita, “I know why he’s here. Check out that wood he’s carrying.”

  Orkus growled out, “A little birdy told me you have need of a spell breaker that I just might have in my pocket.”

  Anita smirked and sideways glanced at Helen. “That ain’t all he’s got in his pocket.” She spoke up to Orkus. “So, what if we do? Ogres never give anything away for free. What is your price?”

  Orkus rubbed his cock in an uncouth manner that suggested his preferred method of payment.

  The women looked at each other and pointed to the other. Helen leaned into Anita, “Follow my lead, I have a plan.” She nodded in agreement.

  “Well, my beauties, what will it be? The potion for a suck on old Orkus’ cock? Maybe a face plant on your pussy or perhaps both. Seeing as this is an expensive purchase.”

  Helen took a deep breath and wrapped her arm around his. Anita reluctantly shrugged her shoulders and did the same. Helen smiled at him, “What you say we go down to the water fall and get comfortable. There are some special blossoms for working up a lather.”

  Anita caught on and added. “The water feels so good dripping off my body.” She pinched a nipple, “And makes my nipples hard as rocks.”

  Orkus literally salivated at the two women fawning over him. The two ran ahead of him their tits bouncing and their butts flexing. He followed with a wicked laugh.

  He disrobed at the water’s edge and dove into the deep. Helen kept his attention, while Anita covertly searched his pockets for the potion.

  Orkus surfaced in front of Helen. She took the nectar and coated his face. “Run, Anita!!”

  The ogre lashed out in front of him to catch Helen. She had spirited away to Anita before he could touch her.

  Helen kissed Anita. “We barely escaped that torture. Although, once cleaned up he did have quite the specimen to enjoy.”

  Anita looked at her. “Enough of that. We have a job to do before he gets back here to us.”

  “We had better hide and make a plan of attack. A horny ogre will not make this job easy.” The women jumped to a nearby cave and settled in for rest.


  Orkus returned to the where the trolls had last been spotted. He quickly hid behind a bush. He had seen two large men and a woman outside the cottage. Ogres have supersonic hearing, Orkus eavesdropped on them.

  Patricia asked Ian. “Where are we going?”

  Mungo slowly scanned the area. “Home lass, tis the best answer fer now. Trees oft have ears.”

  The voices disappeared when the trio jumped for ‘home’. Orkus bellowed a great big belly laugh. “The joke will be on those harpy trolls when no one is home and the potion traps them inside. And I am the only one who can free them,” he said, wickedly fisting his cock.

  Part Ten

  A fierce wind rustled the leaves and startled Orkus from his slumber. He stretched and peered around to see the two trolls had sprinkled the potion around the gate. He sneered to himself. “Time to have some fun.” He rubbed his gnarled hands grotesquely down his body and jumped to his feet.

  From the cottage screeched yelps for help. Anita and Helen entered the empty home, but could not get out. Helen stomped her foot. “That damn ogre, he tricked us.”

  Anita snooped inside drawers and cabinets. “Yes, seems somewhere I heard if you fool an ogre without fulfilling the agreement… blah blah. Oh, look wine and cheese.”

  Helen jerked Anita by the hand. “That information would have been more helpful earlier. Put that down, we have to get out of here before Morganna finds out we botched it again.”

  Suddenly, the door slammed open. Orkus bellowed. “Honey, I’m home.”

  Helen moved chest to chest with the ogre. “You sold us a faulty potion. We sprinkled it at the gate and came in, but we are virtual prisoners here now. Morganna will not be pleased.” She stepped back and folded her arms across her chest with a smug humph sound.

  The cottage shook with laughter. Orkus laughed until he cried. “The potion wasn’t faulty, my lovely Helen.” He crooked a long dirty finger under her chin. “You broke your agreement with me. Foolish woman. I didn’t receive payment therefore you only got half of the magic.” He bent toward her mouth and she jerked her head away.

  Anita swilled a glass of wine and handed one to Helen. “If we must do this disgusting ogre, at least get a buzz.”

