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Unfinished Business: A Riverton Crossing Novel

Page 10

by Savannah Maris

  “That’s never happened to me, but I get what you’re saying.”

  “I’ve had my car broken into plenty of times. Each time it took a while to feel safe in it again,” Ginger said with a shrug. “I know I’m safe at the ranch, but just don’t like the thought of being by myself. I didn’t hear or see anything, didn’t get the feeling I was being watched, so now I don’t trust my gut.”

  Kayla held up her indext finger. “First, Evan was with you and he didn’t see anything either, and that’s not like him. He’s always observant so you must’ve really had his blood pumping.” She held up another finger. “Second, you won’t be by yourself. Evan and Mitch are there, and the men. Cat and I will be with you at lunch.”

  “I know.”

  “The sixty-four thousand dollar question is, what does Evan say about your patch?”

  Ginger took a slow deep breath. “He says if I’m not pregnant, he’d gladly get me there.”

  “Well damn, girl. That’s hot and sweet, and so unlike him.” Kayla smiled with a twinkle in her eyes.

  “But what if he’s just saying that until it’s confirmed? What if he changes his mind?”

  “Ginger, Evan isn’t like that.” Kayla laid her hand on Ginger’s arm. “Listen, I saw you after the whole thing with David and watched you fight back from that. Evan and Mitch may be dominant and possessive and protective, but they’re not cheaters. It’s not in their DNA. You can trust him.”


  “Promise.” She crossed her heart. “Have you not seen how he’s been with you?”

  “I don’t know how he was with others.”

  “Not like he is with you. It’s like you’re his sun and he orbits around you. I see it as him taking care of what’s his. Are you his?”

  “Yes. He says he wants forever and I want that with him too.”

  Kayla nodded.

  The drive into town was short, but Ginger found herself continually looking around as she drove. Kayla pointed to Cat’s car, and Ginger parked behind her. For the first time since they left the ranch, Ginger relaxed and felt like a school-girl out having lunch with her friends. As they walked toward the café, they were absorbed in their conversation and didn’t notice the angry glares coming from the dark-haired girl down the street.

  When they entered the café, they were laughing and giggling so much several heads turned as they waited in line to place their order. With their backs toward the door, they didn’t see the dark-haired girl walk into the café, but just as Kayla reached into her back pocket, the girl grabbed her wrist. She wasn’t gentle when she turned Kayla’s hand over to look at the ring sitting on her finger. Kayla snapped her head around. “What the hell, Sally?”

  “That was supposed to be mine! You left him! You weren’t supposed to come back, you bitch!” Sally screamed and all heads turned toward them. Ginger looked nervously around the café, and Cat’s mouth gaped open.

  “Mitch was never yours. Neither was this ring. Thank you for occupying his time while I was gone, but your services are no longer needed.” Then in a conspirator’s whisper Kayla said, “I know how much he likes calling my name in bed, don’t you?”

  Sally’s face turned bright red as her eyes grew wide, and she stomped out of the café. Kayla watched her leave, then finished paying as if nothing happened. The three of them sat at a corner table close to the front windows and enjoyed their lunch until Linda, one of Kayla’s cousins, stopped by their table as Ginger gave Cat her phone number. Linda congratulated Kayla on her engagement and told her she couldn’t wait for the wedding. Kayla introduced Ginger, and told Linda she was dating Evan. Linda’s surprised reaction caught Ginger off guard, and Kayla knew the grapevine would have plenty to discuss today. When she walked away, Ginger saw a woman across the restaurant staring at her and caught her eye as a man arrived at her table.

  “Cat, who’s that woman?” Ginger nodded her head in the woman’s direction.

  Cat’s face paled as unease washed over it. “Um.” Cat looked at Kayla, but Kayla shrugged because she couldn’t see the woman behind her. “That’s Ruby.” Kayla’s eyes widened as she looked at Ginger.


  The girls ate in silence for a while before Kayla said, “Ginger, they’ve been over for a long time.”

  “I know. I just don’t understand why she’s staring at me.”

