Building Our Love (Griffin Brothers #2)

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Building Our Love (Griffin Brothers #2) Page 18

by Crystal Perkins

  Chloe: “I will agree to not disputing anything you say about me publicly.”

  Andrew: “See, this isn’t so bad, Chloe.”

  Chloe: “Not so bad? Are you fucking kidding me? You’re making me give up the love of my life to protect his family and mine, and you think it is not so bad?”

  Adam: “You’ll get over him, and he will definitely get over you. I’ve seen all of those girls trying to catch his eye. He’ll fuck his way over you in no time at all. While you’re remaining celibate. You really should cancel the agreement and have some good times with me.”

  Chloe is sobbing openly now and rocking back and forth.

  Chloe: “The agreement stands. Is it ready for me to sign?”

  The realization of what was just said hits me hard. Chloe never slept with Adam or anyone else during the three years that we were apart. While I did what Adam said I would. I fucked all of those girls to try to get over her. But he was wrong in thinking that it would work. I never got over her. And all of us—me and the other people who’ve brought up my random hookups in front of her—have hurt Chloe more than I could ever imagine. I saw her pain, but I didn’t think it was warranted because I thought she had been with Adam. Really been with him. Fuck. When we’re done with this farce of a meeting, I need to get her alone and talk to her. I fix my gaze back on the screen.

  Adam: “Call Griffin and break up with him now.”

  Chloe: “I’ll call him when I’m alone and only after we all sign the agreement.”

  Andrew: “We will sign, and then you will call him in front of us. I don’t want you telling him about this. I’m warning you, Chloe. If anyone finds out, I will release all of this to the press immediately.”

  Chloe is resigned as she signs the paperwork that the lawyer passes to her. She gets up to make several copies after they are signed. She also goes to the fax machine and sends a copy. Then, she pulls out her phone, hits a speed dial, and closes her eyes.

  Chloe: “Hi, Ry. I need to talk to you…No, everything is not okay. I need to break up with you. It’s just not working for me anymore…No. No. It has nothing to do with that…I know you love me, but I need something else. Thank you for the last five years. I will always treasure them.”

  She hangs up and collapses on the floor as Adam looks on with a smirk.

  Annette: “Now that the unpleasantness is over, we need to go shopping. Your wardrobe choices are completely unacceptable. I will be picking your clothes from now on.”

  Andrew: “Your school and dorm will be paid for. You will have an unlimited meal and campus store credit as well. But, you will act and dress how we tell you to and attend whatever public functions that we need you to. Pull yourself together before you leave this room.”

  The Richards family and their lawyer leave Chloe curled in a ball on the ground, crying as they walk out.

  The screen goes black.

  All hell breaks loose in the room. My dad and John go for Andrew, while Owen starts beating the shit out of Adam. I want to join him, but I can’t leave Chloe. Tears are streaming down her face as she just stares straight ahead. I keep holding tight to her hand. I hear a slap and look up to see my mom in front of Annette Newman.

  Scott and Luke pull Owen off of Adam before he can kill him, while four of my friends hold back my dad and John. Andrew has blood dripping from his mouth and nose.

  “See what I mean? They have no class. Who would want to work with them?” Andrew yells.

  The head guy at the table is the one to respond. “The Griffin family has more class than you will ever have. I’m tempted to hit you myself after what you did to this girl. No one is going to work with you ever again, Mr. Richards. I’m sorry that we ever thought this meeting was necessary, Gary. We’ll leave your family alone now.”

  It takes a little while for everyone to leave. Many stop to talk to my dad and tell him that they’re sorry for ever believing Andrew Richards. People pass by me and Chloe, but they just give us sympathetic looks and don’t say anything. I’m seriously worried about her. She still hasn’t spoken. I’m about to ask someone to call for a doctor when she finally talks.

  “I just want to be alone for a few minutes. Can I go into the library?”

