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International GAAP® 2019: Generally Accepted Accounting Practice under International Financial Reporting Standards

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  an option holder will exhibit. Considerations include:

  • vesting period – the expected term of the option must be at least as long as its

  vesting period. The length of time employees hold options after they vest may vary

  inversely with the length of the vesting period;

  • past history of employee exercise and termination patterns for similar grants

  (adjusted for current expectations) – see 8.5.2 below;

  • expected volatility of the underlying share – on average, employees tend to

  exercise options on shares with higher volatility earlier;

  • periods during which exercise may be precluded and related arrangements (e.g.

  agreements that allow for exercise to occur automatically during such periods if

  certain conditions are satisfied);

  • employee demographics (age, tenure, sex, position etc.); and

  • time from vesting date – the likelihood of exercise typically increases as time passes.

  As discussed at 8.4 above, IFRS 2 notes that the effect of early exercise can be reflected:

  • by treating the expected, rather than the contractual, life of the option as an input

  to a pricing model, such as the Black-Scholes-Merton formula (see 8.5.1.A below);


  • by using contractual life as an input to a binomial or similar model. [IFRS 2.B16-17].





  Expected term under the Black-Scholes-Merton formula

  An estimate of expected term based on the types of inputs described above can be used

  in the Black-Scholes-Merton formula as well as a lattice model. However, the formula

  requires only a single expected term to be used. This is one of the reasons why the

  Black-Scholes-Merton formula may provide a higher valuation for the same options

  than a lattice model.

  The difference in value that arises from using only a single expected term results, in

  part, from the convex shape of a typical option valuation curve, as illustrated below.

  Option value





















  It is assumed, for the purposes of this illustration, that an at-the-money option on a

  €10 share with a 10-year contractual term is equally likely to be exercised at the end of each

  year beginning with year two. An average expected term of six years [(2+3+4+...10)/9] would

  be used in a Black-Scholes-Merton calculation giving a fair value of €3.10 for the option. If,

  instead, nine separate valuations were performed, each with a different expected term

  corresponding to each of the possible terms (from two to ten years), the average of those

  valuations (also calculated using the Black-Scholes-Merton formula) would be €2.9854. The

  latter amount is lower than €3.10 because of the convex shape of the valuation curve,

  reflecting the fact that the value increases at a decreasing rate as the term lengthens.

  Therefore, the value of the share option with an average expected term of six years will

  exceed the value derived from averaging the separate valuations for each potential term.

  In a lattice model, exercise can occur at any time based on the rules specified in the

  model regarding exercise behaviour. The lattice model can therefore be thought of as

  analogous to the calculation in the above example in which the fair value was calculated

  as the average of the valuations from periods two to ten. In contrast, the Black-Scholes-

  Merton valuation allows only a single expected term to be specified. Therefore, it is

  analogous to the valuation described in the above example based on a single average

  expected term of six years.

  2632 Chapter 30

  Therefore, even if the expected term derived from a lattice model were used as an input

  in the Black-Scholes-Merton formula (and all other inputs were identical), the two

  models would give different values.

  To mitigate the impact of the convex shape of the valuation curve, an entity with a broad-

  based share option plan might consider stratifying annual awards into different employee

  groups for the purposes of estimating the expected option lives (see 8.5.2 below).

  Determining a single expected term can be quite challenging, particularly for an entity

  seeking to base its estimate on the periods for which previously granted options were

  outstanding, which would have been highly dependent on the circumstances during

  those periods. For example, if the entity’s share price had increased significantly during

  the option period (as would be the case for share options granted by certain entities at

  the beginning of a bull market), it is likely that employees would have exercised options

  very soon after vesting. Alternatively, if options were granted at the end of a bull market

  and the share price declined significantly after the grant date, it is likely that the options

  would be exercised much later (if at all). These relationships would exist because, as

  discussed previously, the extent to which an option is in-the-money has a significant

  impact on exercise behaviour. Accordingly, deriving a single expected term in these

  situations involves considerable judgement.


  Exercise and termination behaviour

  IFRS 2 notes that employees often exercise options early for a number of reasons, most


  • restrictions on transferability mean that this is the only way of realising the value

  of the option in cash;

  • aversion to the risk of not exercising ‘in the money’ options in the hope that they

  increase in value; or

  • in the case of leavers, a requirement to exercise, or forfeit, all vested options on or

  shortly after leaving (see 8.5.2.B below).

