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Jake's Angel [Cowboy Mates, Psychic Connections 4] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 20

by Lynnette Bernard

  She looked at him in confusion, but he just smiled. He pulled her bare hand up to his mouth to kiss her knuckles lightly then kept her hand within his as he led her from the student center.

  Neither one of them looked at Irene or Elise Hamilton again, but both women watched them with varying degrees of anger and determination. Elise turned to her mother and smiled, unable to keep the soft laughter from escaping her when she saw her mother’s confusion.

  “I think we’ve got a better deal, Mom,” Elise said after the door closed behind her sister and Jake McKade.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I think we could get a lot more money from the McKade family than we could get from Tommy Phillips.” Elise touched the tip of her red lacquered fingernail to her bottom lip. “I think I would be a better wife for Jake McKade than Claire. Don’t you?”

  Irene Hamilton smiled at her daughter. “I think you’re right, Elise.”

  Jake led Claire to his truck where it was parked in the visitor’s parking lot next to the student center. Claire noticed that he was limping slightly and worried that his leg was bothering him.

  He opened the truck door for her, shrugging off her backpack from his shoulder and slipping it behind her seat before helping her into the cab and closing the door carefully. Walking around the front of the truck, he opened the driver side door and climbed up into the truck. He settled behind the wheel and started the engine, rubbing at his left thigh as the ache within it intensified.

  “Your leg is hurting,” Claire said softly.


  “That’s all you have to say?”

  Jake smiled as he looked at her, reaching out and taking her hand and pulling it toward him so that he could rest it on his right leg. He squeezed her hand lightly before letting it go.

  “Buckle up, angel. You can massage my leg when we get home,” he told her.

  Claire buckled her seat belt quickly as Jake did the same. She remained silent as Jake shifted the truck into drive and pulled out of the parking lot to head back to the ranch. She was surprised that Jake was asking for help. She smiled as she leaned over and rested her head on his right bicep. It was awkward due to her seat belt holding her securely, but she would gladly be a little uncomfortable in order to rest against him.

  “I’ll gladly massage your leg when we get home,” she said quietly.

  Jake smiled, settling comfortably as Claire leaned against him and taking her hand within his once again. “Are you better, angel?” he asked worriedly.

  “I’ll be fine.”


  “Jake, I really will be fine once we get home and are in our bedroom. I’ll massage your leg, and you can help me with the pain in my head.”

  “How bad is it?”

  “It’s better now that you’re touching me,” she answered honestly. “It was really bad before. The instructor kept us a long time today. All the other students were really agitated and worried. I couldn’t shield myself from all of them. There were too many, and it was such a long time. I tried. I really did.”

  Jake nodded, glad that she was being honest with him. “I’m sure you did the best you could, darlin’.” He squeezed her hand lightly, determined to give her as much relief as he could while they drove. “You and I are going to take care of each other,” he said after a moment of silence.

  Claire smiled, knowing that they had just made great progress in their relationship. Jake would always help her, she knew that. But now, he would finally tell her when he needed her to help him. She knew in that moment that they were going to be just fine.

  “If we both feel better, maybe we can use the rabbit fur restraints again,” she suggested lightly, loving the soft laugh that left her man. “Are you laughing at me, Jake?”

  “Not even a little bit,” Jake told her honestly.

  “It sure sounds like you’re laughing at me.”

  “It’s pure joy, angel. You’re going to be the recipient of pure joy when we get home.”

  Claire turned her face and kissed Jake’s neck. “I already have complete joy with you right now, Mate,” she whispered.

  Jake smiled as he drove home through the snowstorm that was picking up in its intensity. Despite the ache in his leg and the worry about traveling home safely, he couldn’t be happier.

  “You’re the best, angel,” he told her quietly.

  “Yes. I am. Don’t ever forget that, cowboy.”

  Jake’s laughter made her giggle. It was a good feeling to share laughter with her man.

