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Romance: Teen Romance: Follow Your Dreams (A Nerd and a Bad Boy Romance) (New Adult High School Sports Romance)

Page 41

by White, Stella

  ''He thought you would not speak to him.''

  ''Tell me about him. Who is he?''

  ''Mr. Geragthy is my best friend.'' David was careful not to say too much about Nicholas's view on women. ''He's the heir to the Earl of Borrowby.'' Adele listened more intently now. The Earl of Borrowby was one of the richest men in the country.

  ''Then send him to see me, we got off on the wrong foot. I'd like to make amends.''

  Nicholas could see by the look on David's face that he'd been successful. Without saying anything to him, he passed him and in no time was standing next to Adele.

  ''Lady Vaughan, I apologize for my behavior earlier.''

  ''Yes, your friend told me you would.'' Her expression relaxed, almost smiling. ''I am sorry too. I have been under a lot of strain recently.''

  ''Perhaps you would do me the honor of dancing with me?'' he asked. When she nodded, his heart lifted.

  They spent the next hour, dancing and conversing. Suddenly she was bright and enthused by him. She was plotting. She fell to the floor. ''Lady Vaughan,'' he exclaimed as people stood in a ring around her. He tapped her face lightly, and she opened her eyes and groaned.

  ''Please help me to my feet. I felt quite faint suddenly.'' Nicholas helped her up and took her to the balcony, where he ordered sweet tea. ''I am so worried, it is ruining my health,'' she said, in a low helpless voice.

  ''What is worrying you?''

  ''I have terrible money troubles. Oh.......'' she began to cry.

  Totally taken in by her beauty and vulnerability, he leaned towards her and spoke softly. ''Lady Vaughan, perhaps you would allow me to help you.''

  ''Oh, that would be so kind of you. But I'm afraid my troubles are very grave indeed.'' Hooked him, she thought.


  Nicholas woke up early the next morning. As his valet dressed him, he looked out of the window over the land his family owned and thought about Adele. Was he being cruel or heartless? She was a widow, could he really be so mean to her? Would she really go for it?

  David had stayed the night, and at breakfast, Nicholas sent the servants away. ''I want to talk to you, David,'' he said.

  David knew him well, and the tone of his voice told him Nicholas was scheming. ''What about?'' he asked, as he bit into a sausage.

  ''Lady Vaughan.''

  Not again, David thought. ''What about her?''

  ''She's the ideal candidate.''

  ''Heavens, Nicholas, stop playing games and spit it out. What are you cooking up?''

  ''She's a widow, right?'' David nodded. ''She doesn't want to get married again?'' David remembered that's what Julia had said, he nodded. ''Then she may well agree to be my fiancee without actually marrying me.''

  David was lost. ''Why do you think she'll do that?''

  ''Because, dear boy,'' Nicholas looked like someone who had just won a lot of money at cards, ''she has money troubles.''

  ''You bastard, you absolute bastard,'' David exclaimed. ''She's a widow, how could you be so cruel? Using her disadvantage for your own gain.''

  ''That's the way the world works,'' Nicholas said, tipping his chair backwards on two legs.

  ''You would have her agree to be your fiancee in exchange for money? Just so your father doesn't disinherit you?'' David was genuinely shocked. Nicholas had just achieved a new low in his estimation. ''And you will continue to have your way with different women despite having a fiancee?''

  ''You know me too well,'' Nicholas said, smiling at him.



  Adele looked out of her carriage window to the rooks, nesting on top of the home of the Earl of Borrowby. So this was where Nicholas lived. A majestic stately home, a place of serenity and graceful charm. As her coach drew up, Nicholas bounded down the steps and onto the driveway.

  ''Lady Vaughan, I am so happy your were able to accept my invitation to tea.''

  ''It's a pleasure. I didn't know you lived in such a beautiful home.''

  ''It is nice isn't it?''

  She took his arm, and they walked up into the house. Nicholas' wing of the house was just as magnificently decorated as the rest. It was really a large apartment, decorated with cream walls and gold leaf cornices. Adele was impressed by the pictures of his ancestors. Each framed in gold, staring back at her, expressionless.

  When the tea arrived, Nicholas poured. They looked at each other as they took their first sip, each wanting to speak but not quite daring.

