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Romance: Teen Romance: Follow Your Dreams (A Nerd and a Bad Boy Romance) (New Adult High School Sports Romance)

Page 50

by White, Stella

  ''Madam, I am an employee of the Duke, and it is my duty to do as he asks. Please, do not make this harder for me than it already is.''

  ''Harder for you? Sir, if you do this to me, you will sink in my estimation to that of the ugliest toad. Last evening, I gave myself wholeheartedly to you. Please do not talk of it being hard for you. It is far harder for Mary and me. I beg you. Do not ruin our lives.''

  ''Get dressed. I will wait for you at the door,'' he said.


  ''At last, Madam. You have finally dared to grace me with your presence. Not after I sent my good man here to fetch you, I might add. I must congratulate you, Ralph, you have done an excellent job in bringing my fiancée back to me. For that, I shall be forever grateful. You may leave us now.''

  The Duke looked at the two women as Ralph walked across the marble floor to the door. Charlotte and Mary were standing in front of him, in the reception room at Anthorpe Castle. It was a cold room. Built entirely of white marble with columns down each side. There were no statues or paintings. The room had an eerie echo. Mary hadn't seen the Duke very often, and when she looked at him, she was thankful. He was small and an odd shape. His nose was crooked, and his teeth were blackened by years of pipe smoking. She thought him to be just slightly younger than Charlotte's father.

  ''I ought to have you both thrashed for daring to run away.” The Duke’s voice was eerily low. “Charlotte, your mother has been worried beyond belief. You could have been attacked or worse. For all we knew, you were lying dead in a gutter.” He paused. “You have disappointed me greatly. You will remain in the gatehouse, under house arrest until the day of our marriage.” He was shouting now. “As for you Mary, you are a low life. I assume, it was you, who put my fiancée up to this. For that, you will go to work as my lowest kitchen maid. You will live here without pay. If you dare to leave, I will have you arrested.”

  The Duke yelled, and a sickly looking footman appeared. ''See to it that Miss Charlotte is taken to the gatehouse. Make sure she is guarded day and night. If she escapes, I will hold you personally responsible. Do you understand?''

  ''Yes, my Lord, perfectly. Please come with me, Miss Charlotte.''

  ''If you think I am going to marry you, you are sorely mistaken. Hell will freeze over first,'' Charlotte said, just before she spat at the Duke.

  ''You have no choice,'' he said as he wiped the fluid from his face. ''Your father has given his consent. It is out of your hands. I must warn you, if you continue to resist, it will do your health no good whatsoever. It would be much better for you to accept your situation and make the best of it. Now take her out of my sight.''

  When Charlotte had gone, the Duke turned to Mary. ''Do you know what you have done? You have defied me. The Duke of Eddington. I would ask you, who you think you are, but it is of no importance to me.''

  He stepped towards her and slapped her. Mary held her head up, not wanting him to see how hurt she was. He took hold of her, and pushed her to the only piece of furniture in the room, a mahogany table. When he bent her forwards over it and lifted her skirts. She knew what was about to befall her. Her screams could be heard in the scullery deep below. The staff knew what was happening, but it was such a regular occurrence at Anthorpe castle, none of them paid much attention.''


  ''Charlotte, Charlotte. Please, open the window.'' Charlotte listened to the voice as another pebble bounced off the windowpane.

  She went to the window, opened it, and looked down to the garden below. It was dark, and she couldn't see anyone. ''Charlotte, it's me. I'm over here.''

  She looked to the left and saw him. He was standing tight against the wall of the house in which Charlotte was being held against her will.

  ''What do you want, you disgrace of a man?'' she asked.

  ''Please. I am so sorry. You will never forgive me, I know, but after some days thinking about it, I am wracked with guilt for having brought you back to this place,” Ralph pleaded. “Listen to me, please. I don't know how best to put this, but I am in love with you. If you will let me, I will take you from here, to a safe place where we can begin to know each other better. I would never force you to do anything against your will.''