  Chapter 20

  Jake stepped inside the main reception room of the construction company that he and his brothers owned. He and Rafe ran it, but they all had a hand in it. It was successful not only because the men who worked for them were skilled at their trades, but also because the McKade family had earned a reputation of being honest and timely in their jobs. Their rates were reasonable and they guaranteed their work. There wasn’t one complaint from any of their customers.

  “Good morning, Jake,” Madison called out to him as she sat behind the long counter that separated the area designated for the office work that she was responsible for from the reception area.

  “Morning, Madison. Anything I need to be aware of?” Jake asked as he took off his black cowboy hat and slapped it against his thigh to tap off the snowflakes. “I think we’re going to get a good amount of snow today.”

  “That’s what Rafe said,” Madison told him. “Martin Porter called. He asked if you could give him a call.” She handed him the yellow call slip with the phone information that he would need.

  “Is there a problem?”

  “No. He said he wanted to talk to you about connecting the original cabin on his land to the addition that we’ve already built for him.”

  “Okay. I’ll give him a call. Luke won’t be in today. Any calls that come in for him should be forwarded to me. Anything else?”

  “Marc wanted me to tell you that all the wiring and plumbing have been completed in your home,” Madison said softly, blushing at the mention of the man that she was hopelessly in love with.

  The front door to the construction company opened and the man who filled her thoughts every moment of the day walked in. Marc Blackstone was six foot four inches of sexiness that nearly stopped her heart every time she was with him. When he touched her, she felt calm and cared for. He was wonderful with Cooper. That just made Madison love him even more.

  “Good morning, Marc,” Madison said quietly as Marc stepped behind the counter and reached out to take her hand in his and hold it against his chest.

  “Morning, Madison. Ne mehotaste,” he said as he brought her hand to his mouth and kissed her open palm.

  Madison blushed but never looked away from his face. He was the most handsome man she had ever seen. His long black hair hung nearly to his waist. His face held such strength and dignity, it was nearly overwhelming. Whenever she was with him or he touched her, she found that she had to take a calming breath. What really drew her was his big brown eyes that had unique flecks of gold in them. She could see the kindness of his heart when she looked into them. He was a kind, caring, and gentle man. He was everything she had ever hoped for in a friend and a mate.

  “Are you ever going to tell me what that means, Marc?” she asked him, smiling at the shake of his head and soft grunt that left him. “You’re going to tell me someday.”

  “Yes. Someday.”

  He reached up and caressed her cheek lightly before running his large hand down the length of her dark hair. He loved touching her. He wanted to be with her all the time. He knew he shouldn’t believe that anything good could happen to him, but he couldn’t help the need he had within him to claim this woman as his mate. Her goodness and gentleness calmed him and eased his pain.

  “The electrical and the plumbing are finished in your home, Jake,” Marc said, reluctantly drawing his attention away from Madison to look at Jake. “The sheetrock should be finished within the next couple o
f days.”

  “What about the attic?”

  “That’s all set, too,” Marc said, not commenting on how unusual it was to wire an attic for lights and electrical outlets and run ductwork for heat. Jake had even had him install a small bathroom with just a toilet and a sink up there. It wasn’t his place to question. Jake had to have his reasons.

  Jake nodded, reaching out and touching Marc’s shoulder to squeeze it lightly. “I appreciate how hard you’ve worked, Marc,” he said sincerely. “I know you’ve been keeping long hours. You didn’t have to, you know.”

  “I wanted it to be ready for you to take your mate home,” Marc said gruffly. “Every mate should have a place to begin her family.”

  “That’s the plan,” Jake said, laughing softly. “I’m going to take Claire to see the progress at the end of the week. That should give the workers plenty of time to finish putting up the sheetrock.”

  “Rafe has the men scheduled to do the job,” Marc said, removing his hand from Madison’s hair and stepping away from her. “I’m ready to start the Porter job whenever you want me to.”

