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Girls From da Hood 9

Page 27

by Amaleka McCall

  She hopped down and I visibly cringed away from her.

  “Well, princess, it’s your turn. So strip the fuck down. I’m gonna teach you what to do, so next time you’ll do me right.” She shook her head disapprovingly. “Tsk tsk, my sister should have schooled you better than that.”

  I felt disgusted by the thought of her mouth on or near me. Even though she looked so much like Aeron, her persona and her demeanor made her ugly in comparison.

  “Um, I need to pee. Can I freshen up real quick?” I asked nervously. Even though she ain’t have a right to say anything, she sure as hell wasn’t going to talk about my stuff smelling or tasting any which kind of way.

  “Just hurry the hell up.”

  I was relieved after she barked out her approval with her face scrunched up in a frown. She turned, pulled a magazine from under her pillow on the top bunk, and adjusted so she could see it under a small slit of light that shone into our cell. I slowly made my way over to the toilet as my mind quickly tried to spin up some sort of plan. Curly black hairs were scattered all over the inside of the toilet bowl. Apparently Antonia had no choice but to cut all that gum out of her hair. I couldn’t help but smile. My triumph was short-lived though.

  “I said hurry da fuck up. I ain’t tryin’a be up all damn night.”

  Antonia’s harsh tone snapped me out of my moment. She put the magazine away and started undressing with her back to me, and I took that as a chance to clean myself up and also remove my uniform. I walked over to the bottom bunk and lay down. She stood over me with her arms leaning on the top bunk.

  Please tell me why in the hell would she shave her stuff and not take a moment to shave those yeti bushes growing under her damn armpits?

  She stood there staring down at me while I fought the urge to scoot as far away as possible. I was worried one of those little white deodorant clumps dangling from her armpit hair would fall and, given my luck, it would land right in my eye or something crazy.

  “Damn, girl, you got some pretty-ass titties. Shame they always hidden all up under that uniform.” A smile spread across her lips.

  I’d started to say thank you, but wasn’t sure if that was a real compliment or if I was supposed to take it like one. The entire situation just felt awkward and she didn’t help standing over me staring like she was.

  Without warning her heavy self fell on top of me and she kissed me while roughly running her hands over body up toward my breasts. I closed my eyes and tried to find the energy Aeron had sparked in me but it just wasn’t there. They looked the same, but nothing about Antonia felt the same as when I was with Aeron. She pulled her lips away from mine and sucked and bit hard into the side of my neck. I winced and involuntarily my hands flew up to push her away.

  Antonia just laughed and pinned my hands above my head as she slid her body in between my legs and bit hard into my skin everywhere that her mouth could reach. I clenched my teeth as tears slid out of the corners of my eyes, but I didn’t dare scream or cry out.

  When she was done with what I guessed was her crude version of foreplay, Antonia released my hands and sat back on her knees between my legs.

  “Now, I’m gonna show yo’ ass how to eat pussy.”

  My entire body tensed in anticipation of the pain I knew was coming. She palmed by butt cheeks in each hand and pulled my hips into her face. Her teeth grazed my clit lightly before her mouth fully opened and I was completely caught off-guard at the jolt of heated lightning that shot through my body. She stiffened her tongue and plunged it inside me as far as she could and all the air flew out of my lungs. Small white sparks discharged behind my eyelids that got larger each time her tongue slid out and back in again. The woman had to do some kind of oral-strengthening exercises on a regular basis. I could almost guarantee that she must have eaten pudding cups without a spoon damn near every day of her life. I mentally slapped myself to keep from begging her to keep going when she stopped.

  “Damn, girl. You taste sweet as fuck. You got that good-good.”

  Her comments were so out of place. Was I supposed to say thanks?

  Apparently, no, she didn’t need a thanks. I was angry at myself for even enjoying what she was doing. Antonia moaned to herself like a fat kid in front of an all-you-can-eat candy buffet. She was in it more aggressively than she was a few moments ago and at that point I couldn’t help it. Closing my eyes the little evil voice in my head began chanting, saying, just let it happen, over and over again.

