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Unfinished Business: A Riverton Crossing Novel

Page 2

by Savannah Maris

  “Hell no! But I never thought that picture would resurface, either. He broke my trust and left me feeling foolish. It took me two years to get my head on straight. To him, I was just a steady piece of ass and free publicity. He’s the reason I’ve only had flings since then.”

  “What about now? Is that all we are?”

  “I hope not ‘cause I’m falling pretty hard, Mr. Riverton.”

  Evan quickly released the latch to recline the lounger as he pulled Ginger under him with his fingers working the strings on her bikini. Once he threw the top over the back of the lounger and pushed her bottoms off with his foot, his mouth tasted its way from her jaw to her lips while he grazed the side of her breast with his thumb.

  Her head fell back as he bent to suck her nipple. When he pulled back he saw pure ecstasy on her face, and he’d remember that look forever. She cupped him through his jeans and massaged as he groaned. Need to tell her. When she opened her legs to cradle his hips, Evan ground himself against her. Her purring and a sound in the distance caused him to slow things down as he rested his forehead on hers. His voice was low and gravelly when he asked, “Number?”

  Ginger was panting and seemed to need to focus on his question. “More than eight,” she said between breaths. With them both on the edge, he kissed her more chastely. “Evan?”

  “I’ve got you, darlin’. I’m glad he didn’t know what he had when he had you,” Evan said with a sexy smile. “I’ll gladly pick up the pieces and make you whole again.” She was shaking from want, so he rose to his forearms to bring her back from the edge. “Take a deep breath. I almost took us too far.”

  She inhaled a steadying breath and exhaled it slowly. “I was so close I could feel it.”

  “I know. The farther the flush went down your chest the more you moaned.” The side of his mouth tilted into a sexy grin. “If I hadn’t kept on my jeans, I would’ve been inside you right now. Then our fun would’ve been cut short.”

  He was still lying on top of her, but their breathing has slowed to a more normal pace. She held his gaze when she said, “I’m sorry you had to see that picture. I thought all of them were destroyed. The record company bought them up because it’s the only picture showing one band member betraying another right in front of them, and the company didn’t want that shit out.”

  “C’mon. Let’s get you dressed and finish this inside before the men come back.”


  “Who sent you that picture?”

  “I don’t know. I’m gonna call my office in Iowa and see if they can trace the email,” Evan said.

  “No one knows me here.” Ginger wrapped her arms around herself.

  “Well, you’ve obviously caught someone’s attention.”

  A little panicked she asked, “Was there a message or just the picture?” The pained look on his face told her everything she needed to know. “Evan, if there’s one thing I learned from that asshole, it’s that I need honesty. He broke a part of me, so if there’s something else, I need to see it.” The panic changed to agitation in her voice.

  With a resigned sigh, he led her to the office and sat her on his lap. “Darlin’, my gut’s telling me not to show you this, and my gut has kept me alive more times than I can count. I really don’t think this is a good idea.”


  As he pulled up the email he said, “It was sent to the ranch’s office email so Mitchell could’ve seen this just as easily as I did. Since that address is well known, anyone could’ve gotten it.”

  As the email came on the screen, Ginger gasped. “What does that mean?”

  “I don’t know. Do you think David could get a hold of this picture?”

  “I don’t know. He didn’t want me when he had me so why would he?”

  “Do you know who took it?”

  “No, it could’ve been any photographer covering the event.”

  “Are you okay, darlin’?” He pulled her closer and let a hand sneak up her abdomen to slip his fingers under her top.

  “No. Yes. I don’t know.”

  He minimized the email and picture as he continued to massage her breast. He kissed her neck before he whispered, “I’ve got you. You’re mine and I won’t let anyone get to you. Focus on us, on my hands.” As he finished the last words, his other hand snaked down to stroke between her legs. “What do you need, darlin’?”

  “Make love to me.”

  “I am.”

  “It feels like torture.”

  “Hmmm, more like extended foreplay.”

  She furrowed her brows at the thought. “Is this your punishment for the picture?”

  “What?” He removed her from his lap and stood. When he turned her to him, he took her hand and molded it to his cock. “If this is punishment, then we’re suffering together. Ginger, I’ll never withhold myself from you.”

  She shook her head as she said, “I know. I’m sorry.”

  Evan tilted her face to him. “Darlin’, I’m not him. I’ve got enough of my own shit you’re gonna have to get past. I don’t need his, too.”

  “I know. It’s just that picture took me to a place I haven’t been in years. I normally talk to Kayla when things happened, but she’s not here.”

  “Why don’t we do other things to put your mind where it needs to be?”

  “Like what?”

  “While you go slip on a pair of shorts, I’ll call Andy to saddle a couple of horses and my office to track down this email. Then we’ll go ride for a while.”

  Ginger smiled so wide her eyes lit up like lights.

  “Come back here when you’re ready.”