  “Okay, you can go on over to old man Porter’s ranch today. I’m going to give him a call right now so he’ll be expecting you. I’ll be putting a bonus in your paycheck this week for all the extra hours you’ve put in. I appreciate your hard work.”

  Marc nodded and turned to leave, overwhelmed by the kindness and generosity of the McKade family. They had taken him on as a worker without hesitation and had showed appreciation for his hard work. He had never been treated so kindly or so fairly in his life. Too many people saw his Native American heritage and prejudice reared its ugly head.

  A flash of a woman with short blonde hair and green eyes came to mind. He pushed aside the hurt that immediately filled him. Lia had been the woman that he had thought he was going to spend the rest of his life with. He had been wrong. He could still hear the cruel words she had flung at him the last time he had seen her. He had been horrified by the things she had done. She had crushed his spirit and had hardened his heart. He had never gotten over what she had put him through.

  Turning, he looked at Madison Allen and felt his heart racing. She was the kindest woman he had ever met. She was gentle and sweet, and she made him laugh. She enjoyed him. He had never met a woman who had enjoyed him. She also cared about him and took care of him. There was no deceit in her. She was genuine, she had a beautiful heart, and she made him feel as if he was worth something. He had never felt that way before.

  Working for the McKade family had added to that feeling. They saw him as a valued employee and a good friend who was now part of their extended family. His cousin John had been correct. Marc did find a welcoming home on McKade land.

  The log home that they had given him to live in on their property was more than generous. He had expected to live in an apartment in town, but the McKade family had insisted that he occupy the home that had been built just two years before when Deuce and his brothers had realized that they were going to be needing more help on their ranch and in the construction company. To be the recipient of such generosity was more than he had ever thought would be possible. The log home was big enough for a family. It was constructed solidly, and it was exactly what he had always wanted. The only thing missing was the woman he wanted to share it with.

  He looked at Madison one last time. The sight of her beautiful face and sweet, blue eyes were going to have to hold him for the rest of the day. Her beauty and goodness were always kept as a snapshot within his heart.

  “Ne mehotaste, Madison,” he said before turning and leaving the office.

  “I wish he would tell me what that means,” Madison said, huffing in frustration as she watched Marc leave. She sighed at the sight of his sexy body walking away from her. She turned to face Jake and saw him looking at her and smiling. “Maybe I can ask John to translate it for me.”

  “I think you should let Marc tell you what it means when he’s ready to tell you,” Jake advised. “I’ll be in my office returning phone calls. Buzz me if you need me.”

  “Okay, Jake.”

  “I’ll be traveling around to the job sites this afternoon.”

  Madison nodded. “I’ll be getting Cooper from preschool at noon, but I’ll be back by one o’clock.”

  “You don’t have to tell me that every day, Madison,” Jake told her, smiling. “Being a mom is your priority. We all knew that the day we hired you. I’ll hang around until you and Cooper come back. I think that sweet girl and I have a book about a horse named Midnight to finish.”

  “Be careful, Jake,” Madison told him, laughing softly. “You’re going to spoil my little girl.”

  Jake just smiled and walked away. He thought about the little girl that he and Claire would have. He couldn’t wait to spoil their daughter. Hell, he couldn’t wait to have a house full of kids to love and spoil. His angel had given him that possibility. He hoped to begin their family by the end of the week. That was the plan.

  As he climbed the stairs to his office, he adjusted his hard shaft as discretely as possible. Just thinking about making love to Claire and creating their baby excited him beyond belief. He couldn’t wait to be buried deep inside his woman and filling her with his seed. He was looking forward to having Claire wrapping her arms around him and holding him close.

  He loved the way Claire held him. He would bet good money that she wasn’t even aware of the way she was constantly touching him. The sweet smiles and knowing looks that they shared told Jake more about Claire’s feelings than words ever could.

  His angel loved and desired him. She would never leave him. The thought settled deep within his heart and calmed his soul.

