Book Read Free


Page 31

by Tessa Teevan

  Walking over to him, I slap him on the shoulder. “You know, I never thought I’d see this day after all those years of you cryin’ in your beer.” He starts to interrupt me, but I keep talking. “I’m happy for you, man. I really, genuinely am. And seeing you find your happiness after so long, well… I guess it’s fucking contagious, because I want that now, too.”

  “You serious?” he asks, and I nod, knowing I might as well say it out loud.

  “I don’t know when it happened—or even how. But from the moment that girl slapped me, there’s been something there, and it’s built ever since. She’s stubborn, irritating, and she drives me crazy. But she’s also intelligent and kind, and it’s one hell of a turn-on that she can kick my ass. Fuck me, man, but I’m more in love with her than I ever thought possible.”

  A huge grin spreads over his face. “You know, if you’d have figured that out a little sooner, this could’ve been a double wedding.”

  Holding my hands up, I back away from him. “Hey now. Just because I’m ready to say the L word does not mean I’ll be walking down an aisle anytime soon. Baby steps, J. Mac. Baby steps.”

  “Yeah, well when you’ve been waiting as long as I have for forever, you want forever to start as soon as possible.”

  The door opens and Jace’s dad walks in. He crosses the room and gives Jace a hug before holding out his hand to me for a shake.

  “You ready for this, son?” Patrick McAllister asks Jace.

  “I’ve been ready for this day for as long as I can remember, old man,” Jace says, causing his dad to scowl at him.

  “Watch it. Just because it’s your wedding day doesn’t mean I can’t still kick your ass,” he says. Watching them interact has me thinking of my parents, and I’m happy knowing that maybe one day I’ll be able to have the same moment with my dad before my own wedding. I don’t know that we’ll ever be as close as Jace and Patrick, but just knowing that there’s a possibility has me looking even more forward to the future.

  Checking the clock, I realize we need to get downstairs and out onto the beach. “Okay, guys, you can duke it out later. We’ve got a wedding to get to.”

  They both stop messing around, and Patrick goes to straighten his son’s ribbon rack, even though I know it’s perfectly aligned. “I’m proud of you, son. Let’s go get your bride.”

  WHEN WE get downstairs, Patrick leads the way out onto the sand where the ceremony will take place. The mothers of the couple have coordinated with the resort to set up a makeshift arch, complete with white ribbon and lilies, where Jace and Lexi will stand up to say their vows. About thirty chairs have been set up in the sand.

  I spot Charlie sitting next to a guy who looks about our age, but I don’t know him. She laughs at something he says, and I have to stop from heading over to claim my girl.

  “That’s my soon-to-be brother-in-law, Jeremy. He’s happily married, so she’s in safe hands. No reenactments of that day at the gym, got it?”

  Turning to Jace, I shrug my shoulders. “I was just curious. That’s all. And don’t worry. I learned my lesson that day. Charlie still won’t let me live it down, and I swear she’s sparring more now with Chris just to test me.”

  “Nah, she’s not that kind of girl. I think you’re just paranoid. All right, man, I’m heading in,” he says, nodding to where his dad is talking to the minister. “See you on the other side.”

  He leaves me to watch Charlie a little while longer, and she’s completely oblivious to the fact that I’m here until she sees Jace walk past. Turning around, she spots me, a huge smile breaking out on her face. She says something to the guy, Jeremy, before rising.

  When I left her earlier to meet up with Jace, she was just getting out of the shower. I had no idea what to expect, because she wouldn’t tell me what she was wearing. As she walks towards me, she’s absolutely breathtaking. She’s wearing a dark green dress, similar to the one she wore to my parents’ house, but this one’s complemented with a brown belt that accentuates the curve of her waist. Just the tops of her breasts are visible, and I swallow hard at the sight of them. The dress flares out at the waist, flowing around her legs as she walks. It stops at just mid-thigh, and when my eyes trail down her legs, I see that she’s barefoot, just a thin gold chain wrapped around her ankle.