  ''May I ask you to elaborate on the kind offer of assistance you made the other evening,'' she said.

  ''I am glad you mentioned it. I have a proposal to make.''

  Anything but marriage, she thought. ''Yes, please go ahead.''

  ''I think we can do a deal,'' he kept his eyes on hers, waiting for a reaction. When there was none, he continued. ''You need money, and I need a fiancee.''

  ''Please, let me explain,'' she interjected. ''I don't want to.....''

  ''Marry again,'' he finished the sentence for her. ''I know you don't. I am not proposing marriage.''

  She looked confused. ''Then what? You mentioned the word fiancee.''

  ''My father has told me he will disinherit me if I don't find a wife. I don't want a wife, but if we were engaged it would pacify him, and we could call off the engagement later.''

  ''And in return you will assist me financially?'' she asked.

  ''Yes. That's the deal.''

  ''I need thirty thousand,'' she winced.

  ''That's a lot of money.'' It was, but Nicholas had that kind of money at his disposal.

  ''If it's too much, I........''

  ''No, not at all, I will help you.''

  ''But there is one more thing,'' she said. ''I would like to keep a high degree of freedom.''

  Nicholas gave a sigh of relief. ''So would I, so would I.'' He was already making lists of new conquests.


  ''So, you've seen sense at last. Good choice.'' Kellet said pocketing the large envelope.

  Adele had been trembling since he'd arrived. He looked somehow more brutal than he had on his previous visit. ''Do whatever you want, but never come back here again, and if any of this can be traced back to me, please know I have friends in high places.''

  ''Not so high they could help you now, though,'' he smirked. ''So how did you come by this amount? You don't seem to have sold any property. Sold your body did you?'' She pulled back from him as he stepped forward, grinning.

  ''It's no business of yours.''

  ''Well then, I'll be on my way. Nice doing business with you,'' he held out his hand. Adele turned her head away and ignored him.


  ''Lady Vaughan, I must say I am very pleased to hear you and my son have become engaged.'' Earl Borrowby said. ''I had given him up as a lost cause.''

  Adele and Nicholas had agreed to spend two days a week together. Keeping up appearances. Earl Borrowby was delighted that Nicholas had finally committed himself, and he'd given up all thought of disinheriting his son. He liked Adele; she seemed mature, and he was convinced she would teach his son to value women as equals. Why he didn't already, would remain a mystery.

  ''We are pleased too, aren't we?'' Adele looked at Nicholas.

  ''Yes, yes, we are,'' he said. He'd been daydreaming.

  ''Good, well, it's lovely to meet you. I must be off now, a lot to do.'' He walked across the hall and suddenly stopped. ''It's a terrible business isn't it?''

  Adele and Nicholas looked at each other. ''What father?'' Nicholas asked.

  ''That barrister, murdered. What was his name, Bartholomew Pimms.''

  Adele turned white. Nicholas looked at his father indifferently. ''Never heard of him,'' he said.

  ''The best barrister in the country. Stabbed to death on his way home from court. It's in the newspaper.''

  ''Pimms, I've met someone called Pimms,'' Nicholas began to think. ''No she wasn't called Pimms, her sister was. She was called Julia......''

Leatham,'' Adele said.

  ''Yes, Leatham. She said you were her sister's best friend. She was called Pimms. Is it any relation?''

  ''His wife,'' Adele sat down.

  ''You look terrible. Did you know him?''

  ''Of course, I knew him very well.''

  Nicholas sat down next to her. His father left the room, shaking his head. ''Can I get you something?'' he asked.

  ''Perhaps a little brandy,'' she said. ''A terrible shock indeed,'' she added.

  As the weeks went by, their agreement held wonderfully. Adele had thought it would be tedious to have to pretend to be his fiancee, and, even more, tedious to have to spend so much time in his company. But she began to look forward to her visits to his house.

  When Nicholas made love to a woman, he was finding it increasingly difficult to concentrate. All too often his thoughts would drift to Adele. It was her moving under him, her kissing him and her legs wrapping themselves around his back.

  Adele spent most of her free time comforting Eleanor. Eleanor had always complained about Bartholomew, but now he was gone, she could talk of nothing else but her beloved husband. Inside, Adele was riddled with guilt. She tried to dismiss any thought that it was her money that had financed Bartholomew's death. No, Peter would never have wanted to have him killed. It was all a cruel coincidence.

