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Girls From da Hood 9

Page 21

by Amaleka McCall

  “I can’t leave you like this . . .”

  “Please, just go. I will be fine,” I said, walking slowly to the couch.

  I lay on the couch and within minutes I was asleep. An hour had passed before I woke to the sound of my ringing phone. It was Larry but I refused to answer. I had three missed calls from him. Men can be such slow thinkers, I thought as I pressed the end button on my phone, sending Larry to voicemail. Larry hadn’t realized yet that if he didn’t bring up the issue of my mother, I would be more willing to let him stay in my company. I felt bad that Larry felt that I used him for sex. The truth was that I really did. When those uncontrollable sexual urges took over, I had to oblige them. By chance or coincidence, Larry just happened to be around at that particular time.

  Later on that night, I head over to Jacob’s house. This was the house that we were using for work until we could afford something else. I called it the unofficial Pearl. Fifteen people were on the schedule for tonight. I was tired and not up to working but the job had to get done. I was sure to brew plenty of coffee to keep me awake throughout the night and early morning. After work, I had an interview scheduled. A position for a research lab technician was available. My appointment was at nine a.m. sharp. There were ten other candidates gearing up for the job and I was determined to come out on top.

  While en route to Jacob’s house, my phone started ringing.

  “Hello?” I answered right away.

  “It’s Heather.”


  “Get over to the house, now,” she instructed.

  “I’m on the way,” I replied.

  Then she hung up the phone. I knew something was wrong by the tone of her voice, but things we could say over the phone were limited so I didn’t ask any questions.

  I hit the gas pedal. Within ten minutes, I arrived at the house. I rushed in. Everyone was downstairs in the living room sitting down.

  “What happened?” I yelled in a panic.

  “It’s Adrianna. I told her to wait so someone else could be with her.”

  “You’re still not answering the question.”

  “She got here early and so did one of the clients. He tied her up and raped her. He left before anyone else got here,” Jacob explained.

  I fell to my knees. This was a real-life nightmare. Jacob helped me back up to my feet and sat me in a nearby chair.

  “Where is she?” I asked.

  “Upstairs,” Heather stated.

  I quickly ran upstairs and held her in my arms. I knew she needed my support.

  “Do you want to go the hospital?” I asked.

  “No, please, don’t make me go. I want to forget this night ever happened. Besides, I took a hot shower and washed his filth off,” she said.

  “Adrianna, I’m so sorry,” I cried while squeezing her tight.

  “It’s okay. It’s not your fault.”

  “You don’t have to do this anymore,” I stated.

  “I have bills to pay.”

  “I know but this line of business could cost you your sanity. Why don’t you take a week off and think about it? I’m going to text to your phone a rape crisis center hotline. They offer counseling services,” I explained.


  “Here is five hundred dollars. It’s not much but hopefully can get you through the week,” I said, handing her the money from my pocket. It was all the cash I had on me.

  Jacob followed Adrianna home to make sure she got there safely. I wanted to call it a night but the others wanted it to be business as usual. I had never experienced the down side of the business. I later found out some of the other men and women working for Heather and me had been raped, tortured, and beaten as well in past experiences. This all was just too much for me to absorb.

  My stomach started to churn. The room started spinning. Feelings of guilt over Adrianna and the memories of that night I was raped flashed back in my mind. The room got dark and I passed out.

  “Angela,” Heather’s voice spoke softly.

  “Yes,” I answered, groggy.

  “Are you all right?” she asked.

  “I’m going to be fine. Give me a minute. I left my purse in the car. Will you bring it to me, please?”

  “Yes,” she agreed and brought my purse to me.

  I quickly got out the medicine bottle and popped a pill in my mouth.

  “Thanks,” I said, slightly relieved.

  “You’re welcome. You know, Angela, I’ve finally figured out what happened,” Heather stated.

  “Oh good.” Heather’s statement was music to my ears. “Tell me what happened tonight. Why wasn’t anyone else here with Adrianna? Someone should always be here at least an hour before a client comes.” I asked for answers.

  Little did everyone know, Heather and I had installed video surveillance cameras inside and outside of the home. So even if no one talked I knew I could get at least get a license plate number on the culprit.

  “I’m not talking about tonight. I’m talking about you. Angela, you were raped or someone did something very bad to you,” Heather said.

  “Not now, Heather, please,” I said as I attempted to get up from the chair and walk away.

  “I’m here if you want a shoulder to lean on,” she said, following close behind me.

  “I have to go. Take all the profits from tonight. I didn’t do any work tonight anyway,” I said while walking toward the door to leave.

  “Angela, please stop avoiding the subject,” Heather insisted while gently rubbing my arm.

  “I can’t do this right now. I’m fine,” I said, grabbing my arm back then rushing out the door.

  When I finally got in the car and out of sight of the house, I began to cry. I sobbed all the way home.

  Chapter 30

  Peace Offering

  “What’s wrong with Fera?” I asked the veterinarian after blood and urine tests were performed.

  “She has a kidney infection, which explains why she wasn’t eating. Here is a prescription for an antibiotic,” he explained.

