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Chasing the Dragon

Page 35

by T. K. Leigh

  I spun around and her eyes grew wide in surprise, her body stilling before her expression softened. Keeping my gaze fixed on hers, I began to lower my gym shorts, and her eyes followed my hands. I stopped, leaving my shorts in place.

  “Keep your eyes on mine, Serafina,” I ordered and she quickly snapped her eyes back to mine. Goosebumps raised on her arms, despite the building heat from the shower. Licking my lips, I roamed her body with my eyes, drinking her in. I expected her to break away and do the same to me, but she didn’t. She remained resolute, not looking away.

  Linking my fingers into the waistband of my shorts, I lowered them to the ground and stepped out of them. I held myself in my hand, stroking my erection, prodding her to tear her eyes from mine, but she didn’t.

  “Why aren’t you watching?” I asked.

  “Because you told me not to look anywhere else.”

  “And what do you see?”

  “You,” she exhaled, brushing her hand against the stubble on my face. “The cure for the pain of my past. The man who could destroy me. I see love. I see hatred. I see joy. I see anguish. I see a wide spectrum of emotions, but beyond all of that, I see you…my mystery man. My confusing, duplicitous mystery man.”

  “Why are you with me?” I asked. Our bodies were barely touching, but this moment was far more intimate than any time I had been inside her. She was reading me a page at a time, soaking in everything about me. I felt vulnerable, unguarded, yet secure.

  “Because I don’t know how to not be with you. You entered my life in a whirlwind and now I can’t imagine a day where I can’t see you, where I can’t touch you…” She dragged her body against mine, not blinking. “Where I can’t love you.”

  Raising herself on her toes, our lips met, a soft expression of our feelings for each other before exploding into a frenzy of arms, legs, hair pulling, tugging, nipping. It was chaotic, yet our bodies moved together in perfect harmony, our souls singing the same song.

  Gripping her hips, I lifted her onto the vanity, settling between her legs as I continued to ravage her mouth. Her fingernails dug into my skin, the pressure of her tearing into me gratifying and arousing. Moaning, breathing, licking, thrusting. It was a symphony of carnal desire as we attacked each other, two animals in heat, marking and claiming each other.

  I broke away from her, desperate to catch my breath and slow my heart as it raced with a thick intensity. “Fuck,” I hissed, running my hand through my hair. “Is this what you want?”


  Stepping toward her, I placed my hands on her thighs, forcing her legs apart once more. I pulled her against me, not wanting any space between our two heaving and sweat-covered bodies, and I slid into her. A sigh escaped her lips and she closed her eyes. I filled her fully before withdrawing and entering again, stretching her, re-acclimating her body to mine.

  I hooked my arm around her back as she sat on the marble counter, and dragged my tongue across her neck.

  “You’re in charge,” I whispered. “You take control.” I stilled my motions and she began moving against me with such intensity, as if a fire had been set inside her and the only way to extinguish it was through our intimacy.

  “Lift me up,” she said, her voice soft as if she was miles away. “Pin me against the wall.”

  I grabbed her hips, our bodies remaining glued to each other, and slammed her against the gray walls of my bathroom. “Better?” I asked as I met her pace.

  She wrapped her hand around my neck, her motions becoming frenzied. “Yes. Harder, Tyler. Please.”

  “You’re a tiger,” I growled, giving her what she wanted. I buried my head in her neck and pumped with more intensity.

  “I want your teeth on me. On my skin. Mark me like you did the other night,” she said between her labored breaths.

  I pulled back, my eyes catching the dull bruising from where I had lost control before. I had been worried she would hate me for doing that to her, but the fact that she wanted me to do it again sent a chill through me, the hair spiking on my arms.

  I clamped my teeth on the same spot I had already marked, sucking on her skin as she screamed, digging her nails into my back. There was something so primal about that moment. The pain of her clawing at my back only intensified the pleasure of being inside her. I bit harder and harder, and she dug deeper and deeper and, in that moment, I was convinced she was cutting me open, leaving me raw and exposed for the first time in years.

