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Romance: Teen Romance: Follow Your Dreams (A Nerd and a Bad Boy Romance) (New Adult High School Sports Romance)

Page 52

by White, Stella

  Isabella's last activity of the day was prayer, and this day was no exception. She knelt at the side of her bed, closed her eyes and placed her hands together.

  ''Dear Lord, please forgive my shortcomings and anything I have done today which may have displeased you. Please also look over Edith, James and Mark. They have all done their best today and deserve your thoughts. If I may Lord, I would like to make mention of the Duke. He is a special man who has been dealt a savage blow in his life. Please release him from his suffering, and grant him a life free of grief and pain. Lord, please look upon my dear father with mercy. He has been foolish, but I know he is a good man in his heart. I ask you to protect him in that vile place. Finally Lord, I ask you to bless my late mother. Thank you for relieving her of her pain in the gentle manner you did. Amen.''


  ''Isabella, please put down your books for once and come and sit with me. I have something to tell you.'' Harriet said.

  ''Harriet, I would like nothing more than to sit with you and pass the time, but the children will be back from their lunch soon. I must prepare their lessons. It is no easy task. Edith is three years older than the two twins and she is, of course, far more advanced. She is especially good at French. I am sure one day she will be the wife of a French Noblesse d'epee.''

  ''Most of them were beheaded twenty years ago. Really Isabella you are quite out of date. I only need ten minutes of your time. Please come and sit here.''

  Isabella looked at Harriet and was quite jealous. Harriet looked so noble. She was tall and her features were aristocratically fine. She had beautiful oval eyes, like Cleopatra. Isabella wondered how on earth Harriet kept her blonde hair in such superbly formed ringlets. They never seemed to be out of place or poorly formed. The thing Isabella was most jealous of, however, was Harriet's figure. She had an ample bust with which she could woo any man, and she was able to wear dresses than clung to her stomach and bottom without caring what anyone thought. Harriet was the Duke's sister, and no servant would ever dare to speak ill of her.

  Isabella, on the other hand was treated with disdain by the servants. She was just a governess, a woman of high standing, forced to work because her family had failed. Isabella got up from her desk, walked to the window seat and sat down next to Harriet.

  ''My dear, listen to this idea. You will love it, I am sure. We're going to have a ball, a Masquerade Ball.''

  ''What fun,'' Isabella said without meaning it.

  ''Oh, I do hope so. Listen to me carefully. You and I are friends. I know my brother frowns upon our friendship, but he is just a fuddy-duddy.” Harriet placed her hand on Isabella’s. “You know my brother has been desperately lonely since the death of his wife. Her passing left him devastated, as you know. But she died five years ago. He thinks it is time to find a new wife. That's why I am going to help organize a ball. We will invite hundreds of eligible women and he can take his pick.''

  Isabella suddenly felt faint. She was going to lose her beloved Duke to another woman. ''Splendid, yes. The Duke deserves to be happy. Now I really must.....''

  ''Not so fast. I haven't told you the best bit yet.'' Harriet was a master plotter. Usually, Isabella loved hearing about her schemes, but she had been shattered by the news that she was planning to marry the Duke off. She had lost all interest in discussing the matter further.

  ''I want you to come to the ball as well.''

  Isabella turned bright red. ''It is not my place to question the judgment of the Duke's sister. However, I really don't think that is a good idea. What should I do at the ball? I won't know anybody, and I am really not the kind of woman who enjoys dancing with strange men.''

  ''Strange men? You won't need to dance with strange men? You my dear, will win the hand of my brother.''

  ''What?'' Isabella spluttered. ''Now I really am questioning your judgment. In all my twenty two years on this planet, that is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. Quite preposterous.''

  ''No, it is not.” Harriet shook her head. “You are the most beautiful woman I know. I have a hundred lady friends and it is you, whose looks I admire most. Look at you, you are perfect. You are as tall as I am, and your figure is so slight, the next breath of air would knock you down. Your eyes are a magnificent sea blue. They would make any man fall at your feet. Your dark hair makes you look seductive. Your bust fills any gown to perfection, and your bottom is almost invisible. I have no idea why you dress like a frumpy old woman, but I will change that. When you go to the ball, you will turn heads and make my brother want you more than he has ever wanted anyone.''

