The Plague Lords of Ruel
Page 12
If you possess the Grand Master Discipline of Kai-screen, turn to 194.
If you do not possess this skill, turn to 65.
Despite his close proximity, and his powerful sense of tracking, the druid fails to detect your presence here in the cavern. You hear him mumble a few disgruntled comments and then, with all the enthusiasm of a tired sloth, he leads his snickering group of rat-men into the south tunnel.
Patiently you wait for their flickering torches to be swallowed up by its dark depths. When you are surrounded by total darkness once more, you leave your hiding place and hurry away along the west tunnel. For more than five miles you follow this winding route and, despite your mounting fears, you encounter nothing more threatening than a few ragged-winged bats and a frightened rock snake. Gradually, as the tunnel delves deeper into the Skardos Range, the air becomes increasingly cooler and more humid. You can smell the strong scent of water somewhere in the distance and you are not at all surprised when, as you round a sharp bend in the tunnel, you see faint shimmering reflections playing upon the rough stone ceiling.
If you possess Telegnosis, turn to 67.
If you do not possess mastery of this Discipline, turn to 244.
As you return to the chamber, you see the sleeping Vazhag beginning to stir from its slumber.
If you wish to attack the waking Vazhag, turn to 282.
If you choose to hurry past it and escape from the chamber by means of the secret door, turn to 308.
With gleeful malevolence the creature Exterminus takes hold of you in a bear-hug and proceeds to crush the air from your lungs. Then, with a demonic squeal of delight, it buries its needle-sharp fangs into the side of your neck and a flash of brilliant white light explodes in your head.
Consciousness deserts you. The sensation of falling overcomes your senses until you are consumed completely by a spinning vortex of darkness. The creature has taken your life, but more than this, it has sentenced you to a terrible punishment. You have been consigned to a realm where the power of Good holds no sway. You have been ensnared by the soul of Naar himself, the King of the Darkness, and as his prisoner you will remain, doomed to wander his dark domain for all eternity.
Tragically, your quest ends here.
Your aim is awry and the Arrow arcs over the druid's shoulder to disappear among the trees beyond. Instantly he spins to face you and screams at his Vazhag to finish you for good.
With a foul, snickering cry the Vazhag race to do their master's bidding. In a frenzy they leap upon you, hacking and stabbing with their rusty blades.
If you win this combat, turn to 303.
Quietly you contemplate your next move as the portcullis slams down, sealing off the main exit from Mogaruith. Within a few moments your thoughts are disturbed by the sound of a large troop of Vazhag ascending the stairs by which you entered this hall. Their approach prompts you to leave by the main door and look for another hiding place outside in the keep.
From the shadows of a disused store room doorway, you scour the surrounding battlements and walkways, hoping to see an opportunity for escape. However, it does not take too long to discover that the tower offered the only easy route out of this stronghold, one that is now blocked by the portcullis.
Suddenly you hear an angry squeal and turn to see a rat-man's snout protruding from the window of a turret high up to your left. It has seen you and it is informing its confederates of your hiding place. You are forced to abandon the doorway and run into a nearby alley as a score of Vazhag guards come charging across the keep in hot pursuit. The alley is a dead end, but you find a stone stairway which ascends to the battlements and you take it in order to keep ahead of the bloodthirsty pack.
At the top of the stairs you find yourself sandwiched between two converging Vazhag patrols which are racing along the battlements from both directions. To stand and fight would be futile; you would kill many but you would eventually be overcome by the sheer weight of their numbers.
Now there is only one option left and the very thought of it sends a chill racing down your spine. Steeling yourself for what must be done, you sheathe your weapon, take a deep breath, and then launch yourself over the battlements towards the bubbling moat.
Turn to 283.
Ably you sidestep and dodge your way through the throng of female Vazhag who are swarming around the wagon in a food-starved frenzy. One of them runs across your path, forcing you to halt momentarily to avoid crashing into her. But before you can continue, a Vazhag guard is shouldered away from the wagon by the crowd and he collides with you. Swiftly you grab the creature by the throat to stop it from warning its confederates, and drag it one-handedly towards the shadowy cavern wall.
Suddenly you feel something crawling up your forearm. A wave of revulsion knots your stomach when you see a mass of black fleas coursing up your arm, migrating from the neck of the frightened Vazhag. The ghastly sight makes you loosen your grip and allows the disease-ridden creature to squeal a desperate cry for help. As one, the guards respond to the cry. They draw their rusty weapons and narrow their tiny red eyes as they abandon the wagon and advance upon you.
If you wish to stand and fight these Vazhag, turn to 313.
If you wish to evade them, you can escape through the open portal by turning to 204.
‘Mmmm … I did not request an attendant to assist me during devotions,’ he says, narrowing his cruel grey eyes. ‘Who ordered you here? Was it Brother Jhordax?’
You hesitate, but he does not seem to be expecting a reply.