  “Will this reoccur?” I asked.

  “I’m hoping that it will not. If she’s not acting her normal self, not eating or urinating, bring her back in two days,” he instructed.

  “I will do.” I nodded while petting Fera. I was so thankful it wasn’t anything serious. Fera was getting up there in age. Her not being by my side would seem unreal to me.

  “Fera’s rabies shots are due to expire,” he noticed while looking at her chart.

  “Let’s go ahead and take care of it. Also, I want to put a microchip in her. Just in case she gets lost, I will find her,” I commented.

  “All right. I will send the tech right in.”

  “Thank you.”

  The vet petted Fera on her head and walked out of the exam room. Within minutes, the tech walked in. Fera cuddled under my arm and attempted to hide as she got closer. As much as I hated to hear Fera whimper, I grabbed and handed her over to the tech. Fera’s constant cries were killing me, so I left the room.

  After the bill of $342.54 was paid, we left the vet’s office. While walking out the door, a German shepherd was barking at Fera. She was so frightened that she started trembling and peeing all at once.

  “Barry, down, boy,” the dog owner commanded.

  I looked up and it was one of the clients with his wife and kids. Little did his wife know that he had an appointment with two women that very night. The double lives people lead. They are only inches away from being crossed over.

  I went home to give Fera a bath and put on the cutest pink outfit I could find. The medicine seemed to be working. She was acting like her old self again by running around and getting into every and anything.

  I had a change of heart. I packed a box with most of the food and drinks that I would need for the evening for George’s house. Fera and me headed out the door.

  I turned the key to open George’s condo door. He was sitting in the living room on a recliner, watching the evening
news. Betty was in a robe, looking as if she just got out of the shower. I took a deep breath hoping I could actually play nice. I quickly noticed in the living room that all the pictures of Joyce were gone. My forehead began to tense up and I could feel beads of sweat forming on my nose and forehead. This woman thinks she can just come in here and take over house, I thought as I scanned the room to see what other changes she’d made. I originally assumed she was only staying a few nights every once in a while, but at that point I felt that she actually lived with George.

  “Hey,” I said to George.

  Fera ran past me and jumped in his lap. He laughed as she hopped up and down, licking him all over his face. George and Fera were so happy to see one another.

  “Angela put that smell-good stuff on you. Didn’t she?” George cooed to Fera as he petted her in attempt to calm her down.

  “Hello, Betty,” I greeted her.

  “Hi, Angela. Honey, we weren’t expecting you.”

  “I know but I’m here now.”

  “What do you have there in the box?” she inquired.

  “It’s dinner for tonight.

  “What are we cooking?”

  “I already cooked the collard greens. They just need to be heated up. I’m going to bake a few sweet potatoes, slice them open, and smother cinnamon butter on them. Joyce taught me how to make that kind of butter from scratch,” I bragged.

  “What’s the main dish?”

  “It’s fried catfish. I bought it from Dean’s Fish Market. George prefers their market because they clean the fish so well.”

  “May I help?” she asked nicely.

  “No, thank you.” I responded just as nicely and headed into the kitchen.

  I enjoyed the fact that Betty was a little uncomfortable with me coming over at all. I had a key. As bad as she wanted to, she couldn’t say a word to me. This was my grandfather and my territory.

  “Give me thirty minutes and dinner will be served,” I said while placing fresh rolls on a pan to be baked.

  “So what can I get you two to drink? I made fresh tea and lemonade,” I advised.

  “Lemonade for me,” Betty said.

  “Tea.” George nodded then headed toward the table.

  I returned with the main dish and followed with the side items. As soon as the food was on the table, George quickly decided to say grace. I guessed he wanted to avoid getting me to do the task. I believed he feared I would say something slick out of my mouth. He was probably right!

  “So, Angela, how’s the lab going?” Betty asked, attempting to make conversation as we ate.

  “It’s going well,” I commented.

  “Did you get that position?” George asked.

  “I will find out in another week. With so many possible candidates, it’s taken awhile to interview everyone.”

  “George talks about how you love working there.”

  “Yes, I do, but for right now, it doesn’t actually pay the bills,” I said.

  “Times are tight and everyone is on a budget,” Betty commented.

  “Yes, Betty, you’re absolutely right about that, which brings up what I wanted to speak to George about.”

  “We’re listening,” Betty said.

  “Well, George, my lease is up in two weeks at my apartment. I want to come here and live with you. How nice it would be just the three of us,” I suggested, looking down at Fera while she was eating her bowl of baby carrots and spinach.

  Betty choked on the lemonade that she was drinking. Inside, I was dying laughing. Did she really think that she was just going to come in and take over my grandfather, who happened to adore me, without a fight?

  “What about the house in Suffolk?” Betty asked.

  “The deed on that house is in my name only,” I replied.

  “Angela . . .”George said, giving me an annoying look.

  “What are you looking at me for? Since she was making suggestions, I wanted to point that tidbit out to her,” I admitted.

  “Let’s just have a peaceful dinner,” he said.

  “All right.” Betty nodded her head.

  “It’s too far away from the lab and George,” I stated, returning to the subject at hand.

