Book Read Free


Page 6

by S. W. Frank

  Giuseppe leaned forward with a scowl usually reserved for his soldati or those who brought him displeasure and not women he’d shown affection. Gee lifted on his hind legs about to scurry to the door until Giuseppe snapped his fingers and said, “Sedersi!”

  Gee immediately sat.

  The front door clicked open, bringing moonlight with a shapely silhouette. She did not see him there in the black room, observing her movements as a panther would its prey. Her inability to discern danger showed her ignorance of what was truly at stake –her life and their son’s.

  He flicked on the lamp and she jumped. “Oh my fucking goodness, you scared the shit out of me Geo!”

  Giuseppe rose slowly from the seat eyeing her from head to toe. She was dressed in fancy clothes and expensive jewelry. Her lips were puckered as if she’d been hungrily kissed. It is not a man’s position to speak of a woman’s doings when she is unmarried; however, his interest afforded him the right to speak on Carlo’s and the family’s behalf. “Where were you?”

  “Out,” she answered curtly.

  “You traveled without protection.”

  “Giuseppe, I’m not an inmate. I don’t need security everywhere I go.”

  He stepped closer to discreetly sniff her scent. She did not smell of sex, but odors can be washed away with soap and water. “Who were you with; you are unfamiliar with my country?”

  “I wasn’t with anyone.”

  Another step closed the small gap between them. “Then what does one do until three in the morning?”

  “Many things.” The truth is she’d gotten herself lost, her phone died and she was too stubborn to go to a payphone, if those still existed and call home.

  Giuseppe’s nose twitched like an irritable dog. He gripped her arm and she winced. The anger tinged with jealousy broke free. Two nights he arrived at his home, avoiding the club, foregoing the comfort of other women to show his commitment to fatherhood and each time she concocted an excuse to slip out the door after dinner. When he was informed she shook the guards near the Politeama Girabaldi, he became livid and took a sleeping Carlo to his mama as his men scoured the Piazza Verdi and the Piazza Castelnuovo, bistros and nightclubs. Shanda literally vanished into thin air. He would not tell her the dark fears during those hours, nor would he allow the mother of his son to believe freedom existed without consequences. “You are reckless and it must stop ora!”

  “Let go of my arm,” Shanda hissed and he dropped it and glowered like a predatory animal. She crossed her arms over her breasts. “Don’t put your hands on me again Giuseppe. I’m not feeling that shit and I will cut you.”

  His laugh was more of a dare. “With what, a scissor tongue?”

  “I’m going to bed. Play that daddy bull-shit with someone else.”

  Giuseppe heard what she did not say. A corner of his lip rose and he snarled. “I am not your babbo!”


  She tried to slip past his body, but he closed the route of escape by pressing his arms to the wall to fence her inside a human pen. “You have fifteen minutes to pack. I cannot have your death on my conscience.”

  “Fine, you want me out. Me and Carlo will leave.”

  “No. You do not understand, Carlo is not here. He is with his Nonna. It is you that must go.”

  Okay, now the stakes had changed. He talked crazy. “You lying sonovabitch. I knew it…I knew you’d pull some shit like this. You can dish it out but you can’t take it. I go out and have fun like you encouraged and the next thing I know you’re reneging on our deal. I’m not leaving this house without my son!”

  She pushed at his chest and he smiled. “I have not reneged. You broke the verbal contract when you put the famiglia in harm’s way.”

  Shanda screwed up her face. “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “I cannot protect Shanda from Shanda,” Giuseppe said. He abruptly stepped back and she was free. “Collect your things. My plane is waiting to take you to America.”

  Shanda didn’t move from the spot. Shock held her stationary. “What?”

  Giuseppe walked to the sofa, crossed one leg over the other and coolly checked his watch. The donna sought to delay the inevitable. “You have twelve minutes.”

  Along with Giuseppe’s cold gaze and obstinacy she detected contempt. This pained her. No, it’s more than that, it cut her deep. She collected herself, refused to go there with him. He’d shown his hand, hers had yet to be played. She hurried upstairs and barricaded herself in the nursery to make a call. Giuseppe was not going to keep her child. The damn fool was out of his mind if he thought she’d walk out without Carlo.

