International GAAP® 2019: Generally Accepted Accounting Practice under International Financial Reporting Standards
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transfers resulting in retention of substantially all risks
transferred asset part of larger asset, Ch. 48, 5.1.1
and rewards, Ch. 48, 3.8.2
transfers with continuing involvement, Ch. 48, 5.3
transfers resulting in transfer of substantially all risks
associated liability, Ch. 48, 5.3.3
and rewards, Ch. 48, 3.8.1
continuing involvement in part only of a larger asset,
transferee’s ‘practical ability’ to sell the asset, Ch. 48, 3.9.1
Ch. 48, 5.3.5
financial liabilities, Ch. 48, 6
guarantees, Ch. 48, 5.3.1
derivatives that can be financial assets or financial
options, Ch. 48, 5.3.2
liabilities, Ch. 48, 6.4
subsequent measurement of assets and liabilities,
exchange or modification of debt by original lender,
Ch. 48, 5.3.4
Ch. 48, 6.2
transfers with continuing involvement–accounting
costs and fees, Ch. 48, 6.2.1
examples, Ch. 48, 5.4
examples, Ch. 48, 6.2.3
continuing involvement in part only of a financial
modification gains and losses, Ch. 48, 6.2.2
asset, Ch. 48, 5.4.4
settlement of financial liability with issue of new equity
transfers of assets measured at amortised cost, Ch. 48,
instrument, Ch. 48, 6.2.4
extinguishment of debt
transfers of assets measured at fair value, Ch. 48, 5.4.3
in exchange for transfer of assets not meeting the
‘collar’ put and call options, Ch. 48, 5.4.3.C
derecognition criteria, Ch. 48, 6.1.4
transferor’s call option, Ch. 48, 5.4.3.A
‘in-substance defeasance’ arrangements, Ch. 48, 6.1.3
transferee’s put option, Ch. 48, 5.4.3.B
legal release by creditor, Ch. 48, 6.1.2
transfers with guarantees, Ch. 48, 5.4.1
what constitutes ‘part’ of a liability, Ch. 48, 6.1.1
definitions, Ch. 48, 2.1
gains and losses on extinguishment of debt, Ch. 48, 6.3
development of IFRS, Ch. 48, 2
supply-chain finance, Ch. 48, 6.5
financial assets, Ch. 48, 3
future developments, Ch. 48, 7
background, Ch. 48, 3.1
off-balance sheet finance, Ch. 48, 1.1
client money, Ch. 48, 3.7
practical application factoring of trade receivables, Ch. 48, 4.5
decision tree, Ch. 48, 3.2
repurchase agreements (‘repos’) and securities lending, Ch. 48,
importance of applying tests in sequence, Ch. 48, 3.2.1
groups of financial assets, Ch. 48, 3.3.2
agreement to repurchase at fair value, Ch. 48, 4.1.5
IASB’s view and the Interpretations Committee’s
agreements to return the same asset, Ch. 48, 4.1.1
tentative conclusions, Ch. 48, 3.3.2.A
agreements with right of substitution, Ch. 48, 4.1.3
similar assets, Ch. 48, 3.3.2.B
agreements with right to return the same or substantially
principles, parts of assets and groups of assets, Ch. 48, 3.3
the same asset, Ch. 48, 4.1.2
credit enhancement through, Ch. 48, 3.3.1
net cash-settled forward repurchase, Ch. 48, 4.1.4
transfer of asset (or part of asset) for only part of its
right of first refusal to repurchase at fair value, Ch. 48, 4.1.6
life, Ch. 48, 3.3.3
wash sale, Ch. 48, 4.1.7
contractual rights to receive cash flows from the asset,
subordinated retained interests and credit guarantees, Ch. 48, 4.3
expiration of, Ch. 48, 3.4
transfers by way of swaps, Ch. 48, 4.4
asset restructuring in the context of Greek
interest rate swaps, Ch. 48, 4.4.2
government debt, Ch. 48, 3.4.2
total return swaps, Ch. 48, 4.4.1
novation of contracts to intermediary
transfers subject to put and call options, Ch. 48, 4.2
counterparties, Ch. 48, 3.4.3
changes in probability of exercise of options after initial
renegotiation of the terms of an asset, Ch. 48, 3.4.1
transfer of asset, Ch. 48, 4.2.9
write-offs, Ch. 48, 3.4.4
clean-up call options, Ch. 48, 4.2.7
retention of rights subject to obligation to pay over to
deeply in the money put and call options, Ch. 48, 4.2.1
others (pass-through arrangement), Ch. 48, 3.5.2
deeply out of the money put and call options, Ch. 48, 4.2.2
transfers of, Ch. 48, 3.5.1
net cash-settled options, Ch. 48, 4.2.5
securitisations, Ch. 48, 3.6
option to put or call at fair value, Ch. 48, 4.2.4
‘empty’ subsidiaries or SPEs, Ch. 48, 3.6.6
options that are neither deeply out of the money nor
insurance protection, Ch. 48, 3.6.3
deeply in the money, Ch. 48, 4.2.3
