Building Our Love (Griffin Brothers #2)

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Building Our Love (Griffin Brothers #2) Page 17

by Crystal Perkins

  “Ry? You’re scaring me a little.”

  I make myself answer her as I stand. “I’m fine. Are you ready to go?”

  “Yes, I am. You don’t look fine to me, though.” She reaches for me, and I step back.

  “Maybe you don’t know me as well as you think.”

  I see her flinch at my words and actions, but right now I don’t care. I walk outside to the valet desk, not even holding the door for her. I get in the car when it pulls up, leaving the valet guy to open Chloe’s door. I can tell that she’s surprised, but she doesn’t say anything.

  Neither of us says anything as I drive to my parents’ house. We’re all meeting there to go over our strategy for tomorrow morning. The meeting will be taking place at the house, and when we get there, delivery trucks are dropping off chairs and whatever else is needed. I get out of the car and walk inside without looking back.

  Chloe comes inside a few minutes later, her eyes red. Dammit! It hurts me to see her like that, knowing that I caused it. But I need to protect myself if she’s going back to Adam. That’s a big “if” though, and I need to man up and confront her instead of acting so passive aggressive. I walk over to her and take her hand, leading her outside. I pull her to the treehouse, and we climb up.

  “Are you going to tell me why you’re mad at me now, Ryan?”

  “How was your meeting, Chloe?”

  “It was actually pretty wonderful. Is that what this is about? Are you upset that I didn’t tell you the details? I couldn’t wait to see you to tell you after it was over, but you’ve been so cold.”

  “Did Adam make you scream louder than I do?”

  “Adam? What are you talking about?”

  “I saw him at the hotel, Chlo. He told me that you were as good as ever.”

  “And you believed him? You thought that I would cheat on you? I never saw Adam at the hotel. I was in the restaurant, having my meeting.” She is angry now, her eyes flashing.

  “What about the texts from him?”


  “I saw his name come up on your phone a few times. You always hid the screen so I couldn’t see the messages, but I saw his name.”

  “You think I was sending him love messages?”

  “What do you expect me to think? You’re texting with him and then he’s at the hotel. You thought I’d cheat on you with that chick in Orlando, but now here you are. Fucking Adam while I wait around for you. I’m such an idiot.”

  “Yeah, Ryan. You really are. Especially if you think I’d sleep with Adam.”

  “What was this supposed meeting of yours for then, Chloe?”

  “It’s no longer any of your business, but I was asked to design the interiors for a new hotel in London. I accepted the job.”

  “You’re going to London? And what do you mean that it’s no longer my business?”

  “Yes, I’m going to London. I was hoping that you could come visit me and we could have our London trip,” she spits out. “It’s not your business because as of right now, we are no longer together.”


  “Did you seriously think that you could accuse me of cheating on you, and everything would be fine after that? That we’d still be together? I’ve been working on getting past the fact that you slept with everything that moved while we were apart. It’s been hard when I’ve had it thrown in my face over and over again, but I knew I needed to do it because I wanted a future with you.”

  “I want a future with you too, sweetheart.” I reach for her, but she moves away from me. This is bad. Very bad. I can fix it, though. I always fix it.

  “If you wanted a future with me, you would’ve asked me if I was with Adam instead of accusing me. You would’ve known that I won’t cheat on you. I have never cheated on you. You can’t get past my relationship with him, and I can’t be with you if you don’t trust me.”

  “I just went a little crazy, Chlo. I trust you. I do.”

  Her eyes soften. “No, Ry, you don’t. I understand I deserved that in the beginning, but by now, you should know that it’s only you. My actions and my words should have shown you that by now.”

  “I’ll do anything to prove it to you. Don’t leave me again, Chloe. I can’t survive it.”

  “How many times can we hurt each other and then get back together? My heart is barely holding on, and I can’t keep going back and forth. I love you so much, Ryan. More than I did before, and more than I will ever love anyone else, ever. But I can’t keep do this over and over again.”