  ''If you think I'm falling for that trick, you are sadly mistaken. I have a low opinion of you, and I have no interest in what you are saying to me.'' Charlotte slammed the window shut. “Goodnight.” She walked to the bed, curled herself into a ball, and cried.

  Chapter 4

  Charlotte awoke with a start as the Duke's hand slipped over her mouth. She smelt his alcoholic breath as he hissed at her.

  “'Now, my dear, before you run away from me again, it is time for you to be taught a lesson. I am going to teach you to respect me. You will get up, take off your gown and kneel before me with your mouth open. Do you understand?'' The knife at her neck persuaded Charlotte it was a good idea to comply.

  When she knelt naked in front of him, she saw him fiddling with his trousers. When he had freed himself, he grabbed her hair and pulled her to him. ''Open your mouth, wench, I will teach you a lesson.''

  Charlotte closed her eyes. She waited, but nothing arrived in her mouth. All she heard was a hideous thud. When she looked, she saw Ralph standing above the Duke with a truncheon in his hand.

  ''I told you I was sorry. Now I'm here to prove it. Get your things. I'm going to take you to York where you can catch the midnight coach to London. You have nothing to fear. Neither I nor anyone else will follow you. You are free. I love you, and that is truer than the fact that I am standing before you now. I will leave it entirely up to you to decide if you want me or not. I am truly sorry for putting you in this position. Please hurry before the old bastard wakes up.''

  ''What about Mary? I can't leave her.''

  ''She is in the house. There are too many servants. I can't just go and get her. Please, hurry. I will see what I can do for Mary when I can.''


  ''Lord Melbourne, Lady Melbourne. I have asked you here today, to talk to you about your daughter.''

  ''My Lord, it is such a pleasure for my husband and me to know that someone of your standing will be taking care of our only daughter. It is beyond our wildest dreams that she will become a Duchess, and look after you, in a way as befits a faithful wife.''

  ''Lady Melbourne, please silence yourself. Your mouth is full of bile. Your daughter has once again run away. This time, with the help of one of my guards. It would not surprise me if she were lying with him in some seedy Inn as we speak. I have lost respect for you, and your daughter. There will be no marriage, and I will be pursuing you in the courts, for financial compensation. Your family has done untold damage to my reputation. Now please take yourselves from my property.''

  ''But my Lord, can't we.......'' Lady Melbourne was interrupted by her husband.

  ''My Lord. I am so sorry for what has happened. May I ask why you are wearing a bandage on your head?''

  ''I was brutally attacked. I'm lucky to be here.''

  ''It is such a shame someone has beaten me to it. I was the one who wanted to be the first to hit you. Oh well, second will have to do.'' Lord Melbourne swung his fist at the Duke and landed him a blow just below the eye. The Duke spun around and landed face down on the marble floor.

  ''Now, enough of this nonsense, we're going.''

  Lady Melbourne stood up and looked at her husband aghast.

  ''And what are you looking at? You've been a disgraceful mother, as I have a father. If I hadn't been so damn weak, none of this would have happened. That man has done untold damage to Charlotte. I just stood by and watched. I am an apology of a father. I only hope one day, my daughter will learn to forgive me.''


  ''Mary,'' Lord Melbourne whispered as she walked down the bleak corridor in the servant’s quarters.

  ''Lord Melbourne,'' she exclaimed. She dropped the tray she was carrying.

  ''Mary, get your things and come with me. You're coming back to Eaton Hall.''
  Chapter 5

  ''All rise,'' the clerk of the court shouted

  ''Members of the jury,'' said Justice Fielding. ''It is my duty, in summing up the case against Ralph Bellingham, to single out the salient points of the case, which you may come to an informed and correct verdict. Let me first refresh your memories of the alleged facts of the case.

  ''The court has heard how, on the twenty-first of September, in the year eighteen fourteen, Ralph Bellingham is alleged to have attempted to murder The Duke of Eddington. Bellingham is alleged to have unleashed a blow, of such force, it was likely to have killed the Duke. You have also heard how the Duke has suffered since. His vision has been severely impaired, and his memory is not as it used to be.''