  She began to whimper, her breath becoming quicker and closer together, and I knew she was on the brink.

  “Te quiero, Serafina,” I crooned, lifting and slamming into her with more fury. Instantly, I felt her quiver around me, her screams echoing in the bathroom, and I was certain half of Beacon Hill could hear her. It went on and on, the clenching of her around me setting me off, and I released inside her. Crushing my lips to hers, I drank her in, taking everything she was willing to give. Even then, I wasn’t satisfied. I needed more. I needed all of her.

  Struggling to control my breathing, I rested my forehead on hers. Sweat to sweat. Hand to hand. Heart to heart. This was what life was about. Moments like this when the world disappeared around you. Your struggles. Your pain. Your heartache. Your lies. None of it mattered when you shared something so perfect and so beautiful that you could practically hear angelic voices singing.

  I pulled back and she gazed into my eyes. I waited for her to say something but she didn’t. She was completely still, peering into my soul.

  Grinning, I said, “You, too?”

  Biting her lip, she replied, “Me, too.”

  Our declaration of love to each other was one that couldn’t be said with words. Words wouldn’t do these feelings justice. Our love could only be communicated with our eyes, our hearts, our souls. The silence in our exchange spoke volumes in a way three simple words could not. Love wasn’t something you talked about. It was something you felt, and I never wanted to stop feeling the unequivocal adoration I had for the woman in front of me.


  “WHERE ARE YOU TAKING me next?” I asked Friday afternoon, walking beside Tyler as he pulled me along the harbor, seagulls squawking just above us. We had spent the entire week exploring the city, remaining in our little bubble world. He took me on a tour of Fenway, regaling me with more statistics about the Red Sox than anyone should probably know. His enthusiasm as he spoke of his favorite baseball team was invigorating, a completely different side of the man I loved more than I thought possible.

  “I’m showing you history,” he explained, a twinkle in his eye.

  “Oh yeah? And what great event happened here?”

  “Other than it being the site of our wonderful country giving England the big fuck you…” He pulled me against him, running his fingers through my hair, and held me in such a way that I thought he’d never let go. “This happened,” he said, his voice soft as he stared into my eyes.

  “What happened?” I asked, losing myself in him.

  “We happened, Mackenzie. And, if you ask me, that’s something worth celebrating.” He grabbed my face in his hands and kissed me. It didn’t matter that tourists and locals were passing us, probably giggling at our blatant display of love toward each other. We kissed each other as if it was the last time we ever would.

  “Truth or dare,” I hummed.

  “Truth,” he replied, just as I had expected.

  “When did you know?” I asked, meeting his eyes… Those eyes I wouldn’t be able to erase from my mind even when the rest of me had become old and weathered. Those eyes that had haunted my dreams until I finally accepted my true feelings. Those eyes that had become my peace, my strength, my everything.

  “Know what?” He tilted his head, an adorable look of confusion crossing his face.

  “When did you know you loved me?”

  He released me from his hold and led me toward the edge of the harbor walk, bringing me to the railing. “It was your heart, Mackenzie.” He reached out and placed his hand o
ver my chest. “I felt it the moment I laid my eyes on you. That was when I really knew. Your heart made me change direction, made me run straight to you. I knew I would do whatever I could to know you. I knew I was ready to lose everything…except you.”

  I felt breathless as I listened to his words, my lips parting slightly.

  Leaning toward me, he met my lips. His kiss was soft, reverent, loving. “I’m all in.”

  Grinning, I deepened the exchange. “You won the hand.”

  “Damn straight I did,” he laughed, running his hand up and down my back, the mood lightening between us. “I got the kitty. Just so happens I know how to make her purr.” He winked, pulling me back along the waterfront. There was a slight chill in the air, the sun fighting to be seen from behind the clouds. The air in Boston was salty and old, just as I had imagined it. I could smell the seafood from the harbor and my stomach growled.


  I nodded.

  “What do you feel like?”

  I shrugged. “I’m easy. Take me to your favorite spot in town. I want the full Tyler Burnham experience.”