  My eyes roam all the way back up her body as she gets closer. Her dark brown hair is pinned to the side, and curls cascade down one shoulder, leaving the other one bare save the thin strap of her dress. I have visions of raining kisses on her skin, but I have to shake the thought away or I’m going to be embarrassing myself in front of everyone.

  Stopping just in front of me, she gets up on her toes and places a kiss on my lips before stepping back. “I’m pretty sure it’s a sin to look better than the groom on his wedding day, Rugged,” she teases, smiling up at me.

  “There are some things in life you just can’t help, sweetheart,” I tell her. “Plus, you’re one to talk. You look beautiful. But don’t think I didn’t notice the whole matching thing. Green on green again?” I ask, raising my eyebrows up at her.

  A slight blush creeps on her cheeks. “I couldn’t help it. I love the way the green brings out the color in your eyes. I know, totally cheesy, but what can I say? Weddings make me go a little nuts.”

  Leaning down, I place a kiss on her forehead. “I’m just messing with you, babe. You wear whatever color you want. Even if you want us to look like matching pop stars.”

  Laughing, she slaps me in the arm. “I never said that!” She looks around as other guests begin to arrive. “I wish Kale and Lucy could’ve been here.”

  “I know Kale couldn’t get off his shift, but Lucy could’ve ridden down with us,” I tell her.

  “That’s what I told her. She said she hasn’t been feeling well lately and didn’t trust her stomach to stay calm for the long car ride.” Charlie says, shrugging. “Hopefully it’s just a stomach bug. Probably something she picked up from one of the kids at school.”

  Before I can respond, music starts, signaling that we better get to our seats.

  I CAN’T help but shiver when I see Knox watching me intently. The way he looks at me, like I’m the only woman on the planet—at least the only one he’d ever want—sends a jolt straight to my heart—and well, one in between my legs. Seeing him standing there, I notice how he looks gorgeous in his dress greens. Well, let’s face it. He looks gorgeous in anything—and nothing at all.

  After I greet him with a kiss, we joke around before we realize it’s time to get this wedding going. Jace has taken his place in front of the minister. Moments later, we all stand as the music switches from classical to a slow cover of “Lucky” by Jason Mraz. Ava, the flower girl Jeremy introduced to me earlier, starts walking down the aisle, tossing petals in the sand, looking cute as a clam.

  Lexi’s stunning when she comes into view, wearing an ivory gown that’s simple yet elegant. Her long blond hair is pinned in a French twist, with curled tendrils loose on her neck. But the most stunning of all is the smile on her face as her eyes are shining, tears threatening to spill over. Watching her radiate happiness brings tears to my own eyes.

  Turning, I look at Jace, who’s watching Lexi, eyes equally bright with tears. He looks like someone’s stolen his breath, and he makes everyone laugh when he decides he can’t wait any longer and meets his bride halfway down the aisle. I imagine Knox doing the same thing on his wedding day, and the thought that maybe one day this could be us sends a rush of giddiness through me.

  “Uncle Jace, you’re too soon!” Ava exclaims when he starts to bypass her, causing everyone to laugh again.

  Lexi and her dad stop as Jace crouches down in front of the little girl. “You know how on Christmas Eve you get so excited for Christmas and all your presents that you just can’t sleep?” he asks, and she nods enthusiastically, as any kid would. “Well, Ava, today’s my Christmas Eve, and I can’t wait to open my present.” I’m pretty sure every woman here not related to him just swooned at
his words, and Ava grins when he places a kiss on her forehead before standing back up.

  When Jace meets Lexi, he whispers something to her dad, who nods before placing her hand in his. They continue until they get to the minister, where they turn to face each other.

  “Well, normally I’d start this ceremony by asking who gives this woman, but Jace already took matters into his own hands,” the minister says, causing Jace to smile sheepishly.

  He launches into a prayer, blessing the union, but when I sneak a peek, Jace and Lexi are staring at each other, both beaming from ear to ear. The ceremony continues with a few readings until it’s finally time for the vows.

