STONE COLD_Sin Bastards MC_6
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“You weren’t the only one broken by that bitch.” Carla stared at Sam. “Your dad might not have been there for you like you tried to be for your own kid, but he tried. He loved you and Benny. You didn’t ever know his side of it. He couldn’t tell you because your mom was a controlling psycho bitch…I am sorry to say.”
Sam hung his head. His childhood was nothing but misery for him and he didn’t really want to relive it now. He understood his father about feeling empty when he left. The day Deke walked out of his life, he too had felt broken. He’d been so happy to know he had a son but he also made his share of mistakes. He’d gotten his second chance with Deke, maybe he should think about giving his father one. “Benny hoped one day, I could forgive you. I know the woman who gave me life was not a good person. She had no feelings for anyone else but herself. I know about the mistakes a man can make. I’m just beginning to know my kids for the first time in my life.”
Shawnee frowned. “How many kids do you have?”
“I have four. Deke is my oldest and I have a baby boy less than a year old. I have two girls in between. Plus, I have three grandkids under the age of two.” He turned to Nick. “I was given another chance with Deke, so I will try to give you the same offer. Benny left me a letter and told me why he went after Tobar that night, that reason alone might be the one thing that makes a difference here. That and the fact he wanted me to give you a second chance. For Benny, I’ll try to forget the past.”
“I’ll take whatever chance I have,” Nick replied his eyes full of tears. “I know I have a lot to make up to you. All I wanted was the chance to do that.”
Sam nodded. “I can’t stay here but you can come to Troy. You can meet the rest of my kids. We can build it back up from there.”
Nick nodded as he swallowed hard. “I can do that.”
“What about us?” Carla asked.
Sam turned to her. “You are welcome to come along.”
“Me and Shawnee are a package deal. Where I go, she goes,” Nick stated.
Sam rolled his eyes. “Kinda figured that much, old man. I’m going to head back but Carla can show you the way.” He turned to leave but his father’s hand on his arm stopped him. Sam stared at the hand then raised his eyes to look at his father.
“Thank you,” Nick stated softly.
Sam nodded then turned to leave. When he got to the door, he turned back. He wanted to say something, then changed his mind. He didn’t trust his thoughts just now. Instead, he went through the door and out to his bike. He headed back to Tory and his family. Soon, the family would be bigger. He also knew Melora would be happy with what he’d done and for that alone, it would be worth it.
~* * * *~
Utica, New York
Bastian watched the monitor on his desk and frowned. He’d left off the ties as he’d felt concerned about her wrists.
Sawyer had been awake for over an hour now. The first thing she did was tear off the blindfold. She had gone into the restroom then had come out and eaten the sandwich he left for her. She went over to the corner of the room and sat down with her back to the wall.
She’d been crying for a while but now she was quiet.
With her head down, Bastian thought she might be sleeping except for one thing. She was tapping her fingers. He watched for a moment then noticed a pattern in her taps.
He smiled as he realized what she was doing. She was tapping an SOS in Morse code. How did she ever learn that? What she was doing was very old school and there was no one but him watching, so he didn’t understand why she was doing it.
Bastian’s gaze moved to the reports he’d downloaded from the internet. He read them again for the fourth time. Shaking his head, he reached for his phone and dialed a number. When Leon Vincinti answered, he said, “I think you should know some things I found out this afternoon.”
“What things?”
“Did you know for instance that Max Bordeaux is one of a pair of identical twins? That his brother looks enough like him to fool most people?”
“And this is supposed to impress me how?”
“Did you also know that there are secret rooms in Max’s mansion? Rooms that a person can hide in for days if necessary? Rooms that hid Malvin Bordeaux’s existence from the rest of the world?”
“Max’s twin brother.”
“How did you discover him?”
“Sawyer mentioned a second Max, an evil Max. A Max that came to her in the middle of the night and threatened her mother’s life if she told anyone about him. She’d seen him the day she and her mother were at Max’s mansion. He didn’t want anyone to know about him. She said he was covered in blood and drew a symbol on her sheet.”
“Interesting but what does this have to do with our situation?”
“Whose blood was on him that night? Why was he hidden in secret rooms inside the mansion? Where is he now? Is he still there watching your men? Knowing there was another man living there, are you still sure Jolene took the Hand?”
“Did you have any luck finding any answers as to where she might have hidden it?”
“I’m still working on it but I have a good idea where it could be.”
“So, she did know something.” Leon sighed.
“I’m not certain of anything yet, but if I were you, I would check out to see if Malvin is still living at the mansion. He could be considered dangerous. He might be waiting for Max to return. Your men could be in trouble and never realize it until it’s too late.”
“I’ll let them know and see if they can find the hidden rooms,” Leon assured him. “Thank you for letting us know about this. I wasn’t aware of Max’s brother at all.”
“This is what I do. Also, I found an old newspaper clipping. It came out a day or so after Jolene and Sawyer were taken to the mansion.”
Leon frowned. “And what does this have to do with anything?”
