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My Pinup Girl (My Girl Series Book 1)

Page 7

by Nicky Fox

  "Well, we're here," I say as I put the truck in park. I turn to Carlos, and he stares right back at me. "Be nice. Okay, man? I understand your reservations about Vivian. Honestly, I do. But I'm seeing Lenora now, and if Vivian tries to woo me, I'll just set her straight, and that will be that." I smile proudly letting him know I'm in full control.

  "Who the hell says woo?" Carlos lets out a whooping laugh and opens the truck door to get out. I follow suit and round the front of the vehicle. I walk with him toward Vivian's Lexus.

  "I've read Shakespeare, man. We met, we wooed, we made exchange of vow." I smile at him. "Oh, come on, it's from Romeo and Juliet." He stares at me blankly.

  "There you are, handsome." Vivian sashays over to us. She's wearing her best suit that happens to be this dark red that brings out the color of her fake red lips. Vivian's a beautiful woman, but now that Lenora has come into my life, I appreciate natural beauty a bit more. Lenora is effortlessly gorgeous. Vivian tries too hard, kinda like she’s doing right now. Her hair twists into a tight bun on the side of her neck. She just looks so brutal against Lenora's loose and fancy-free. I smile at the thought of Lenora ever wearing a suit like that.

  Carlos rolls his eyes. Shit. Just with that one line, I can tell Vivian thinks we are going to get back together. This is going to be a long appointment. I shove my hands in my pockets, so she knows I'm not going to touch her. I give her a scrunched-up smile.

  "Hey, Vivian. Carlos and I are excited about this property, aren't we man?" Carlos nods and remains mute. Damn it. I'm on my own to deal with her, perfect. He's going to play dead while this wolf attacks me, smart guy.

  "Is that any way to greet your favorite realtor?" She opens her arms for me to hug her. Damn. I pull one hand out of my jeans and give her one of those side bro hugs. She looks at me perplexed. She shrugs it off and starts walking the property.

  "Great. Now, as you can see this is the main house. I figured with your expertise at renovating and such, you could turn this into anything you need or knock it down and start from scratch or level it for more corn." She turns back to me after motioning across the property.

  After looking over the entire property for over thirty minutes and listening to Vivian talk a mile a minute, I'm done. Carlos was no help at all as he stayed mute for the entire time except for a noncommittal grunt here and there. Viv and I need to have a heart to heart before this goes any further. Carlos is already on his way to the truck while we pause at her car.

  "This all looks like a pretty sound investment, Vivian. Thanks for showing this to us today. I'm going to talk with Carlos, and I'll call you tomorrow to see where we stand." I place my hands on my hips.

  "Perfect. I knew you would like it. Maybe we could go out to dinner tonight and talk about the property more. We can have margaritas at El Fenix. I know it's your favorite." She smiles up at me looking confident. Shit. I just need to rip the Band-Aid off.

  "Look, Vivian. I just want to make sure we're on the same page here. You know we aren't getting back together, right?" I say as delicately as I possibly can.

  Her face scrunches up for only a fraction of a second and through gritted teeth she responds, "Yes. Of course." Yeah, not convinced with that reaction.

  I let out a big sigh. "I just want to make sure this isn't some ploy to get me back or something. I'm sorry. I'm seeing someone, and I don't want to lead you on if that's the case." There I said my peace, she knows I'm dating someone else. Hopefully, we can just move on to a business relationship.

  She grabs my forearm squeezing it gently. "Look Hunter, I know I texted you a bit after our breakup, and I do miss us and the relationship that we had, but I know where you stand. I just thought we could have a friendly drink together." She looks embarrassed and a bit upset. Now I feel like a dick.

  "I'm sorry, Vivian. I didn't mean to upset you. We won’t speak another word about it. I'll call you tomorrow with my decision about the property. Thanks again." I head back to the truck, in a hurry to get away from this awkward situation. I know she still has feelings for me. I'm glad she's willing to look past them and work on this deal for me. She might just turn into a good friend.

  When I get in the truck, Carlos just gives me that knowing look. I pull out of the drive and head toward the farm.