  One day, however, her illusions were shattered. She woke at seven in the morning to hammering on the door. When the butler opened, two policemen pushed him aside and stepped into her house. ''Where's Lady Vaughan,'' the larger of the two asked.

  ''In bed.''

  ''Then wake her and ask her to come downstairs, we want to talk to her.''

  When Adele saw her visitors, she felt faint. Two men dressed in blue uniforms with numbers on their shoulders and truncheons hanging from their belts.

  ''Lady Vaughan,'' the more senior of them began. ''We understand you knew Mr. Bartholomew Pimms.''

  Adele sat down, her ghostly complexion already answering his question. ''Yes.''

  ''We believe you had something to do with his murder.''

  That was it. She would rot in a damp prison cell, surrounded by women as evil as her. ''What makes you think that?''

  ''We have arrested a man called Wright, a grave digger.''

  Adele didn't know a gravedigger called Wright. ''I have no idea who he is,'' she said honestly.

  ''He has confessed to the murder of Mr. Pimms and has told us that he carried out the killing on your behalf.

  Adele knew Kellet, but not Cyril Wright. Keep denying it, she told herself. You really don't know this man. ''But I don't know him, really, I have no idea who he is.''

  ''Adele Vaughan, I am arresting you in connection with the murder of Mr. Bartholomew Pimms.'' He finished the usual speech about staying silent and took her by the arm. As they escorted her from the house, she was all too aware of her servants, as they watched in disbelief.


  When Adele didn't come to see him, as arranged, Nicholas became agitated. He'd begun to look forward to her visits, and her sudden absence made him aware how much. He took his horse and rode to Newdene Hall. When he knocked on the front door, Arthur answered.

  ''The police have taken her away,'' he said, white as a sheet.

  At the police station, he was greeted by Sergeant Musgrave. “Where is she and why are your holding her?'' Nicholas demanded to know.

  The sergeant looked at Nicholas as if he was insane. ''Who are you talking about?''

  ''Lady Adele Vaughan, who else?''

  ''She's helping us with our inquiries,'' he said, pushing Nicholas away from him.

  ''Into what? She's a lady, not a common criminal.''

  ''It's none of your business. Who are you?'' the sergeant was thinking of arresting him for impertinence.

  ''I'm her fiancee.'' He was surprised how proud he was calling himself that.

  ''Then you should know she's being held on suspicion of murdering Bartholomew Pimms.'' He folded his arms and looked please with himself.

  ''Are you out of your mind?'' Nicholas said. ''What on earth makes you think that?''

  ''We've got a witness.''

  ''This is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. How do you think a delicate female could possibly murder a man in that way?'' Nicholas had read that Pimms had been stabbed to death.

  ''I'm not saying she did it herself, but she organized it.''

  ''You haven't heard the last of this. By the time I'm finished with you, those stripes on your arm will be a distant memory as you walk down the street behind a broom.'' Nicholas was incensed.


  Lord Fletcher of Banbury was at home, luckily. The last time Nicholas had spoken to him, it was to apologize for taking his daughter to bed. He'd done what his father had requested, and begged for forgiveness, really begged for the first time in his life. He hoped he wouldn't bump into Georgina, that would be too embarrassing.

  As he stood in the same place he had a few weeks earlier, nerves began to get the better of him. It was the incessant ticking of the grandfather clock in the corner of Lord Fletcher's study. He'd been ushered into the room by a footman and left waiting. When the door opened, he stood upright.

  ''You again,'' Lord Fletcher said. He was tall and lean, like a military officer. ''What do you want now? You haven't been with my daughter again, have you?'' he held Nicholas by the shoulder and squeezed.

  ''No sir. I come about something else.''

  ''Well, it was very brave of you to come and apologize last time. Very manly to stand in front of a woman's father and admit you'd bedded her. So speak, what do you want?''

  ''You are the highest policeman in the land, are you not?'' Lord Fletcher nodded and scratched his gray sideburns. ''The police in Banbury have arrested Mrs. Adele Vaughan, on suspicion of having something to do with Bartholomew Pimm's murder. She's a lady, I'm sure she didn't do it.''

