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Storm of Ecstasy (The Guardians of the Realms Book 9)

Page 15

by Setta Jay

  Retreat was the wisest course, but she could not force herself to leave her family to Tyr. To what he could do with the last shreds of light held within the shells of their bodies.

  Sickness and fury fought inside her at the thought of him touching her priestesses’ essence. Their bodies were becoming entombed in the rubble that was crashing into the water, but she could still see the bronzed skin of Togn beneath the bloody waves. The sight was a painful reminder of her failure in protecting those who were closest to her.

  She exchanged more power and blows with Tyr and knew she wouldn’t be able to do it all. Not retrieve the bodies and open a portal while fighting Tyr and keeping her beasts with her.

  She felt the evil God’s blasts strengthening with each surge of flames, and she fought harder. The dark glint in his eyes indicated how much he was enjoying this.

  Her choices were few. If she managed to get to Hroarr’s palace with Spa and Velspar, would he even still be there? She’d only just left. If he wasn’t able to portal back right away, Tyr and the others would surely destroy her warriors with the same brutality they’d used against Togn, Grior and Skuld.

  More death.

  More suffering.

  Would it never end?

  “You should have chosen my side instead of Hroarr’s, sister. If you agree to ally with me now, in this moment, I may be generous enough to allow you to live.” Gefn wanted nothing more than to cut the sneer off his lips.

  Instead, she taunted, “You are but a pitiful image of your former self, Tyr, and even now you are weak. You could not hope to take me, much less Hroarr.”

  The moment the air charged, Gefn braced for another attack.

  Instead, furious power blasted the heavy doors from the outside. Wood splintered and shot into the destroyed room as Hroarr’s massive body stepped through. His enraged power flooded the space, and she felt portals opening in the room. The other Gods retreating.

  Tyr wasn’t so fortunate as to escape her brother’s wrath. Hroarr had the evil God in his clutches within the blink of an eye, and relief filled her. Legions of Hroarr’s battle-armored warriors came in at his back as Hroarr wrapped power around her evil brother, choking the male in his fury as flames started at Tyr’s feet. His agonized shrieks rending the air was music to her ears.

  Pothos was thrown into more memories while he was still furious and shaking at the last.

  Gefn, Dagur, Kara and Hroarr used power to lock away their siblings into spherical cylinders of bronze metal etched with glowing runes. The spells held so much power he felt the way it filtered into the dirt and stone of the underground temple. With it came the knowledge that all four Gods infused a fraction of themselves into securing and powering the prisons. He also possessed the knowledge that there were four such prisons scattered to the four points of their world.

  The next flash took him into her mind when she saw him for the first time. It was like a gut punch feeling her lust for him after seeing all the darkness of her life.

  Then he was thrust into her memories of coming to his world, and the lust of before was replaced with the harsh agony of betrayal when she learned her cats had held the power to open a portal and then to paralyze powerful beings. It had come with the heartrending knowledge that they could have saved Togn, Skuld and Grior. Anger beat at his skull.

  It was like mental whiplash when he was brought into her memories of their first time having sex. Fucking hell, he wouldn’t survive any more memories of pain and then blinding pleasure. Of guilt and pain before being slammed with lust.

  Her beasts’ betrayal had hurt, yet she still trusted them when it came to Pothos. His female had been lonely. She had only her cats, Laire and her siblings. Two of which she wasn’t all that close to. Laire, though. He was her friend. Another warrior she’d have to watch die. Fuck that. Pothos would find that male an Immortal mate if it killed him. That warrior would live for fucking ever.

  He was finally jolted awake in time to breathe her in, his hands shaking from the roller coaster from hell. He gripped her too damned tight, but was having trouble letting go. He felt her soft hands on his chest, her lips on his heated flesh, making him groan.

  “Are you okay?” he asked, mentally scanning their surroundings. They were alone.

  He was unsure of what she would have seen in his memories. It couldn’t have been good, but hers had definitely been bleak.

  “Yes,” she said, but he could feel that she was just as emotionally drained.