  Selange’s voice answered the distress call and Shanda leaned her back against the door to talk to a friend. “Girl, I need your help!”

  “Shanda isn’t it three in the morning there, what’s going on?”

  “Giuseppe’s kicking me out.”

  “What –why?”

  The irritation she’d experienced slowly turned to weariness and she sighed. “I flipped the script on his ass and he can’t take it.”

  “Oh, Shanda –no the heck you didn’t. Damn, I’m at a spa trying to relax and you’re calling to stress me out. Why are you guys fighting, let me guess you just came in, right?”

  “I sure did!”

  “What’s the problem?”

  “I closed the candy store on his ass the other day. The dog tried to play me. Everything was cool one minute and the next he waltzes in here after whoring around all night smelling like a woman poured perfume on him and then had the audacity to try to get in my drawers.” Shanda’s eyes traveled to the empty crib and a lump formed in her throat. She hadn’t done anything. Walk around the mall, shop, sit in café’s and people watch from the main square like the Sicilians do. She had toured the galleries, smiled at her loneliness and hoped Giuseppe would grow the fuck up. She’d gone for a drive and somehow found herself in the province of Capaci. The darkness and unfamiliar terrain turned her about and for the first time in her life, she was scared of night’s darkness. She’d heard mafia opposition rallies led by a man named Timpico and the Ministry of the Interior were aimed at men like Giuseppe. This too, made her uneasy and afraid to venture out of her car. Luckily, she navigated her way home and what Giuseppe thought was defiance was actually a woman from the streets of Brooklyn refusing to show anyone her fright.

  There was another terror beating at her breast; she feared falling victim to Giuseppe’s charm and opening the candy store at night. She’d dropped her guard before and received a sucker punch in the pussy from the man she had begun to love. Twice was enough. “I’m pissed the fuck off because I thought…”

  “You thought what?”

  “I thought he cared about me and it wasn’t only because of Carlo.”

  “Shanda, I don’t know what’s going on between you two but there’s a baby in the house and children sense negative vibes, so please don’t fight around my godchild. I swear you guys are going to make Carlo crazy!”

  “Carlo’s at Sophie’s.”

  “Well, that’s a relief!”

  “I’m not leaving without him, girl. Would you let Alfonzo steal your children?”

  “Shanda, listen to me on this. Do not push Giuseppe’s buttons. Call Sophie.” There was a brief pause followed by a long sigh before Selange said. “Sophie’s his mother and she’ll talk sense into Giuseppe.”

  “Selange, I don’t need her help, I need your man’s. She’ll side with him, anyway. Mothers are like that. Right now I’m an outsider on Giuseppe’s turf and none of these people have my back.”

  “Damn Shanda, Sophie’s a professional swimmer, grab hold to her. She’ll be your lifeguard. You’re panicking and going about things wrong. The women there will to help you but you have to stop being stubborn; it’ll cause you to drown.”

  There was pounding on the door and Shanda spoke urgently into the phone. “He’s banging on the door but I’m not coming out.”

break the thing, if you don’t.” Selange warned. The damage to Sophie’s home when Giuseppe learned about Luzo remained fresh in her mind. Giuseppe’s anger required a mother’s touch to douse. Selange feared for her friend, and being at a distance didn’t help.

  The heavy thuds came again with shouting which received Shanda’s response. “Not until you keep your promise and let me leave here with my baby, asshole!”

  “I promised you were free to go. I never mentioned the bambino!”

  “Yes, you did liar!”

  “I did not lie. You hear things in your mind; open the door!”

  Shanda spoke to her friend. “See, this motherfucker’s crazy!”

  “Shanda, I’ll call and speak to Giuseppe and calm him down. Take off the bitch-face, drop the animosity and open the door when he’s talking in a normal tone. Then act like an adult and communicate without the name-calling before this escalates, do you hear me?”

  Shanda sucked her teeth. “Whatever lion tamer, calm the beast down first and I’ll chill.”


  Giuseppe’s cell hummed in his pocket and when he brandished it in his hand and saw the caller’s name he chuckled. Ah, his donna called Selange the Savior. How adorable, the Shanda troublemaker sought to make a sneak attack. Strategic brilliance. “Buongiorno.”

