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Eternal Bliss

Page 13

by Bonni Sansom

  She went to him, touching him on the arm for him to turn and face her. "David, I don't think the worst of you. I was just surprised, that's all. I wish you would have told me before I planned our wedding and before we had sex. I thought for the longest time, I was the problem. You could have trusted me enough to tell me. We could have given ... never mind, it doesn't matter now. I need you to get me in to see Kyle."

  "I can't help you."

  "Yes ,you can, and you will. I have to see him or you'll start losing body parts." She was deadly serious. Today was not the day she would take no for an answer.

  He paced the small length of his office, stopped, and looked up at her. "Alright, but only for a few minutes. Do you understand?"

  "Good enough. I'll take what I can get. When can I see him? I can wait here until you arrange it." The butterflies in her stomach were fluttering away, making her nauseous.

  He seemed to be thinking, as he paced again. He stopped and looked at her. "Melanie and Mr. Beckley haven't left his side for hours, but I need to get another cat scan, so this may be the only way."

  "How is he? Tell me his prognosis."

  "Laine, you know how this works. I can't give you exacts. He has a brain injury. He may or may not wake up. He did show some signs of response to verbal commands, before we had to shock him though, which is good."

  "Shock him? Why did you have to shock him?" She felt the bile rising up in the back of her throat. She knew this was worse than just a traumatic brain injury.

  "He has a myocardial contusion, which is a bruise on his heart."

  "I know what it is." She snapped.

  "Laine, I'm sorry I can't give you better news. I can see you care for him. I hope he makes a full recovery, for your sake."

  "As you probably know, his femur was broken, but it was a clean break, so it should heal nicely. He has three broken ribs and a small puncture in his lung. His Glasgow Coma number was a ten on scene, so it could have been worse. I cleared the clot from under his skull, now we have to monitor the pressure on his brain. His heart should remain stable since we shocked him into a normal rhythm. And now we wait. You know this."

  "Yes, I know this. I just wish I didn't. I need you to get me in to see him as soon as possible."

  He nodded and left.

  The wait seemed like hours, even though it was only moments. He had Kyle out in the hall on his way down to get another scan. A nurse and an orderly were with him. The orderly was pushing the bed and the nurse was checking his portable ventilator.

  When she looked at him, she burst into tears all over again. She had known what to expect, but it still shocked her to see him like this. His head was unnatural looking. He almost didn't look like Kyle. His face was swollen and bruised. He had two black eyes; a tube down his nose; a bolt and a tube were inserted in his head and wrapped with bandages. An I.V. was in his left arm, pumping meds into his system. He had a chest tube in his left side, draining blood and fluid from his lung, and then there was the consistent beep of his heart monitor. He looked so frail.

  She slowly approached him and took his hand, noticing the scrapes on his knuckles. "Oh, Kyle, I'm so sorry. This is my fault. God, I wish I could take it back, and I swear if we were back in the truck, I would say I love you." His fingers moved giving a gentle squeeze to her hand, making her gasp.

  "Kyle? If you can hear me, please squeeze my hand again." Another gentle squeeze of her fingers occurred. She swiped away the tears, got next to his ear, and whispered, "If you'll have me, I'll marry you." He gave another squeeze with a little more force this time. She smiled against his face and kissed his swollen cheek.

  David cleared his throat, getting her attention. "I have to get him down to C.T. now. I'm sorry, but I told you only a few minutes. It's good he's squeezing your hand, that shows some improvement, but we won't know the extent of his injury until he wakes up." David nodded and the orderly began to push the bed. Laine held on to his hand all the way down the hall to the double doors, where she was forced to let go. She stood there as the doors closed, vowing to be with Kyle, regardless of Jeff and his stupid orders.

  * * * *

  Jeff was wondering what was taking so damn long. It was just a cat scan, and he wanted to see Kyle before he had to leave to go home to get some sleep for work. He knew Kyle would want him to keep on going as normal as possible, but it was hard to leave him. Jeff was very impressed with Melanie, and had a bit of a crush on her. She hadn't left his side all night. She had held his hand through the worst of it, and when he kissed her, something changed inside of him. He didn't want to just have sex with her and leave her. He actually wanted to be with her.