  ''Harriet, please stop. If you continue with this ridiculous idea, I am afraid I will have to terminate our friendship. I am embarrassed by the notion that your brother would be interested in me. He plainly will not be. Now I have work to do.''

  ''You are wrong, dear Isabella. I want you to go to the ball. It will be our secret, the Duke is to know nothing of it.''

  ''Please, do not do this. There isn't a man on this earth I respect more than the Duke. He has all the attributes any woman yearns for. He is handsome, polite, witty and charming. Do not make a fool of him by trying to marry him off to me.''

  ''You are in love with him, aren't you. I can tell by the way you speak of him. Splendid, that makes it all the easier. I know you two would be so happy together. It simply has to work.''

  ''Harriet please, you are causing me more pain than I can bear. I beg you, give up this idea.''


  ''Edith, how was your lunch? Where are the boys?'' Isabella asked her eldest charge.

  At seven years old, Edith was already an accomplished piano player, and fluent in French. Isabella took great pride in teaching Edith. She could see herself in the young girl. Edith was keen to learn but lacked confidence, just as Isabella had.

  ''Boys, hello,” Isabella’s said as they stomped into the room. “I have some lovely things for us to do this afternoon. Edith you are going to look at the subjunctive tense with me, and boys, I want you to draw. We will start with a drawing of your home.''

  ''I see you are busy, Isabella,'' the Duke said. He was standing in the doorway. She looked across at him and felt her heart rate increase.

  ''Yes, my Lord. I'm teaching Edith the subjunctive tense and the boys are drawing a picture of the castle. Can I be of help to you?'' Isabella tried not to stare at him but it was impossible. He was simply the most gorgeous man she had ever set her eyes upon. He was over six feet tall and broad in the shoulder. He had a presence that filled any room and made people take notice of him. When he looked at her with his emerald green eyes, he made her feel like a giggly little girl. She loved his dark hair and the way it flopped over every time he tilted his head.

  ''Can you please come to my study after Nanny has taken the children this evening? There is something I would like to talk to you about.''

  ''Yes, my Lord. I will come to you shortly after five,'' Isabella said nervously. What did he want with her? Did he know about the idiotic scheming of his sister? Had she upset one of the children? There was no way of knowing why he suddenly wanted to speak to her. She would have to wait.

  The afternoon passed more slowly than Isabella had ever thought possible. Eventually though, it was five o'clock and the children were taken into Nanny's capable hands.

  Isabella went to her room before she went to see the Duke. She wished to remove her chemisette and attend to her hair.


  ''Come in,'' the Duke shouted after Isabella had knocked on the polished mahogany door. The Duke's study was off the central entrance hall. As she opened the door, she was overcome with nerves.

  ''Ah, Isabella, thank you for coming to see me. Please sit down.''

  Isabella sat down in a comfortable arm chair and waited for him to speak. While he finished writing, she looked around. It was a splendid room. On the walls, were pictures of previous Dukes at work in the same room. The study was as big as a tennis court. On the left wall, there was a huge marble mantel
piece adorned with the finest porcelain dogs. The Duke was a keen shooter and since the death of his wife, he had surrounded himself with Spaniels. One of them was lying at his feet. His desk was of mahogany and filled with papers. Isabella loved the feel of the room. It was a place of contemplation and honest endeavor.

  ''Isabella,'' he began. ''My children adore you. They never talk about anybody else the way they talk about you. To them you are heaven sent.''

  ''Thank you, my Lord. It is most kind of you to say so.''

  ''I only wish they spoke of me in the same manner. I have also noted Edith's excellent progress. She really is the most splendid piano player. Thoroughly entertaining. It is you I have to thank for that.” The Duke paused. “But, and I say this with a huge amount of regret, I am disappointed in you.''