  Factors to consider in estimating early exercise include:

  (a) the length of the vesting period, because the share option cannot be exercised until

  the end of the vesting period. Hence, determining the valuation implications of

  expected early exercise is based on the assumption that the options will vest;

  (b) the average length of time similar options have remained outstanding in the past;

  (c) the price of the underlying shares. Experience may indicate that employees tend

  to exercise options when the share price reaches a specified level above the

  exercise price;

  (d) the employee’s level within the organisation. For example, experience might

  indicate that higher-level employees tend to exercise options later than lower-

  level employees (see also 8.5.2.A below); and

  (e) the expected volatility of the underlying shares. On average, employees might tend

  to exercise options on highly volatile shares earlier than on shares with low volatility.

  [IFRS 2.B18].




  In addition, the pattern of terminations of employment after vesting may be relevant

  (see 8.5.2.B below).

  In our view, past exercise behaviour should generally serve as the starting point for

ng expected exercise behaviour. That behaviour should be analysed,

  correlated to the factors above, and extrapolated into the future. However,

  significant changes in the underlying share price or in other salient characteristics of

  the entity, changes in option plans, tax laws, share price volatility and termination

  patterns may indicate that past exercise behaviour is not indicative of expected

  exercise behaviour. The expected life may also be estimated indirectly, by using a

  modified option pricing model to compute an option value, an input to which is an

  assumption that the options will be expected to be exercised when a particular share

  price is reached.

  Some entities, including recently listed entities, or entities for which all outstanding

  grants have been out-of-the-money for a long period, may simply not be able to observe

  any exercise behaviour or may not possess enough history to perform a reasonable

  analysis of past exercise behaviour. In these cases, in our view, entities may have to look

  to the exercise history of employees of similar entities to develop expectations of

  employee exercise behaviour. At present there is only limited publicly-available

  information about employee exercise patterns, but valuation professionals and human

  resource consultants may have access to relevant data, based on which they may have

  articulated specific exercise patterns. In such circumstances, considerable judgement is

  required in assessing the comparability and appropriateness of the historic data used.

  In the absence of extensive information regarding exercise behaviour, another solution

  could be to use a midpoint assumption – i.e. selecting as the expected date of exercise

  the midpoint between the first available exercise date (the end of the vesting period)

  and the last available exercise date (the contracted expiry date). However, this should

  be undertaken only when the entity is satisfied that this does not lead to a material

  misstatement. It is also plausible to assume exercise at the earliest possible time or to

  undertake a reasonable analysis of past behaviour and set up the amount of intrinsic

  value which, when exceeded, will trigger exercise of the option.


  Grouping employees with homogeneous exercise behaviour

  IFRS 2 emphasises that the estimated life of an option is critical to its valuation.

  Therefore, where options are granted to a group of employees, it will generally be

  necessary to ensure that either:

  (a) all the employees are expected to exercise their options within a relatively narrow

  time-frame; or

  (b) if not, that the group is divided into sub-groups of employees who are expected to

  exercise their options within a similar relatively narrow time-frame.

  IFRS 2 suggests that it may become apparent that middle and senior management tend

  to exercise options later than lower-level employees, either because they choose to do

  so, or because they are encouraged or compelled to do so as a result of required

  minimum levels of ownership of equity instruments (including options) among more

  senior employees. [IFRS 2.B19-21].

  2634 Chapter 30

  8.5.2.B Post-vesting



  Most employee share options provide that, if employment is terminated, the former

  employee typically has only a short period (e.g. 90 days from the date of termination of

  employment) in which to exercise any vested options, the contractual expiry of which

  would otherwise be some years away. Accordingly, an entity should look at its prior

  termination patterns, adjust those patterns for future expectations and incorporate

  those expected terminations into a lattice model as expected early exercises.

  Patterns of employee turnover are not necessarily linear and may be a non-linear

  function of a variety of factors, such as:

  • employee demographics (age, sex, tenure, position, etc.);

  • path of share price – for example, if options are deeply out-of-the-money, they

  may have little retention value and more employees may leave than if the options

  were at- or in-the-money; and

  • economic conditions and other share prices.