  “Yes, Chlo. Of course. I’ll take you there.”

  “No, Ryan. I’ll go alone. The video doesn’t change anything between us. And now I can tell you that those texts from Adam were him threatening me because he found out we were together.”

  “That bastard. I’ll kill him.”

  “It doesn’t matter. He has nothing over me now. Maybe he did us a favor. I mean, we obviously don’t trust each other and it’s better that we realized it now.”

  She gets up and walks away, taking my heart with her.

  Chapter 22


  It takes a few minutes for everyone to notice that Chloe’s gone. Then they notice that I look like shit. At least, I think I look like shit. I know I feel like it.

  “Ryan, where’s Chloe?” my mom asks.

  “She wanted to be alone, so she’s in the library.”

  “I know that the video was hard to watch for us, but it must have been worse for you. Now you know she always loved you.” Luke leans down and hits my shoulder.

  “She broke up with me yesterday, so the video doesn’t really matter.”

  Yasmin looks at me curiously. “What do you mean she broke up with you yesterday? You two have been holding hands all morning.”

  “I screwed up and acted like an ass yesterday, so she broke up with me. Chloe thought it would better if we pretended until after the meeting today.”

  Owen pulls me to my feet and gets in my face. “So you’re just going to sit here, sulking like a pussy? Even if she hadn’t done what we now know she did for all of us, Chloe is fucking amazing, and anyone can tell that she loves you. I mean, she got on her knees for two weeks straight for you because she wanted you back, and you aren’t even going to fight for her?”

  “What the hell does he mean about my daughter getting on her knees for you? What did you make her do, Ryan?”

  Scott jumps in between John and me as he advances with his fists clenched. “He didn’t make her do anything, John. She did what she wanted.”

  “Move out of the way, Scott. He needs to hit me. I deserve it.” I look John in the eye as I step around Scott.

  John swings and connects hard with my jaw. When I straighten back up, he holds out his hand with a smile. “I always knew you were the right man for Chloe. Win my daughter back, Ryan. She deserves the love of a good man.” I shake his hand and pull him into a hug.

  “She doesn’t want me to fight for her, though. She said that we hurt each other too much.”

  “Bullshit. She doesn’t mean that. And even if she does, you’re going to do whatever you can to prove to her that you aren’t going to hurt her again. Because you aren’t, are you?” Owen is still glaring at me, but at least I know that he’s on my side.

  “No. I’m going to do everything I can to never hurt her again. And I do want to fight for her. I may need some help, though.” I look around and everyone is smiling, so I know I can count on them.

  “Now that this is settled, I need to go talk to Chloe. You said the library, right?” Owen asks. I nod, and he walks out the door.

  * * *


  The knock on the door is not a surprise. I’m a little surprised that it took so long for someone to come looking for me. I needed these few minutes alone, so I’m glad no one found me right away. Seeing myself on the screen brought back all of the pain I felt that day. But now it’s time to face things.

  “Come in.”

  It’s Owen who walks through the door. He strides over to me and gathers me in his arms. I hug him back as he holds onto me tight, his head on my shoulder. I feel him shudder and pull back to see him crying.


  “I’m sorry, Chlo. I know that it’s not cool or manly to cry, but what you did for me…” />
  “I would do it again without hesitation. As for the crying, it’s nice to see this side of you. I always knew it was in there, under the sarcasm.”

  “I would do anything for you, too, Chloe. Just name it. Anytime.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind. Now, tell me how things are going out there.”

  “Well, now that your dad finished punching Ryan, all is good.”

  “Punching Ryan? Why did my dad punch Ryan? Is he okay? Are they both okay?”

  “One question at a time, woman. He punched Ryan because when he told us you broke up with him, I kind of went off on him.”

  “You went off on him?”

  “Yeah, he was sitting there looking like his life was over, and it pissed me off. I wanted him to fight for you.”

  “I told him not to. What does that have to do with my dad punching him?”