  His words slammed into her like a steam train. She found herself clutching her sweaty palms into the soft material of the chair.

  ''My Lord, I am most humbled, indeed shocked by your words. It has never been my intention to offend you in anyway. Please tell me how I have managed to do so, and I will correct myself immediately.''

  ''Are you good at being economical with the truth Isabella?''

  ''If you mean lying, my Lord, the answer is no. I never intentionally tell something which is not true.''

  ''Then why did you not tell me your father is at His Majesty's pleasure in Pentonville Prison?''

  Isabella swallowed. ''When I came to work here, my Lord, my father was not in that place.''

  ''Then prey tell me, what is he doing there now?''

  ''He has debts.'' Isabella felt herself trembling and on the verge of tears. ''My father entered into a business venture with someone of ill repute. That man stole money from the venture they were joined in. Since then, my father has been trying to honor those debts. The other man has run away. The debts were so great, my father has been unable to repay them fully. He has tried but he couldn't, and now he has been sent to prison.''

  ''Do you understand the seriousness of this situation Isabella? Prison carries a giant stigma. The fact that the father of the woman that teaches my children is incarcerated, reflects very badly on my children, me and this whole household.''

  Isabella could feel herself frown. ''I am sorry sir. I understand. Perhaps you will accept my resignation.''

  ''I will not accept your resignation. I want the best for my children, and that is you. However, I wanted to mention the matter to you. Please do not withhold any information about your father again. If there is a development in his case I want to know. I also want to know the sum of his debts.''

  ''Yes, of course, I will find out and inform you, as soon as I can.''

  ''Have you had word from your father while he has been locked up?''

  ''Yes, my Lord.''

  ''And how is he?''

  ''Thank you for your kind interest,” Isabella said. “I'm afraid things are not going well for him. He has bronchitis and the damp nature of the place is making it worse. I am terribly afraid for his health.''

  ''I will see what I can do about it. I know the Home Secretary. I’ll ask him to move your father to a more hospitable place.” The Duke glanced back down at his papers. “Thank you Isabella, that is all.''

  Isabella went to her room. As she lay on her bed and wiped away her tears, she wondered what on earth had possessed her not to tell the Duke about her father. Of course the Duke was right. It did reflect badly on him, the children and the household. She had been inconsiderate and she would try to make amends. The worst of it was, the Duke now had a low opinion of her. She would speak to Harriet and get her to drop the ludicrous idea of inviting her to the ball.

  She picked up 'Sense and Sensibility' and took comfort in Mr. Willoughby. It was July, and this day had been exceptionally warm. The room was stuffy. After a while she got up and opened the window. The window was huge, stretching from thigh level, right up to the ceiling. As she was pulling the lower half of the window up, she saw the Duke walking across the lawn. His dogs were busily running in and out of the flower beds looking for rabbits. To her horror, a young lady was walking next to the Duke, holding onto his arm. Isabella strained her eyes and tried to see if she knew the young lady, she didn't. Isabella spent the evening wondering who the woman was, and what interest the Duke had in her.


  ''Harriet,'' Isabella exclaimed as she saw her walking past the open door of the tutorial room. ''I need to speak to you.''

  Harriet stopped. They continued their conversation in the corridor, out of earshot of the children.

  ''What on earth's the matter? The way you shouted my name, I thought the world was coming to an end,'' Harriet said.

  ''You can't do it.''

  ''Do what?''

  ''You can't invite me to the ball,'' Isabella whispered.

  ''Isabella, my dear friend, you will come to the ball. I insist on it.''

  ''I won't. I have decided. I spoke to your brother yesterday and I have upset him terribly. Your plan is scuppered. There is no chance the Duke will look at me now. Although he wouldn't have looked at me anyway. Your scheme was insane right from the start, and now I'm putting an end to it.''

  ''Do you mean you offended him, by not telling him your father is in prison?''

  ''Oh, heavens. You know as well. Please believe me, I am so sorry. I know I have offended your family, and the household. If I could change the situation I would.''

