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Luck (Gimme Series Book 2)

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by C. M. Steele



  C.M. Steele

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13


  Copyrighted © 2019

  All Rights Reserved

  No part of this book may be reproduced, copied or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system without written expressed permission from the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination and are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locales is purely coincidental.

  Cover design: C.M. Steele

  Cover Image: Deposit Photos

  The use of actors, artists, movies, TV shows and song titles/lyrics throughout this book are done so for storytelling purposes and should in no way be seen as advertisement. Trademark names are used in an editorial fashion with no intention of infringement of the respective owner’s trademark.

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  Aiden always helps out when it comes to his niece. Today’s no different. Well at least until he meets the sweet librarian reading to his niece.

  Kate takes the place of her roommate for just one afternoon, and it changes everything. When she sees Bella’s handsome uncle, she can’t wait to thank her roommate for catching the flu.

  But when she returns home, her world is turned upside down. Can she lean on the shoulder a gorgeous stranger?

  This is an insta-love romance filled with sweetness, fiery passion, and a lot of luck.

  Chapter 1


  I set down the weights and bring my towel to my face, wiping the next layer of sweat from my brow. My entire body is drenched after another grueling three-hour workout. It’s tough, but it’s my favorite way to unwind after a rough and long week. Now my body can just veg out for the weekend after a nice hot shower.

  Luckily, my condo is just an elevator ride away. Once I’m inside my place, I check my phone. Two missed calls. Derek and Jules. I shake my head because I’m sure relaxing right now will be out of the question.

  “Hey, bro, can you do me a huge favor?” she asks with a lilt in her voice.

  “What Jules?” The usual favor is to watch or pick up my niece, Arabella. My sister’s a registered nurse, and her husband is a detective with the CPD, so their schedules can be crazy. Sometimes they stay over at my house instead of waking up Bella in the middle of the night. It’s been so often that I turned the second bedroom in my condo into their own bedroom.

  “I want to know if you can pick up Bella from the library and watch her until we get out of work.” I knew it.

  I chuckle and ask, “Where is she?”

  “She’s at her weekly story time at the library with Derek, but he’s supposed to head into the station. The sitter who was supposed to pick her up called five minutes ago to cancel because she was sick.” I scoff at that one. She’s probably getting shitfaced like the rest of the college kids. “I’m working until midnight at the hospital. You know how it is on St. Patrick’s Day weekend. I can rush to get her, but I don’t have anyone to take care of her. Please, Aiden.”

  I’ve never turned her down before, and I won’t now either. “Of course. I’m just getting back from the gym, but I’ll run and scoop her up. Text me the information.”

  “Okay, thank you. She gets out in about an hour.” Great. That’s not a lot of time at all. I’m going to have to hurry the fuck up if I’m going to make it on time.

  “One day when I have kids you’re going to have to babysit a lot.” It’s not that I don’t love my niece, but she’s with me at least once a week.

  “Ha, if you find a woman that makes you want children, I’ll be happily waiting to watch all your kids.” We both laugh because it’s true. I’m so consumed with work that I don’t even date. It’s been years since I’ve been on one.

  “I’m going to hold you to that. I’ve got to go so I can get there before they kick her out on the street.”

  “Thanks again, big bro.”

  I wash up really quickly, slipping on some jeans and casual clothes, then I rush out to go get my little niece. It’s crowded downtown because it’s St. Patrick’s Day celebration and the masses are out celebrating on a ordinarily quiet day of the week. They’ve already dyed the river green this morning, and the color has faded back to normal.

  My brother-in-law and sister were screwed on holidays and weekends and all damn summer because that’s when the city’s criminals showed their faces and crimes were tripled. I wish they would both move out of the city and work somewhere less violent, but they love what they do and the people they help.

  It takes me a little longer than thirty minutes to get to the library, but it’s still open. I worry, hoping she’s still inside with the group of kids. Storming through the door, I catch a lot of attention. I’m immediately embarrassed, but I let it go and walk up to the checkout desk.

  “The library is about to close, sir, but is there something I can help you with,” the lady says, straightening her top and pushing back any stray hairs. I get it. I look like a male model and dressed neatly even in my casual clothes.

  “I’m here to pick up Bella,” I inform them.

  “And you are,” she questions.

  I’m about to give her my name when Bella squeaks, “Uncle.” I spin around and see her running up to me. I put my finger to my mouth, reminding her where we are. She smirks and nods, coming toward me with a giant grin on her little face. I bend my knees and throw open my arms for her to run into. Closing them around her slender, short frame, I pick her up and give her a little twirl.

  Chuckling, I whisper, “Are you happy to see me, pretty princess?”

  “I am. He said you were coming for me instead of Tori. Daddy had to go to work again.” Her somber tone breaks my heart. She loves her daddy time, and I’m positive her dad feels like a dick for having to abandon her.

