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Jake's Angel [Cowboy Mates, Psychic Connections 4] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 41

by Lynnette Bernard

  “No,” Deuce said, shaking his head and placing a hand on Jake’s shoulder to offer him support and to try to keep him calm. “Gracie said that you thought it was Claire. You were concerned that something was wrong with your mate.”

  He hesitated, looking at John with concern.

  “What else, Deuce?” Jake asked, gritting his teeth to keep his anger contained.

  “Claire came home from shopping just as Gracie and Melanie dragged Elise down the stairs to the living room,” Deuce said gently. “Claire saw Elise naked. Elise told her that you would want her over Claire.”

  Jake moved off the bed so quickly, Deuce had to step back or be knocked over. He reached out to steady his brother, but Jake was filled with adrenaline as the power that his anger fueled through him. He stood straight and faced his family, not one bit of pain in his body, but a killing amount in his heart.

  “Where’s Claire now?” he asked, his voice filled with anger.

  “She’s at your home,” Rafe said calmly. “I took her there about an hour ago. Don’t worry, Jake. She’s a little shaky, but I think she’ll be okay as long as you go to her.”

  “Take me to her.”

  “Let’s go,” Rafe said, turning and leading the way out of the bedroom.

  Jake followed, stalking through the hallway, down the stairs, and to the front door without another word. He tugged on his boots and grabbed for his coat and cowboy hat, pulling open the front door and stomping down the porch stairs.

  “Is he okay?” Gracie asked as Jake slammed the door behind him.

  “He will be as soon as he’s with Claire,” Deuce said quietly. He turned to Gracie and reached out to draw her into his arms. “We men need our mates.”

  Gracie laughed softly, cuddling into Deuce’s chest. She wondered if the men realized that the women needed their men, as well.

  “I don’t think we’ll be seeing Jake and Claire for the rest of the weekend,” Melanie said thoughtfully.

  “Is their refrigerator stocked?” Deuce asked, looking at the way they all looked at him and smiled at his question. “What? Don’t you guys get hungry after loving your mates?”

  “Melanie, is our refrigerator stocked, sweetheart?” Luke asked suddenly, reaching out and taking her hand to pull her into his embrace.

  Melanie laughed as her husband kissed her neck then sighed softly when his lips covered hers. She hadn’t had time to tell him about the vision that she had had when he was helping Deuce stoke the fire in the fireplace. She would tell him when they got home, though. After all, her man should know that when they made love tonight, they were going to be making another baby. She had already seen their little boy. She knew that Luke was going to love him just as much as she did, just as their newest little boy would love his father.

  Melanie smiled, kissing Luke again as he held her so tenderly. All of the McKade men were wonderful, loving men who were made to be fathers. Every one of them loved and protected with their entire heart, soul, and body. You couldn’t ask for a better friend. You couldn’t ask for a better mate.

  Chapter 40

  Jake opened the door of Rafe’s truck, turning to face his brother before he stepped out. Rafe was smiling at him. He hadn’t seen his brother that happy in a long time. He was going to have to ask him about it after he straightened this mess out with Claire.

  “Thanks, Rafe.”

  “Any time, Jake.”

  “I hope Claire forgives me.”

  “Jake, there’s nothing for her to forgive you for. It was all Elise.”

  Jake nodded, still trying to pick through the snippets of memory that were crowding his brain. He couldn’t remember anything except holding a woman and knowing that it wasn’t Claire. Claire was curvy and luscious. The woman that he remembered holding was boney and cold. There was no way he would have confused her with his beautiful angel.

  “Call me tomorrow if you need me to come and get you both,” Rafe said, interrupting his thoughts.

  “I don’t have my cell phone,” Jake said, realizing that he was wearing his sleep pants and a T-shirt.

  “Claire has hers.”

  Jake nodded, stepping down from the cab of the truck and shutting the door behind him. He waved briefly then turned and walked toward the front porch of their new home. He heard Rafe driving away, but his attention was drawn to the single white light that illuminated the arched window of the attic.

  His heart raced as he realized that it was the flickering of a candle. He smiled softly as he remembered the story that he had told Claire about the sea captain’s wife lighting a candle to guide her husband home. His angel was calling him home.

  He climbed the four steps that led to the front door, reaching out and testing the doorknob. He was relieved that it was unlocked and upset by it at the same time. He would have to remind Claire to be more careful about leaving the door open. He would not allow any harm to come to her. Sure, McKade land was pretty safe, but you never knew who would intrude on your lives. Elise Hamilton was the perfect example.

  Stepping inside, he closed and locked the door behind him, toed off his boots to leave them on the mat beside the door then went over to set the alarm system. He was glad to see that it was already armed. Okay, he wouldn’t be too upset with Claire. At least she had remembered to set the alarm. He would have to give her a break. She had probably been upset when she had gotten there.

  Guilt flooded him once again. Thinking about Elise Hamilton anywhere near his junk made him nearly mindless with anger. He couldn’t even imagine how Claire must have felt when she had seen Elise coming from their room completely naked. The betrayal she must have felt must have nearly destroyed her.

  Pain pills aside, he had been in bed with Elise, and Elise had been naked. It didn’t matter that he had been groggy and unaware that it wasn’t Claire. He was still with another woman. Just the thought of her touching him made him sick to his stomach.