  Jeff checked his watch again. "He's been gone for over an hour. I'm going to go check and see what's taking so long."

  Melanie nodded her head and sat back in the chair.

  Jeff knew he needed to find the older lady. She always seemed to have the best information. He checked the nurse's station, the lounge, and the doctor's office. He was about to turn around, when he spotted Laine sitting in a waiting room at the end of the hall.

  Dammit, what the hell was she doing here? Did he have to handle everything himself? "What are you still doing here? I'm not letting you in to see Kyle, so you might as well go home."

  Laine gasped and fluttered her hand over her heart. "I'm not leaving. I love him."

  "Yeah, you loved him right into a coma. I don't know what your game is, but it's over. Kyle is done with you." He crossed his arms over his chest, and widened his stance.

  "You don't get to decide that. Only Kyle can send me away." She stood facing him with her back ramrod straight.

  "Well, seein' as how he can't speak for himself because of you, I guess I'll speak for him." His face was a mere inch away from hers, challenging her.

  "I know you blame me. I do too, but it was an accident and I need to be with him, Jeff." She backed off a little, with her vision blurring again with unshed tears.


  "You're being unreasonable. You know he would want me here." She sat back down in the chair.

  "I know you're wrong for him. He was a different person before you came along. He was happy and healthy. Now that he met you, he's been upset more than I've ever seen him, and now he may never be the same. He needs his family around him, not a fling that upsets him."

  She slumped in the chair. "Fine, but could you at least let me call and check on him?"

  "You can call, but not speak to him, only the staff. And if I find out you're trying to leave him messages, I'll put a stop to it."

  She swiped away a tear and walked over to the elevators without another word.

  Jeff waited until she was gone, before he turned back toward Kyle's room. The woman had no business anywhere near Kyle. He knew she would get regular reports from Melanie, but he couldn't bring himself to send her away. She had been his rock through the night. He couldn't have handled it without her. Just as he entered the ICU unit, he saw that Kyle was back in his room.

  "Hey, you just missed the doctor." Melanie said.

  "What did he have to say?" Jeff took his place next to his friend and held his hand.

  "He told me that Kyle was doing better. The scan looked good and he's following verbal commands again."

  Jeff asked him to squeeze his hand again, and got a small grip in return. He dropped Kyle's hand and scooped Melanie up and kissed her. A mind melting kiss he felt to his groin.

  Melanie pushed back on his chest. "Okay, well, I have to go. I have clients all morning." She gathered her things.

  "Mel, I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking. I shouldn't have just kissed you like that."

  She dropped her purse back into the chair. "Jeff, I liked the kiss. That's the problem."

  His brows furrowed. "I don't understand. If you liked it, why are you running away?"

  Her back stiffened. "I'm not running away, I do have clients all morning, but I made a promise and I intend to keep it."

  "Let me guess, Laine?" He huffed o
ut a breath. That woman would be the death of both him and Kyle. She was like a poison spreading all around.

  She nodded. "Yes, and I happen to agree with her. She should be able to see him. So, if you don't want me back in here, tell me now."

  He couldn't even because of Laine. "You're welcome to visit him anytime you want. I would love the company while I sit with him when I'm off."

  "You have my number, call me when you need me to come up and sit with you. I'm free every evening after five."

  "I'll call you, and I'll need you, just like I did last night. I can't thank you enough for sitting with me through this." He took her small hand in his, and kissed her knuckles. He watched as goose flesh appeared on her slender arm. He also noticed she didn't pull away. So, he did have a chance.

  He dropped her hand, she gathered her purse, and brushed an errant strand of golden hair out of her eyes. "Jeff, I mean it. I can't have a relationship with you."

  He'd bet his ass she was bargaining with herself about this subject. But to let her off the hook, he said, "I know, and I'll try to stop kissing you." He gave her his best lopsided grin, and watched her pale skin turn pink.

