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Shifter's Magic (The Wolvers Book 8)

Page 14

by Jacqueline Rhoades

  Like Didi said, she only needed to readjust her sights, and right now, her sight was on hanging that star.

  She kept climbing, slowly and steadily, until she reached the top, where she hung on to the silver colored ball. The pole swayed with her weight and the wind. It shivered along with her body each time Tony yanked on the halyard to raise the star. After watching the polypropylene rope glide through the pulley, the problem became apparent. Like the pole, the rope was covered with a fine film of ice. The pulley's guide shaved it off as the rope was pulled through. The ice built up and compacted, and eventually blocked the hole through which the rope passed.

  Each time Tony raised the star, Livvy cleared the ice. The process was simple, but by the time the star had risen to the top and was firmly set in place, her hands and feet were frozen. Going down the pole was twice as hard and twice as frightening.

  The widening pole became harder to hang onto. It happened so fast. Her unfeeling feet found no purchase, her hands began to slide along the pole, and suddenly the pole wasn't there. The crowd's cheers and applause at her success turned into a collective gasp as she lost her grip completely and fell.

  Her scream was muffled against a broad and familiar chest. Strong arms held her close as Brad Seaward was brought to bended knee with the force of her descent. Even after her feet touched the ground, she clung to him, unable to speak.

  "I've got you, baby. I've got you." His voice shook.

  The crowd cheered. Someone slipped her warm boots back onto her feet. Brad continued to hold her as he straightened and set her upright. Everything would have been wonderful if she hadn't turned away from him and toward the crowd.

  If she'd stayed where she was, Tony Carmichael wouldn't have grabbed her by the shoulders and kissed her.

  If Tony hadn't kissed her, Brad wouldn't have slugged Tony in the mouth.


  Jazz gave the bean pot a stir. Easy to grow and loaded with protein, beans were a cheap substitute for the meat that was the main ingredient in a wolver diet. She'd never eaten beans before coming to Gilead. Her father's drug money paid for a lot of meat and the memory of it tasted like salt. Now, mated to a doctor whose primary income came from bartered goods, she made beans, in soup or baked with brown sugar and molasses, regularly. The aroma alone filled the house with goodness and warmth. With a plate of warm cornbread and creamy butter, they made the perfect meal on a cold winter's day.

  She was therefore already smiling when her heart attuned to the pleasure emanating from outside.

  "Griz?" she called out. "Do you feel that?"

  "Feel what?" he called back.

  She followed his voice to the office that was once the dining room of the old house. Bookcases lined the walls. The desk where Griz kept track of his medical practice and compiled his research on wolver physiology, sat beneath the only window.

  Griz sat at the other desk, the one facing the living area. That one had been added after he became Gilead's Alpha and was used strictly for pack business.

  "There's a gathering, a little one, but it's growing. Looks like there's a party getting started."

  The Alpha sighed and closed his eyes. "The pack's peaceful. Let it go."

  "Griz." She drew his name out in a long suffering complaint.

  "Hellcat," he mimicked in the same tone and then sighed again. "I hate parties."

  "You do not. You always grumble about them and then have a good time. Besides," she added in an excited whisper, "This one could be important. Livvy's in the middle of it. After all the misery and heartache I felt earlier, she's..." Jazz cocked her head as if listening, but Griz knew it wasn't sound she sought.

  "Damn it," she hissed. "She's happy, but Brad sure isn't. What the hell's the matter with that wolver. I thought if I just gave him a little nudge..." She shrugged. "Ah, well, it can still be salvaged."

  Griz put down his pencil. "What have you done?" he asked suspiciously.

  "Nothing that wouldn't have been done sooner or later," she answered evasively, and then called to the pups playing in one of the rooms above. "And it's not what I've done. It's what you're going to do."

  It took them several minutes to sort out jackets and boots and mittens before they were ready to go. By that time, the crowd had become much larger, and by the time they reached the flagpole, it was evident that something more than hanging Christmas lights was happening in the middle of it.

  "Oh, God." Jazz grabbed her mate's arm, conveying Livvy's momentary terror and the relief that followed. The Mate's relief was in counterpoint to Griz's growing concern.