“A day after the trip they found a priest brutally beaten. He didn’t die from his beating but was in the hospital for a long time. His name was Father Riley. Sawyer told me Father Riley was her mother’s priest. She spoke to him right after they visited Max’s place.”
“I really hate to say this but find out whatever you can.” Leon sighed again, sounding very unhappy about the prospect. “I’m holding Calico back for now, but you’re running out of time. He may have given you three days but he will not let this go one minute beyond the seventy two hours.”
“He gave me three days and this is only day one,” Bastian reminded him. “If I can find out what I need to know before the three days are up I will return her to you sooner, but he has to give me the three days.”
“Yes, I know but the man is upset and holding on to his sanity by his fingertips.” Leon growled. “He just found his family again and you take his daughter? Now, he’s hearing the details about the struggle Max put Jolene through and he’s not happy, even though he took Max and his friends out.”
Bastian scoffed. “Yeah, about now, I’m sure Calico wishes he hadn’t killed Max so quickly.”
“Yeah and I have a feeling if you hurt one hair on this girl’s head, he’ll hunt you down and make you pay,” Leon warned him. “He may not know who you are right now but as a father, I can tell you if this were my family, I would do whatever it took to find you.”
“I won’t hurt her.” Bastian swore to him. “But if he comes after me. I will take him out. It won’t matter if its four days from now or four years. I’ll tell you one thing, if he comes after me before the three days are up I will take her away with me and they will never see her again. They won’t know if she’s dead or alive somewhere. They will have lost her forever.”
Bastian hung up the phone before Leon could respond. He watched the monitor and saw Sawyer lay her head on her knees. Closing her eyes, he could see her lips moving as she mumbled under her breath. He couldn’t hear what she was saying but he knew she was still awake.
He picked up the dark blue robe draped across the
chair next to the door. Wrapping it around his shoulders, he pulled the hood over his head, hiding his face within its folds.
He went in to the room next door and walked over to where Sawyer was sitting.
He could see she was almost asleep. He’d slipped a light sedative into the juice she drank earlier and he could see she was under its influence. He carried her over to the bed and laid her down carefully.
Brushing the hair away from her face Bastian studied her carefully. Reaching inside his pocket, he withdrew a syringe filled with truth serum, the lightest dose he could give her. Injecting it into her, he rubbed the injection site. He watched when she wrinkled her face in pain but otherwise, made no other indication she knew he was with her.
Bastian began calling her name softly about ten minutes later. He whispered for her not to open her eyes but began asking questions he knew she would answer. “Tell me more about your trip to the church and seeing Father Riley.”
She immediately answered, “After our visit with Max, we walked for a long time, cutting through backyards and alleys. Mama didn’t want Max’s men to know where we were going. She held my hand tight, so she wouldn’t lose me. It was almost dark by the time we got there. She went in the back door and we made our way to the confessional. At first, Father Riley forbade her confession because I was in there with her but she told him she wouldn’t turn me out because she couldn’t trust that someone might come along and take me while she was talking to him. She spoke in whispers and had me plug my ears. She was crying as she whispered her sins to Father Riley. They spoke for only a few minutes then Father told us to leave….” Sawyer voice faded away.
“Tell me what happened next,” Bastian urged.
“…We went out into the church and sat there for the longest time. She prayed and prayed. I slept for a while and when we left the church, the sun was just rising. We’d been inside all night.”
“What else?” Bastian asked.
“I thought I heard her talking to someone but I was trying to sleep, so I didn’t pay attention. I did wake up at some point but she told me to go back to sleep.” Sawyer had tears running down her cheeks. “When we got home that morning, she held me close and whispered in my ear, ‘Remember prayer is always the answer. Third row outside isle is the best place to pray.’ ”
Bastian’s ears picked up the hint Jolene gave her daughter that fateful day. Sawyer never knew it but she had held the secret of where her mother hid the Hand all these years. He had read the newspaper article about the break-in and beating of Father Riley. The poor man had been surprised before early mass at the Northridge Church. He leaned over her prone body and gently kissed her forehead “Sleep now and when you wake up, you will feel fine. Everything is all right now.”
He kept silent and simply watched her as the sleep took her.
Very carefully, he gathered her wrists and slipped silk ties around them. He didn’t tie them tightly. He didn’t want to damage her skin any more than it already was but he did want to disable her. He reached into his pocket and brought out a blindfold. Securing it around her eyes, he leaned forward again and this time, he kissed her lips. He had a four and a half hour round trip to face and he didn’t want to go without something from her. Even if she didn’t know she was giving it.
~* * * *~
Near Troy, New York…
Sam was almost back to Troy when his phone rang. Pulling over to the wayside, he answered the call, “Hello.”
“Hell, I’d know that voice anywhere. How the hell have you been Gunny?” came a voice from his past, his long distance past.
“Stone? Stone Masterson?”
“Hell yeah, it’s me.”
Sam tipped back his head and laughed out loud. “Damn Sarge, where in the world are you calling me from?”