  Expected volatility of share price

  Expected volatility is a measure of the amount by which a price is expected to fluctuate

  during a period. Share price volatility has a powerful influence on the estimation of the

  fair value of an option, much of the value of which is derived from its potential for

  appreciation. The more volatile the share price, the more valuable the option. It is

  therefore essential that the choice of volatility assumption can be properly supported.

  IFRS 2 notes that the measure of volatility used in option pricing models is the

  annualised standard deviation of the continuously compounded rates of return on the

  share over a period of time. Volatility is typically expressed in annualised terms that are

  comparable regardless of the time period used in the calculation (for example, daily,

  weekly or monthly price observations).

  The expected annualised volatility of a share is the range within which the continuously

  compounded annual rate of return is expected to fall approximately two-thirds of the

  time. For example, to say that a share with an expected continuously compounded rate

  of return of 12% has a volatility of 30% means that the probability that the rate of return

  on the share for one year will be between minus 18% (12% – 30%) and 42% (12% + 30%)

  is approximately two-thirds. If the share price is €100 at the beginning of the year, and

  no dividends are paid, the year-end share price would be expected to be between

  €83.53 (€100 × e–0.18) and €152.20 (€100 × e0.42) approximately two-thirds of the time.

  The rate of return (which may be positive or negative) on a share for a period measures

  how much a shareholder has benefited from dividends and appreciation (or

  depreciation) of the share price. [IFRS 2.B22-24].

  IFRS 2 gives examples of factors to consider in estimating expected volatility including

  the following: [IFRS 2.B25]

  • Implied volatility from traded share options

  Implied volatility is the volatility derived by using an option pricing model with the

  traded option price (if available) as an input and solving for the volatility as the




  unknown on the entity’s shares. It may also be derived from other traded

  instruments of the entity that include option features (such as convertible debt).

  Implied volatilities are often calculated by analysts and reflect market expectations

  for future volatility as well as imperfections in the assumptions in the valuation

  model. For this reason, the implied volatility of a share may be a better measure of

  prospective volatility than historical volatility (see below). However, traded

  options are usually short-term, ranging in general from one month to two years. If

  the expected lives are much longer than this, both the implied and historical

  volatilities will need to be considered.

  • Historical volatility

  It may be relevant to consider the historical volatility of the share price over the

  most recent period that is generally commensurate with the expect
ed term of the

  option (taking into account the remaining contractual life of the option and the

  effects of expected early exercise). However, this assumes that past share price

  behaviour is likely to be representative of future share price behaviour. Upon any

  restructuring of an entity, the question of whether or not past volatility will be

  likely to predict future volatility would need to be reassessed.

  The historical volatilities of similar entities may be relevant for newly listed

  entities, unlisted entities or entities that have undergone substantial restructuring

  (see 8.5.3.A to 8.5.3.C below).

  • The length of time the entity’s shares have been publicly traded

  A newly listed entity might have a high historical volatility, compared with similar

  entities that have been listed longer. Further guidance for newly listed entities is

  given in 8.5.3.A below.

  • ‘Mean-reverting tendency’

  This refers to the tendency of volatility to revert to its long-term average level, and

  other factors indicating that expected future volatility might differ from past

  volatility. For example, if an entity’s share price was extraordinarily volatile for

  some identifiable period of time because of a failed takeover bid or a major

  restructuring, that period could be disregarded in computing historical average

  annual volatility. However, an entity should not exclude general economic factors

  such as the effect of an economic downturn on share price volatility.

  • Appropriate and regular intervals for price observations

  The price observations should be consistent from period to period. For example,

  an entity might use the closing price for each week or the opening price for the

  week, but it should not use the closing price for some weeks and the opening price

  for other weeks. Also, the price observations should be expressed in the same

  currency as the exercise price. In our view, at least thirty observations are

  generally required to calculate a statistically valid standard deviation. Our

  experience has been that, in general, it is more appropriate to make such

  observations daily or weekly rather than monthly.

  2636 Chapter 30

  8.5.3.A Newly



  As noted under ‘Historical volatility’ at 8.5.3 above, an entity should consider the historical

  volatility of the share price over the most recent period that is generally commensurate


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