  "Oh, shit." Griz handed their youngest off to his mother who was grinning ear to ear as she refused the offering.

  "Papa said a bad word," little Wes informed his mother in case she hadn't heard it.

  Jazz laughed since it was usually Griz who got after her for slipping in front of the pups. "I know, sweetie, but we'll forgive him just this once. Nobody's perfect, not even the Alpha. Poor man, he's under stress."

  "Which I wouldn't be if certain people behaved themselves," Wes's father grumbled. "They're beating the crap out of each other, Jazz."

  "I know. Isn't it wonderful?"

  Griz stopped and growled, "What have you done, Hellcat?"

  "Me? I don't know anything about it. How could I have when I was at home with you?" she asked much too innocently to be believed. "Besides, you said you'd help and this is the perfect opportunity."

  "I didn't say I'd allow two of my pack to tear each other apart."

  "Oh poo, Griz, they're not tearing each other apart," she said, laughing again. "They're wolvers. It's in their blood. Fights like this are bound to happen. We've been lucky so far, that's all."

  They were wolvers, and their inner wolves were happier when pack order prevailed. Females in Gilead usually found other ways to settle their placement in the pack. Their aggression was more focused on the protection of their young. Some males, on the other hand, needed proof of their prowess or an outlet for their natural aggressiveness. Challenges were held with the Alpha presiding, mostly in barns, and mostly in the company of other males. Like boxers in the ring, the two challengers would duke it out. Much like boxing, the fight would end, a winner would be called, and a good time was had by all. Unlike boxers, they'd sometimes do it as wolves. In Gilead, true and public challenges were rare. Griz didn't like them because the final handshake didn't always settle the differences between the two contestants.

  "Look at it as the perfect opportunity to show the cubs how to do it properly," Jazz added. She looked much too pleased to have had nothing to do with it. "Call it a minor challenge. Use your high and mighty Alphaness to enforce the rules."

  "There are no rules," he growled.

  "You're the Alpha," she said cheerfully. "Make some up. A little excitement will be good for the pack."

  Chapter 13

  "I'll take that bottle now, please."

  Edna opened a bottle with the old church key that hung from her basket by a pink ribbon, taking her own sweet time.

  "I do so love the color pink," she prattled. "It's my signature color, you know."

  Of course Livvy knew. Everybody knew. She hadn't been gone that long. She rudely snatched the bottle out of the poor woman's hand.

  "Thank you," she said before taking a tentative sip. The elixir was sweet and bubbly, and not at all what she expected. She tipped the bottle up and drank half of it down. It was as smooth and soft as a kitten until it hit bottom, and then it kicked like a mule. Her eyes bugged and Edna laughed.

  "Drink up, dear. Remember, candy is dandy, but elixir is quicker."

  Livvy choked on her next mouthful of Mama's Elixir. "Liquor is quicker," she sputtered.

  "Not for a wolver," the elderly twin giggled.

  "Hmph." Edith was not amused. "That's what the man wrote, but the words came straight from Dear Earnest and," she admonished her smiling sister, "Were not to be repeated. Mama's Elixir is to be used for celebratory or medicinal purposes only.

  The medicinal effects of the twins' secret recipe were already taking effect. Livvy's fury was reduced to mere anger and disgust. When the two battling wolvers hurtled by, close to her feet, she raised the bottle to preserve its contents and stepped back out of the way. Not five minutes before, she would have kicked out, happily bruising either one of them.

  The crowd cheered as Tony landed a head snapping punch to Brad's jaw. Another cheer sounded when Brad retaliated with a fist to the gut that had Tony buckling in half.

  "Isn't this exciting?" Lucy asked, bouncing on her toes. "Two wolvers fighting over my sister. If only Terrence was here," she sighed. "That would be perfect."

  Livvy shot her sister a quizzical look. Lucy had never commented on her relationship with Terrence before and knew the affair was over.

  Lucy grinned. "The two of them wouldn't be fighting each other. They'd be kicking his weasely ass." She eyed the bottle in Livvy's hand. "Can I have a sip?"

  Livvy held the bottle out. "Sure, why not? Everything else has gone to hell in a handbasket today. You might as well come along for the ride."