  I give her an extra squeeze then answer, “Yes, that’s why I’m here. Are you ready to go?”

  “I left my coat in the story area,” she exclaims, pointing to the back of the library.

  Holding her to the side with her arms wrapped around my neck, we walk over to the back of the room quietly. A woman is bending over, picking up the books. The first thought that crosses my mind is damn; she was meant for those pants. She straightens up and turns around.

  The second I see her face, I’m struck dumb. I know Valentine’s Day passed, but damn, I feel like I’ve been run through with one of cupid’s arrows. My heart’s racing out of control. I can’t even take my eyes off her light blue ones.

  “Ms. Kate. Ms. Kate. My uncle is here for me,” Bella cheers, trying to get herself down. It shakes me out of my reverie. I set her on her feet, then stand straight up and stare like I did seconds earlier.

  The petite blonde in front of me smiles softly, a blush creeping up her neck. She tucks a
stray chunk of hair away from her face as I continue to gawk at her like a teenage boy. Every bit of her calls to me. She’s barely tall enough to meet the center of my chest although she’s undoubtedly effected it. I wonder if she can actually see my heart beating out of control.

  Her green long-sleeved V-neck top hugs her torso perfectly. From the way it displays a hint of collar bone that begs to be kissed to the way her breasts are prominently displayed, making my mouth water. She lowered her sleeves, stretching the fabric over her hands and playing with it nervously.

  My upper lip and teeth come down over my bottom lip, trying to stave off the instant lust she’s awakened in me. Once I’ve gained my composure, I stick out my hand, and say, “Hello, I’m Aiden McAvoy.”

  She takes my hand, and I close my fingers around hers, feeling her pulse pick up almost as quick as mine. “I’m Kate Sloan,” she stammers out.

  “Hello, Kate,” I say her name with a growl, catching us both off guard. My reaction to her is so immediate that I can’t even explain it to myself. It’s as if I’ve found the proverbial one. The one that makes everything in your world amazing and worth living.

  “Do you do this every week?” I have to know if this is luck or have I been missing out and I should kick Jules and Derek’s asses.

  She shakes her head, loosening up those strands of hair so that they fall back over in front of her face. “No, actually I’m not the usual storyteller. I’m a student at UIC. My roommate had the flu and asked me to help.” I reach up with my free hand and brush the hair back behind her ear. I don’t like anything obstructing my view of her.

  It hits me instantly that I’d gotten lucky as hell. A once in a lifetime chance to meet the woman of my dreams. “Then it’s lucky that we met,” I confess with intensity so strong that I nearly choke on my words.

  She smiles and gives a silent little giggle. “I suppose it is.”

  “It’s the day for it. Well, tomorrow is, but it’s the weekend for luck,” I remark still holding her hand, rubbing my thumb over the back of it. She’s so soft, so delicate that I want to push her sleeve up further and feel her flesh.

  I know this encounter is going to end because I can hear footsteps coming around. Swallowing hard, “I’m going to be hanging with my little niece all day. Are you busy? Would you like to hang out with us?” I don’t know what I’d do if she said she couldn’t. I mentally hope that this is my lucky day.

  Chapter 2


  I can’t seem to pull my hand away from his. From head to toe, this man is captivating. His black hair is cut in a sexy, messy look, but it goes so well with the dark three-day-old scruff on his strong jaw.

  And damn, those eyes of his are gray—a steely gray.

  He’s wearing a dark wool coat that’s open, revealing a green sweater. The jeans he’s sporting are made for a man like him. They’re not those skinny jeans that look like women’s pants. No, these are fitted and perfect. I bite back a moan.

  “So, Kate. Do you have plans today? A boyfriend in my way?” he asks, growling at the last part. I blush again because I’m so out of my element.

  A part of me wonders if he needs glasses or maybe something else is wrong with his eyes, but I look like a hot mess. I have a pair of jeans and a long-sleeve green shirt on that I didn’t bother to iron this morning because I had to leave in a rush.

  My long blonde hair is in a messy braid that hangs over my shoulder. My face must look dull because I’m only wearing some mascara and lip gloss.

  “Well, do I get an answer?” he asks, stepping closer to me until we’re mere inches apart. We’re so close I can feel his breath on my cheek.

  I roll my eyes and shake my head at him. “I don’t have a boyfriend, but I do have to check on my roommate.”

  He nods, smiling and revealing a small dimple on the right side of his face. “I understand that. We can meet you at your apartment while you check on her,” he offers.

  “It’s going to be a while. I don’t have a car. I took the bus here.”

  “You’re not taking the bus. I’ll take you there.”

  I want to take the offer so bad that I disregard all the stranger danger lessons I learned as a kid and give him a nod.

  He lets go of my hand until we leave the library, but he has it again as he walks me to his SUV. It’s a new Lincoln MKX in a sleek dark blue that it almost looks black. “Come on, kiddo, get in your seat.”