  “I figured young people would appreciate their own space. This apartment is small,” Betty said.

  “Four is a crowd. Besides, I plan to put anything I’m not using in storage.”

  “Or you could use the Suffolk house,” George said.

  “I never thought about that. Thank you, George. You’ve always had my best interest at heart,” I said.

  “You know I love you.”

  “I want to apologize for the way I treated Betty and you.”

  “It’s all right. I already forgave you two weeks ago,” he said.

  “I understand that you’re still grieving over your grandmother,” Betty said.

  “Thank you for accepting my apologies,” I said.

  “You’re welcome,” they both said in unison.

  “May I move in with you?” I asked.

  “Of course, my home is your home, always,” George expressed.

  “Thank you,” I said and gave him a hug.

  “You’re welcome.” George snickered.

  I noticed Betty was giving him a nasty look. I refuse to let her take over but I would not be disrespectful to her. Later, I discovered she actually lived across the hall from George. I was happy to know she had her own place.

  “I’m going to decorate to put a modern touch on the place,” I said as I looked around.

  “Whatever you want, Angela. I’m just happy to see you smiling again. Do me a favor,” he said.

  “What’s that?” I asked.

  “Don’t burn a hole through my credit card.” We both started laughing as he handed it to me.

  Chapter 31

  No Deed Goes Unpunished

  Since the incident at the business, I had been keeping an eye on Adrianna. I even gave her another paid week off. I told her to consider it a mini vacation. Guilt still lingered in my heart after what happened.

  Over the years, I learned that patience was an acquired trait. For the past three hours, I had been waiting for Donna, a client of mine, to meet me at Starbucks. Normally, I would have left after thirty minutes but she had vital information that I desperately needed. Plus, she called and kept me updated. She was stuck at work. Someone didn’t show up to take over her shift. Donna worked at the Department of Motor Vehicles. The night Adrianna was raped, I retrieved and viewed the surveillance tape. I was only able to get a glimpse of the license plate of the culprit. I knew Donna could help me put the pieces of the puzzle together and find our guy.

  “Sorry for the delay,” Donna said after she approached my car.

  “It’s okay. I understand. Besides, you’re doing me a favor. “

  “Well, here it is. This transaction shall never be discussed again,” she said, handing me over a folder.

  “Of course.” I nodded, then handed her an envelope. In payment for her service, I gave her half off a night of service with our best guy, Cole.

  “I will see you later. The kids are already calling me, asking what we’re eating for dinner. It’s the story of my life.” She giggled, heading back to her car.

  “Make spaghetti. It’s quick, easy, and makes for plenty of leftovers,” I suggested.

  “Hmm, says the woman who doesn’t have any children. I will think about that.” She laughed again and pulled off.

  Inside the folder was the driver’s license of the man. His name was Gary Richardson and he lived in Virginia Beach.

  I drove over to the address on the driver’s license. His home was in the heart of the quiet suburban community of Great Neck. I parked in front of a house a few doors down from the address and watched as he drove the same car from the surveillance video into the driveway of his home. It took all I had to restrain myself from pressing the gas and running him over after he got out his vehicle.

  My cell phone rang.

sp; “Hello?” I answered.

  “Hi, Angela,” Adrianna greeted me on the phone.

  “Hey, I should be at my apartment in an hour. We’re still on for tonight?” I asked.

  “Yeah, I just finished working out. I will be over shortly,” she said.

  “All right. I will see you later,” I responded before pressing the end button on my cell phone.

  After watching the guy check his mail and head into his home, I pulled off and headed home. It killed me to see that guy just go on with his life as if he hadn’t worry in the world when he was a freaking rapist! I drove home deep in thought.

  There was a knock at the door.

  “Come on in,” I said after opening the door.

  “Thanks for helping. It was hard for me to ask because I have a lot of pride,” Adrianna admitted.

  “It’s no problem. Now, let’s crack those books open,” I replied.

  After three long hours, Adrianna had a better grip on calculus. I had some leftover shrimp and linguine that we devoured and then did a few more practice problems.

  “So how are you feeling?” I asked, eagerly wanting to know where she was mentally with the whole ordeal.

  “I’m having nightmares,” she admitted.

  “You can see a counselor.”

  “I’m too ashamed.”

  “If you change your mind, I know of plenty of resources that you can reach out to. What are your nightmares about?”

  “It’s the same events of that night. He ripped my clothes off and raped me. Except in the dream, I managed to get his mask off his face.”

  “What does his face look like?” I asked as if I didn’t know already.

  I was curious to see how the man looked in Adrianna’s dream. I grabbed a piece of paper and pencil as Adrianna began to describe our culprit.

  “He was in his mid-thirties with a touch of grey hair, and looked as if he hadn’t shaved in days with an overgrown ‘college cut.’ His eyes were blue. He had huge ears. I noticed a birthmark on his face. It was on the left side of his chin. His right hand looked as though it had been burned in a fire,” she explained in detail.

  By the time Adrianna was finished describing him, I’d made a mock police sketch of the guy in her dream. “Is this how he looked?” I said, holding up my rough sketch.


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