  “Maybe because she wants a threesome. What are the odds two of Evan Riverton’s women would be in the same room? She may charge extra for that, but Evan can afford it,” Chief of Police Curtis Taylor said as he walked up behind her.

  Ginger’s head snapped around and held Curtis’s stare as a creepy smile spread across his face. “Hell, I’d pay her double if she’d let me watch. I’ll put in my request when she’s not on a date,” he said as he walked off. Ginger watched him head outside and greet a man staring through the window. He put his phone away when the Chief shook his hand.

  “Shit, that’s our cue,” Kayla said.

  “Cue for what?” Cat looked at her curiously.

  “I promised Evan we wouldn’t do anything to make Ginger a bigger target. Now that Curtis has seen her, we need to go.”

  “A bigger target? Girl, you need to explain,” Cat said.

  As they walked to their cars, Kayla told Cat about the pictures of Ginger. While they all hugged, Ginger looked around, because unease crept over her. Did Evan follow her? When she finally looked across the street, she saw the man so she started the car and waited for Kayla to get in. When the man saw her eyes lock on his, he turned in the opposite direction. Neither Ginger nor Kayla said anything for a while on the drive to the store. Finally Ginger asked, “Did you see the man outside waiting on the Chief?”

  “No why?”

  “I was hoping you’d know who he was so we could tell Evan.”

  “I’m sorry Ginger. I didn’t see him.”

  “Evan is going to be pissed when I tell him about this.”

  “I know. Mitch will be too.”

  “Are you going to tell him about Sally?”

  “Yeah, we promised no more secrets. They cost us five years, and I don’t want them coming between us again.”

  “Us too. I mean, we agreed to no secrets. Do you really think Evan will blow a gasket?”

  “Yelling Evan is better than quiet Evan. When he’s really angry, he doesn’t yell. The softer he speaks, the angrier he is.”

  “Thanks for the heads up. I haven’t seen that side of him.”

  “Something tells me you’re about to.”


  After the girls left, Mitchell looked at Evan. “So why do you think Ginger could be pregnant?”

  Evan rubbed his hand down his face. “Let’s just say we had a fun weekend. And during our fun, her patch fell off.”


  “Birth control patch.”

  “Oh shit. Please tell me y’all found it and used a rubber.”

  “Oh yeah, we found it…Saturday night after multiple rounds of sex.”

  “So you didn’t wrap up?”

  Evan leveled Mitchell with his stare. “Do you with Kayla?”

  “Hell no! Why would I? She’s it for me, man.”

  “Exactly. And Ginger’s it for me, with or without a baby.”

  “So is she? Pregnant?”

  “We won’t know for another two weeks. She called her doctor’s office and spoke with his nurse. She said to use another form of birth control until her period. If it doesn’t start, then she can take a pregnancy test.”

  “How do you feel about the possibility of being a father?”

  “I’m nervous as hell, man. I can’t fuck this up. Ever since she told me, I’ve been thinking about Mom and Dad. Would they’ve been pissed or happy? What advice would Dad give me? Hell, I haven’t even met her parents yet.”

  “I get that. Mom and Dad always loved Mak, so I think I’m good there. So did you tell her about Ruby before the picture yesterday because she didn’t look too s
urprised when you told me.”

  “Yes, we used the alone time to talk about our pasts. Telling her was the only way to explain the note.” He shrugged his shoulders, “Now I get why you told Kayla about Vegas. For the first time, I want a relationship with no secrets.”

  Mitchell nodded. “What about her stalker?”

  “What about him? I’m gonna strangle the motherfucker as soon as I get my hands on him.”

  “Any idea who he is?”

  “No. At first we thought it could be her ex, but we’ve ruled him out. Now we’re just waiting on him to make another move.”

  “You aren’t a patient man. How long can you wait?”

  “I don’t know, but this little project will help keep me busy,” Evan said pointing to the picture of the ranch.