  ''I can arrange bail for her, nothing more. I am not in the habit of interfering with my detectives.''

  ''If you could arrange for her to be released on bail, I would be most grateful.'' It was better than nothing, Nicholas thought.


  When Nicholas collected Adele from the police station, she looked drawn. ''I'm taking you back to my house, you need looking after,'' he'd said. But she'd refused. She wanted to go home, she was exhausted.

  ''I don't know how you did it, but thank you for securing my release.'' She held his arm, as he helped her to her front door.

  ''I did it because I ......'' he stopped, unsure of himself.

  ''Because you what?'' she looked at him.

  To hell with it. ''Because I have grown very fond of you.''

  ''Fond?'' she repeated.

  ''Alright, more than fond, I am in love with you.''

  Adele looked at him. Poor man, he's fallen in love with a murderer, a woman who will be locked up forever. ''Nicholas, I have developed strong feelings for you as well. But I have to talk to you about something.''

  Arthur held the door open, pleased to see Adele again. ''Tea, my Lady?'' he asked.

  ''Yes, please, tea.''

  They sat opposite each other and said nothing. Nicholas felt vulnerable. He'd told her of his feelings and received little in return.

  ''Nicholas, I have to confess to something, something terrible, that will prevent us from ever being together.'' She looked at his expression, and her heart sank. ''I am in love with you too.'' Nicholas beamed and took her hands, but she remained serious, and something told him to pull away again. ''But I did have something to do with the death of...''

  She stopped as someone knocked on the front door. She remained silent, waiting for Arthur to deal with it. But Arthur came into the room with a disapproving look on his face. ''Mr. Kellet is here again.'' Adele got up and followed Arthur to the front door. Kellet was standing on the doorstep. He was holding an envelope.

  ''May I come in and speak to you?'' he said.

  Adele drew breath. She stood a
side and showed him into the dining room. ''Say what you have to say and leave, I'm already in enough trouble.''

  ''This is for you,'' he handed her the envelope.

  ''What is it?''

  ''Thirty thousand.''


  ''The money you gave me, I'm returning it.''

  ''I don't.......'' Adele was speechless.

  ''It seems we were too late. So I'm doing the honorable thing and returning your cash.''

  ''What do you mean, too late?''

  ''Well, someone got to Mr. Pimms before we could. Someone else killed him. It seems he had more than one enemy.''

  ''Do you mean you didn't kill him? Or anyone to do with you?''

  He shook his head. ''No,''

  ''Why did my husband want him killed anyway?'' She'd been too afraid to ask before, but now it didn't matter.

  ''Mr. Pimms had been blackmailing your husband.''


  ''I'm sorry to tell you, your late husband was having an affair with Mrs. Pimms younger sister. Miss Leatham. Pimms found out about it and threatened to tell you.''

  ''What?'' Adele's heart was racing. ''I don't believe it.''

  ''Well, believe what you want, but you have your money, and your conscience should be clear now.''

  Adele went back to Nicholas after Kellet had left.

  ''You were about to tell me something important I think,'' he said.

  She looked dazed. ''What? Oh, no it's not important now. Do you think I could become you proper fiancee?'' she asked.

  He didn't care what had changed. He just got up and took her in his arms. ''I would like nothing more.''


  That evening, Adele gave Nicholas the money back. He didn't want to know what had happened. He assumed something positive had taken place and relieved her of debt.

  That evening, she also gave herself to him for the first time. She'd flirted mercilessly with him at dinner, and by the time she let him into her bedroom, he was on fire.

  Nicolas undressed Adele hastily and threw her onto the bed, catching a glimpse of her pink folds between her legs. Still dressed, he placed his mouth on her and ran his tongue around her entrance. Adele shivered with pleasure. Then he used his tongue to stroke her folds, flickering upwards to find her bud. Adele let out a moan, so Nicolas inserted a finger into her wet womanhood. Adele moaned louder this time. When he inserted a second finger, he felt her tighten and heard her scream out his name. When she relaxed again, he paused to let her catch her breath. Then he kissed her clitoris ever so slightly, and he heard her gasp. He moved his fingers slowly, massaging the swollen spot deep inside her. Her moans sounded more desperate this time, and as he moved his tongue gently in circles, she came again, and again.


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