‘That fool Jhordax. This is not the first time that he has failed to observe the protocol of this hall. You can tell your master that I am not impressed by his incompetence. He will have to answer to Him if this ever occurs again.’
The cloaked druid sweeps past you, opens the door to the prayer hall, and then slams it shut behind him to further reinforce his displeasure.
Turn to 227.
The creatures cease their frenzied movement with an abruptness you find unnerving; it is as if they have suddenly turned to stone. Now that you can see them clearly they remind you of beetles, save that they are far larger and have long segmented tails. You observe them for a few moments longer, and then take a tentative step forwards. Instantly they burst into life, only this time they do not confine themselves to the forest floor. With a sound like a thousand squeaky door hinges, they sprout wings and soar into the air in a formation which resembles a small black cloud. Soon they have left the clearing, and as you watch the last of them disappear over the tops of the trees, you can only hope that they are not some form of lookout employed by the Cenerese.
On the far side of the clearing you discover that the trail continues deeper into the forest. You follow it for nearly an hour until your keen senses warn of danger ahead and immediately you halt in your tracks. You hear a movement: it is above and behind you. With incredible speed you spin on your heel and raise your weapon to parry a possible attack. Your reactions are fast, but they may not be quick enough to protect you from what lurks in the canopy of branches high above.
From out of the darkness there falls a wriggling mass of thorny creepers that come snaking towards your head as if driven by a single mind.
If you possess Grand Pathsmanship, turn to 257.
If you do not possess this Discipline, turn to 140.
You struggle to extricate yourself from the bodies of the Vazhag you have slain. As you rise to the summit of the grisly heap, you glimpse the druid scurrying towards the gap in the trees by which he, and his late minions, entered the clearing.
You know that he must not be allowed to escape. If he were to reach Mogaruith and raise the alarm, your mission, and probably your life, would soon be over. With fear in your heart you clamber over the
dead Vazhag and work your way back along the passage, determined to stop him before he can get away.
If you possess a Bow and Arrows and wish to use them, turn to 176.
If you possess mastery of Magi-magic and wish to use it, turn to 334.
If you possess Kai-alchemy and wish to use it, turn to 264.
If you possess none of the above or choose not to make use of them, turn to 237.
You detect that the crystal sphere is the source of the evil which saturates this room. The closer you move towards it, the harder it becomes for you to suppress the feeling of nausea and revulsion which you are currently experiencing.
Turn to 338.
Instinctively you flatten yourself against the chamber wall in an attempt to avoid being hit by the spinning blade.
Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If your current ENDURANCE points score is higher than 20, add 2 to the number you have chosen.
If your total score is now 0–3, turn to 3.
If it is 4 or higher, turn to 263.
Reluctantly, as your Grand Mastery overcomes the magical shield placed upon this creature's mind to protect it from alien influence, the Vazhag stands aside and allows you to pass into the keep of Mogaruith.
The great flagstoned square echoes with the rhythmic thump of marching troops and the squealed commands of their Vazhag sergeants. By means of a covered walkway you skirt around this busy plaza and make your way stealthily towards a staircase which descends to a grand portal set into the base of the stronghold's citadel.
You have reached the north side of the keep when you are unexpectedly confronted by three Cener Druids, who turn a corner and come walking towards you in a line abreast. To avoid them you are forced to sidestep into a shadowy doorway.
Turn to 98.
Swiftly you unshoulder your Bow and draw an Arrow to your lips. The straining bowstring bites into your fingertips as, with smooth precision, you take aim at the fleeing druid's back. The instant you fix upon his billowing scarlet robes, you release the bowstring and send your shaft speeding towards the nape of his neck.
Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you have Grand Weaponmastery (with Bow), add 3 to the number you have picked.
If your total score is 0–5, turn to 232.
If it is 6 or higher, turn to 317.
Screams of ‘Intruder!’ echo from below as you run headlong towards the ladder. You reach it and begin your climb towards a secondary platform, located directly below the one which supports the winch.
You are only six rungs away from the platform when suddenly the faces of two Acolytes of Vashna appear over the edge. They curse and spit on you as they try to stab you with their spears.
If you possess Kai-alchemy and wish to use it, turn to 137.
If you possess Magi-magic and wish to use it, turn to 345.
If you possess neither of these Grand Master Disciplines or if you choose not to use them, turn to 86.
You hide the bodies of your slain enemies as best you can before you leave the cavern. For more than five miles you follow the west tunnel and, despite your mounting fears, you encounter nothing more threatening than a few ragged-winged bats and a frightened rock snake. Gradually, as the tunnel delves deeper into the Skardos Range, the air becomes increasingly cooler and more humid. You can smell the scent of water somewhere in the distance and you are not at all surprised when, as you round a bend in the tunnel, you see shimmering reflections playing upon the rough stone ceiling.