non-optional derivatives along with a group of
removal of accounts provision, Ch. 48, 4.2.6
financial assets transfers, Ch. 48, 3.6.5
same (or nearly the same) price put and call options,
recourse to originator, Ch. 48, 3.6.1
Ch. 48, 4.2.8
118 Index
Derivative(s), Ch. 42, 1–3. See also Embedded derivatives
presentation, restatement and disclosure, Ch. 33, 7
call and put options over non-controlling interest. Ch 7, 6. See
purchased options and warrants, Ch. 33, 6.4.3
also ‘Non-controlling interest’
share-based payments, Ch. 33, 6.4.5
changes in value in response to changes in underlying,
Diminishing balance methods, depreciation, Ch. 18, 5.6.1
Ch. 42, 2.1
Direct method of consolidation, foreign operations, Ch. 7, 2.3;
non-financial variables specific to one party to the contract,
Ch. 15, 6.6.3
Ch. 42, 2.1.3
Directly attributable borrowing costs, Ch. 21, 5.1
notional amounts, Ch. 42, 2.1.1
underlying variables, Ch. 42, 2.1.2
‘Directly attributable’ costs, Ch. 18, 4.1.1
common derivatives, Ch. 42, 3.1
‘Dirty’ fair values, Ch. 49, 7.4.7
contracts, cash flows on, Ch. 36, 4.4.9
Disclosure(s). See also individual entries for standards
defining characteristics, Ch. 42, 2
business combinations, Ch. 9, 16
changes in value in response to changes in underlying,
capital disclosures, Ch. 3, 5.4; Ch. 50, 5.6.3
Ch. 42, 2.1
capitalisation of borrowing costs, Ch. 21, 7
future settlement, Ch. 42, 2.3
common control transactions, Ch. 8, 4.3.1
initial net investment, Ch. 42, 2.2
in condensed interim financial statements, Ch. 37, 4
discount rates for calculating fair value of, Ch. 49, 7.4.4.C
earnings per share (EPS), Ch. 33, 7.3
in-substance derivatives, Ch. 42, 3.2
employee benefits, Ch. 31, 15
linked and separate transactions, Ch. 42, 8
first-time adoption, Ch. 5, 6
regular way contracts, Ch. 42, 3.3
of IFRS information before adoption of IFRSs, Ch. 5, 6.7
restructuring of, Ch. 49, 3.6.3
of IFRS information in financial statements, Ch. 5, 6.3.1
‘synthetic’ instruments, Ch. 42, 8
financial instruments
Derivative fin
ancial instruments, Ch. 41, 2.2.8; Ch. 49, 3.2
qualitative disclosures, Ch. 50, 5.1
basis swaps, Ch. 49, 3.2.5
quantitative disclosures, Ch. 50, 5.2, 5.7
credit break clauses, Ch. 49, 3.2.4
foreign exchange, Ch. 15, 10
embedded derivatives, Ch. 49, 3.2.3
government grants, Ch. 25, 6
net written options, Ch. 49, 3.2.2
impairment of fixed assets and goodwill, Ch. 20, 14
offsetting external derivatives, Ch. 49, 3.2.1
income taxes, Ch. 29, 14
Designation at fair value through profit or loss, Ch. 44, 7
insurance contracts, Ch. 51, 11; Ch. 52, 16
intangible assets, Ch. 17, 11
Dilapidation provision, Ch. 27, 6.9
additional disclosures when the revaluation model is
Diluted EPS, Ch. 33, 6. See also Earnings per share (EPS); IAS 33
applied, Ch. 17, 10.4
calculation of, Ch. 33, 6.2; Ch. 33, 8
general disclosures, Ch. 17, 10.1
diluted earnings, Ch. 33, 6.2.1
profit/loss presentation, Ch. 17, 10.3
diluted number of shares, Ch. 33, 6.2.2
of research and development expenditure, Ch. 17, 10.5
contingently issuable potential ordinary shares, Ch. 33, 6.4.8
statement of financial position presentation, Ch. 17, 10.2
contingently issuable shares, Ch. 33, 6.4.6
inventories, Ch. 22, 6
earnings-based contingencies, Ch. 33, 6.4.6.A
investment property, Ch. 19, 12
not driven by earnings or share price, Ch. 33, 6.4.6.C
investments in associates and joint ventures, Ch. 11, 10
share-price-based contingencies, Ch. 33, 6.4.6.B
leases (IAS 17), Ch. 23, 9
convertible instruments, Ch. 33, 6.4.1
leases (IFRS 16), Ch. 24, 10.6
convertible debt, Ch. 33, 6.4.1.A
of mineral reserves and resources, Ch. 39, 2.4
convertible preference shares, Ch. 33, 6.4.1.B
offsetting, Ch. 2, 10.2.1.A; Ch. 50, 7.4.2.D
participating equity instruments, Ch. 33, 6.4.1.C
of changes in ownership interests in subsidiaries, Ch. 13, 4.5
dilutive instruments, types, Ch. 33, 6.4
property, plant and equipment (PP&E), Ch. 18, 8–8.3
dilutive potential ordinary shares, Ch. 33, 6.3
provisions, contingent liabilities and contingent assets,
judged by effect on profits from continuing operations,
Ch. 27, 7
Ch. 33, 6.3.1
related party disclosures, Ch. 35, 1–2
judged by the cumulative impact of potential shares, Ch.