  As soon as she turned to leave, Evan pulled out his phone. He sent Andy a text about the horses, then called Marcus in the intelligence department at ATF. After he explained what he received, Marcus gave him instruction for a remote login. By doing this, Marcus could look around the computer and try to track where the email originated from. He told Marcus to send him a text when he was done because he’d be out. He was ending the call when Ginger appeared in the door. “Ready?”


  “Did you keep on your bikini?”


  “Good,” he said with a sexy grin.

  She smiled. “You’ve got a one track mind today.”

  “Most every day, but especially today. Thinking about sex all day is part of edging. You’ve had things distract your thoughts so I’ve got to reengage them. You still with me?”

  “I want to be.”

  “I’ll get you back there,” he said with a twinkle in his eyes.

  “How did your call go?”

  “Good. Marcus is logged in and will let me know when he’s finished and what he’s found. Now, that’s your last question on the subject. When your mind drifts back there, you have to tell me something sexy to get your mind back to us and our game. Got it?”


  “You have to be honest. I need your words.”

  “I’ve got it and I’ll be honest.”

  They quickly packed a small picnic lunch before heading toward the barn. As they approached, Andy led two horses out, and the closer they got the more Ginger squeezed Evan hand. “Can I feed them something before we leave?”

  “Let’s give them a treat when we get back.” Evan walked Ginger to the horses so she could nuzzle with them before he helped her mount up. While Ginger was busy talking to the horses, Evan spoke with Andy. “Were y’all around the barn this morning?”

  “Roger, Tom, and Paul just got back from moving the herd to the pasture on the other side of the barn. I was driving up when you sent me the text. Why?”

  “I thought I heard something earlier when we were by the pool. You didn’t notice anything strange when you came in?”


  “Okay. We’ll have them back before you leave.” Evan pointed to the horses.

  Evan watched Ginger, and she was happy. She didn’t seem to be thinking about earlier which made him smile, to
o. He stepped up behind her and rubbed his hands up and down her hips. “Andy said you need to ride the light one. You rode him before and he seems to remember you. Ready?”

  “Yes.” Ginger grabbed the saddle horn and swung her leg over like a champ. Once she was settled, Evan gave her the reigns and watched her walk the horse around for a few minutes before he mounted. He’d had the forethought to tell Andy to throw on some saddlebags and strap a blanket to his saddle.

  They rode out in the opposite direction from where the men took the herd that morning. Unfortunately, it was in the same direction they found the steer the first time he took her riding. He tried to keep them from that area before they turned toward the river, where he knew there was a boulder big enough for them to spread out the blanket and have their picnic.

  As they turned toward the river, she asked, “Is this where we saw the steer that morning?”

  “Close, but we’re not going by that spot. Are your thoughts drifting somewhere they shouldn’t?”

  “Not really. I was thinking that once we got away from the barn, everything looks similar. I was trying to get my bearings.”

  “Since I grew up here, I’ve never thought about it. Seeing things through your eyes makes it new.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I’ve been riding my whole life, probably before I could walk so it’s second nature. Watching your excitement that first day made me excited to ride again. Hell, even today you almost came out of your skin.” He shook his head and chuckled. “I’ve taken it for granted, but it’s still new to you so it makes it new to me,” he said as he shrugged a shoulder.

  They brought the horses to a halt when they reached the wooded area close to the boulder. Evan helped Ginger down and secured the horses. When they had everything for the picnic he led her down the path.

  Ginger’s head turned as she looked around. She hadn’t been this close to the river since she’d been there. When they stopped, a boulder twice a tall as Evan was in front of them. Before she could ask, Evan guided her around to the hill on the back side so they could walk up. Once on top, they spread out the blanket and opened the saddlebags. In one side was the food from the house, and in the other was two bottles of beer and sunscreen. Ginger’s mouth fell open. Evan chuckled, “I asked Andy to throw them in when I sent him the text. Let’s put some sunscreen on your shoulders.” He lifted her shirt over her head.

  When Evan finished with her, she turned and pulled his shirt over his head. “It’s your turn now.”

  “Do you want my back or just my front?”

  “Both.” She rubbed the sunscreen on his back then moved to his front. His hands were on her hips as she made her way down his abdomen. As she moved closer to the waist of his low-riding jeans, his muscles tighten. “Are you ticklish?”

  “A little, but it’s more that you haven’t explored my body this slowly before.”

  With a sexy grin she said, “That’s because you haven’t given me this kind of time before.”

  His hands flexed and tightened on her hips. “I’ll have to work on that,” he said with a cocky smile. “What’s your number? Are we starting over?”

  “Not completely. I’d say between five and six now. What about you?”

  “Oh, darlin’, even this morning I haven’t been below six. Feel,” he said as he guided her hand to his cock. “Since the day hasn’t gone quite as planned, we’re gonna continue our game until tonight. Think you can handle it because I’m gonna be with you the rest of the day?”

  “Hmmm, I’ll manage,” she said with a saucy tone as she massaged his crotch.

  Evan grabbed her ass and pulled her toward him. He held her close for a very deliberate kiss because he knew she’d be at eight before they even took a bite of their lunch. When he broke the kiss she was panting with her face still tilted toward his. He slid a hand up and stroked her breast with his thumb through her bikini top until he felt the little bud pucker. “Let’s sit down.”