  Helen downed her glass as well. “Seems Orkus, you have us at your mercy.”

  He lifted his hand and stroked her horns. “I will show little mercy while I fuck your face neither.” He pressed her head and she shrank to the floor.

  Helen commanded Anita to join them. “Here now, I don’t want you to miss out on all the fun.”

  After another big gulp, Anita went to her mistress’ aide. She sat on her knees only she positioned herself to pleasure Helen not Orkus.

  Orkus lifted an eyebrow but said nothing. He was eager to watch, especially when Anita took away Helen’s robe. Helen’s figure glowed in the moonlight. Her breasts bounced when she stroked the horrible shaft against the base of his bushy hair. She pressed her breasts to each side of it trying to avoid her mouth. The stench alone gagged her. Anita soon joined them. She was naked as well, and rubbed her breasts against Helen’s back and buttocks.

  Orkus’ cock stiffened. He grabbed a breast with his scratchy hands. Helen’s breath caught in her throat. Eventually, precum leaked from the tip and Anita greedily licked it away.

  Orkus demanded, “Both on all fours.” He stripped from the remainder of his kilt and laid on the floor. He instructed Helen to ride him and Anita to sit upon his face, the two trolls facing each other.

  Helen whispered to Anita. “This may not be so bad after all.” Anita smirked in agreement.

  Both ladies followed orders. Although not their first choice, the ogre was well-endowed and his tongue wildly talented. Helen straddled him with ease and sank deep onto his cock. “Oh, my Orkus, what a big dick you have.”

  He grunted and she rode him hard. She moaned and whimpered enjoying the ride. She played with Anita’s beautiful breasts and kissed her lips. Their tongues played a duel overtop the ogre.

  Anita pushed her pussy onto his tongue and rode his chin to orgasm, caressed her clit and squirted his face full. She stroked Helen’s horns giving her an extra burst of lust.

  Helen commanded her sub, “Stand and let me taste your riches.” Obediently, she stood and her mistress devoured her wet lips and she continued to stroke her horns and caress her cheeks.

  The ogre grew harder inside of Helen as he watched the two women. Oblivious to the ogre, Helen orgasmed around his cock. The ogre screamed when his seed burst forth because her pussy had crushed him and drained every drop.

  The three creatures fell to the floor in an exhausted heap. Helen spoke first. “Has payment been rendered in a satisfactory fashion, Orkus?”

  Orkus grinned like a Cheshire cat. “Damned if that wasn’t the best payment I have ever received. Do remember old Orkus, if you need a helping hand.”

  They gathered themselves and Orkus delivered on his promise. Once outside, “Now where to look for that woman.”

  “Since, you ladies did such a del
ightful job I will pass along some information.” He smirked wickedly.

  “NO strings attached?” Helen asked.

  “Not this time.” He winked. “I heard one of the big men say they were going home.”

  Anita and Helen exchanged glances and spoke simultaneously. “Fara.”

  When the trio reached Fara, Ian introduced his bonded mate to his brothers. He took Patricia on a tour of the castle and showed her to his room, now their room.

  “Ian, this is a lovely suite. It is arranged much like an apartment with a sitting area and adjacent bedroom. Do we have plumbing, dare I ask?”

  He chuckled and pulled her body into his. He pointed to a door across from the bed. “Yes, me love. We’ve lots of modern amenities. Unfortunately, we encourage the old lifestyle and only the intrusion of modern times when necessary.”

  “I think I will enjoy this lifestyle. Will you build us a fire?” She rubbed her arms for warmth.

  “Aye, and we’ll need to speak to Alpin about getting you some proper clothes. Tis a might cooler here in the mountains.”

  Patricia suddenly shivered violently. “me love what ails ye? Are ye feeling ill?”

  He wrapped his big arms around her. He searched her eyes and something else lurked there. She was frightened.