relating to accounting policies, Ch. 3, 5
33, 6.3.2
changes in accounting estimates, Ch. 3, 5.2.2
need for, Ch. 33, 6.1
changes in accounting policies, Ch. 3, 5.1.2
options, warrants and their equivalents, Ch. 33, 6.4.2
changes pursuant to the initial application of an IFRS, Ch.
forward purchase agreements, Ch. 33, 6.4.2.C
3, 5.1.2.A
numerator, Ch. 33, 6.4.2.A
estimation uncertainty, Ch. 3, 5.2.1
options over convertible instruments, Ch. 33, 6.4.2.D
judgements made in applying accounting policies, Ch. 3,
settlement of option exercise price, Ch. 33, 6.4.2.E
specified application of option proceeds, Ch. 33, 6.4.2.F
new IFRS, future impact of, Ch. 3, 5.1.2.C
written call options, Ch. 33, 6.4.2.B
prior period errors, Ch. 3, 5.3
written put options, Ch. 33, 6.4.2.C
significant accounting policies, Ch. 3, 5.1.1.A
partly paid shares, Ch. 33, 6.4.4
voluntary changes in accounting policy, Ch. 3, 5.1.2.B
potentially ordinary shares of investees, Ch. 33, 6.4.7
reportable segments, Ch. 32, 5
separate financial statements, Ch. 8, 3
adjusting for risk and using a government bond rate,
service concession arrangements (SCA), Ch. 26, 6
Ch. 27, 4.3.2
share-based payment, Ch. 30, 13
effect of changes in interest rates on the discount rate
Disclosure of interests in other entities, Ch. 13, 1–6. See also
applied, Ch. 27, 4.3.6
IFRS 12; Interests in joint arrangements and associates
own credit risk is not taken into account, Ch. 27, 4.3.3
definitions, Ch. 13, 2.2.1
pre-tax discount rate, Ch. 27, 4.3.4
interaction of IFRS 12 and IFRS 5, Ch. 13, 2.2.1.C
real vs. nominal rate, Ch. 27, 4.3.1
interests in other entities, Ch. 13, 2.2.1.A
unwinding of the discount, Ch. 27, 4.3.5
structured entities, Ch. 13, 2.2.1.B
impairment of fixed assets and goodwill, Ch. 20, 7.2
development of IFRS 12, Ch. 13, 1.1
approximations and short cuts, Ch. 20, 7.2.4
interests disclosed under IFRS 12, Ch. 13, 2.2.2
discount rates other than WACC, Ch. 20, 7.2.9
interests not within the scope of IFRS 12, Ch. 13, 2.2.3
entity-specific WACCs and capital structure, Ch. 20, 7.2.8
joint arrangements and associates, Ch. 13, 5
entity-specific WACCs and different project risks within
nature, extent and financial effects, Ch. 13, 5.1
the entity, Ch. 20, 7.2.7
risks associated, Ch. 13, 5.2
pre-tax discount rate, calculating, Ch. 20, 7.2.2
commitments relating to joint ventures, Ch. 13, 5.2.1
pre-tax discount rates disclosing when using a post-tax
contingent liabilities relating to joint ventures and
methodology, Ch. 20, 7.2.5
associates, Ch. 13, 5.2.2
pre-tax rates determination taking account of tax losses,
objective, Ch. 13, 2.1
Ch. 20, 7.2.6
scope, Ch. 13, 2.2
VIU calculation using post-tax cash flows, Ch. 20, 7.2.3
significant judgements and assumptions, Ch. 13, 3
WACC, Ch. 20, 7.2.1
subsidiaries, Ch. 13, 4
insurance contracts, Ch. 52, 8.3
changes in ownership interests in subsidiaries, Ch. 13, 4.5
leases, Ch. 24, 4.6
composition of the group, Ch. 13, 4.1
Discretionary participation feature (DPF), Ch. 51, 2.2.1, 6
consolidated structured entities, nature of risks, Ch. 13, 4.4
definition, Ch. 51, 2.2.1
financial or other support to with no contractual