  “I’m going to try to teleport us out of here,” he said and felt her nod.

  He used power, breaking them into pieces until they were combined in the erotic torture. He felt the barrier, but she didn’t bounce off it this time. She pushed through with him, and he could feel her relief mix with his own.

  And then they were streaming through air, heading home.

  To his home. His bed.

  Chapter 18

  Mystical Lake, Earth Realm

  Hades reformed on the banks of the lake after battling hell beasts in Ouranos. The sun had started to rise, giving a warm glow to the mist-covered water. His wings flexed and stretched wide as anticipation filled him; he’d either get to battle Hroarr or take Apollo. Either outcome pleased him.

  Sacha appeared at his side the next moment, and he attempted unsuccessfully to teleport her to their island home. Agapi mou, you were to shower while I took care of this.

  I don’t remember agreeing to that, she pointed out evenly before sighing. You can try to force me away all you want, but it won’t move me.

  He growled in frustration that she was there; he was to have done this alone.

  He felt her amusement, even as he was fully aware that as a warrior she was still alert to all threats.

  Draken appeared at his other side a moment later, and Hades growled, “Did I not say I would handle this?”

  “Yes,” was Draken’s calm and irritating answer. Hades noticed the dragon’s frown matched his the second Era ported in at her male’s side.

  They both had infuriating females who refused to stay safely away.

  You both mated the wrong females if that was what you wanted, Sacha drawled.

  He shook his head at her before demanding of Draken, Where are Kara and the warriors?

  Within porting distance, was all Draken said.

  Are we expecting more Guardians? he drawled in irritation.

  The dragon grunted as smoke filtered from the agitated male’s lips. No, and I wish they were bitching about it in your mind instead of mine.

  He didn’t have time to question Drake more as he felt Hroarr’s power before the arrogant male stepped through the watery air. His booted feet stepped above the waves of the turbulent lake. When their eyes met, the Thulian scanned the area and his gaze flashed with power. Dark clouds formed above them while the ground shook with the male’s even words. “Where are Kara and her warriors?”

  “Close,” Drake said as the kilt-wearing God stepped through with a bound Apollo in tow. Hades’ bastard sibling seemed incapable of using any power beneath a transparent golden net that fitted around him like a second skin, and he enjoyed seeing the male’s weak struggles beneath the web. Even Apollo’s pathetic threats were music to Hades’ soul. The fact that those words seemed to fall on deaf ears infuriated his sibling all the more.

  He couldn’t wait to get his hands on him. A bloodthirsty smile that promised deadly retribution curved his lips as he spoke. “Hello, brother.”

  Apollo’s shoulders tensed and the struggling stopped when he sighted Hades. The male paled a fraction, and he hoped that his sibling was imagining all of the ways he would suffer at Hades’ hands. Apollo had enslaved his beautiful Sacha. It didn’t matter that it was millennia ago; the male would suffer for every year she had been forced to serve a monster.

  Hroarr’s booming voice brought his attention back. “Bring me Kara and the warriors.” The dark Thulian crossed his massive arms over his chest before adding, “Or I will find them myself
and keep your brother for the inconvenience.”

  He scoffed, “You would not have agreed to a trade if you could collect her yourself.”

  “Would I not?” the male challenged.


  “Not even as a token toward peace?” Hroarr’s eyes narrowed, but his tone was that of a bored male. The power that whipped around them felt anything but peaceful.

  “After initiating two acts of war?” Hades scoffed as he raised a brow. He allowed his own power to radiate against the Thulian’s. With a thought he opened the skies and allowed them to pour water over the island while deflecting it from Sacha, Drake and Era as well as himself. The Thulians were unaffected. The only one to get wet in the display had been Apollo.

  Hades actually smiled a little brighter at the sight of his soaking and furious sibling.

  Hroarr stared at him for long moments before the dark God shared a look with Dagur.

  The kilt-wearing male smirked before whispering something into the air. Magic filtered around them, and Hades tensed for a moment before realizing it wasn’t anything dangerous. If he had to guess, he’d say the Thulian had sent out some sort of magical tracking spell for Kara.