  Repeatedly she alternated between licking my clit and diving into my core with her tongue. Dear Lord, the woman was multitasking like nobody’s business. The entire time her mouth was moving, she’d let go of my butt and with one hand spread me open so her mouth could get full access to every inch of me.

  Her other hand stayed in motion tugging and teasing my left nipple, then over to do the same to the right. My body wasn’t under my control anymore. In those moments every nerve ending under my skin was follow whatever orders her mouth gave them, and damn it if my legs weren’t shaking. I pulled the pillow over my face to stifle a moan when I felt that painfully delightful stretching as two or three fingers glided inside me. She started stroking me in a “come here” motion that made the fine hairs inside my ears stand up. My eyes rolled back in my head and all I could do was feel. You could call me whatever instrument you want—with her hands and/or her mouth, she was playing the hell out of me.

  My senses were clouded by pleasure and I failed terribly at trying to distract myself so I could listen in case any guards walked through. All I could hear were the sounds of my wetness as Antonia’s mouth and hands drove me into a frenzy. All sense of reason completely left me in that moment and I let go and gave in to the throb that had begun to build between my legs. My entire body convulsed and I could feel my walls clench and tighten as I came harder than I’d ever thought possible. The heat from Antonia’s mouth was driving me insane and everything felt extremely sensitive. I fought myself to keep from reaching out and pushing her away. She licked and kept licking everything, from my clit downward. I could hear her slurping up my juices. When she covered my opening with her entire mouth and licked and sucked hard the sensation sent me crashing into another spiral of spine-breaking spasms.

  Antonia sprang up, her brow creased in surprised confusion. We locked eyes as her hand went to her lips. At first I thought maybe she had a hair stuck between her teeth. She opened her hand and held it up to her lips, spitting a cherry into it. I could see the muscles in her throat working and she licked her lips repeatedly as realization of what I’d done sank in. I slowly slid up from my position and stood beside the bunk. My legs were so shaky, I wasn’t sure if it was from cumin’ the way I did or from fear of what was about to happen.

  “Looks like you got my cherry, Antonia.” My voice was a low, shaky whisper as I stared her right in the eyes.

  “What. The. Fuck?” Antonia was holding her throat and her face contorted as if she was in extreme pain.

  From what little I did know about people with severe food allergies I gave her no more than a few minutes before her airway closed up completely.

  “Call for help . . .” she choked out, looking at me pitifully.

  I simply pressed my index finger to my lips, and shook my head saying no. “Just relax. I think this’ll go a lot smoother if you try to relax,” I whispered.

  I quietly put my prison clothes back on and slid the remaining cherries from my pocket and laid them neatly on her bunk. What Antonia hadn’t realized when I’d asked to pee was that I’d bitten a cherry in half and smeared the juice on my lips, my privates, and even popped half of it inside. I remembered Aeron once telling me that the only thing she and her sister had in common was their allergy to cherries. Who knew that tiny seed of information would wind up being so colossal?

  You started this and now you need to finish it. If you stop now, you know she’ll kill you for what you just did.

  I grabbed the razor she’d used to shave with earlier and wal
ked toward her with the other half of the single cherry in my palm. Her eyes widened in horror as I pressed the razor to her throat.

  “I can finish this off and let you feel this blade run across your throat, or you can eat the other half of this cherry and die quietly.”

  I didn’t have time for her to give me an okay. I didn’t want to risk chickening out. I roughly shoved the cherry in her mouth and watched her fight to chew and swallow. If the coroner did an autopsy they needed to find that other half in her stomach so none of this would point back to me.

  Antonia slumped forward on the bed, her face turning a pale white in the dim lighting of the cell. Her chest was heaving hard and she was starting to thrash around as her airway constricted. I sat on the toilet of our cell and watched her intently. I’d just committed murder. How lenient is heaven when it comes to letting someone in who’s stained with so much sin?