  Chapter 21

  Becca Markham walked slowly into the living room of the McKade ranch home. She rubbed at her right hip. Whenever it rained or snowed, her hip hurt worse than usual. She was so tired of hurting.

  Sitting down on the huge couch, she struggled to get one of the throw pillows settled behind her, but she couldn’t quite bend her arm to get it in the best position. Huffing in frustration, she pulled the pillow from behind her back and threw it against the arm of the couch. It bounced off the arm and sailed into the air. Two large hands plucked it out of its trajectory.

  Becca was mortified. The last thing she needed was to have Rafe McKade see her frustration. He already saw her as someone that he had to help. She hated it. She hated that her mother had injured her. She hated the whole freaking world.

  “Having a problem, Miss Becca?” Rafe’s deep voice teased her.

  “Shut up.”

  Rafe walked around the couch to stand directly in front of the only woman he had ever loved. Becca Markham was the one he had mooned after from the time he had been twenty years old and she had been sixteen. Her goodness and kindness had called to his sensitive nature. She was able to calm him like no one ever could. She appreciated the creative side of him and often spent many afternoons sitting by his side reading while he painted in the cabin by the lake. Her soft smiles and words of encouragement had given him the spark that he needed to create so many beautiful paintings. She was more than his muse. She was his entire life.

  He knelt down in front of her and looked at the pain that was obvious on her face. He knew Becca hated it when he tried to help her with her hip, but he couldn’t help but want to try to ease her pain. He felt responsible for her. He blamed himself for her pain.

  “I know you’re going to get mad at me, Becca, but I have to help you,” he told her before reaching out and taking firm hold of her hips.

  “Don’t touch me, Rafe McKade,” she nearly growled at him.

  “Shut up,” he told her gently, mirroring the words she had used on him just moments before. “Lie down, baby. It will be better for your hips if you lie down.”

  Becca almost refused, but she was in so much pain, she needed Rafe’s help. He had gone with her to the physical therapist so many times, he had seen exactly what she needed when the pain was thi
s bad. She hated that she needed him. She didn’t want to need him. He had refused her love so many times. She didn’t want to have anything to do with him. It just hurt too much.

  He helped her to turn her body so that she was lying on her back. He pulled at her hips carefully to settle them evenly on the deep cushions. Straddling her hips, he eased back slightly so that he was hovering above her thighs just above her knees. Reaching down, he unbuttoned and unzipped her jeans. Becca grabbed his hands immediately.

  “Rafe, what’re you doing?” she demanded, shocked and angry that he dared to be so forward with her. He had no right to touch her like that. He had lost that privilege when he had pushed her away.

  “Baby, please,” he said softly. “I need direct contact with your muscles. I need to massage them to ease the strain on your hips. Lift your sweet butt, Becca.”

  “I don’t think so, buddy,” Becca said angrily. She pushed at his chest and did her best to get him off of her, but he didn’t budge an inch. “Get off of me, Rafe.”

  Rafe leaned forward and pressed his chest against Becca’s. “Becca, baby, I need to help you,” he whispered.

  Becca was so stunned by his closeness that she didn’t know what to say or do. She wanted this man so badly. She couldn’t deny wanting the closeness he was giving her, even if it was just for a moment. She nearly cried at the way he covered her so gently. His body was warm and strong. She wanted him as hers, but she knew that he didn’t want to be hers.

  Before she could push him away, he slid his fingers through the hair at her temples and held her face firmly between his large hands. He lowered his mouth over hers and kissed her slowly, licking at her lower lip and biting down on it lightly. She gasped at the sting of pain then moaned when he sucked on it strongly. Her gasp opened her mouth to him and he took full advantage. His tongue entered her mouth and swept it as if he owned her. Maybe he did.

  She wrapped her arms around his waist and pulled him closer, sucking at his tongue and loving the taste of him. If he was going to stake his claim on her, she was all for it. She was tired of the way he kept himself away from her.


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