  “I feel something evil nearby. Oh, Ian, I am scared. It feels like ice water in my veins.” Moments later her wings protruded and she took a defensive pose.

  “I assure you my Patricia, nothing can harm ye inside of Clan castle.” He went to her again and assured her. “Let me draw ye a warm bath. We’ve some lavender and chamomile to scent it.”

  “Only if you will join me?” She took his hand and led him to the bathroom. Over in the corner sat a huge clawfoot tub that beckoned her. “Yes, this will do just perfectly.”

  Patricia finally calmed down. Ian built a fire and prepared her bath. He stepped in first, gloriously naked and offered her a hand. They slipped down into the scented waters and a peaceful feeling wafted over them.

  Ian squeezed a sponge allowing the water to cascade over Patricia’s body. She leaned her head against his shoulder and let all her fears subside.

  “Feeling better, beautiful?” Ian kissed her temple.

  “Yes, much better. What will your brothers think about me being here? What will they expect of me?” Her voice grew apprehensive.

  “My brothers will adore ye and treat ye as a precious member of our clan. They expect nothing from you ‘cept perhaps respect and eventually care for’em as brothers.” Ian kissed her ear and down her neck.

  “Are you trying to distract me, husband? You are my husband?” Realization set in and she sat up quickly.

  “Calm yehself, we are bonded mates which makes me more than your husband. We are together unto death.” He thumbed the mark on her chest. “This shows everyone you are a member of Clan Keith. Thus, protected by all the Keith men.”

  She turned and kissed him, her grasped her face and planted his tongue deep within her mouth. She swept her tongue against his. She would have crawled inside of him if she could, to be as close as possible.

  “I love you, Ian, make love to me and claim me again now that we are home.”

  He kissed her passionately again, before he stood and carried his bride to their marriage bed to consummate her induction into the Clan of Keith on home soil.

  Part Eleven

  It had been several weeks since Patricia had been brought to the castle. Although Bram was positive the threat had not passed, he pushed the clan to prepare for battle, even Patricia. Ross the Red had taken over her weaponry lessons.

  “Aye, lass that’s it. You are beginning to get the feel of the claymore.” She swung high at his head but tumbled backwards.

  “I still prefer my mattucashlass. This weapon makes me feel clumsy.” Patricia puffed out a sigh, but was eager to impress her new brother.

  “Y’er doing well, it just takes practice.” He walked toward her and retrieved the sword. “On the morrow, we’ll try out y’er wings on this challenge.”

  “My wings? How did you know?” Patricia was flabbergasted.

  “Tricia girl, there be no secrets amongst this clan and we’ll be needin’ y’er powers to defeat those dastardly trolls.” Ross stood stern in his stance as a show of respect for her.

  “Forgive me, brother. I should have known my attributes had been revealed. It is all so new to me. I oft forget my place.” She bowed in contrition to his hierarchy.

  Ross bent down and held her shoulders to aid her to rise from her position. “Y’er show of respect touches me lass, but tis not necessary. We’re family.”

  Suddenly, Ross was tossed from his feet and Ian bound up his fists ready to brawl. “There better be a good reason y’er hands ‘er touchin’ me mate or it’ll be a fight to the death wit ye.”

  Patricia grabbed Ian’s arm. “He was helping me up. Nothing is going on, you jealous oaf.”

  Ian scowls at her. “Why ye need help my love? Did he harm ye in practice?”

  Ross brushed himself off and staggered toward his brother. “Dear god, man ye pack a fearsome punch, but I apologize, lass, he tis right, I am not to touch ye unless he’s present or giv’n permission.” He patted his brother on the shoulder. “Forgive me, tis been a long time since we’ve a female about.”

  Ian burst out laughing. “Aye, Ross I foo’got meself. Besides as her tutor I need to be giv’n ye permission to guide her.”

  Patricia watched this alpha male bonding and for the first time she thought to herself. “Ian, how old are you exactly? And who were you mated to before me?”

