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Gabby (Safe Haven Wolves Book 1)

Page 19

by Sherry Foster


  Four Months Later

  “I think the ceremony went great. And I got some really good pictures.” Stormie could not contain her excitement at the thought of what they were going to do with the pictures. “I wish the joining of the wolves essence would show on camera, but it didn’t.”

  “Yes, well, all things considered the mating ceremony did not go so badly.” Jules grumbled. He was happy his little Gabby had mated to the wolf he chose as his alpha almost five years ago. He wished he could remember who had brought him to Trey’s territory to heal. He wondered more than once if the person or persons somehow had known the future.

  Most of the younger wolves did not remember when witches were friends with the packs. Most of the younger ones did not even know witches existed except in fairy tales. At some point in the last three centuries the witches had slowly, one by one, disappeared from their lives. But some wolves remembered them. Casey was a witch, he was almost certain of that, but she smelled differently than he remembered witches smelling. He had spoken at length about it with both Gammon and young Trey’s grandfather and they were of the opinion Casey was a witch. But she had never mentioned it and would quickly turn the subject if they tried to broach it with her.

  Stormie was watching him and evidently had said something to him but he missed it. Honestly that little she-wolf wore him out with her boundless energy. Closing his eyes he took a deep breath and raised his eyebrows questioningly when he again looked back up at her.

  “I said, you are just grumpy cause you could not call her wolf out and my brother could.” Stormie laughed before continuing, “But I was the same way. My wolf would only come out for David and no one else. Grandpa said that looked like it was the normal now instead of the rare event it was in his day.”

  When Stormie abruptly sobered up, Jules, who had known the little she-wolf for five years now, started looking around for David, or Trey or really anyone but him. She could go from bouncing happy to breaking down in tears in a matter of seconds and Jules had never been good with tears. Before she had time to do anything Jules sent a mental shout to his beta to come get his mate. Just as the tears welled up in Stormie’s eyes David’s arms went around her.

  “Here now, what is all this, you can’t cry at your brother’s mating ceremony. You are suppose to be happy for the new couple. Now come on, dry your tears and tell me what is bothering you this time sweetheart.”

  “I am just worried. What if the plan doesn’t work? I mean, our two packs have been searching all over the globe for the rest of Gabby’s family and haven’t found a single trace. What if we were too late? We still don’t know who was behind the pursuit of Gabby. We are no closer to finding answers than we were four months ago. Our pack has grown, and Uncle Jules has spent millions of his money improving our security and helping build more houses for the new pack members but…”

  “Hush love, quit borrowing trouble we have enough with borrowing any more. And since when did you start calling Jules uncle anyway?”

  “But David, what if the plan doesn’t work? We are out of options and if Gabby is twenty-one today so is her sister.”

  David looked at Jules in despair. No one knew if the plan would work but Stormie was right, they had exhausted all their options. Stormie had come up with the plan, and everyone had vetoed it, at first. But after months of looking they were no closer to finding the rest of Gabby’s family than before they started. He gritted his teeth, it had to work. Being the owner of Packwood Robotics meant Trey was fairly well known around the globe as an eligible, rich, good looking bachelor. Because of the industry Trey often had appeared in tech magazines and at tech events around the world. He was known to be so secretive about his life though that rarely had any reporters encroached upon his territory. And a few may never have made it out alive again, but when it came to his pack’s safety Trey took no prisoners. After all, accidents happen in unfamiliar territory and wild animals were abundant in the area.

  Jules, who had been slowly backing his wheelchair away found he could not stand to see Stormie cry any more than anyone else could. With another deep sigh he wheeled his chair closer.

  “I think it will work. I don’t know where my son is but I can tell you that once upon a time anything with robots interested him. Unless he has changed so dramatically he will still be interested in all things with robots. You came up with a good plan, I don’t like it, none of us like it but we admit it is a good plan. We have some great photos of the happy “bride and groom” to leak to the press. With Trey’s reputation those photos will hit front page papers around the world in a matter of hours. Anyone can find the location of the gated community around Packwood Robotics, anyone can find the company with a bare bit of effort. Anyone who sees those photos will know Gabby is happy and mated. They will start digging and hopefully come to us.” Jules grinned, and if the grin was a little evil no one could blame him, “If the wrong people come sniffing around, well we are ready for them too.”

  Trey caught the last bit as he and his new mate came walking up.