  “Wow, do you have kids?”

  “Not yet,” he admits, staring right at me with the hunt in his eyes. He’s thinking of that with me? I’m so out of his league that I’m in A-ball while he’s in the NFL.

  I try to ignore the tingling sensation going through me as he steps closer. “Bella’s mom and dad have crazy schedules. I help out when I can, so I got her a car seat.”

  “Aren’t you worried that it’ll push women away?”

  “Are you bothered by it?” I could see the concern on his face. He thinks that I don’t find it adorable, but it’s freaking sexy as hell to know he’s a caring man especially to a child that’s not his.

  “No, but it’s not a chick magnet,” I add. I know I’m fishing for information, but for the first time in my life, I’m actually interested in the answer.

  He smirks then remarks, “Good. I’m not trying to meet women. You are just a lucky surprise.” He grabs the handle, opening the front passenger door for me. I climb in, and he says, “Buckle up, ladies.”

  “Ready?” he asks, looking around at us, then he hits the start button.

  “Can we do something fun, Uncle?” Bella shouts and giggles from the back seat.

  “Why don’t you ask Ms. Kate?”

  I turn my head to face the back as she does like he tells her to. “Ms. Kate, what do you want to do?” Would it be terrible to say her uncle? I see his hands grip the wheel tightly, thinking maybe we both have the same idea. “I don’t know, but I’m getting hungry.”

  “Yay! Can we go get pizza by your house?” she asks her uncle, bouncing in her seat.

  “Do you like pizza, Kate?” The cool, smooth way he says my name makes my stomach do flips like a gold medal gymnast.

  “Yes,” I squeak out. He then reaches over and slides his hand over mine.

  “You don’t have to be uncomfortable. I’ll do anything to make you relax.” His voice is husky and deep as if possessing me with his words. Does he have any idea how much of an effect he has on me? I’m practically panting with desire, so I turn my head and focus on the view outside the window.

  “Where’s your apartment?”

  “Oh, go up two more blocks, make a left onto thirty-fifth and I’ll tell you when to turn. I live in the large corner red-brick brownstone that’s been converted into an apartment building,” I inform him.

  “How long have you lived here?” he asks me.

  “Only six months. I’m from the Fort Worth area in Texas. You know, just outside of Dallas.”

  “Yeah, I know where you’re talking about. I’ve done some business there,” he adds, as we drive down thirty-fifth.

  “There it is,” I point to the building just past the light. He turns and pulls up right in front. “I’ll be a few minutes unless you’ve changed your mind.”

  “If you’re not back in a few, I’m coming to get you.” I laugh and jump out and run up the stairs. I’m on the second floor which is a nice workout.

  As I unlock the door and enter the apartment, shock hits me like a fucking two by four to the head. I’m standing in the middle of an empty living room. The sofa’s missing along with the television we share. The stained outline of the furniture is the only sign that the apartment had been lived in.

  I head over to her bedroom where she was sleeping when I left this morning, but it’s all gone. She’s not there, and her room is bare, completely empty. An eerie feeling hits me, so I head over to my bedroom, bypassing an empty kitchen. I open the door and find almost everything of mine gone.

  My bed and dresser have been
stolen, but there’s a pile of clothes and the few keepsakes I had in my room. Everything else is gone.

  Gone. Gone. Freaking Gone.

  I can’t even fathom what’s going on. Why would they steal my personal things?

  Immediately I see a note on the inside of my door. I tear it off and unfold it.


  Sorry, but we got evicted today. I should have told you, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. You come from a wealthy family, I’m sure you can just buy new stuff.

  I need the money.


  I crumble up the paper which she even ripped out of my journal. I want to cry, but Aiden’s outside waiting for me. I don’t want him to know that I’ll be sleeping on a pile of clothes for the night.

  My parents sent me money all the time, but I told them I wanted to make it on my own. It seems I can’t even do that.

  I thought Jenny was a nice girl when we started working together. Hell, she even volunteered for a once a month reading program.

  I needed a place to stay, and she told me I could split the rent with her for the spare bedroom.


  I just thought of something. I open my banking app on my phone and log in. My entire account has been drained as well.

  How? Why? I try to puzzle out.

  It reminded me that I typed my password in front of her several times. What a dumbass!

  Now, I’m broke, homeless, luckily with more than just the clothes on my back. I get ahold of myself and call my bank “Thank you, yes,” I reply after spending five minutes verifying and explaining my current situation.

  “Do you want to open a different one?” the lady asks.

  “I don’t know if it’s worth it to open another account. They stole all my money.” A growl turns my attention to the front door. Aiden is standing there, holding Bella’s hand. He scans the room, then he turns to me. His eyes widen at first, then his expression turns to an angry scowl.

  “Thank you for your time, ma’am, but that’s all I need.” I end the call while staring at him


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