in financial instruments, Ch. 51, 6.2
obligation, Ch. 13, 4.4.2
guaranteed benefits, Ch. 51, 6
terms of contractual arrangements, Ch. 13, 4.4.1
in insurance contracts, Ch. 51, 6.1
nature and extent of significant restrictions, Ch. 13, 4.3
investment contracts with, Ch. 51, 2.2.2, 6.1, 6.2, 7.2.2.C
non-controlling interests, Ch. 13, 4.2
practical issues, Ch. 51, 6.3
unconsolidated structured entities, Ch. 13, 6
contracts with switching features, Ch. 51, 6.3.2
nature of interests, Ch. 13, 6.1
negative DPF, Ch. 51, 6.3.1
nature of risks, Ch. 13, 6.2
Discussion Paper (DP)– Accounting for Dynamic Risk
actual and intended financial and other support to
Management, Ch. 49, 11.1
structured entities, Ch. 13, 6.2.2
Discussion Paper (DP)– Extractive Activities, Ch. 39, 1.3
disclosure of the forms of funding of a
Discussion Paper (DP)– Preliminary Views on Insurance
unconsolidated structured entity, Ch. 13, 6.3.7
Contracts, Ch. 51, 1.1
disclosure of funding difficulties, Ch. 13, 6.3.6
disclosure of liquidity arrangements, Ch. 13, 6.3.5
Discussion Paper (DP)– A Review of the Conceptual Framework
disclosure of losses, Ch. 13, 6.3.2
for Financial Reporting, Ch. 2, 1; Ch. 7, 6.5, 7.4, 7.5
disclosure of ranking and amounts of potential losses,
Disposal groups held for sale/distribution, Ch. 3, 3.1.2;
Ch. 13, 6.3.4
Ch. 4, 1–6. See also IFRS 5
disclosure of support, Ch. 13, 6.3.1
changes to a plan of sale/plan of distribution, Ch. 4, 2.2.5
disclosure of types of income received, Ch. 13, 6.3.3
classification as held for sale/held for distribution to owners,
maximum exposure to loss from those interests,
Ch. 4, 2.1.2
Ch. 13, 6.2.1
abandonment, Ch. 4, 2.1.2.C
Discontinued operation, Ch. 3, 3.2.5; Ch. 4, 3.2. See also IFRS 5
available for immediate sale, meaning of, Ch. 4, 2.1.2.A
cash flows of, Ch. 36, 8.1
highly probable, meaning of, Ch. 4, 2.1.2.B
definition of, Ch. 4, 3.1
comparative information, Ch. 4, 4
presentation of, Ch. 4, 3.2
concept of disposal group, Ch. 4, 2.1.1
property, plant and equipment, derecognition and disposal,
disclosure requirements, Ch. 4, 5
Ch. 18, 7.1
discontinued operations, Ch. 4, 3
trading with continuing operations, Ch. 4, 3.3
future developments, Ch. 4, 6
measurement, Ch. 4, 2.2
Discount rate
impairments and reversals of impairment, Ch. 4, 2.2.3
for calculating fair value of derivatives, Ch. 49, 7.4.4.C
presentation in statement of financial position, Ch. 4, 2.2.4
employee benefits, Ch. 31, 7.6
partial disposals of operations, Ch. 4, 2.1.3
high quality corporate bonds, Ch. 31, 7.6.1
of an associate or joint venture, Ch. 4, 2.1.3.B
no deep market, Ch. 31, 7.6.2
loss of control of a subsidiary, Ch. 4, 2.1.3.A; Ch. 7, 3.2,
estimated cash flows to a present value (provisions), Ch. 27,
‘Dividend blocker’ clause, Ch. 43, 4.5.3.A
120 Index
Dividend discount model (DDM), Ch. 20, 12.2, 12.4.2.A
floors and caps, Ch. 42, 5.2.4
‘Dividend pusher’ clause, Ch. 43, 4.5.3.B
foreign currency derivatives, Ch. 42, 5.2.1
Dividends, Ch. 8, 2.4; Ch. 11, 7.11.1
fund performance fees, Ch. 42, 5.2.5
and other distributions, Ch. 8, 2.4
inflation-linked features, Ch. 42, 5.2.3