  “Hello my favorite brother-in-law.”

  “Is there another brother I have yet to meet, bella?”


  He smirked because with his biological father, anything was possible. “You have called because you miss me, eh?”

  “Of course. I hope you liked your birthday present. Too bad you couldn’t come to visit for us to celebrate. The kids would have loved to see their funny Uncle.”

  “You are coming here for Carlo’s christening, no?”

  “I’m the godmother, damn straight I’ll be there. By the way, are you making a contribution to the charity?”

  “No, you are rich. Take your husband’s money.”


  “You are having a fundraiser, you will do well.” He laughed. “The foolish people dazzled by your smile will pay to see it, not me, I’ve seen it enough.”

  “Are you finished making fun of me?”

  “Ah, not quite, seduttrice.”

  Selange broached the purpose of her call. “Don Cognato, ho bisogno di un favore.”

  Giuseppe chuckled. Ah, sí, he liked Selange and found her humorous. Sal must have taught her a bit of Italian because she resorted to the language to ask a favor. Smart woman had also given deference to his status which exhibited her respect, despite her husband’s influence being greater.

  Giuseppe could not bypass an opportunity to poke more fun at his brother’s wife, whom he considered a charmer of men. “A favor, hmmm. I have yet to recover from the previous one in which I nearly died. ”

  “No you didn’t almost die silly, besides I didn’t ask you to come along, you volunteered.”

  “No,” he said. “Your memory is short.”

  “Wow, you’re really getting pleasure from this aren’t you?”

  “Immense satisfaction.”

  “Seriously fratello, help a sister out.”

  He leaned on the door, smiling. “I am now your brother?”

  “Sí, Geo. You are family and I sincerely love you big brother.” It is the evocation of Semitra spoken to her betrothed on their wedding day in Tigrinya which shattered a stubborn Don’s will and brought a powerful lion undone. “I shall lay upon pillars of fire beside my love in protection of our children, burn I shall for the greater good of family. Set me to flame; for I shall gladly die Giacanti, my love’s name.”

  Ah, now Selange had him in her clutches with the declaration. Famiglia. The women’s oath of allegiance, taken by every Giacanti mother. Yes, famiglia was the center of his heart. It is his father who shared Semira’s pledge in confidence to an inquisitive son. Not any of the Giacanti women spoke the oath aloud, to do so to a Giacanti man served as a reminder of his duties to protect the woman who bore his child. He could not resist further. The charmer of men’s sugar was too sweet; her appeal too strong and Giuseppe relented. “What is this favor, my sister?”

  “Do not toss Shanda out, it’s cruel. She’s my friend, true, but I haven’t disclosed our history, that’s your place. If you haven’t done it Geo she will never understand you or our family’s ways, capisce?”

  Giuseppe frowned. He pushed away from the door and walked the corridor with Gee at his heels. His pensive expression reflected how carefully he considered her words. Yes, his brother chose well. He considered it remarkable she spoke on the subject of family and safety when it is exactly why he sought to be rid of a potential problem. The interval stretched as Giuseppe paced. Time crept unnoticed to dawn. He had not spoken with Shanda about his family. These confidences he never shared with bedmates. The old Sicilians were familiar with the heritage of his famiglia, but many outsiders weren’t privy to the rumored tale. Perhaps, his mistake was seeing Shanda as a foreigner and not a member of the family. Wisdom comes in many ways. The least likely donna had relayed an indisputable truth.

  Giuseppe halted. The door to the nursery slowly opened and Shanda peeked out. He saw her humility and a mother’s concern. He would grant this favor and give the taxing woman sending sparks through his body one more chance. “Sí, cognata. I will talk with the other ‘S’ donna about family and allow her to remain with Carlo, but if she cannot accept our way and the necessity of the guards, then she must leave, alone,” he said loud enough for Shanda to hear.







  Saturday night, oh yeah. Party time!

  Sergio had his four hundred dollars from helping out the seniors and an ache in his arm as a result, but the pain would ease the moment he had some pussy. Oh yes it would!

  Sergio dressed in his finest, and when he was done he examined his reflection in a mirror attached to the door. He turned from side to side and winked at himself, because damn he looked good. “Yeah, tonight I’m in there, for real.”