  I haven't heard from Hunter in a few days. Well, since the picnic and it's starting to make me feel uneasy. Did he just want to sleep with me and then move on to the next conquest? I'm also feeling unmotivated to paint. My work is hurting; my head is hurting. All I can think about is a certain cowboy who gave me the best sex of my life. What's a girl to do? I could always pop on over, but I don't want to seem desperate or clingy. Maybe I should text him? It's been three days...that wouldn't look clingy, right? Honestly, I wouldn't know what to text. What would I say? "Hey, haven't heard from you in a few days…why?" Ugh.

  I set my phone back down on the couch and start flipping through the channels on the T.V. Frustrated, I get up and turn it off and head to the kitchen. Maybe I could make him something and deliver it? No…that would be presumptuous of me. Maybe he didn't have as good of a time as I did? This is driving me crazy. I grab my keys and decide to head into town.

  As I'm driving, I try to think of something else, anything else besides that cowboy. Evie is supposed to be driving up within the next few days. I can't wait to see her face. She's been so busy with this move I haven't spoken to her.

  My car pulls into the parking lot of Shirley's Diner. I guess my subconscious wants to torture me too. Oh well, they have great food here. I'll listen to some good music and eat some comfort food. I park and head inside. All I can think about is ordering one of their milkshakes and playing a song on that jukebox. The place is bustling for a week night. I look around for an open seat and check out the booths. My eyes land on a hot cowboy and my face crumbles.

  He's here. Hunter is at our diner, sitting with a beautiful brunette. She's right next to him in the booth. Not across from him like we were on our date. They seem very comfortable with each other. She's leaning into him. She's showing him something on the table, and he's in deep conversation with her. I don't know if I should run or confront him. Were we exclusive? Just because we had sex doesn't mean we're in a relationship. I guess I just found out why I haven't heard from him.

  I decide to leave. I don't want to make a scene, and I'm not a confrontational person. If he ever calls me again, I can accost him then. I arrive back at home heartbroken and hungry. Heading straight for the candy drawer in my kitchen, I grab a bag of M&M's. I need chocolate now. I change into my pajamas and turn on Netflix to play an action movie. The more bullets and explosions the better. I'm wallowing. I try Evie's number.

  "Hey, babe," she yawns over the phone.

  "Did I call you at a bad time?" I ask.

  "No, I'm just exhausted from packing. I'm having all this shipped to my storage unit soon. I need to make sure it's all ready to go. Just a couple more days, sweetums!" She's in such a happy mood. I don't want to bring her down.

  "I can't wait, Evie."

  "I better go. I need to get more label tape. You know how it is." She's super anal. Evie has to have everything organized to the extreme. I can't wait till she organizes my whole house. She's got her work cut out for her here.

  "Okay. I'll talk to you sooner rather than later."

  "You got it, babe. Laters." Evie hangs up.

  My thoughts go back to Hunter. I thought we had something good going, we connected. I guess he got all he wanted. Half-way through watching the movie, my phone buzzes. If it's my mother, she will just have to wait until tomorrow. I pick up my phone from the arm of the couch and turn it over. To my surprise, Hunter is texting me.

  Hunter: Hey, do you have any plans on Friday? I'd like to take you someplace special.

  Someplace special huh, like the diner? Ugh. I guess his date was cut short. Maybe she didn't put out, and he wants a sure thing. Asshole. Now he texts me! I close my eyes and take a deep breath. Calm down, Lee. I se
t my phone down not knowing what to reply. It's not like we were in a relationship. I mean, we didn't say we were exclusive. Is it wrong that he was on a date with someone else? I don't know. I still feel played. Ignoring his question, I decided to ask him about the brunette.

  Lee: Hi, I was at Shirley's Diner tonight.

  I leave it at that hoping that he might have a comment about it. I don't want to accuse him of anything. I need to handle this delicately. If Hunter's seeing other people, then maybe this relationship isn't exclusive to him like it is to me. I can understand casually dating someone, but that isn't what it felt like to me. If he doesn't feel the same, then we are in different places, and this relationship won't work.

  Hunter: I guess you saw me there? Why didn't you come and say hi?

  Hmm, okay…he's either open about his dating practices or maybe it was his sister?