  “Jace and Alexa have decided to recite their own vows,” the minister says and gestures for Jace to begin.

  He clears his throat, looks directly into her eyes, and begins. “My beautiful girl, first and foremost, I love you. I’ve loved you for over half of my life, and I can’t wait to spend the rest of it doing the same, but this time with you beside me. My love for you has never wavered, never faltered; it’s only grown stronger. You’re the most incredible woman I’ve ever known, and I promise to be your loving husband, your best friend, your confidant, your lover, and your partner in every facet of our life together. I’ll love and cherish you every single day. I promise to be a loving father to whatever children we’re blessed with, and I will raise them with you in a home filled with laughter and love. I vow to be your support, your protector, your shelter in the storm whenever you need me to be.”

  He pauses, bringing his thumb up to wipe away a few tears that are streaming down her face.

  “I promise to laugh at your jokes, even when they aren’t funny, and to take you to at least ten Reds games a season, especially when they play the Braves. I promise to communicate with you clearly and effectively so that we don’t have any more decade-long misunderstandings. I’d like to say that I can’t imagine not having you in my life, but I lived it. And well, it kinda sucked. So I’ll thank God every single day that I have this second chance. From the moment you snubbed me on that school bus, you’ve had my heart, and I thank you for never giving it back. Alexa Leigh Sullivan-Tate, I vow here, today, before God, our family, and our friends, to be the best husband I can possibly be, the man that you deserve, from this day forward. I will love you, honor you, care for you, and respect you for the rest of our lives.”

  Wiping away the tears that have fallen as I watch him pledge his undying love for her, I can only hope to someday be loved like that. Knox grabs my hand and brings it to his lips to place a quick kiss on it before he places his arm around me, allowing me to settle in close to him.

  The minister then turns to Lexi, nodding for her to go ahead. She dabs at her eyes, before lifting her chin to look at her handsome groom. “You had me at the Reds games,” she says, sending a ripple of laughter through the small crowd. “I can’t believe I’m standing here, in this dress, in front of you, pledging my life to you. Sometimes, late at night when you’re sleeping, I have to pinch myself to convince myself that all of this is real. And I mean that in the most uncreepy way,” she says, shaking her head when he smiles at her. “Before you came back into my life, I didn’t think I could ever find true happiness again. I was drowning, and you became the lifeline I didn’t know I was looking for. From this day forward, I promise to love you unconditionally and without hesitation. I promise to cherish every single moment we have together and to never take each day for granted. To never waste another minute. I promise to love you not just with my words, but with my actions. I promise to cry with you, laugh with you, and grow with you. To raise our children with you in a loving, stable environment and to be the best mother I can be. I vow to share your dreams and goals and to be your support system, your comfort, and the shoulder you need to lean on. I promise to always make you laugh, because my jokes are funny, and I’ll never make you choose between rooting for the Braves or Reds. After everything we've been through, I believe our love can get through anything, that our futures are intertwined, that we'll grow old together. On this day, Jace Michael McAllister, I vow in front of God, our family, and our friends that I will be your best friend, your partner, your lover, and your confidant. I will love you, respect you, trust you, and hold you above all others, today and every day that follows.”

  Her voice catches on the last word, and Jace leans in, placing a long, slow kiss on her lips. The minister steps back, waiting for the moment to pass. When Jace pulls away, he grins. “Sorry, Reverend. I know I’m getting ahead of myself, but I just couldn’t help it.” It’s completely adorable yet masculine, and I’m not surprised that Knox and Jace are best friends.

  The ceremony gets back on track as we watch them exchange rings, and say their ‘I Do’s.’ Before the minister can even get the words out, he has her swept up in his arms, pressing a kiss so hot on her lips it causes even me to blush. When he pulls back, Lexi’s face is flushed, and Jace is grinning wide. Turning towards the crowd, Jace lifts their joined hands, and his happiness is contagious as my heart feels so full after watching them finally get married.

  “Ladies and gentleman, for the first time, I’m pleased to introduce you to Mr. and Mrs. Jace McAllister.”