  They focused on a preliminary plan for the security company to look at. What seemed like a few minutes was really an hour when Evan glanced at his phone and realized the girls had been gone too long, so he looked to see if Ginger had sent him a text. There wasn’t anything from her, so he pressed her speed dial as he walked out of the office. He approached the door and heard his ring tone coming from their room, so they went in search of the girls.

  As Ginger and Kayla pulled up to the grocery store, an angry Evan and Mitchell were sitting on the tailgate of Mitchell’s truck. “How long were we gone, Kayla?”

  She looked at her phone. “Too long.”

  Before they could get out of the car, their men were opening their doors. As if they’d rehearsed it they asked, “Where the hell have y’all been?”

  Before either of them could answer Evan said, “I distinctly remember saying to get what we need and get your asses back. I told you I’d worry.” He hugged Ginger tight and kissed the top of her head.

  “I know, but…”

  Now that he knew she was safe, Evan pulled out his phone to look at text messages. “I don’t see a message, so I don’t understand how there can be a but. Oh, because you left your phone at home.” The anger in his voice couldn’t be mistaken.

  “Evan, it’s my fault. We met Cat at the café for lunch. Ginger didn’t know anything about it until we were already in the car,” Kayla said.

  “If you think Evan’s mad because you didn’t tell him about your little detour, then how do you think I feel for not knowing in the first place? I still see that car trying to run you over, baby. Let’s not forget that was only a few weeks ago,” Mitchell said.

  “I know, but Masterson Investments is gone,” Kayla said as she placed her hand on Mitchell’s cheek and kissed him. “I can’t be stuck at the ranch. I need to get out, too.”

  “We’ll talk about it when we get home,” Mitchell mumbled.

  “Yeah, we have some things to tell y’all too,” Kayla said.

  “What kind of things?” Evan asked without taking his eyes off Ginger.

  “Let’s get done in the store. I don’t want to do this in a parking lot. People are starting to stare,” Ginger quietly said.

  Evan growled before they locked her car and escorted the girls inside. Fifteen minutes later, Mitchell was putting Kayla in the truck while Evan joined Ginger. Without him asking, Ginger gave her keys to him. He’d been quiet throughout the store, and had worn an expression that caused people to give them a wide berth. Kayla was right, quiet Evan wasn’t good. As soon as they were tucked in her car he asked in a barely audible voice, “What happened today?”

  Ginger explained her and Kayla’s routine of going for a drive or out to lunch when one of them needed to talk. She told him how she opens up more when she has something else to focus on, and not just the topic at hand.

  Evan listened attentively before he said, “So tell me what happened at lunch.”

  “I’m going to tell you but Kayla knows everyone better than I do so I want her with me when I do. Since Mitchell needs to hear part of it, I thought we could wait and talk with them,” she said with a nervous look.

  The rest of the drive was quiet. Evan continually glanced at her, but didn’t say anything. As soon as he parked her car, he was out and opening her door. He helped her out, but kept her between him and the car. Ginger wasn’t sure he’d spoken, but he had an expectant look on his face. “What?”

  “Did someone touch you?” He spoke a little louder, but his lips barely moved.

  His eyes move back and forth between hers. The longer she took to answer, the angrier he became. “No.”

  “Let’s wait on them in the living room,” Evan softly said.

  Movement caught Ginger’s attention as Mitchell and Kayla pulled in beside them, and Mitchell looked to be in the same mood as Evan. When they actually heard what happened, fireworks would begin, and not the good kind. They grabbed the bags of groceries and Evan opened the door for her to walk in ahead of him. “Evan, you’ve got to calm down. I’m going to tell you everything. I promise.”

  “The fact that you want Kayla here tells me I’m not gonna like your story.” Evan scowled.

  “Mak, the last time you insisted I remain calm you told me about some assholes seeing you in a towel right after someone tried to run over you in front of me. So forgive me for not getting all happy when you make that statement,” Mitchell said as he slid the groceries onto the island.

  Evan watched Ginger as she started, “When we got there, we met Cat. We were talking and giggling–just having fun. We may have been a tad loud, since a few heads turned toward us.”

  “So what happened?” At least Evan’s tone was normal. Ginger felt good about that.