  Lee: It looked like you were preoccupied. I didn't want to bother you.

  My phone starts ringing in my hand. It's him. I don't want to talk to him. I don't think I'll be able to hold back my tears if he says he was on a date. But I've been texting him, so I have to answer. Begrudgingly, I slide the accept button.

  "Hello?" My voice croaks out.

  "Hey, Lenora. I figured if we were just going to go back and forth, I might as well hear your voice," Hunter replies sexy as ever. He's already made me feel gooey. I need to get a grip and just get down to it.

  "Okay. Look Hunter, I know we haven't said we're exclusive or anything. I was just surprised to see you at the restaurant with someone else." I feel so much better getting all that off my chest. I don't want to play games with him. I want to be honest with him.

  "Lenora," he says softly. God, I love how he says my name. "I'm not dating anyone else. I hope that clears it up for you. I was meeting with my realtor. I put a contract on some acreage near my farm so that we can expand. I asked you out on Friday night to celebrate." I can hear the smile in his voice over the phone.

  I'm at a loss. My heart soars at Hunter's words, and a big smile spreads across my face. I cover my mouth with my hand trying not to giggle over the phone.

  "Lenora? Are you there?"

  "Yes." I try and sound nonchalant. I clear my throat. "I'm not dating anyone else either, and I would love to go out on Friday night, to celebrate."

  "Wonderful, now that that's all cleared up. What are you wearing?" he says in a seductive tone. Holy fuck. My body turns to warm butter. I go from being heartbroken to elated and now horny in a matter of minutes. Never a dull moment with this cowboy. Is he initiating phone sex? This could be fun.

  "I'm wearing a white T-shirt and small flannel shorts." Geez, why didn't I wear something cute during my wallowing? I probably should have fibbed and said a red lacy baby doll or something.

  "Are you wearing a bra or panties, Lenora?" His voice caresses me like a lover's kiss. I shiver.

  "No," I exhale. I can hear rustling around in the background, and he sighs.

  "Well, I'm in bed now, naked. I'm thinking about you sans panties and your nipples peeking out through your white shirt. Do you usually sleep without panties on, Lenora?" God, I bet he looks good in his bed right now.

  "Yes," I whisper shyly. I close my eyes and imagine how he looked under me while I rode him. I’m starting to get wet.

  "Jesus, you're killing me here. I want to touch you so bad right now. If I weren't at my apartment right now, you'd be in trouble." I hear more fabric rustling in the background. I don't know if he's getting more comfortable or hopefully he's touching himself. I mute the TV and lie down on the couch.

  "Where would you touch me?" I inquire breathlessly. I begin to remove my shorts, dropping them on the floor by the couch. I wish he were on the couch with me right now. I wish it were his hands touching me.

  His voice is a little strained. "First, I would kiss down your lovely neck to your amazing breasts. Are you touching yourself, Lenora?"

  "Yes," I half moan. "Are you?" God, he's making me so hot. He grunts and I know his answer before he responds.

  "Yes. I'm stroking my cock and picturing your hands soaked from touching your pussy." Fuck. I start to rub faster. If only, I could spy on him right now. I want to see what he looks like stroking himself. That’s my fantasy while I touch myself.

  "I'm so wet," I whisper. I make circular motions over my clit. I insert one finger and moan his name.

  "Mmmm sweetheart, you want me to kiss your clit, make you scream with my lips?" His breath is ragged like he's increasing his ministrations.

  "Yes," I moan. "I'm so close." Wet sounds echo across my living room that I have no doubt are making it over the phone. It's a little embarrassing until he says….

  "Fuck. You're going to make me come all over myself." He's panting on the other line. I feel myself starting to hit a plateau. "I can hear how wet you are." God, he's good at this. He's getting me so worked up. I wish he moved into his farmhouse already. He moans. I feel it coming.

  "Hunter, I'm going to come," I call out. My mind goes fuzzy, and all the heat in my body surges down to that one spot. My heavy breathing is echoing through the phone. Flashes of light hit under my closed eyelids. I moan as my body comes back down to Earth. I can hear him reaching his climax.