  The bottle was whisked from her hand. Ellie drained the remainder, handed the empty back to Livvy, and frowned at her younger daughter. "You're not ready to ride anywhere with anyone, particularly not to hell in a handbasket." She winced as the two contenders toppled to the ground. They grappled and rolled over grass and dirt that was quickly turning to mud. More blows were exchanged. "Ouch. That had to hurt."

  Her mother didn't look the least bit upset by this turn of events. In fact, no one did. More people had turned out to watch. Someone brought out small, brown paper sacks filled with popcorn. When a bag passed by, Lucy and Ellie both grabbed a handful. Her father and uncle stood over to the side, watching and laughing with a group of middle-aged men. Money was changing hands. My God! They were betting on the fight.

  Livvy had never been more humiliated in her life. What should have been a life lesson for the younger wolvers had turned into a two man brawl. She looked around the crowd and decided she definitely had a growing medicinal need for Mama's Elixir.

  "Where'd Edna go?"

  Edith appeared out of nowhere. "She's gone home to restock." Her eyes glittered with glee. "We're going to start charging. All proceeds go to a worthy cause."

  Livvy held out her hand. "Great. I'll be your first customer."

  "Oh no, dear, for you it's free." She handed over a bottle and then her fist shot in the air. "Whack him again, Bradley!"

  The world had gone crazy. Even her Aunt Donna was bobbing and weaving and throwing punches in the air. Livvy took a deep draught from the bottle.

  "Isn't it romantic?" the old lady asked, breathless with the excitement.

  "Might be, if either of them really liked me."

  Brad had made it clear that he didn't want her. She wasn't sure what Tony's motive was, but she was pretty sure it wasn't his feelings for her. She'd seen his eyes before he kissed her. That was the reason he'd caught her off guard. Tony was looking directly at Brad.

  She downed another gulp. This bottle didn't seem to have the same gut burning jolt as the first.

  "Well, somebody likes you. That's plain as day."

  Livvy did a double take when she looked at the speaker. Hannah was dressed in jeans, a form fitting turtleneck, and the chubby jacket she'd worn before. She'd traded her two pounds of makeup for a few ounces in a look that flattered rather than painted her pretty face. Warm boots, laced up to her knees, replaced her heels. A fuzzy wool hat was pulled down over her ears and a matching scarf was draped around her neck. Livvy smiled, her first since the fight began.

  "I like the look. Sexy with a dash of the real Hannah." She returned her attention to the fight.

  The two were circling each other like wrestlers, backs hunched, knees bent, arms spread wide. Roger Wilson was circling the two like a referee, but his concern was not the fight. Three bobbing bubbles of blue bounced behind him, cheering Daddy on.

  "Stop it, I say. Stop it! You're ruining my lawn. My lawn! Who's going to pay for this? Who? Who?"

  Didi ran forward to rescue her litter, handed them off to a woman in the crowd, and went back to rescue her hand flapping mate. Brad and Tony chose that moment to lock horns again. When they staggered toward her beloved Roger, Didi gave them a shove that sent both men flying. The crowd roared with laughter.

  "Thanks," Hannah replied to Livvy's compliment, "So who do you think is going to win?"

  Livvy had forgotten Hannah was there. Not taking her eyes from the fight, she answered, "I don't know and frankly, I don't give a hoot."

  "Then why are you flinching every time Brad gets walloped?"

  Rather than answer, Livvy drained the bottle in her hand.

  The unsmiling Alpha, who'd been watching and waiting with arms folded for the last half of the fight, finally spoke.

  "That's enough." He didn't shout, but his deep voice carried across the crowd along with a trickle of energy that made everyone stop and take notice.

  The two battered contestants stopped mid-swing, dropped their fists, and gave full attention to their Alpha.

  Livvy almost cheered. Finally, someone with good sense would prevail.

  The Alpha didn't speak again until all eyes were on him. "I was hoping you two would wear each other out and settle it without my interference. Since you won't, we'll make it official. Who issues this challenge?"

  Brad and Tony exchanged snarling looks, but neither spoke.

  "Who threw the first punch?"