  'The accused was apprehended after a comprehensive search by His Majesty's Constabulary. Bellingham was found, just four days after the alleged incident, not more than twenty miles away. The prosecution has presented Mr. Bellingham as a professional thug of dubious character. It is clear that Mr. Bellingham worked for the Duke for two years before the incident. The prosecution has also alleged, that during that time, Mr. Bellingham carried out several similar attacks, unbeknownst to his employer.''

  Judge Fielding stopped and took a sip of water before continuing. ''As to Mr. Bellingham's character, the prosecution has painted him to be a man of low morals and a thug. The defense, however, has indicated that Mr. Bellingham was acting to defend a lady, who the Duke was treating in the most despicable manner. That is, in a sexual manner to which the lady herself had not consented. The case for the defense was centered around the Duke's treatment of Miss Mary Cumberland, a lowly servant at the Duke's residence. They have alleged that the Duke treated her appallingly over a number of months and that any right-minded man would have been driven to defend her. In fact, the defense has indicated, that it would have been a neglect of a human being's duty, not to have acted.''

  Judge Fielding lowered his voice and looked over his half-moons glasses as he continued. ''Having heard both sides, it is my duty to make the jury aware of certain facts. Firstly, the Duke of Eddington. He is an aristocrat of the highest reputation. His family has served this country in various capacities for two hundred years. Anyone bringing his character into dispute has to make a cast iron case against him. The jury must decide if the defense has done so.

  “Secondly, evidence. When Mr. Bellingham was apprehended, he was carrying a truncheon. A weapon, at least similar to the one with which the Duke was struck. The jury has seen the implement and confirmed that it was blood-stained.

  “Thirdly, Mr. Bellingham's character versus that of the Duke. Mr. Bellingham is a man, who has worked in a variety of dubious occupations, all in the area of private policing. Members of the jury, in this case, we have a man of impeccable character, who alleges that he was assaulted by a man of lesser character. The defendant, when arrested, had a weapon about him similar to the one with which the Duke was struck.

  “I ask you to retire and consider your verdict. I must add that you should give very careful consideration to this case. If convicted, the defendant faces a penalty of death by hanging. Attempted murder is a crime of the gravest nature. Attempted murder of a man of the Duke's standing, is graver still. Please retire to consider your verdict.''

  Chapter 6

  Castle Prison


  20th October 1814

  My dearest Charlotte,

  You may be wondering why you have not heard from me recently. Especially, as we have written to each other so regularly since the incident with the Duke.

  I love you, as no man could ever love a woman. Your last letter, in which you reciprocated your love for me, has made me the happiest man alive. That you are safe, and out of the way of the Duke, pleases me more than anything. It was my intention to join you, once you had indicated your love for me.

  Unfortunately, my dear, something has come between us. I have been arrested and charged with the attempted murder of the Duke. The trial is almost over, and I fear that it has not gone well.

  My love, you should know that you occupy my thoughts at all times, and it is with the heaviest of hearts that I must say goodbye, forever.

  I am sure you will go on to lead a happy and fulfilling life. That I hope, above all else.

  My dearest, from the bottom of my heart, accept my sincere apologies for ever returning you to the Duke. It was an act of the utmost selfishness.

  I love you. May God keep you safe.

  Your Ralph


  ''Charlotte. Where have you been, I have been worried sick about you?''

  ''Father, I am sorry for leaving and not telling you my whereabouts. I am so afraid of the Duke that I went into hiding in London. But something terrible brings me back you. Ralph Bellingham, is in prison.''

  ''My dearest daughter. Mr. Bellingham has been sentenced to death at York. He will be hanged on Monday. Please don't upset yourself. We tried all we could but the prosecution had a strong case, and Mr. Bellingham did hit the Duke, whatever the circumstances.''

  Charlotte pushed her handkerchief to her mouth to prevent her from screaming.

  ''Charlotte. So you dare to come back here?'' Lady Melbourne said as she entered the drawing room at Eaton Hall. ''We had given you up for dead.''

  ''I was explaining to father what happened. I am in love with Mr. Bellingham, but he has been.....'' Charlotte broke down in tears.