  Ian dreaded this question. Until now he had easily distracted her from this line of thinking. “Let’s go up to our suite and I’ll try to answer that if I can.” He brushed her temple with a kiss and took her hand.

  Ross shook his head, he knew this conversation would’na be an easy one. It had been quite some time for all the brothers since a bonded mate lived among them. He felt those stirrings himself and was envious of the relationship Ian and Patricia had. He sighed and began to clean up the practice room. “By the fates, my time shall come again. Oh, how I miss my Katie girl.”


  Inside the suite, Patricia sat across from Ian. She knew by the grim expression on his face this story was somber.

  He enveloped her hands with his. “As an immortal, I’m centuries old. Although, me appearance tis that of a younger man, and I’ll remain this way until me head is taken.”

  She was aware of this consequence and bobbed her head for him to continue. “Over the many years, women h’ve come into my life for short periods of time. Even the length of a mortal marriage. However, none were anything but human and I outlived them all. Until now, the day the fates brought me message of you, me life changed. That is why I came to ye in the dreaming, that ye would know me first. Part of me power tis dream walker, but only to me soulmate, the chosen one. That’s also why we can read the thoughts of each other, this bond only exists for me once with ye.”

  A tear slipped from her eye and she smiled. She spoke to his mind words of love and acceptance for her new life and understood the past was just that, past. “I love you Ian Keith of the Clan Keith. I am proud to be your bonded mate for eternity.”

  “We’ll h’ve children and grow a life together for eternity. Aye, me Tricia love, I love ye too. I would lay down me life for ye.”

  He pressed his lips to her hand and pulled her into his lap. His hand smoothed away her tears and kissed her face dry. She was safe in the arms of the man she loved.

  Part Twelve

  Anita and Helen had spent the last few weeks prisoner on Cherry Island, under Morganna’s punishment.

  Cherry Island is the only island on Loch Ness and about one-hundred-and -fifty yards from the shore near the southern end of the loch.

  Morganna sat upon a throne encrusted with rubies and gold. Her black hair manically splayed in a web and her eyes burned bright red. “What punishment shall I r
ender today?”

  She dug her heels into the back of Helen’s legs. Helen was barely able to speak. “My pets, you have been punished extremely and are ready to do your bidding once more, Goddess Morganna.”

  Anita gritted her teeth, but Morganna spared her any pain, instead she bade her sit. “Anita, my pet, please assume your position that I may seek the knowledge of the crystal ball.”

  Anita crawled on all fours and became a footstool for the goddess. With the flick of her wrist a crystal ball instantly appeared and she peered into it.

  Morganna caught a glimpse of Ross and Patricia sparing in practice. She tossed her head back with an evil laugh. “Tomorrow, we will make our move. She will be outside sharpening her skills with her wings.”

  She stroked Anita’s back. “Rise my pet, and eat and refresh yourself, tomorrow we welcome our guest.”

  Anita stumbled to her feet and bowed her head. “This pet wishes to thank her goddess for her kindness. May I ask the same consideration for my mistress?”

  Morganna waves her hand in dismissal. “Take her with you. We leave at dawn and I must prepare the chamber for our guest.” She laughed yet again, enjoying the thought of torturing Patricia.


  The dawn peaked through the drapes in Ian’s suite. He rolled to place his arm over his mate but found her side empty and cold. He listened for sounds of the shower to no avail. He quickly slipped from the bed and heard noises in the yard. He peered through the drapes and smiled.

  Patricia flew upon the wind, her wings unfurled and a claymore in her hands. Try as she might, it was just too heavy for her petite frame even with her wings. The heavy sword slipped from her fingertips and plummeted to the ground.

  Alas, where was Ross? He should be attending her. A chill ran down his spine, he felt her slip away. A knife had been thrown and sliced her wing.

  “Oh no, Patricia.” He screamed and jumped to the yard. He was too late, she had been taken. The only thing left were a few feathers in the dirt beside the claymore. Gingerly, he gathered them and cried to the heavens.


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