  "Okay, then I'll try to make it to sit with you." She turned on her heel and left.

  Damn, she's going to be fun.

  * * * *

  The first thing Kyle registered was the amount of pain he was in. The second was the annoying beeping machines. He hurt from his toes to his head. Damn, he needed something to numb his body. He noticed he couldn't speak. Something was blocking his throat. Instinct kicked in to rip it out. He reached for it and a hand grabbed his. Probably Pops or Grams, and boy-oh-boy, he knew he'd be in trouble for this one. He shouldn't have been riding his bike in the road. They always took care of him no matter what, so he didn't fight the hand that pulled at his.

  "Nurse, come quick!" He heard. Sounded like Jeff. "He's waking up." Yes, Jeff.

  God, he hurt all over his body. He hoped to get the tube out of his mouth, so he could ask for pain meds. His leg hurt, it must be broken. He was never going to hear the end of this. Jeff would razz him for the rest of his life.

  He heard a woman say "Hold his wrists. I'll get the restraints." There was a rustling noise, then he felt something go around each wrist. He pulled and couldn't move them. It frightened him and he fought them, trying to rip his hands free. Someone took his hand, stroking it like a lover. That couldn't be right, he was only thirteen, but he knew about lovers.

  "Melanie, keep doing what you're doing, it seems to be calming him down."

  Who was Melanie and why did she seem familiar?

  "I'll get the doctor," the female voice said.

  "Kyle, if you can hear me buddy, just hang in there a little bit longer." He heard Jeff say.

  He didn't understand why he couldn't open his eyes. They felt like lead weights were holding them down.

  He heard the shuffling of shoes and clothing rustle. Oh shit, that light is blinding. Damn, he wanted to rip that flashlight out of that hand. One eye at a time was blinded by the pinpoint light.

  "His pupils are responsive and he seems to be trying to breathe on his own. Why don't we try extubating him? We'll see how he does, and if we need to, we can put the tube back in. Nurse, grab an intubation tray for me, just in case."

  Just take the fucking thing out.

  "Should I move out of the way?" He heard a sweet voice ask. Must be Melanie, maybe she was his girlfriend, he couldn't remember. He remembered Grams making him homemade chicken and dumplings for supper yesterday, or at least he thought it was yesterday. That would be what he wanted when he got home. Grams was the best cook he knew. Jeff made excuses to his foster mom all the time to eat Grams cooking.

  "Kyle, you need to cough when I pull this tube out." He heard a man that must be the doctor say.

  The tug on the tube was quick. He thought he was going to throw up as it jerked from his throat. He coughed alright, how anyone could not cough through that, he didn't know. His mouth felt as dry as desert sand. His tongue felt large and useless. He tried moving his tongue around but it felt like weights held it too. He finally managed a weak, "I hurt", that came out more of a scratchy whisper.

  "He said something." Jeff sounded excited, a little too excited. How long have I been here?

  "Ohmigod, Laine is going to be so excited," Melanie said, still stroking his hand.

  Laine? He'd heard that name before too.

  "I don't give a rat's ass about Laine," Jeff said, with disdain dripping from his tongue.

  Well, if Jeff didn't like her, then he didn't either. He and Jeff were the best of buds and both liked the same girls. Laine must not be one of them.

  He felt a breath close to his ear, it tickled him.

  "Kyle, what did you say?" Jeff asked.

  He tried to gather all of his strength to get his words out. "I hurt." He managed a little more than a gravelly whisper this time, although it didn't sound like his own voice. It was low and hoarse.

  "He needs something for pain." Jeff all but yelled.

  Kyle wondered where Grams and Pops were. Why he hadn't heard their voices yet. They must have gone home to rest. It seemed as if he must have been here for a while. He remembered the car coming around the corner of the old dirt road and sideswiping him on his bike. It was a white Pinto. The driver was a friend of theirs from a neighboring farm.

  He felt guilty for riding his bike out on the road, when he'd been told not to a thousand times before. When he was better, Pops would tan his hide out behind the barn. He always did. Kyle had to admit most of the time he had earned the licks he'd gotten. Definitely made him a better man for it. "Man," that didn't seem right either. He felt all jumbled up and confused.