  “I’m pretty sure I gave you that last night. And the night before. And the night before that.”

  “No,” I said, shaking my head, laughing. “That wasn’t the full experience, but each time gave me another piece of the puzzle.”

  “So I’m a puzzle then, am I?” he asked, amusement in his voice.

  Scrunching my nose as I looked up at him, I beamed. “Yes, you are. And I have a feeling I’ll spend the rest of my life finding and putting all the pieces of you together.”

  “I like the sound of that,” he said in a measured voice. “Of spending the rest of my life with you.”

  I halted in my tracks. “Tyler, I…”

  The seriousness with which he spoke those words took me by surprise. Yes, I loved him, but the past week had been a tornado and I was still struggling to make sense of it all. He had rushed into my life with little warning and had razed everything. When the dust finally settled, I looked around and saw how different it all was. He had tossed around the pieces of my life I didn’t even know still existed. He unearthed them, exposing me raw with nowhere to hide, and he slowly helped me rebuild my dismantled life. It was sudden, chaotic and, just like everything else with Tyler, unexpected.

  “Mackenzie, I didn’t mean to scare you.” He turned to me, noticing my rigid stature. “But it’s true. I do like the sound of that, but we’ll take things as fast or as slow as you want. Okay?”

  I swallowed hard. “Okay.”

  A strange ringtone sounded, startling me. I eyed Tyler, waiting for him to answer his phone.


  “Aren’t you going to get that?” I inquired, gesturing to his pocket.

  “That’s not my phone. I keep mine on vibrate.”

  “That’s not my ringtone.”

  The second I said it, I knew. I dug through my purse and pulled out the phone Charlie had left for me. My hands trembled as I held it out, a blocked number flashing on the screen.

  “Answer it,” Tyler said, pulling his phone out and punching a button on it. “Keep him talking as long as you can. Understand?”

  “What do I say?” I whispered, looking around guardedly, half thinking Charlie was nearby. I felt eyes watching me as I stood in the open, on display for anyone who wanted to do me harm. And Charlie supposedly wanted to do me harm.

  “Whatever you need to in order to keep him talking,” Tyler responded, placing his hand over his own phone. “Do it, Mackenzie.”

  Trying to settle my nerves to no avail, I answered it. “Hello?” My voice rose in pitch, the apprehension I was feeling making itself known.

  “Kenzie,” Charlie breathed. “You’re okay?”

  “Yes,” I responded, wondering if Charlie was asking out of concern or disappointment. I didn’t know which one to believe.

  He exhaled loudly. “Thank God.”

  “Why wouldn’t I be okay, Charlie?” I stared at the channel below me, the murky water laden with leaves and the occasional piece of litter.

  “Everything’s spiraling out of control, Kenzie. All of it. I just… Have you seen the news?” His tone grew quiet, concerned, almost remorseful.

  “No,” I answered honestly. “I can’t remember the last time I’ve watched television. It’s been a chaotic couple of days.”

  “Where are you?”

  I flung my eyes to Tyler as he spoke animatedly to somebody on his phone, pacing. Holding my hand over my cell, I snapped my fingers, trying to get his attention.

  He spun around quickly, his eyes meeting mine.

  “He wants to know where I am. What do I say?”

  “The truth,” he whispered. “Don’t give him any reason to doubt you.”

  I removed my hand and answered, “I’m in Boston with Tyler.”

  “Why are you in Boston?” he asked, obviously surprised.

  “Ummm…,” I stalled, staring at Tyler. He signaled me to keep talking. I hated lying to anyone, Charlie included. But as my father had told me all those years ago when I first found out he was still alive, “There is no such thing as black and white in this world. Everything has varying shades of gray, varying kernels of truth. Sometimes we need to lie to those we love to protect them. Telling people I’m dead, while it isn’t true, is a lie of necessity.”

  I knew this was another lie of necessity to protect myself, although it could lead to Charlie’s downfall. The picture Tyler had painted of Charlie should have made the decision easy for me. He was a psychotic killer with a chip on his shoulder, seeking out revenge. But something about it didn’t sit well with me. I didn’t know why. Maybe I had learned a long time ago that seeing and hearing weren’t necessarily believing, and I was unsure of whether I believed Charlie could be responsible for such villainy.