  How far away are Kara and the warriors? Hades demanded of Drake.

  They’re in the Earth compound at the west end of the US. An ocean and continent away, Drake growled. I’ve allowed you leeway. Now get to your point.

  Hades mentally scoffed at the dragon. As if Drake were capable of allowing Hades to do anything.

  “Are you certain you wish to deny me?” Hroarr challenged.

  Hades’ smile was all teeth. “Did I say I would not return your people, Hroarr?” He spoke the name as if they were old friends, and the male’s eyes flashed as Hades pointed out, “Kara and her warriors are of no use to me.”

  Thunder crashed around them before the Thulian lifted a hand and the rains were cut off.

  Lightning strikes glowed against the darkened skies above the forest as Hades continued, “You have come to this world twice and initiated battle. Thule owes recompense for its crimes.”

  Hades swore the male’s eyes flashed with something akin to amusement. “What is it you feel Thule owes you? Before answering, remember that your son traveled to Thule and took liberties with a Goddess, and then he stole her after we arrived. I have been kind in my dealings. Do not mistake that for weakness. I will not allow your game for long.”

  Liberties? As if his son was not good enough for the Goddess? “Your sister was fortunate that fate chose Pothos for her. And as I see it, he was kind enough to return her to Thule.”

  Dagur snorted, but Hroarr only looked on.

  Hades crossed his arms over his chest and flexed his wings. “You say that you want peace. What do you offer in return?”

  The male’s eyebrows rose and he said, “My sister agreeing to join with your son is a peace offering far above necessity in this case. Out of curiosity, what do you hope to gain?”

  Apollo’s voice boomed to the Thulians. “I have far more to offer than my brother. If you offer sanctuary in your world, you have no idea the power I can provide. In fact, I will retrieve your sister and her warriors for you as a gesture. You only need to contain my brother and the dragon while I do it.”

  Hroarr glanced at Apollo, and Hades didn’t miss the disgust that flashed in both Thulian Gods’ eyes.

  Hades growled, “Brother, there is nowhere you will be safe from my wrath. Nowhere you can hide from me.”

  Apollo turned his attention to Hroarr and spouted desperately, “He did not honor your trade. I am far more trustworthy.”

  Hroarr glanced at Hades. “My lenience is at an end. I will hear your request, and then I will have my people.”

  Hades answered, “You are free to take them when you have given a blood oath that my son will never be harmed or caged by a God of Thule.”

  Hroarr narrowed his eyes and stared at Hades for a long time as tensions rose. “You have so little faith in your son’s strength?”

  Hades growled, “The problem lies in my lack of faith in Thulian Gods possessing honor.” Winds whipped violently through the trees as the slight hit home.

  “Guard your insults before I rethink any peace here.”

  He felt Drake’s tension as they both moved ahead of their females.

  Hades infused his next words with a blast of power to rock the waters beneath their feet. “Remember how that lack of faith came to be. I did not go to your world and steal a God. Nor did I travel to Thule and attack Kara. If my son is to share a bed with a Goddess of your world, then I will have your blood oath that he will not need to sleep with one eye open.”

  “So you lie when you say your son and Gefn will not be able to harm each other?” Dagur spit out.

  Apollo started to speak again, and Dagur growled in obvious annoyance at the God before flicking a wrist and sending Hades’ sibling to his knees in a heap. Hades wasn’t sure what Dagur had done, but was happy not to hear the bastard. He was alive, and that was all Hades needed.

  Smoke lifted from Drake’s lips as he growled, “We did not lie. They will not be able to harm each other. Their souls will be connected.”

  And the dragon’s voice filtered into Hades’ head. You’re starting too much shit. I get that you need some kind of insurance for Pothos for your own sanity, but move it the fuck along.

  Hroarr growled, “So you want to make sure I do not harm him?”

  Hades gave a nod. “Or order him harmed or caged in some way.”

  “You would trust my oath?”