  “This is true, we are ready, either way. Jules, I wanted to thank you, again, for what you have done for the pack. The company has not been poor in many years but we never had the disposable income to fortify this place like we wanted. With your contributions we have been able to make this place almost impenetrable. With some of the new innovations we have put into place a bird can’t flutter his wings in our territory without us knowing. And Gammon is ready to trade me any number of things for some of those defenses we invented. Of course, I know militaries around the world would go to war for a couple of those new inventions too so we have to minimize the deployment of them. But all in all, we are ready. And we will not stop looking for the rest of your family Jules, we will never stop looking.” He leaned over to kiss his new mate as he made the promise to her grandfather that he intended to keep. No matter the cost, he would find the rest of their family, if it took the rest of his life.

  Thinking about the promise he remembered one more thing he had the company working on at the moment. He hoped by the time he and Gabby got back the prototype would be ready. He was looking forward to seeing his new grandfather walk again, and if all went well with the testing, he could never pay Jules back for his help but he had to resources to mobilize the old wolf, in both forms. From human male to wolf with just a few more adjustments. Thank goodness he watched transformers as a kid. His company had been working on something similar for the last couple of years because of Jules, but only as a hobby with they had free time. But four months ago he took it from hobby to front of the line behind defenses for the community. Two weeks ago they had a breakthrough and it looked like it would work.

  But for now, he had a mate and his wolf was eager to be alone with his mate. Casey had offered a stretch of land with a cabin near the top of her mountain with the perfect view, wonderful hunting for their wolves and a stream just the right size. And the distance was not so great that his beta could not mind-speak if problems arose. Or if the plan succeeded and Gabby’s family came looking for her. As selfish as it was he really hoped it took the full two weeks for her family to come forward. Well, looking down at the glow on his mate’s face, he kind of hoped it took that long.

  Pulling her closer her leaned in to kiss her again. He never imagined being mated with someone would be so incredible. He felt as though a part of him that he did not even realize was missing was now returned to him. Feeling more whole than ever he laughed while he picked up Gabby and whirled her around in a circle. As she giggled she tightened her hold on him. Deep inside of him his wolf began to stir and Trey suspected he had better get his mate to the cabin quickly. Once his wolf recovered from the magical bonding he would want to play with his mate and Trey intended for them to be alone when that happened.

  He released Gabby and let her slide to the floor before grabbing her hand and pulling her with him. He knew his pack was in for some hard times ahead until they could track down the
traitor or traitors in the government. Until they could find the missing females he and Gammon would be putting all the resources they had to the task. Having talked about the situation and researched different clues it had become that clear several families were missing, presumed dead, and each one had a female child before they went missing. Scattered as the families had been no one had connected them. In some cases it took quite a bit of digging to unearth information. Not all the families could hide like Gabby’s family, but some still had been in hiding when they went missing.

  As worried as he was about what the future held, for now he would put it aside and complete the bonding with his mate. He had two weeks to learn his mate and he intended to take his time getting to know her better and showing her how much he loved her.

  Author Notes

  I can not thank you enough for reading this far. A few places in the book made me almost cry and I hope the characters touched you the same way. Now I bet you are wondering if we are ever going to know what happened to Trina. Maybe you read this far hoping for a spoiler. Well, I will tell you this much. Trey and the government are not the only ones looking for that young pup. Remember, she just turned twenty-one. And she is fair game now. The question is, who will find her first?

  I mostly write fantasy set in the Deyarian Universe so it may surprise you to learn that the vampires referred to in this book will be making appearances in my fantasy books later on. If fantasy and dragons interest you feel free to visit my Face Book page and like and follow it for more information about upcoming books. Even if they do not interest you, some of the characters will be overlapping so still come join me on the exciting journey and find out what is next in the Safe Haven Wolf series.

  Without our readers us authors would not go very far so I want to encourage you to leave a review. If you found typos in this book, and face it, the best editors in the world will miss some so there are typos, tell me about them. Send me an email at so I can fix them. If you want to see more of this series tell me about it. If you have ideas, share them.

  I had a little help writing this book, if you call a raccoon sitting on the keyboard messing up all your hard work help.

  Like my Face Book page and stay up to date on new releases. See snippets for up coming books. A short note about the lack of activity on my page, I got sick for many months, I had to quit writing, but more heartbreaking for me, I had to quit reading. I know… the horror!! The doctors figured out what was wrong and fixed it. So come join me for exciting times ahead.




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