  “Kenzie?” Charlie asked. “What is it?”

  Tyler glared at me, concern etched on his strong face.

  “Nothing, Charlie. It’s just… I know it’s soon, but he wanted me to meet his family.”

  “But what about your father?” he asked without missing a beat. “Do you intend to introduce him to your family?”

  “Charlie, I told you. He’s−”

  “No, Kenzie!” he bellowed. My spine straightened at the brutal tone of his voice. “He’s not!” He took a long breath and my hands began to tremble. Tyler was behind me instantly, bringing me into his arms, tracing a delicate pattern on my back.

  “Kenzie,” Charlie said, his voice soft once more. “I’m sorry. I just… He’s my last hope, and I think I’m his. Please, Kenzie. I’m wanted for murder. Murder! Turn on any national news network and you’ll see my photo splashed all over the place. And the fine State of Texas is going to seek jurisdiction for the trial if I’m arrested! I can’t die for a crime I didn’t commit. Texas has a freaking fast lane to the execution chamber.”

  I hated everything about this. My loyalties washed in and out with the tide. One minute, I wanted to think Charlie was a monster because it would explain so much. But the next, I wanted to believe the words coming out of his mouth.

  “Just ten more seconds,” Tyler whispered.

  “Think about it,” Charlie said at the same time. “I’ll call you later.”

  I could have easily kept him talking, offered him information about my father, but I didn’t know who to believe. I remembered learning about the concept of innocent until proven guilty. I insisted my father was innocent after learning what Tyler had told me about him. And I wanted Charlie to be innocent, too. I just prayed my actions didn’t put myself at risk.

  I hung up as Tyler held up four fingers, indicating he needed just four more seconds. The line went dead and I could see the frustration crawl across Tyler’s face when the man he was talking to told him they lost the connection.

  “Fuck!” he shouted, hanging up his cell phone and turning to me. “What happened?”

  “Charlie happened,” I explained. “Do yo
u really think he wouldn’t suspect the call was being traced to find his location? This guy is probably the only person I know who could evade law enforcement for the remainder of his life. He doesn’t fall for easy tricks. He’s smarter than that.”

  Strangely, I didn’t feel guilty about lying to Tyler.

  “I figured as much,” he said finally, his shoulders dropping. “I know it won’t be easy to find him, but I was hoping. I just hate the idea that he’s after you.”

  “Maybe he’s not,” I said, walking past Tyler, continuing along the harbor walk.

  “Why do you say that?” He caught up to me, grabbing my hand and forcing me to face him.

  “Innocent until proven guilty. Do you think my father is guilty of everything of which he’s accused?”

  He avoided my eyes, glancing down at the cobblestone path.

  “Exactly. I know it’s naïve of me to want to believe Charlie had nothing to do with any of this and that he was set up−”

  “But there’s so much evidence of his connection to Whitman. Mackenzie, I−”

  “He could have been set up, just like my father. It’s a genius plan. Set up Charlie for a murder in Texas and finish him once and for all. They don’t have to put a bullet in him. They’ll let the state do it.”

  He looked at me almost in a condescending manner. Brushing a piece of hair out of my eyes, he said, “I wish I had such a positive outlook as you seem to. I’m not going to stand here and try to convince you otherwise, but regardless of whether it’s Charlie or not, someone wants to do you harm, and that will not happen. Okay?”

  “Okay.” I smiled a small smile. “Can we stop talking about this now? I just want to spend time with my boyfriend and see where he grew up.”

  “I’m your boyfriend?” He smirked, crossing his arms in front of his chest… His broad, sculpted chest. His lickable, sinful chest.

  “I mean…,” I floundered. “Let’s just drop it.” I stormed away, my face blushing from embarrassment.

  As I was about to turn down a street away from the harbor, a medium-sized spotted dog came running around the corner, surprising me, knocking me to the ground.


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