  "You shouldn't be so hard on her, she's pre ... probably worried sick." Melanie said.

  "She should be. This was all her fault."

  Laine? He remembered the woman's name was Sheila, not Laine, but maybe he was mistaken. No wonder he didn't like her, she'd hit him and put him in the hospital.

  "Good, Velma's here. You're gonna feel a lot better, buddy, in just a minute. Don't you worry, I'll be right here." He heard Jeff say. He felt something cold rush through his arm, then something that stung, then nothing.

  * * * *

  It was official. The test had a little pink plus sign on it. "Dammit." Laine threw the test in the trash and pulled out the second one. Maybe, just maybe, it was a false positive. It happened, didn't it?

  She held it in her urine stream, put the cap back on, and waited the brutal five minutes. "Dammit!" The little plus sign appeared again. She threw it in the trash, flushed and washed her hands, tempted to go back to the store and purchase more just to be ultra positive, but trudged back to her office instead. She rounded her desk and plopped in her chair. There was no way in the world she would get any work done today. She might as well go home, but then there was nothing to do there, and she would lose her mind sitting there watching television. Thank her lucky stars her parents finally left, or she would have committed capital murder. After the accident, the woman wouldn't leave her alone. She was eternally grateful to her father for dragging the woman back to Florida.

  She thought about going to the hospital again. Over the past week, David had let her in to see Kyle, while Jeff was on duty at the fire station. The only responses she had gotten from him were the same old squeeze of the hand. His vitals had improved greatly and his overall health was much better. He just hadn't woken up yet.

  She gathered her purse, threw her cell in, and was headed for the door, when her cell started ringing.

  She snatched it out and flipped it open. "Hello?"

  "Laine, he's waking up," Mel, said.

  "I'm on my way. I don't care if Jeff is there or not."

  "He won't let you in, but I might be able to entice him out of here. He really likes me and wants to go out with me. Maybe I can get him to take me home to change clothes. I won't do anything with him though. I promised I would stick around ju
st for Kyle and that's it. I'll keep my promise, Laine."

  "I know you will, Mel. Call me if you're able to get him to leave, okay. I'll be out running some errands." Making a doctor's appointment and baby shopping.

  "Alright, I'll get right on it. Call you later."

  Laine closed her phone and went out the door. She knew it was premature, but there were baby items she wanted to see. She had bought friends baby shower gifts and loved looking at the teensy tiny items.

  As she got in her car, she looked in the rearview mirror, imagining a car seat there. She looked down, putting her hand flat on her abdomen. "Your daddy is waking up."


  Kyle finally opened his eyes. It was completely blurry and only lasted seconds, but they were open. He was feeling stronger every single day. It was a nightmare being trapped inside his body. Unable to get up, unable to do anything but mumble a few words every now and again, it was frustrating beyond belief.

  His damn leg was in traction and itched like a sonofabitch, but at least his hands were untied. Now, if he could only lift them. He still hurt all over, but was able to say when he needed pain medication. Jeff had stayed by his side, despite Melanie's attempts to get him to leave. She must really like him. He heard her practically begging him to take her home.

  Grams and Pops hadn't shown up yet, but he was sure they had just needed to get things done on the farm. It was hard work for the elderly couple. He felt a measure of guilt for getting himself in this position, when he needed to be helping on the farm.

  He would ask Jeff to help them out while he was in the hospital. Now all he had to do was get the words to come out. It was still a struggle to get his voice above a whisper. He used all of his strength. "Jeff."

  He heard the creak of the chair to his left. "What do you need buddy?"

  "Help Pops and Grams." There, he wheezed out what he needed to.

  "What did he say?" He heard Melanie ask.

  "Can we step out in the hall?"

  He wondered what was wrong. Why they needed to get away from him to talk. Dammit, he was frustrated being trapped in the darkness. Unable to communicate the fact he was still here. The same Kyle he had always been.


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