  Neither man answered, but a dozen fingers pointed at Brad whose fists were clenching and unclenching at his side. The Alpha, hearing no objection, nodded.

  "Brad Seaward issues a challenge to Tony Carmichael. Is the challenge accepted?"

  Tony's nod was sharp.

  "Issued and accepted. The challenge will end at first blood. No eyes, no throat, no belly," He ordered, thus insuring the battle would not be fatal. "Drink up and strip down. You have five minutes." His glare was centered on the cause of it all.

  Livvy wished she could disappear.

  The Mate stood beside him, grinning like a bloodthirsty she-wolf. She stood on her toes and whispered in the Alpha's ear. He frowned and nodded.

  Bottles of elixir were passed to the contestants. They gulped them down to the chants of the crowd, then stripped off coats, shirts, belts, and boots, until they were standing in bare feet and jeans. Wolf whistles followed the baring of the magnificent bodies, some from women old enough to know better, including her normally no-nonsense aunt.

  "Nothing prettier than a wolver in his prime," Donna crowed.

  "Experience counts for more," Uncle Harvey called back.

  "I'll let you prove that later," Donna responded with an inviting hitch of her hip.

  They weren't the only ones. Though the full moon was still a few days off, the pack's blood was boiling.

  Brad stood stoic and stone-faced. Tony bowed with a flourish of his hand, a courtier acknowledging the admiration of the ladies. Both accepted another offering of Mama's Elixir.

  Livvy stood there wishing for a hole to open up in the ground beneath her feet. She'd envisioned this festive evening ending with a song, something like O Christmas Tree followed by a rollicking rendition of Jingle Bells. Instead, she got Friday Night Fights and she was at the center of the ring. Not quite the reintroduction to the pack the Mate was looking for, although the woman looked as excited as everyone else.

  Definitely not what the Alpha was looking for. By his glare, any hope Livvy had of a referral to another pack melted away like the ice on that stupid flagpole. She wanted to run, but she was surrounded by a wall of women.

  Things couldn't get worse, but true to her recent string of bad luck, they suddenly did. One of the men began picking up Brad and Tony's discarded clothing. He shook the dirt and dust from each piece before draping it over his arm. Brad's shirt was easily distinguished by the giant tow truck on the back with the boldly printed Seaward's
Towing arching over it. Holding it by the collar, the man snapped his wrist.

  A piece of cloth flew out. He picked it up. His eyes went wide. He dropped the other clothing to spread and show off the yellow polka dotted panties to the crowd.

  "No-o-o!" Livvy cried without thinking, and thus told the crowd exactly who those panties belonged to.

  Tony began to laugh. Brad's fierce roar drowned out the crowd's response as he grabbed the tiny panties and stuffed them into the front pocket of his jeans.

  The Alpha's power shot over the crowd. Light burst from the two men as they flashed over to wolves. Still caught up in his fury, Brad leapt at Tony and the fight was on.

  The two came together in a clash of snarls and teeth. They were evenly matched in size and both had thick winter coats; Brad's of brindled black and greys, Tony's a mix of browns. Brad's ruff was heavier and streaked with white. Tony's feet were white as was the tip of his tail.

  They broke apart and Tony danced away. Once out of reach, he swayed from side to side, mouth open and tongue lolling over sharp teeth in a silly looking but taunting display. In no mood for games, Brad leapt again and Tony rolled beneath him. Brad spun and lunged, but Tony was waiting for the move.

  They circled, each looking for an opening to attack. Tony feinted to the right and then dove left. Brad anticipated the move. He didn't bite, but used his body to check Tony and bring him to the ground. They rolled in a tangle of legs. Watchers moved back to give them room.

  Both wolves snarled and made tentative lunges to gage the movement of the other. Tony treated the maneuvers as if it was a playful match. He cocked his head and wagged his tail. The watchers laughed at his antics as they were meant to do. He spun and shook his rear at Brad, an insult and a dare.

  Brad's hackles rose, but he didn't fall for the dare. He let Tony play his game, then struck when Tony lost patience with his non-response. The two became a rolling ball of snarling, snapping fur, great clouds of which were flying in all directions. Blood hadn't been drawn yet, but it wasn't for lack of trying.


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