  “I don’t want to hurt you. I should have talked to you calmly instead of accusing you. But, in my defense, you did leave me before for Adam, so seeing him at the same hotel where you were was pretty hard. I won’t let it happen again, Chloe. I’ll control my emotions.”

  “You shouldn’t have to control your emotions, Ryan. And you shouldn’t have to worry that I’m going to leave you. The fact that you did proves that what we have is not good for either of us. For tomorrow, it’s important that we look like we’re together, so I’ll play along. We need to pretend in front of everyone tonight, too, so that they aren’t stressed. I’ll clear out my desk when we get back to Vegas, and you won’t have to see me again.”

  “I love you, Chloe.”

  “I know. And for the record, I never screamed for Adam. Ever.”

  We walk back into my parents’ house, holding hands. We pretend that everything is okay. I see my parents and brothers exchanging looks. They know me well enough to know that something’s wrong. Chloe’s right. They don’t need the stress, so I continue with the charade, while I die a little inside with every minute that passes. We go back to my apartment to keep up appearances, and Chloe insists on sleeping on the couch.

  I’ve lost her,and I don’t know what to do. I’m not the 22 year old boy with stars in his eyes. I’m the 25 year old man who just lost the only woman he’s ever loved. Again. I want to fight, but she pretty much told me not to. How can I not fight for her, though, when she’s my everything?

  Chapter 21


  I woke up this morning without Ryan’s arms around me. It’s the first time in months, and I hate it. But I know I was right in breaking up with him. Especially when he gave up without much of a fight. If his love for me was as strong as he says it is, he would fight for me. What am I saying? I should be fighting for him, too. I just don’t know how anymore. I thought I showed him that he could trust me, but one stupid lie from Adam proved that he doesn’t.

  I carefully picked my outfit for today. It’s a blue, black, and white dress that has abstract flowers that look like brush strokes all over it. There are two little flaps on top that serve as short sleeves. I’m pairing it with Fendi shoes in shades of blue, black, and white that are a made of leather and plastic. I want to show Annette Richards that she can’t control my clothes choices anymore.

  “You look beautiful as always, Chloe.”

  “Thanks, Ryan.”

  “Are you ready to go?”

  I nod, and he takes my hand as we leave the apartment. I feel a piece of paper slip into my hand, and I look up at Ryan, but he keeps his face looking impassive. We meet up with Scott and Yasmin in the lobby. As we hug them, I hold the paper tight in my hand. Yasmin pulls me aside.

  “Scott and I went to the university yesterday. There will be a surprise at the meeting that should make everything okay for you.”

  “What kind of surprise?”

  “It wouldn’t be a surprise if I told you, now would it?”

  “No, I guess not,” I tell her with a smile.

  Ryan drives us to the house in his car as Scott had his shipped to Vegas last year. He comes around and opens my door for me, taking my hand to help me out and not letting it go as we walk in. The room is filling up already, and we take our seats with everyone else in the front of the room. The Richards family is across the aisle, sneering at us as we walk in. I glare back. I can’t speak out publicly, but they can’t control me anymore either.
  Right before the proceedings start, I see the president of my alma mater enter with another man and slide into an aisle seat a couple of rows back. Yasmin reaches out and squeezes my shoulder with a smile. Things start and the Richards family begins their attack. Deanna testifies about me being a slut, and the newspaper articles are brought up. Since this is not a court of law, anything goes. Ryan’s squeezing my hand tight, and I can feel the tension coming off of the Griffin family as the accusations against them and me fly. Then, Andrew Richards says that all of his “proof” shows how unethical the Griffins are, and Yasmin rockets out of her seat.

  “You want to talk about ethical? How about blackmailing an 18 year old into dating your son?”

  “You fucking cunt,” Adam yells, advancing on me with a murderous look on his face as I let go of Ryan’s hand and stand up to face him. I feel Ryan stand as well. Candi steps in front of me before Adam can reach me.

  “Let him hit me, Candi. I’ve always wanted to own my own company.” I look pointedly at Andrew.