  Ginger nodded and Evan smiled. He reached to open the beer while she got out the food. As they ate and watched the river she said, “You never told me how you knew about edging.”

  “No, I didn’t.”

  She waited for a moment before she asked, “So are you going to tell me?”

  He looked into her eyes, but wasn’t sure he wanted to discuss it now. He could tell her part, and then fill in the blanks later. “My first undercover assignment was in a sex club. That was the first time I worked with Nathan. We trained in Denver for an assignment in Reno.”

  Ginger’s eyes widened. “That wasn’t what I expected you to say.”

  “What’d you expect?”

  “I don’t know, but not that.”

  With a twinkle in his eyes he said, “So far you’ve seemed to enjoy my training.”

  “I’ve enjoyed everything we’ve done.”

  “Good,” he said before he took the last pull of his beer. He sat the bottle down when his phone pinged with an incoming text. As he responded to the text, Ginger packed up their trash. When she went to sit down, he lay back and pulled her to straddle him. He lazily drew circles on her thighs as his eyes worked their way up her body to meet her gaze. “Gin, I know we said one day at a time, but I know I want more than that.” He moved his hands so his thumbs were now making circles on her inner thighs. With each pass his thumbs would come close to touching her pussy but not quite, and each time she clinched. The more he rubbed, the dreamier her eyes became.

  “I want that, too,” she said softly.

  He rose to kiss her when something caught his eye across the river. He cupped her face before he turned toward the movement. They had an audience, so he chastely kissed her and whispered in her ear. “Put on your shirt, darlin’. Let’s pack up because we’ve got company.” She tried to look, but he kept her head still. “Act naturally, but don’t give him a good look at your face.” He kissed her again and patted her ass. She stood and slipped on her shirt with her back to the river while Evan slipped on his and folded the blanket. She took a discreet look to the other bank and saw a man walk up the hill.

  They slipped on their shoes and walked back to the horses before she asked, “Who do you think that was?”

  “I don’t know.” His gut told him who it probably was, but he didn’t want to scare her. He pinned her between him and the horse as he tucked some fallen hair behind her ear. He could see her mind going someplace it shouldn’t. “Tell me something sexy because you’re not thinking about us.”

  She blushed, and he knew he was right. “Um…”

  “We had a deal.”

  “I know, but it’s embarrassing. I’ve never had the kind of relationship that you want.”

  He looked at her expectantly.

  She took a breath and averted her eyes. “The movement of the horse caused the seam of my shorts to rub me…in a good way.”

  A smile spread across his face because she’d actually told him something. He tilted her face to his and gently kissed her. “Thank you, darlin’. Concentrate on that feeling on the way back.” He peppered kisses from her mouth to his spot before he backed away and she released a groan of disappointment. “Let’s get you in the saddle.”

  She turned to climb on the horse. Once he attached everything and got on his, they headed toward the barn. When they were in the open pasture he asked, “Wanna increase the pace?”


  “Okay. Gently nudge her with your heels. She’ll gallop.” Ginger followed his direction and her horse moved faster. Once she was accustomed to the new speed she relaxed and looked at him. The twinkle in her eyes and the brilliant smile across her face made his ride a little more uncomfortable. They couldn’t get home fast enough.

  When they weren’t far from the barn, they slowed the horses to a walk, and Andy came out to meet them at the corral. “How was the ride?” he asked.

  “Fantastic!” Ginger said.

  Evan chuckled. “Ginger had a good time and that’s all that matters. Do y
ou have any apples she can feed them?”

  Evan helped her down and kissed her temple. “You give them a treat. I need to speak to Roger a minute.”


  Evan walked into the barn to find the ranch foreman. As soon as he cleared the office door he said, “Gotta minute?”


  Evan leaned against the doorjamb. “Have you seen anyone across the river bank?”

  “No, why?”

  “While we were down by the river, a man was staring at us from the other side. As soon as Ginger got up, he turned and left. It may be nothing, but I’d rather we stay vigilant. Take guns when y’all go out until further notice.”

  “Ya sure it’s nothin’?”


  “Ya want me to have the boys rotate on the weekends? School’s out, Daniel and George will be lookin’ for more to do.”

  “I’m sure they’ve got girls to do, but that’d be great. Just let me know who’ll be here.”

  “Will do.”

  Evan turned toward the sound of Ginger’s giggles. As she gave the horses treats, she talked to them while Andy brushed them down. Evan walked up and watched her from the stall door when she said, “Thank you for being good today.”

  He shook his head and smiled at her. “Come on before you talk Andy into fixing you a pallet to sleep out here.” She turned with a sexy grin on her face as he reached out to take her hand. He pulled her to him as he yelled over his shoulder, “Thanks Andy. Have a good weekend.” By the time they made it to the barn door, he was kissing the top of her head. Before they made it to the door of the house, he was groping her breast. “What’s your number, darlin’?”


  “That ride home keep you excited?”


  “Let’s go shower and work up an appetite.”


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