  Chapter 7

  I Know Not What I Do

  I was awakened by the loud clank and electric hum of the lights coming on. It was morning, time to face what I’d done. I glanced down from the top bunk and stared emotionlessly at Antonia’s pale, lifeless hand hanging over the side of the bottom one where I’d left her. I couldn’t move her back up top and there was no point in trying to. Anything done to a body postmortem was sure to leave a mark once the blood stopped flowing, and I didn’t want to leave any evidence of foul play. I guessed nights of watching Snapped reruns on TV had taught me more about being a killer than I’d thought. Mentally I kicked myself for not making her climb back up before finishing her off.

  The demon on my left shoulder was mocking the angel sitting on my right.

  You did that. You sinned, you’ve broken one of the sacred Ten Commandments. But it’s not like you had a choice. She would have eventually beaten your ass to death if you didn’t handle her first. What’s done is done. Repent and you’ll be back in His good and merciful graces.

  “Open up seventy-three! Open it up!” Officer Blakely rushed in and I sat up wide-eyed and dazed.

  “What the fuck happened in here? I need a medic in zone two, cell seventy-three. Inmate down, we have an inmate down! Get a unit in here now!” She radioed for help and slid Antonia’s body onto the floor. She was feeling for a pulse, looking for a heartbeat.

  “What the fuck you do to her, bitch? I know your ass did something! You did this shit? What the fuck did you do to her?” Officer Blakely was hovering over Antonia’s body, glaring up at me furiously.

  Everything happening around me was a blur. Another female officer came out of nowhere and yanked me down from my cot. She directed me to stand outside of our cell. As a precaution I was cuffed: my hands behind my back, and shackles were placed tightly on my ankles. I could already hear the whispers going up and down the block. Mirrors were sliding out of several bars as some of the inmates tried to get a glimpse at all the commotion.

  “Yo, yo, you hear that? Church Girl killed Antonia.”

  “That little scary-ass Jesus freak murked Antonia?”

  “She ain’t do that shit; she ain’t crazy enough to do something like that. Antonia probably tapped that till she passed out or something.”

  I stared straight ahead, like I could see everything and nothing at the same time. My thought process was hell, maybe if I looked a little crazy the other women would believe I’d killed her while the guards would find the cherries and know otherwise.

  At that moment Officer Blakely shook her head up at the other CO and radioed for the coroner to come up. She picked up the cherries that were beside Antonia’s body and placed them in a Baggie, handing them to the other CO. She got up and marched toward me, scowling, her hand on her nightstick.

  “I guess your ass ain’t hear shit huh?”

  Blakely stood eye to eye with me. One hand rested on her favorite weapon of choice, her baton, and the other on her radio.

  “I think I might have heard something, but I chalked it up as a false alarm.”

  I couldn’t help throwing her own words back in her ugly, fat face. I knew I’d said enough at that point, maybe too much. So I just shut up.

  Officer Blakely rolled her eyes at me and directed her gaze back to Antonia’s body. “I don’t see no marks or bruises; there’s no skin under her fingernails. Nothing indicating foul play.” She looked at me again, her voice a questioning growl: “She was eating those cherries in there?”

  “I don’t know, ma’am. What she did or didn’t do, eat or didn’t eat was between her and the Lord, I imagine.” I answered her in a singsong matter-of-fact tone.

  My response almost sent her through the roof, as she leaned her scrunched-up bulldog face in closer to mine. She was so close I could smell her Listerine and coffee-scented morning breath. She roughly poked me in the center of my chest. Inwardly I flinched, but outwardly I didn’t even blink at the gesture.

  “We’ll see what the coroner has to say ’bout that shit. Now, get your monkey ass back in there.” Her eyes narrowed to dark slits and she hissed between clenched teeth, “Antonia was more important than you think. You all up on that praying shit. Well you better pray word don’t come back that this shit wasn’t an accident or I’m going to personally show you hell on earth, bitch.” Droplets of spit flew from her mouth and landed on my cheek like flecks of hot lava. She grabbed my shoulders and roughly pushed me inside before unshackling me. I climbed back up onto my cot and lay back, crossing my arms behind my head and staring at the ceiling.

  My nostrils flared in disgust but I didn’t move a muscle. I just feigned the appearance of complete and absolute indifference. I heard the click-clack of Officer Blakely’s shoes as she stormed off. They were carting Antonia’s body away and removing her things, and I couldn’t believe what I’d gotten away with. Murder.