  “That agreement is that I can’t touch you sexually, and besides, public touching is okay.” Adam is looking haughty, and I’m happy to burst his bubble. He’s the one who brought up the agreement.

  “The agreement did not specify the type of touching that was prohibited, and the public touching was only allowed for three years. That was specified.”

  Andrew and Adam turn to their lawyer, who looks pale as he confirms what I’ve just said. “You wanted her to call Griffin and break it off so bad that you told me to write down exactly what she said so you could sign it and have her make the call. That’s exactly what she said.”

  Adam turns back to me. “You’re still a slut, though. Are you going to dispute the fact that you cheated on me?”

  “It’s not a fact, but she can’t dispute it, and you know it?” Sam is standing next to me now as well.

  “You told your friend? Well, now I can touch you sexually. I expect you at my place tonight to pay up. You’re not as smart as you think, Chloe.”

  “Actually, I am. That part of the agreement was that I couldn’t say anything publicly, which I haven’t. It didn’t say that I couldn’t tell anyone privately.”

  Again the lawyer confirms what I say. Andrew promptly fires him, and he rushes from the room. Then he starts trying to cover, saying that any agreement that Adam and I made has nothing to do with what’s going on. The university president stands up to speak.

  “I have a video that will show how it relates to what is going on. We don’t normally allow video from the school to be shown publicly, but after viewing it, both our chief counsel and I have agreed to make an exception. Mr. and Mrs. Richards, what you and your son did to this girl is inexcusable and frankly, very disturbing.” He walks forward and hands the disk to the men at the table. The one in the middle motions for someone to put it in the DVD player that’s attached to the projector behind them. Andrew starts to panic.

  “That’s not admissible.”

  “This is not a court of law, Mr. Richards, and I would like to see the video. If the university is willing to go around their rules, I think we need to see it.” The head guy nods to the person with the DVD controls as I sink back into my seat. I’m about to relive my own version of hell.

  “Chlo, what the fuck’s going on?” Ryan looks shell-shocked from everything that’s happened so far. He has no idea how much worse it’s about to get.

  “You’ll see, Ry. You’ll finally see.”

  * * *


  I have no clue what’s going on right now. Blackmail? Agreements about not touching and public denials? What the fuck? The girls seem to know but when I looked at my family and John, they seemed as clueless as I am. All I know is that I almost killed Adam Richards a few minutes ago, but the girls took care of him themselves. I’m not making any promises about what I’ll do after watching this video. The lights are dimmed and then it begins.

  An empty office is on the screen. The door opens and a younger version of Chloe enters followed by the Andrew and Adam. Mrs. Richards and their lawyer are already in the room.

  Chloe: “Okay. I’m here with you. Now tell me what you meant about protecting my father and the Griffin family.”

  Andrew: “Take a seat here at the table, Chloe, and we’ll explain everything to you.”

  Everyone sits around a round table off to the side of the room.

  Andrew: “My family has been taking some hits in the press about not being able to relate to the masses. We need to show that we can embrace someone who is not from a wealthy upbringing. The easiest was to do that is for Adam to date someone from a middle class upbringing. Someone with an acceptable college major who can be molded into the perfect society girl. You are that girl, Chloe.”

  Chloe jumps out of her chair.

  Chloe: “No way. Besides the fact that your son is an asshole, I am in a committed relationship with someone I love. You’ll need to find someone else.”

  Adam: “Griffin? You’ve been dating him for five years and there’s no ring on your finger. You’re just an easy lay to him.”

  Chloe: “That’s not true. Ryan loves me.”

  I squeeze Chloe’s hand, but she doesn’t squeeze back.

  Andrew: “Whether or not Ryan Griffin loves you or doesn’t is not an issue in this matter, Chloe. You need to sit back down so that I can show you exactly why you will become my son’s girlfriend. I told you that your father and the Griffin family factored into this.”

  Chloe sits back down, glaring at him. Andrew opens a folder and slides a picture to her. Her eyes go wide as she looks back over to him.