  AFTER ALL the congratulations, we move to a covered patio outside the resort where a DJ is set up and the catering staff is putting the finishing touches on the buffet tables.

  “Damn, they did all this in a month?” I ask, astonished that they pulled it off so quickly.

  Charlie nods, looking around absentmindedly. “Lexi said it wasn’t that difficult because it’s the offseason and most people vacationing go more south this time of year,” she says just as a chill passes through the air, and I see her shiver. Grabbing her arm, I pull her into me and lock my arms around her.

  “Cold, sweetheart?” I ask, and she nods. “I can warm you up.”

  Pulling back, she looks around and nods to where the new McAllisters are getting photographs taken. She places her hands on my ass and presses up against me, shocking me a little with what she says next. “Make it a quickie? I don’t know what it is. Something about weddings is a total turn-on.”

  She barely gets the words out before I take hold of her hand and make my way across the patio, through the sliding doors, and to the elevator. This isn’t how I expected to warm her up, but I’m making this happen before she changes her mind.

  “Like I’d say no to that. We’ll be back before they’re even done with pictures to notice we’re missing,” I tell her, pulling her into the elevator and pressing her against the back wall as the doors shut.

  We reemerge after a very enjoyable fifteen minutes, and I grin as I watch Charlie messing with her hair, smoothing it down as we try to sneak back into the reception. When I wrap my arm around her waist, my hand grazes her ass as I’m looking around for the happy couple.

  “Jesus, I’d tell you two to get a room, but I think you already did that,” Jace teases says from behind me.

  We turn around to find him grinning at us. Charlie shrugs. “Something about weddings,” she says, causing him to laugh.

  “Can I steal this guy for a few minutes? Mom wants him in a photo since we’re both in uniform,” Jace asks Charlie, and she nods. Leaning down, I give her a kiss before heading off with him.

  A little while later, after all the pictures are done and everyone’s gone through the buffet line, Lexi’s sister, Sierra, stands up and heads over to the DJ table, commandeering the microphone, tapping it to make sure it’s on.

  “I normally really hate public speaking, but I figured I’d take one for the team for my baby sister and her new husband,” she says, causing everyone to laugh. In the twenty-four hours that I’ve known Sierra Banks, I’ve learned she’s anything but shy. “But in all seriousness, on behalf of Jace and Lexi, I want to thank you all for being here. I know it was all thrown together really quickly, so it means a lot for you to be here to share this day with them. I’d also like to thank myself. I had blast playing the meddlin
g matchmaker, and I’m so glad I did. Watching you two fall in love all over again, seeing you, Jace, bring Lexi back to life, was extraordinarily beautiful, and I’m proud to call you my brother. If everyone could have a love like yours, the world would be a much better place. I love you both, and the minute you get back from your honeymoon, Ava’s already planning a Finding Nemo date with her, now official, Uncle Jace.”

  Raising her glass towards them, she finishes. “Here’s to a long life filled with love, happiness, and as many Reds games Jace can stand.”

  Everyone raises their glasses in a toast, and when I get up, Charlie looks at me, surprised. Placing a kiss on her forehead, I cross the room and take the microphone from Sierra.

  “Unlike Sierra, I actually really don’t like public speaking, so I’ll try to keep this short. Jace and I met eleven years ago when we were bunkmates in Boot Camp, and I swear I feel like I’ve known his beautiful bride just as long. We’ve been fortunate to spend our careers mostly together, and he’s become my brother in every sense of the word. When I finally met Lexi… Let’s just say we didn’t exactly hit it off, because, well, I’m kind of an idiot. But I’ve been able to get to know the girl I’ve been hearing about for so long, and I can stand here and tell you these two are perfect for each other.”

  I pause, taking a sip of my drink before continuing.

  “Watching them, after everything they’ve been through, has taught me a lot. About life. Love. And most importantly, they’ve taught me that everyone deserves a second chance. Life’s too short to let it pass you by without spending it with the ones you love, and to Jace and Lexi, I just want to thank you for teaching me such an invaluable lesson.”


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