“I’m at a place called Saranac Lake, and I’m not a Sergeant anymore. Hell, I’m not even a Marine anymore. I retired about five years ago, a full bird Colonel.”
“Well shit, back when I knew you, you were lucky to hang on to those Sergeant stripes.”
“Tell me about it.” Stone chuckled. “I spent all my time keeping you smart ass fuckers in line.”
“What are you up to these days?”
“Got me a gig in Texas. We call ourselves the Hell’s Fire Riders,” Stone informed him.
“If you’re based in Texas what the fuck are you doing in New York?”
“Personal business.” Stone’s voice was curt.
“I’m in Troy if you want to stop by. My son is President of the Sin’s Bastards MC.” Stone chuckled.
“Still running them cycles huh, Gunny?”
“Yeah, I am,” Sam replied quietly. “Gave up my own club over a year ago to be with my kid. Found a couple more along the way and then I found me a good woman and had another one. Not only that but I’m a grandpa now too.”
Stone laughed loudly. “You never could keep it in your pants, boy.”
“Yeah, you’re right about that. I always lived every day like it was my last. I have no regrets though. My kids are worth it.”
Stone seemed to hesitate then said, “Gunny, if I were to need some help in the future could I count on you?”
“Always, you know that,” Sam assured him.
“Maybe I will stop and see you in a couple days. I’m working on a project that could use some of your input.”
“Call on me anytime.”
“Be careful Gunny, I just might do that,” Stone teased. “Catch you in the next couple days.”
Sam hung up the phone and couldn’t help but wonder what Stone Masterson was doing in New York. He hadn’t seen or heard from the man since he got out of the service, more than thirty years ago. He chuckled, as he also knew the man had people with him who could find anyone’s cell number. He always ran a top flight and tight operation. It didn’t surprise him that Stone was a full bird Colonel. What did shock him was the fact that Stone called him at all. But they were both the same type of men deep down inside. Outside, Sam was a rebel while Stone acted more like he was for the system. They both lived by the same set of rules though. If it was wrong, they fixed it.
Sin’s Bastards Mc Compound
Early morning found Cricket alone in the clubhouse with Raine. He’d been gone as he went to see his family for a few days.
She’d felt so glad when he came back. Now, she would try not to make Bane mad, if she could help it. Not in front of Raine. He was overprotective of her. It was sweet but with her so called ‘killer’ family, it could get him dead.
No one else was up yet and they were sharing a cup of coffee before the day began.
“So what did your uncle want this time?” Raine asked.
“I really wish he would forget about me.” Cricket sighed. “He brought Michael to meet me but what he really wants is a set of daggers my father had. Their grandfather left the daggers to my dad in his will. I’m not sure what the old man left Bane other than the safe and that damn jar but why he left the dagger set to Orrin is beyond me.”
“What is so special about these daggers?”
Cricket shrugged. “According to my father, the daggers were given to an ancestor by King Richard the Lionheart after he stopped an assassination attempt. The ancestor, Gowain was named the King’s Protector after that and it was the beginning of a family legacy.”
“Some legacy.” Raine raised his brows.
“Tell me about it. A legacy of rage and murder.” Cricket nodded. “Bane seems to think he should have the daggers back because he’s the true Jessin and will follow through with the legacy. I think he wants to train Michael to follow in his footsteps.”
“Is Michael the type to follow his father?”
Cricket nodded. “Hell yeah, he’s just like Cordy and they both take after their father. Neither one of them have a soul.”
“Do you know where the daggers are? I mean it’s been a while since Orrin died. The daggers might be gone forever by this time.”
“I think I know exactly where they are. My dad has a hidden vault at the cabin, if they were anywhere, that’s where they would be. And they can stay right there for all I care.”
The back door opened and Cassie came in with her daughter Jemmia in her arms. Jemmia was crying and Cassie looked rattled.
Cricket smiled at her. “Uh-oh, somebody isn’t happy.”
Cassie stomped over to the table and handed her daughter to Cricket. “She’s been up all night with a bellyache. God, I miss sleep.” She sat down and leaned on the table. “All I need is a couple of hours before Piper and Sammy gets up. I had to get her out of the house before she woke everybody up.”
Cricket giggled. “Yeah, that would not be a good thing.”
Cassie rolled her eyes. “No it would not. Sammy is a demon when he doesn’t get enough sleep.”
Suddenly, movement sounded from behind them. Cricket turned to see Michael step forward swinging a pipe. He struck Raine in the back of the head with the pipe then went after Cassie. She hit the floor hard when the pipe hit her head. Raine tried to grab the table but then slid down off his chair with a thud.
Cricket pushed back her chair hard and almost fell. She still had Jemmia in her arms. “What the fuck are you doing?” she screamed.
Michael threw the pipe off to one side and reached into his pocket for the gun he had in there. Pointing the weapon at Cricket, he told her, “I’m all done playing nice with you.” He snarled. “I want those daggers and I will kill you to get them.”
“I haven’t seen those daggers for fifteen years.” Cricket held the baby to the side away from him. “I have no idea where they are nor do I care.”