  He collected his wallet and keys and stepped into the hall.

  The corridor was filled with teens, mainly, Ms. Gail’s children and their friends. Sergio didn’t like to say bad stuff about minors, but this was the exception. The three girls and one boy ranging from the ages of twelve to seventeen had vulgar mouths and horrible names. Their biggest obstacles in life, besides their terrible disposition were those goddamn names! 

  “Hi Sergio,” the girl Finesha waved.

  “Yeah, what’s up?” Sergio didn’t smile when he responded. The girl’s sixteen and fast for her age. Being too friendly might give her the wrong impression and it’s the last thing a brother needed. Hell no, he didn’t want any drama from Finesha’s mean ass mama. The woman was notorious for having beef with everybody on the floor. He managed to avoid it by staying gone.

  He stuck his hands in his pockets, waiting for the slow elevator, thinking how the woman needed her ass kicked for naming her child Finesha. Heck, if that isn’t bad enough she kept rolling them out, Kaquanna, Taquasia and Nasarius were the product of her identity crisis. She wanted to show pride in her ancestry but hadn’t researched African names, so why not, invent them, huh?

  Dumb woman didn’t know there’s a mud snail, known as the nassa mud snail and a dog whelk spelled N-a-s-s-a-r-i-u-s.

  What the hell was that woman smoking?

  Sergio promised when he had children, they would have normal names, like Rory, Lance or Violet. Yeah, classy names which weren’t cause for ridicule or labeling. Poor Nasarius, if he ever went to the dictionary to read the definition of his name he’d cry. His loving mama named him after a mud snail, ignorant woman.

  He pressed the elevator, listening to the boisterous youth discussing the latest new sneakers which was more than their rent. Getting jacked fo
r expensive kicks occurred regularly in the ‘hood. Dumb ass kids.

  The elevator arrived and when he boarded, he anxiously anticipated the fresh air. Nico asked why he hadn’t relocated. He wanted to, but he couldn’t afford a nicer place. Rentals in New York were pricey and his aspirations were to move the hell out of the city entirely.

  Thirty-five minutes later, his joyful stride carried him up the stairs of a brownstone on Sterling Place in Bedford-Stuyvesant. He pressed the buzzer for the first floor and rocked on his heels as he watched the traffic rolling along Fulton Street. A Saturday night in Bed-Stuy had the excitement of the city on speaker. The cars rolling by with their music pumping was New York’s bass.

  The door opened and instead of the chick he met earlier in the week a dude answered the door with his face twisted in distaste and a threatening glare. “Who the fuck is you?”

  “Is Dee here?”

  The dude rubbed his bald head. Sergio noticed the skull tats on his hand and thought, goddamn! 

  “Yo Dee, there’s a pretty muthafucka’ out here askin’ for you!”

  Sergio took offense. He didn’t mind being called pretty, shit women called him good-looking a lot; it’s the motherfucker part he took issue with. The dude calling him pretty signified he considered Sergio a wuss. “Yo, I bet they thought your ass was pretty bent over upstate didn’t they skull bitch.”

  The dude tossed back the door. The large nostrils flared like an enraged bull and he advanced on Sergio but never crossed the threshold because Sergio uppercut him so hard the smack talking motherfucker’s legs shook. He tried reaching for the doorknob, missed by inches and crashed to the floor on his bitch ass!

  Sergio didn’t wait around for him to stand up and hauled tail to his vehicle and sped away. So long Sterling Place.

  ‘Man that felt good!’

  Sergio was fed up with being knuckled in the face, first by Chip and then that bastard Giuseppe. Well, he wasn’t letting anybody get off licks again without striking first!

  The blood pumped hard through his body, straight to his head. He relaxed when he got to Atlantic Avenue. Whoever the chump was didn’t matter because he had no intention of hitting up Dee again. And when his cell began humming, he figured it was her calling to curse him out or the dude he snuffed sending a warning. Anyway, his plans were a bust. Maybe, he’d stop in on his sister before heading to Chip’s. On Saturday nights, Chip was in Canarsie at the Platinum Door. The honeys in that place were fine. He could use a lap dance with the money in his pocket and a drink. He would have spent some on Dee anyway, and he might as well use it on himself.


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