If you possess Telegnosis, turn to 67.
If you do not possess mastery of this Discipline, turn to 244.
Using your Magnakai skills, you examine the keyhole and discover that the wall is in fact a concealed door. You attempt to pick the lock, but it is shielded by a powerful spell which you cannot overcome.
Reluctantly, you are forced to abandon your efforts and retrace your steps to the top of the stairs. Once you arrive back at this point you continue your escape by taking the west passage.
Turn to 271.
You duck to avoid the sweeping tendrils, and then turn and begin to run towards the clearing. You have taken but a few steps when a barbed limb lashes out and rakes the back of your legs (lose 4 ENDURANCE points).
You cry out at the sudden pain and stumble to your knees, but quickly you regain your footing and manage to escape without sustaining further injury. Without looking back, you cross the clearing and press on towards the east.
Turn to 242.
Nimbly you sidestep and dodge your way through the throng of rat-men who are gathered around the wagon in a frenzy of activity. One of the Vazhag runs across your path, forcing you to halt momentarily to avoid crashing into him. But before you can continue, another of his comrades steps back from the wagon and collides with you. Swiftly you grab the creature by the throat to stop it from warning its confederates, and then you drag it one-handedly towards the shadowy cavern wall.
Suddenly you feel something crawling up your forearm. A wave of revulsion knots your stomach when you see a mass of black fleas coursing up your arm, migrating from the neck of the frightened Vazhag. The ghastly sight makes you loosen your grip and allows the disease-ridden creature to squeal a desperate cry of help. As one, the guards respond to the cry. They draw their rusty weapons and narrow their tiny red eyes as they leave the wagon and advance upon you.
If you wish to stand and fight these Vazhag, turn to 313.
If you wish to evade them, you can escape through the open portal by turning to 204.
A fierce and bloody battle is raging upon the Ghardoz, the formidable stone bridge that joins together the lands of Ruel and Slovia across the River Storn. Its central span is wreathed with smoke and flame, and the approaches are heaped with the dead of both armies.
Illustration XI—On the Ghardoz, the formidable stone bridge joining the lands of Ruel and Slovia, a fierce and bloody battle rages.
On the far side of the river, over three hundred yards away, you can see the scarlet battle-banners of Slovia fluttering in the soot-laden air. Regiments of foot soldiers are positioned on the bank, waiting nervously for their orders to assault the bridge. You stare at the fast-flowing waters of the Storn and, after careful thought, you decide to brave the currents and attempt to swim across.
You send your horse away into the forest and then wade into the icy waters. You are only waist-deep in the Storn when the currents catch you and swiftly bear you away downstream, towards the bridge and the battle. You are passing beneath the central span when suddenly a section of the parapet collapses, showering you with rocks and flame.
Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you have Grand Huntmastery and Assimilance, add 3 to the number you have chosen.
If your total score is 3 or lower, turn to 134.
If it is 4 or higher, turn to 350.
Seeking a safe place to surface, you swim slowly towards a pair of large, smooth-faced boulders that rest half-buried in the muddy shallows of the north bank. Here you break through the waist-deep water behind the nearest rock and catch your breath. A few moments later a snarling shriek echoes around the walls of the cave and a sudden chill courses down your spine; a Vazhag has seen you.
Blinking the water from your eyes, you focus on the screaming rat-thing which is leaning across the rope hand-rail of the bridge. Excitedly it jabs its spear at the boulder, directing the unwanted attention of its loathsome comrades to your hiding place. The Cener Druid screams an order and, with a high-pitched cry, the Vazhag come racing back across the drawbridge, brandishing their rusty weapons. You glance about you for some means of escape but none appears. The only exit from the north bank is the tunnel and that can only be reached from the drawbridge.
As the first of the Vazhag leap from the bridg
e and land on the shore, you know that battle is imminent. You must make a swift decision if you are to survive this deadly encounter.
If you wish to dive into the lake and swim away, turn to 52.
If you choose to stand and fight this Vazhag patrol, turn to 258.
The creature finally overcomes your will but the exertion leaves it dizzy with exhaustion. Then you notice its bony hand is fumbling for a button which protrudes from the side of its desk. It is an alarm button.
If you possess a Bow and at least one Arrow, turn to 39.
If you do not possess a Bow or choose not to use it, turn to 251.
You raise your right hand and call to mind the thoughts of the spell Lightning Hand as taught to you by Banedon, and focus the power of this spell upon the tips of your first three fingers. You feel a burning sensation and quickly it becomes almost unbearable: lose 2 ENDURANCE points.
You are sorely tempted to abandon the spell, but quickly you stifle this urge and release it at the middle of the fleeing druid's back. There is a crackling sound, like the crumpling of dried leaves; then a bright blue light shoots from the tips of your fingers and hits the Cener like a hammer between the shoulder blades, sending him sprawling head-first into a tangle of thorny briars.