  “We’ll get back to you telling him that in a minute.” He shifts uncomfortably for a minute and I feel the apprehension set in. “When I was yelling at Ryan, I may have said something about him having you on your knees for 2 weeks.”

  “What! Oh my God, Owe! You said that in front of my dad?” I smack him hard.

  “I know! I know! I wasn’t thinking. I was trying to tell Ry that he needs to fight for you.”

  “So then, what? Did my dad lunge at him or something?”

  “He got up and stalked towards him. Scott jumped in between them and told John that Ryan didn’t make you do anything. Then Ry told Scott to get out of the way because he deserved for John to hit him. He stood there and took the hit. After, your dad shook his hand and told him he always knew that Ry was the right guy for you, and told him to win you back.”

  “He let my dad hit him, and then my dad told him to win me back?”

  “Yeah and back to the not fighting for you thing. You may have said that, but we both know you don’t mean it.”

  “How do you know I don’t mean it?”

  “You weren’t with another man for the three years that you were apart, and you came for him once your sentence was over, Chlo. You want him. I get that you want to know he thinks you’re worth it. News flash—he does. We all do. I don’t know why you broke up with him other than him saying that he was an ass, but give him another chance.”

  “He thought I cheated on him with Adam yesterday, Owe. He didn’t ask me about it. He just accused me because Adam happened to be at the W while I was having a business meeting in the restaurant there. I can’t be with someone who doesn’t trust me.”

  “Fucking A. I always thought he was the logical one. I don’t have any excuses for him, but I know you love him. Is your relationship really past the point of no return?”

  “I don’t know. I really don’t. But it doesn’t matter anyway. I took the job that I had the meeting for. I’ll be leaving for London in a month, and I’ll be there for three months.”

  “You’re going to London? What’s the job?”

  “I’m designing the interiors for a new hotel. I was going to talk to you about it when we got back to Vegas. They love your artwork and would like me to incorporate some into my designs.”


  “Yeah. The job is yours if you want it. It doesn’t pay as much as the Griffin jobs, but I know you aren’t hurting for money.”

  “I don’t care about the money. I’m in. I mean, I have to ask my dad and Ry, but I can’t imagine them telling me no.”

  “Great. I’ll get the details, and we’ll talk more when we’re home.”

  “I’m sending Ryan in. You should know that my entire family and our friends have agreed to help him in his fight for you. You don’t stand a chance.”

  I laugh. “Honestly, I want him to win this fight, Owe.”

  He kisses me on the cheek and then jogs out the door.

  * * *


  Owen comes back into the room, and I immediately stand up. “How is she, Owe?”

  “She’s alright. I told her I was sending you in to her, and that we’re all going to help you fight to win her back.”

  “What did she say?”

  “She said that she wants you to win the fight.”

  I jump up and run down the hall as fast as I can. I stop outside of the library and knock on the door.

  “Come in, Ry.”

  I walk into the room to see her sprawled on the window seat. I have to smile. “I remember when you used to sit there reading while I tried to do my homework.”

  “I remember that you always ended up joining me and my book and your homework were soon forgotten.”

  “Can I come over there and kiss you for old times’ sake?” I have to try.

  “No. But you can come over here and sit with me while we talk.” She curls her legs under her to give me room.

  I walk over and sit down across from her. Neither one of us says anything for a minute. Then she uncurls her hand, and I see my note to her. I reach out and open it up.

  Reason #75 that you are AWESOME and I LOVE YOU: You call me on my shit. I want you to keep doing it for the rest of my life.

  “I meant it, Chlo.”

  “I know, Ry.”

  “Chloe…I have to ask you something. When you told me that you’d never done anything but missionary with a guy, were you talking about me and our first time? You haven’t been with anyone else, have you?”

  “Yes, I meant you. And no, you’re the only man that I’ve been with.”

  “God, Chloe. If I’d known.”

  “You didn’t.”