  “If you add blood and vow it.” He’d had blood allegiances with Agnarr in regards to their battling at one another’s sides and not attempting to kill each other. If he’d fought at Agnarr’s side, the male couldn’t turn on him and vice versa.

  Dagur spit out, “You deserve nothing from us.”

  Hroarr lifted a hand in the male’s direction and Dagur shut up.

  Hroarr challenged Hades, “Then I will have your oath on Gefn’s safety as well.”

  Drake’s booming voice snapped, “Done. Now let’s finish this.”

  Hroarr stalked forward at the same time as Hades. Power clashed wildly around them, and he could feel Sacha sending her own power to infuse his. She knew he needed this.

  When they drew closer to one another, anticipation licked at Hades. The need to battle was under the surface and he could see the same in the other God’s eyes. When Hroarr’s lips curved, there was no mistaking that need to fight that always came when two such powerful beings faced one another. They both itched to prove they were the more powerful being. He and Draken had enjoyed friendly battle, but he cared for his nephew. This male was not of his blood. If he and Hroarr battled, there would be no holding back.

  Hroarr mused, “I feel your desire to challenge me.” The God’s eyes sparked with a hint of excitement. “Nothing would entertain me more. Go against me and you will have your wish.” There was a brutal ruthlessness under the male’s surface, but Hades felt something else there, possibly a sense of honor.

  Hades’ wings flexed behind him. “It’s very tempting. It would be enjoyable, and I have nothing else planned today.”

  Hroarr spoke calmly. “Indeed.”

  Hades nodded as Hroarr produced a dagger from nothing. The blade held a green cast, and the tension in the air made it thick and exciting. If the male charged him, it would be on, and Hades would relish the fight. Sacha sent him more power, he felt her readying for a fight, but Hroarr did not attack. The other God’s lips twitched as he sliced his palm with ease, red ran from the cut for only a split second as the male raised a brow to Hades. “Would you like my blade?”

  Hades used his mind to produce a cut in his own hand and showed it to the other God. Magic flowed through the air as they each whispered oaths. There were exceptions built in for defending themselves but nothing more. In this they would each suffer a thousand deaths if either attempted to kill or bind Gefn or Pothos.

  When t
he power stopped flowing around them, Hades felt Vane and Brianne appear with the warriors and an unconscious Kara, but Hroarr’s eyes never left Hades. A truce of a sort had been formed. He would wait to see how that played out.

  Chapter 19

  Pothos’ Home, Tetartos Realm

  Pothos reformed with his female in his arms. He growled before carrying Gefn to his bed. A mental sweep told him they were alone and that his protection spells were intact. The house was secluded atop a cliff that looked out to the sea below, far from any inhabited continents in the Immortal Realm. He heard the waves crashing against rock beyond the balcony as he moved to the massive four-poster bed covered in a dark comforter.

  She moaned into his mouth, inciting more need.

  Finally, he could have her without thought to interruptions, because he knew for a fact that his brothers would give him privacy, and Drake and Sacha would leash his father if needed.

  He broke the kiss before sitting on the edge of the bed, with her straddling his lap. His cock throbbed between them, but it could wait. His hands roved over her hips to grip her ass, pulling her tight to grind her clit against him.

  She grew more demanding, her kisses more frantic.

  He loved it all.

  He lifted her legs higher, tilting her off balance, and she gripped him. I’ve got you, thea mou. He smiled against her lips before breaking the kiss and nipping her pouty bottom one.

  Her hands slipped to the back of his head, bringing his mouth back to hers.

  You’re a greedy Goddess. What am I going to do with you?

  Give me what I need.

  Tell me what my Goddess needs. He flipped her onto her back and ground his hips into the cradle of her sweet pussy.

  More. She moaned into his mind.

  More what? By the time we’re done, there won’t be an inch I haven’t loved. So tell me where you want me to start, he coaxed.


  Gefn’s mind went hazy at his words. She hadn’t realized how on guard he’d been while in Fólkvangr. Pothos was a different male now, no less demanding of her body, but more relaxed in the passion that radiated through them.


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