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Blumenkörbchen. English

Page 11

by Christoph von Schmid



  When at last Mary could no longer hide from herself the seriousness ofher father's illness, she went to the minister of the parish in whichPine Cottage was situated and asked him to come and visit him. Theminister, who was a kind-hearted and godly man, gladly availed himselfof the opportunity. Besides conversing with James on spiritual matters,he was of great comfort to Mary by the kindly affection with which hetreated her. One afternoon when the old man's weakness was sensiblyincreased, James requested Mary to leave the room for a moment that hemight have private conversation with the minister. After a littlewhile, he called her in again, and said--

  "My dear child, I have settled all my worldly affairs, and am now readyto depart and be with Christ."

  Mary was deeply distressed, and had great difficulty in keeping backher tears, for she saw that the end was rapidly approaching. But out ofconsideration for her father, and after a great effort, she recoveredherself, and remained calm.

  The rest of the day was spent by James in silent prayer, and next dayhe received the Lord's Supper at the hands of the minister, bypartaking of the bread and wine which are the symbols of the body andblood of Christ. Faith in the power of God, love to Christ who hadredeemed him, and hope of eternal life, had made his venerablecountenance radiant with happiness.

  Mary remained on her knees beside his bed, weeping and praying. Thefarmer and his wife and their household looked on in wonder at therapture of the aged saint, and tears of sympathy were in every eyebecause of Mary's grief.

  It gave the old man pleasure to have Mary read to him in her sweet andclear voice. During the latter part of his illness he desired to hearnothing else than the last words and prayer of Jesus. One night, afterall the household had gone to bed, Mary was sitting beside her father.The moon was shining so brightly into the room that the light of thecandle was scarcely seen.

  "Mary," said the dying man, "read me once again that beautiful prayerof our Saviour."

  Mary began to read. "Now," said the old man, "give me the book." Marygave him the book, and carried the light nearer to him. "This will bethe last prayer," said her father, "that I shall make for you," as hemarked the passage with his finger, then in a trembling voice heuttered the following prayer: "O Father, I have not long to remain inthis world. I am going--I dare hope it--I am going to Thee, my heavenlyFather. Oh, preserve this my child from sin, for Thy Name's sake. WhileI have lived on the earth, I have endeavoured in Thy name to preserveher from it. But, O Lord, I am now going to Thee. I do not ask Thee totake her to Thyself, but only to preserve her from harm. Let Thy holytruth preserve her. Thy word is truth. Grant, O heavenly Father, thatthe child whom Thou hast given me may at last be admitted to the placewhere I hope to go. Through Jesus Christ my Saviour. Amen."

  Mary repeated, as well as her sobs would allow her, her father's_Amen_. "Yes," continued the old man, "yes, my daughter, in thekingdom which Jesus had from the beginning of the world, we shall seeHim, and we shall see each other." He again lay down on his pillow torest a little. His hands continued to hold the New Testament, which hehad bought with his first money saved from the purchase of food afterhe left Eichbourg.

  "Dear daughter," he said, some minutes afterwards, "I am grateful forall the affection and tenderness which you have shown me since myillness commenced. Trust in your heavenly Father, Mary, and you willreceive of Him your reward. Poor and forsaken as I am, I can give younothing, when I leave you, but my blessing and this book. Live in theways of righteousness, and this blessing will not be without effect.The blessing of a father with the confidence of the Lord is better fora virtuous child than the richest inheritance. This book, which I wishyou to take in remembrance of your father, cost me, it is true, but afew shillings, but if it be faithfully read and its precepts put inpractice, I shall have left you the richest treasure. If I had left youas many pieces of gold as the spring produces leaves and flowers, withall that money you could not buy anything so valuable as this book. Itis the Word of God. Read it every day, no matter how much work pressesupon you; read at least one passage. Preserve it and meditate upon itin your heart during the day."

  About three o'clock the next morning James said, in a faint voice, "Ifeel very ill. Open the window a little." Mary opened it. The moon haddisappeared, but the sky was brilliant with stars, and presented amagnificent sight.

  "See how beautiful the sky is!" said the dying man. "What are theflowers of earth whose beauty I have so often admired compared withthese stars, whose glory suffers no fading? It is there I am going.What joy! Come, Lord Jesus, come quickly."

  With these words James fell back upon his pillow, and passed peacefullyaway. Mary had never seen any one die before, and she thought herfather had only fainted. In her fright she awoke all the family. Theyran to her father's bed, and there she heard them say to each otherthat he was dead. Abandoning herself to her grief, she threw herselfupon her father's body, embraced it, and wept passionately.

  "Oh, my father, my good father," said she, "how shall I discharge allmy obligations to you? Alas, I cannot now. I can only thank you for allthe words, for all good advice I received from your dear lips, nowsealed in death. Your hand, which is now cold and stiff, I kiss withgratitude, and remember that that hand has bestowed upon me manybenefits, and has all my life laboured for my good. Oh, if I could atthis moment follow you into the heavenly kingdom, how gladly would I doso. Oh, let me die the death of the righteous. My only consolation nowis that I shall one day enter upon the happiness and everlasting lifeof heaven."

  During this heart-rending scene the farmer's family had been muchaffected. At last they prevailed upon Mary to lie down and rest, hopingthat sleep would ease her grief. During the following day nothing wouldinduce her to leave her father's body. Before the coffin lid was naileddown, Mary took one more look at her father. "Alas," said she, "it isthe last time that I shall ever look upon your dear face! How beautifulit was when you smiled, and it shone with the glory into which you wereso shortly to enter. Farewell, farewell, my father," said she, sobbingaloud, "may your body rest peacefully in the earth now, while angels ofGod are, as I hope, bearing your soul to eternal rest."

  When the funeral took place, Mary, dressed in mourning which one of thegirls of the village had kindly given her, followed close to the bodyof her father. She was as pale as death, and every one pitied the poorgirl who now was without a relative in the world. As Mary's father wasa stranger at Erlenbrunn, they dug a grave for him in a corner of thecemetery beside the wall. Two large pine trees shaded the humble grave.The minister who had attended James during his illness spoke of James'spatience and of the resignation with which he had borne all hismisfortunes, and the good example he had set for those who knew him.With tender words he consoled Mary, who was overwhelmed with grief. Inthe name of her father, the minister thanked the farmer and his wifefor all their kindness to Mary and her father. He begged of them to befather and mother to her who had no longer any parents.


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