  “No, but still. You have to know that none of the women I was with meant anything to me. I was trying to forget you, but I never could. No one could compare to you, in bed or out of it. If I could go back and not sleep with anyone else, I would. I can’t, but I want to more than anything.”

  “Thanks for saying that, Ry.”

  “It hurts you, though, doesn’t it?” She nods. “It shouldn’t, Chlo. It really shouldn’t. There’s no one for me but you.”

  “I want to believe you, but whenever we’re together, I can’t help thinking that you wish I was more experienced.”

  “That’s a joke right? I’ve never come as hard with anyone as I come with you, Chloe. The things you do to me, with me, are so fucking hot. Besides, love is more important than experience, sweetheart. You show me your love whenever we’re together. And the alpha me wants to thump my chest and shout to the world because you’re only mine. I’m the only one who has gotten to taste you and make you come. I can’t even tell you how great that makes me feel.”

  “I love it that I’ve only been yours, and although I’m having a hard time dealing with you and all the women who keep popping up or being talked about, I’ve been trying to get past it. I told you I wanted to concentrate on our future.”

  “So, we’re going to have a future then?”

  “Maybe, Ry. I don’t know. I want to be with you, but I’m scared. You were so ready to accuse me of cheating on you, and I’m so worried about all of the other women that you’ve been with. How is that healthy or normal? I think that it’s good that I’m going to London for the next few months. It’ll give us both time to see if we want this.”

  “I can tell you now that I want this. I don’t need to be away from you to know it. Last night with you on the couch nearly killed me.”

  “Because we didn’t have sex?”

  “What? No. I mean, I love making love to you, but I missed waking up with you.”

  “I’ll be gone for three months, Ryan. You’re an extremely sexual guy. Have you gone that long since you started having sex?”

  “No. But I told you that I was trying to forget you. I’m not trying to forget you now. Do you think I can’t go that long?”

  “I don’t know. I don’t want you to suffer or hold yourself back from other women if you want them.”

  “I only want you. And thoughts of you along with my hands will be enough until I can be with you.”

  “You can’t know that now.” />
  “I do know it, Chloe. I don’t even want to look at another woman. I want my shopaholic, stylish, talented, sexy as fuck woman and no one else.”

  “I like how shopaholic was first.” I made her laugh. That’s a good sign.

  “So, can we stay together, then?”

  “Not right now, Ry. I need to be on my own for a little while. I have to decide if I can still be with you or if it’ll be too hard.”

  I want to argue with her some more, but I can sense that she’s made up her mind about this. I need to let her think I’m going along with everything, while I work on my plan of attack. “When do you leave for London?”

  “In a month. I told them I need to train a replacement for me as your assistant.”

  “Replacement? No one’s replacing you. You can train some of the girls from the pool to help out, but I want you back when you’re done in London.”

  “Even if I don’t want to be with you romantically?”

  I take a deep breath. Fuck if she’s not making it hard. For both of us. “Even then. I don’t want you out of my life, Chlo. I’ll take whatever I can get.”

  “I won’t quit now then. I love working for you. But, if it gets too weird for either of us, I’ll quit.”

  “Deal. Now, can we talk about London?” I’m going to have her back by the time she leaves. There’s no doubt in my mind about that. I’ll do whatever it takes. I have absolutely no shame when it comes to Chloe and making her mine again.

  “Tell you what. Why don’t we play it by ear? We can keep in touch with each other while I’m gone. Phone calls, notes, Skypes, etc. There’s a big charity ball for the opening of the hotel. If you can get away, then I would love for you to be my date and then spend a few days after doing all of the tourist stuff. I won’t do anything touristy without you. I’ll probably be too busy, anyway. But, if you find someone you want to be with, you go ahead and be with her. Same for me. We just have to tell each other so the other person isn’t waiting around, thinking that we’ll be together.”

  “That seems a little too easy. I thought that I’d have to fight harder.”


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