  ''Isabella, you are silly. I am not in the slightest worried for myself or the household.''

  ''But the Duke told me he was disappointed in me.''

  ''The Duke often says things he doesn't mean. He has to deal with lots of people every day. He's just made a mistake, that's all. When he sees you at the ball in front of him, he will fall head over heels in love with you. Trust me.''

  ''He is already in love with another woman.'' Isabella cringed at her careless remark. She had no idea who the woman on the Duke's arm had been, and she certainly couldn't ascertain whether they were in love or not.

  ''What are you talking about?''

  ''Yesterday evening, I saw your brother walking arm in arm with another woman.''

  ''Ah, yes. Lady Victoria. She's the daughter of Lord and Lady Somerset. Awfully rich and well to do. My brother seems to like her and she has been here a couple of times. But she isn't a patch on you. You will see, I am right. Now go back to the children and stop fretting.''

  ''I admire your confidence in me, I really do. But I will not go to the ball. I will not embarrass the Duke with my presence.''

  Isabella turned around and went back to the children. Their beaming faces made her feel better, but she was upset that Harriet seemed intent on putting her in an intolerable situation.


  Isabella changed into her best dress, a white muslin affair with a high neckline. The edges were adorned with Egyptian ornamentation. Isabella didn't particularly care for the ringlets that most women seemed to choose. She parted her dark hair in the middle and let it hang naturally.

  When she was ready, she descended the grand staircase and walked to the Duke's study. The door was open and she saw the Duke stroking one of his Spaniels.

  ''My Lord,'' she said softly so as not to shock him.

  ''Come in,'' he said, as his eyes fixed on her breasts. It was the first time he had seen her display any flesh, whatsoever. ''You wanted to see me? Harriet told me.''

  ''Yes, my Lord. I want to say thank you.''

  ''For what?''

  ''For having my father moved. I have had word from him, and he has told me his bronchitis is much improved. He is in a less hostile establishment in Norfolk. I believe the country air will be more sympathetic to his condition. Thank you very much for arranging it. I appreciate it more than you could ever know.''

  ''I am pleased he is improved.''

  ''One more thing, my Lord. You asked me to tell you the sum of my father’s debts.''

  ''Ah, yes. Just a minute, I'll write it down. Go ahead.''

nbsp; ''I am ashamed to mention the figure, my Lord. It is an astronomical amount.''

  ''Perhaps it is. However, you shouldn't let that prevent you from telling me.''

  ''Three thousand pounds.'' Isabella dropped her eyes to her lap in shame.

  ''That is indeed a vast sum. Not insurmountable but nonetheless a large sum. Thank you for telling me. How are the children coming along?''

  ''Very well my Lord. I have every faith in them. They will all have bright futures.''

  ''Tell me Isabella.” The Duke leant forward. “Please do not think me intrusive, but where is your mother while your father is in prison?''

  ''She passed away.''

  ''Of what?'' he asked, suddenly regretting it. ''I am sorry that was indelicate of me. It is none of my business.''

  ''I suppose it could be called poverty.''

  ''Do you mean she had nothing to eat?'' he asked, alarmed at the thought.

  ''My Lord. My father was in debt, the bailiffs took everything and they did indeed have precious little to eat. My mother was not strong physically and it was too much for her.''

  ''Was that before you came to work here?''

  ''My mother died a few months after I came here, my Lord.''

  ''What? And you didn't tell me?''


  ''Why? You should have done. We are wealthy. Harriet and I could have helped you.''

  ''Sir, it was at a time just after your wife had passed away. It seemed indelicate to burden you with my problems.''

  ''Does nobody tell me anything, in my own home? Please tell me Isabella, am I an intimidating man?''

  Isabella was taken aback by his question. ''What exactly do you mean by intimidating?''

  ''Are people frightened of me? In other words, are people so scared of me, they won't confide in me?''

  ''My Lord it is not my place to …...''

  ''Nonsense. As governess to my children, I am sure you are well placed to answer my question.''


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