  Chapter 8

  The Butterfly Effect

  This would be my first breakfast alone since Aeron’s release. My hands were clammy and it felt like I had a gazillion moths flying around in my stomach as we got in line to go to the cafeteria. No one was looking directly at me, but I could tell all the side eyes were definitely on me. I cracked my knuckles; it was bad habit from when I was a kid, but I was so nervous I couldn’t help it. Lady, the inmate in front of me, flinched at the sound and glanced back nervously. A sneer spread across my face, and she quickly faced forward.

  In the serving line I blindly waited as the servers filled up my tray. My mind was a blur of activity from psalms of forgiveness to the eerie look on Antonia’s face as she drew her last breath.

  “Bring your ass over here. Hurry up. Hurreeeeee up.” Say was waving frantically from a table in a corner the moment I walked out of the serving line. Milan was seated next to him as usual, nudging him in the side with his elbow. I didn’t even get to set my tray on the table or put my hind parts fully in the chair before he was going in, whispering questions left and right, his neck and wrist just a-flying and snapping with each and every word.

  “Hi, ho. What the fuck? E’rebody saying you nixed Juarez ass—now I know my darling little boo-boo ain’t no cold-blooded killa. What Juarez do, slip on a Ding Dong wrapper in the dark, fall, and bump her head or some shit? Why you ain’t call nobody when it happened? Why you ain’t tell the COs that shit? Um, why you ain’t saying shit? What da hell went on up in that motherfucka last night, woman?”

  Say gave me an exasperated wide-eyed stare, crossing his arms flamboyantly across his chest and popping his lips at me simultaneously.

  “Bae, maybe it’s because you ain’t took a breath, pause, flash, or nothing long enough to even give the girl time to blink. She sitting over here looking like Bambi on the highway and you a damn eighteen wheeler right now.” Milan’s tone was calm and protective as he addressed Say in my defense.

  “Bitch! A: how she looking like Bambi, that motherfucka was a boy; so B: you might want to compare her to the motherfucka who killed Bambi momma. We obviously got ourselves a gorilla, cough cough, I mean killa in our midst. Aeron leaves and this heffa w
ants to become a member of Murder Inc. Where dey do dat at?”

  “Sayzano, Murder Inc.? Really? They ain’t even relevant anymore, and who the hell anybody in Murder Inc. ever murder, fool? You need to shut up before I shut you up; you are talking out the side of your neck right now.” Milan was starting to turn a bright shade of pink after this last statement.

  As funny as their whisper argument was getting, I had to put a stop to it or I could see this getting completely out of hand. Leaning forward, I lowered my tone to barely above a whisper. “You two need to stop this right now.” I did my best to keep my face blank, barely moving my lips as I spoke. “I did what I had to do and that’s all y’all need to know. Okay?” I narrowed my eyes for emphasis, feeling like an angry mother hen, looking back and forth between the two of them until they nodded in understanding.

  I was certain no one else had heard me, but anyone with even the slightest bit of common sense could look at Say and Milan and figure out what I’d probably just told them. They both sat there, slack-jawed, wide-eyed, and dead silent. The two of them were never quiet at the same time. You would have thought Antonia would just risen from the dead and sat down at the table with us.

  “Stop this. I need both of you to act normal. Like none of this ever happened. It’s a normal day and, Say, if you don’t mind, my roots are something else. Can you redo my braids later?”

  The smart reply that I was expecting from Say never came; he instead nodded slowly and stared down at his tray. Picking up my fork, I scooped up a heap of runny eggs and shoveled the bland-tasting mess into my mouth. Say and Milan followed suit. We spent the rest of the time eating in silence.

  “I do have one question, Eva.” It was Milan who spoke first as we were clearing our trays, his voice a barely audible whisper as he stood beside me. “What do you think Aeron will do when she gets word of all this? That’s still her family. They all members of La Legal De Represalias. Them some stupid-powerful, filthy-rich, and extremely brutal people when they get crossed. If they don’t like the news it’s gonna get very bad, very fast,” Milan stated as he glanced around nervously for eavesdroppers.


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