  “Sally happened,” Kayla said. She had Mitchell’s full attention.

  “What does that mean?”

  Kayla described the scene for Mitchell and Evan. The more she talked the tighter Mitchell’s fists became. “Fuck! Mak...are you okay?” Kayla showed Mitchell the bruise forming on her wrist. “Dammit, I thought we’d handled this in the bar that night. Baby, I’m sorry,” Mitchell kissed her wrist and held her close. “Is that all that happened?”

  “To me, yeah.”

  “So something happened to you?” Evan pointed at Ginger.

  “Yeah, the good news is my sense of being watched has returned. The bad news we don’t know who he was.”

  Evan narrowed his eyes as he waited for Ginger to speak. “After Sally left and we sat to eat, one of Kayla’s cousins stopped by to congratulate her on her engagement. When she moved away, there was a woman staring at me so I asked Cat who it was.”

  “It was Ruby,” Kayla filled in.

  “She was there on a date,” Ginger said, then went on to explain what happened with Chief Taylor. By the time she had recapped the conversation, she felt embarrassed and Evan was quiet again.

  “I’m gonna rip his fucking tongue out. Anything else?” he asked.

  Ginger looked at Kayla expectantly, but she just nodded for her to continue. “Chief Taylor walked out to meet another man. When I looked up he was putting his phone away. They walked down the sidewalk, but when we got in my car to leave, the man was across the street watching me. As soon as he saw me looking, he turned away. I tried to catalog his features. I know how important that is.”

  “Darlin’, the important thing is y’all are okay. You looked shaken up when you parked your car.”

  “I was, but I’m better now.” She reached out for him.

  Evan wrapped his arms around her. “If you saw a picture, do you think you could recognize him?”

  “I don’t know. I could try. The first time the chief partially blocked him, the second time he was across the street.”

  “It’s too late to get a sketch artist. I’ll see if we can find some photos.”

  “Do you think you may know who he was?” Ginger asked hopefully.

  “Maybe. Did he have a beard or was he clean shaven?”

  “Not a full beard, but not clean shaven either.”

  “Hat? Long hair or short hair?”

  “No hat. His hair looked like it was supposed to be short, but needed a haircut.”<
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  “Have you seen him before?”


  “What are you thinking, Evan?” Mitchell asked.

  “It’s either our photographer or someone Ginger hasn’t seen before. Kayla, did you see him?”

  “I didn’t have a clear view. Like Ginger said, Curtis was in the way. I saw less than she did. When we got to the car, I was hugging Cat when she saw him again.”

  “Are you sure that it was the same man?”

  Ginger closed her eyes trying to focus on the man, or men. In her mind’s eye she worked her way down their bodies. Both had dark hair, both were white, both had on gray T-shirts, jeans, and boots. She wrinkled her nose before her eyes popped open. “The man across the street had sunglasses and his beard was fuller.”

  “Do you think Cat had a better view of the man outside the café?”

  Kayla sent Cat a text. As they waited for her response, they cuddled on the sofas. A few minutes later, Kayla’s phoned pinged. “She said the man outside the café was Deputy Frank Smith, and she knows him from the bank. She saw the man across the street, but didn’t know who he was.”

  With the adrenaline wearing off Ginger said, “Do y’all mind if I go lie down? Since my belly is full, I can’t hold my eyes open.”

  The concern on Evan’s face was evident. “Ginger?”

  “Would you lie down with me?”

  “Sure darlin’.” As he stood with Ginger he said, “Kayla, after today we’re even. Got me?”

  “Even for what?”

  “Vegas,” he said over his shoulder as he followed Ginger down the hall. “Gin, you did good today. You watched the people around you and picked up that you felt uncomfortable.”

  “I like to enjoy my surroundings, not feel the need to be on the lookout for something to happen.”

  “You’re not looking for something to happen. You’re just being cautious. That’s smart. God, I don’t know what I would’ve done if something happened to you. I’m not so sure I wouldn’t have killed Curtis.” He pulled her in tight for a hug.

  “Do you think one of them wrote that note?”


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