  "Fuck. Lenora. Ugh." He grunts a few more times. I have a vision of his eyes closed tight and clenching his teeth, ribbons of come landing on his abs. Hunter's pants slow with content. He takes a few deep breaths. "How was that for you, sweetheart? I don't know if I can wait until Friday to see you."

  "I've never come like that on my own before," I answer. I raise a hand to my forehead and wipe the sweat there. He’s even a sex god over the phone.

  "I can't wait to make you come with my cock again. Sweet dreams, Lenora," he whispers. His voice is so sexy. I’m going to be dreaming about this session tonight.

  "Good night, Hunter." I'm smiling from ear to ear.

  I'm so excited to celebrate with Lenora. When she said she saw me at the diner with Vivian, I knew what she thought. I didn't want to mention that Vivian was my ex-girlfriend. Lenora might still have had the wrong idea of our meeting if she thought we had dated. I hated omitting that piece of information from her. I didn't want it to be an issue.

  I missed her the past few days. I wanted to text or call her. By the time I got home from the farm, it had been too late in the evening. I've been working extra hours on the farmhouse to try and get it ready so that I can move sooner. I want to get it completed before I close on the new property. Then I'll be settled and can start work on the expansion.

  That's the plan anyway. Carlos is trying to help me out as best as he can, but he does have Mariel to go home to. I want to show my girl the progress I've made on the farmhouse this week. She'll be my neighbor very soon.

  It's finally Friday and time for our date. I jump out of my truck and race to her front door.

  "Hi." Lee opens the door in a knockout red dress. She's wearing those damn red boots again. She looks at me shyly. I can't help picking Lenora up and planting a big wet kiss on her sweet lips.

  "Hi. I've missed you," I say holding Lenora up in my arms. Her eyes glisten, and a smile graces her face. I slide her down my body and hold her hand. Lenora turns toward her hallway, and I see another face looking at me.

  "Hunter, this is my friend Evie. Evie, this is Hunter." I tip my hat to Evie and give her a small smile. She waves slightly, returning my smile. "Evie is moving here, and she's going to be my roommate for a while."

  "It's nice to meet you, Evie. Are you from Austin too?" She comes to stand next to Lenora. She's quite a bit taller than Lee. She has long brown hair and brown eyes. Her and Lenora couldn't be more different concerning looks.

  "Yeah, Lenora and I go way back. So, you're the cowboy Lee's been talking about." She snickers. Lenora jabs her in the ribs with her elbow.

  "We better be going." Lenora starts pushing me out the door after she grabs her purse. "Don't wait up, Evie." She laughs.

  We get inside the t
ruck, and she turns to me. "So, where are we headed?"

  Ignoring the urge to tease her about Evie's comment, I tell her. "Well, if you don't mind I want to take you to the farmhouse to show you the progress we've made this past week."

  Lee narrows her eyes at me and clicks her tongue. "Are you wanting a repeat of last Sunday?"

  "Oh, I wasn't thinking that. I mean that would be great, but those were not my intentions at least not consciously." She giggles back at me. She's teasing me. Gosh, I like this girl. "Since I'm closing on the new property next month I wanted to finish the farmhouse sooner. Carlos and I finished a few projects to make it possible for me to move in early."

  Lee perks up. "How early?"

  "I'm moving in this weekend. We made the kitchen usable, and the master bedroom and bathroom are finished. I'm going to be living in a construction zone for a little while. With me living there, I'll be able to get more done."

  Lee is bouncing up and down in her seat. "Oh, Hunter, that's so great." She leans over and kisses me on the cheek. "I can't believe you'll be just down the road now. Do you need help moving?"

  I can't help but be thrilled with Lee's enthusiasm. This is the kind of girl I've been looking for my whole life. Maybe Carlos is right. Maybe I've found my pin-up girl. I know she would support me in anything I want to do. She's a real partner. Anyway, I need her. She's there. I want to take her to my home and keep her there forever. This beautiful woman sitting next to me in my truck, I feel she's it for me.

  "No, my apartment is fairly small, so I don't have a lot of furniture or things in general." She nods her head bouncing along to the music on the radio. She seems happy.


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