  Andrew: “This trash was painted on the side of my building this week. I know that you recognize Owen Griffin’s work. He is no longer a minor and if I report this to the police, the damage will constitute a felony.”

  “Motherfucker,” Owen whispers from the other side of me.

  Adam: “You always protected him and his brothers when we were in middle and high school. You aren’t going to stop now, are you?”

  Chloe has gone pale and her eyes are downcast.

  Chloe: “What does this have to do with my father?”

  Andrew slides another picture from the folder. Chloe looks at it but doesn’t react.

  Andrew: “Your father should have been more discreet in his affair with Maggie Griffin.”

  I hear chairs fall back and I know that it’s my dad and John getting to their feet. There’s no way in hell that my mom and John had an affair and so I know it’s Andrew Richards that they’re looking at.

  Chloe: “That picture is from the gathering after my mother’s funeral. Maggie is comforting my dad. Gary is there, too, but you’ve cut him out of the picture.”

  Andrew: “The press and public may not see it that way. This picture was taken at a private party so there is no one to refute it.”

  Chloe: “Gary will refute it. He won’t let you spread lies about his wife and one of his closest friends.”

  Andrew: “Yes, he will refute it and then look like a poor, cuckolded husband. Who would want to do business with a man who can’t even see what is going on under his own roof?”

  Chloe: “Why? Why are you doing this? Why me? There are plenty of other girls who you could pretend to be Adam’s girlfriend.”

  Adam: “But none of them are the great Ryan Griffin’s girlfriend. Yes, I need a girlfriend that the public will adore, but I also need a little revenge. Ryan has been handed everything—top grades, quarterback of the football team, hot girlfriend…”

  Chloe recoils as Adam looks her over.

  Andrew: “We aren’t completely heartless, my dear. We will do something for that family you love so much. I know they need the architect who would rather work for me. Their credibility is at stake, and I can fire him so he will go back to them. All we need is three years of you being my son’s girlfriend. In return, Owen Griffin stays out of jail, your father and Maggie Griffin avoid a scandal, and the Griffins
get the architect that they need.”

  Chloe turns to Annette Richards, who has been quiet up until then.

  Chloe: “Please. You can’t expect me to do this. To give up the man I love. You must be on my side. Help me.”

  Annette: “Actually, this was my idea. I don’t see what the problem is. We are just as rich as the Griffin family, so you aren’t losing out on any money. My son is much more acceptable than Ryan Griffin with his construction work.”

  Chloe: “Your son is not even a hundredth of the man Ryan is. Money means nothing to me. I love Ryan. And why three years?”

  Andrew: “If you love him, you will protect his mother and brother, as well as giving them what they need to retain their credibility. The three years is because we think that Adam’s reputation will be good enough by the time you two graduate, if you play along.”

  Chloe drops her head into her hands.

  Adam: “It’ll be good, Chloe. I haven’t had any complaints in the bedroom.”

  Chloe whips her head up and stands so suddenly that her chair flips over.

  Chloe: “No. If I agree to this, he doesn’t touch me. I mean it. I want it in writing.”

  Adam: “What, like I get fined if I touch your sweet ass.”

  I am seriously going to kill Adam Richards.

  Chloe: “No, like I get your family’s company if you touch me anywhere.”

  Andrew: “What? You can’t be serious.”

  Chloe: “You don’t trust your son not to touch me? Good, because I don’t either. But I’ve heard him going on about the company being his legacy, so that should be enough for him to keep his hands to himself.”

  Annette: “He will have to touch you in public for people to believe that you are a couple.”

  Chloe: “He can hold my hand and kiss me in public. Although, you should probably do it near a restroom, Adam, as I will be throwing up afterward. And you can only touch me for the three years.”

  Adam: “If I can’t touch you, then I need an agreement, too. How about letting me say whatever I want about you when we break up, and you can’t dispute it publicly. If you do, you are mine for a night, and I can touch you all I want.”


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