  ''That man is a scoundrel and a would-be murderer. How the poor Duke survived that vicious attack, only the Lord knows.''

  ''Mr. Bellingham saved me from a terrible fate that evening. The Duke deserved it. He is a despicable man, who treats women so badly it is unmentionable.''

  ''The Duke is a man of honor. You have brought shame on our family. The Duke has threatened us with prosecution for damages to his reputation. It could ruin us. It's all your fault. You are selfish and undeserving. You could have been a Duchess. But it seems you were happy to consign yourself to the gutter, with a murderer. I am pleased to tell you he will be hanged. And good riddance. The whole business has made me so upset. I'm going to lie down.''

  Charlotte couldn't control the sobs that wracked her body as her mother left the room. Tears began to well up in her father's eyes as well.

  ''Charlotte. You know I love you dearly. I want to apologize to you for being such a weak father. You mother is a tyrant, and I have accepted her behavior on too many occasions. I promise you, I will be stronger for you against her in the future.''

  ''I don't know why you don't leave her. She is terrible towards you, and she is a spiteful mother.''

  ''Your mother is a wealthy woman. And although a woman's wealth becomes her husbands at the time of marriage, I have always respected the fact that it was her wealth that gave us this lifestyle. I will not abuse her trust.''

  ''Father, what am I to do? I love a man who will be hanged. I want to die with him.''

  ''Please, my love, do not talk like that. In time, you will come to terms with the situation and move on with your life. My dear, you are just twenty-one. You have your whole life ahead of you. You will meet someone else one day and live a happy life. I suggest you go back to London and forget about happenings here. I will write to you and come and see you when I am able. Perhaps you would like to see Mary before you go.”

  ''Is she here?''

  ''Yes, I brought her back from the Duke's. I am afraid you will find Mary a much changed young lady. She suffered some terrible abuse while she was in the employ of the Duke. I believe, that now, she is as happy as it is possible to be, under the circumstances.''

  Charlotte ran to Mary and hugged her when Mary entered the room. ''I am so sorry, I left you. Please forgive me. I thought Mr. Bellingham would bring you to me.''

  ''He would have Miss, but he was arrested. I am only thankful that your father rescued me. The Duke did some terrible things to me. I am afraid I won't be able to bear............'' Mary broke down before she could say, 'children.'

  ''Oh Mary,'' Charlotte said as she held her and stroked her hair. ''What has he done to you? I am so sorry for getting you involved in this mess. I will make amends, I promise.''

  ''You should leave, Charlotte. I don't think it's safe for you to be around here. If the Duke hears you are here, I am sure he will do something terrible.''

  ''Mary, look at me. I will do what is right now. For everyone's sake.''

  Chapter 7

  ''Charlotte, what a surprise. How dare you come here after running away and leaving me for dead,'' the Duke said. Charlotte was standing in the same cold reception room she and Mary had stood in when Ralph had returned them to the Duke some months ago.

  Charlotte looked at him and winced at what she was about to say. ''My Lord, I have come to you today to offer you my sincere apologies. I have made a grave mistake, and I hope you will find it in your heart to forgive me. It was wrong of me to deny you my body and my soul. I have learned a valuable lesson, and I promise you, if you take me back, I will prove to be the most caring wife you could wish for.'' ''Take you back, do you think I am mad? You are a.....''

  ''My Lord, please accept my apologies for interrupting, but I would like to ask your kind permission to come closer to you. I have something I think you will like.''

  ''What on earth could you possibly give me that would change my opinion of you?''

  Charlotte stepped towards him, looked him in the eye, and lifted her skirts. She put a hand to her drawers and lowered them. The Duke swallowed hard as he looked at her most secret part. ''This is for you, My Lord, and you alone. You can take me whenever you chose. I promise you, if you take me back as your wife, I will always be wet and ready for you. Here, feel.'' Charlotte took his hand and rubbed it over her vulva. ''All this will be yours, forever. Please consider carefully before you deny me.''

  ''And what should I do in return? I feel there is something you want from me. Surely, you haven't just come back to tell me you want me, without attaching conditions. Not after you have run away twice.''


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