  He would never be able to erase the sight of it from Claire’s mind, but he was going to make sure that she understood how much she meant to him. She needed to know that he would never want any woman but her. He loved her more than his own life. He hoped that she would accept his apology.

  Walking through the house, he was happy to see that all of the furniture had been delivered and was in place. He would have to thank his brothers and their friends for helping out when he couldn’t be there to help Claire yesterday and today.

  He and Claire had planned to move in to their new home this weekend. It was supposed to have been a celebration that he had been looking forward to. He knew that Claire hadn’t seen all of the surprises he had set in place for her and was looking forward to showing them to her. For now, he had to find her, explain, apologize, and keep her in his arms for the rest of the night.

  Climbing the two flights of stairs to the attic, he smiled as he saw the adorable sight before him as he stood at the entrance to the loft. Claire was sound asleep in the large recliner that had been set up before the arched window. She was cuddling a white blanket against her left cheek that he knew she had only just begun to crochet for their baby. The recliner was tipped back and in a comfortable, resting position to cradle his angel as she slept.

  Walking over to the recliner, he knelt down before it and touched her face tenderly. She sighed softly and turned toward him, blinking her eyes as she struggled to focus.

  “Jake?” she whispered, confused. “Jake!”

  She snapped the recliner closed and reached out to take careful hold of him. He laughed softly as she tried her best to wrap her arms around him despite the heavy jacket that he wore. She knocked his black cowboy hat off his head in her hurry to hold him.

  “Jake, you shouldn’t be out of bed,” she admonished him.

  “I agree,” he said gently, leaning forward and kissing her lips tenderly. “Let’s get into bed, angel.”

  Claire nodded and stood, pushing aside the baby blanket and wrapping her arms around Jake’s waist with the intention of leadi
ng him over to the stairs. When he refused to be moved, she looked up at him in confusion.

  “What’s wrong? Don’t you want to go to our bedroom?”


  Claire nodded, releasing her hold on him and taking a step back. She understood. Why would he want her when he could have her perfect sister?

  “Get whatever crazy thoughts you have in your head out of there, Claire,” he told her firmly.

  Claire looked up at him, confused. “I don’t understand.”

  He reached up and slid the fingers of his right hand through the length of her black hair and gripped it tightly. He saw the flash of desire that lit Claire’s eyes and smiled.

  “We have a perfectly good bed right here, angel,” he told her gently. “We don’t need to go anywhere but your loft—unless you don’t want to share it with me. I’ll understand if you don’t. I had this built just for you, Claire. This is your place to get away from the world. I won’t intrude on your sanctuary.”

  Claire melted against him. “I want you here with me, Jake,” she whispered. “Being with you makes me calm.”

  “I’m glad, angel,” he said gently.

  Claire turned and walked over to the huge bed, smiling at the realization that Jake had ordered it to be that size with the intention of sharing it with her and their kids whenever she wanted them to. It was a really nice thing for him to do. It gave her hope that just maybe, Jake was completely satisfied with her despite her flaws.

  She folded back the burgundy comforter and the golden sheets before turning to help remove Jake’s jacket. She pushed him gently to get him into bed. He stopped her, gripping her wrist and shaking his head.

  “Take your clothes off, Claire,” he told her firmly.

  “Only if you take yours off, too, sir,” she whispered.

  Jake’s blue eyes flashed with instant heat. This woman pleased him. She also drove him crazy with desire. He watched her as he pulled the T-shirt over his head and pushed down his sleep pants. When she lifted her soft sweater over her head and dropped the peach creation onto the floor, he couldn’t help the rush of desire that filled him, but he pushed it aside. Tonight was not about his needs. It was all about Claire. It was all about forgiveness and caring.

  He waited while she pushed down her black lounge pants and couldn’t help but release a soft growl of appreciation as he looked at her gorgeous body. Touching her shoulders lightly, he ran his hands down her arms to hold her hands.

  “Beautiful,” he whispered.

  Claire looked up at him with such hope and open yearning in her eyes, he couldn’t help but be completely owned by her. For a man who was always in control and dominant, he realized that her love made him understand that being in charge wasn’t necessary. He didn’t need to hold on to her fiercely with the need to keep her close. He didn’t need to fear that she would leave him and take his heart with her. He could finally give in to the understanding that through Claire’s love, he had found peace. She was the other half of his soul. She was the soothing balm to his heart.

  He urged her to get into bed, following her onto the softness of the mattress. He settled himself carefully, mindful of his aching body. Claire snuggled against him at once, lightly resting her left hand on his chest and caressing it lightly.

  “How’re you feeling, Jake?” she whispered.

  “I’m much better now that you’re in my arms and we’re in our home, angel,” he said softly. He hesitated a moment then turned to face her, glad when she tipped her head back to look at him. “You do know that I had nothing to do with Elise being in our room, don’t you?”

  “I know,” she whispered, pain flashing within her eyes as she spoke.

  “I would never want her, Claire,” he told her firmly, reaching up and touching her cheek tenderly.

  “She’s very beautiful, Jake,” Claire began.

  “No. She’s not. I have never met an uglier person in my life,” Jake said vehemently. “She’s cruel and conniving. She’s hurtful and selfish. She’s spoiled and hateful. Worse than anything else, she’s disrespectful and mean to you. You’re my mate. You’re the woman I love and the only woman I’ll ever want. You’re the woman who will share my life with me and carry my babies.”

  Claire didn’t know what to say. She could feel the honesty in Jake’s words. He held no desire for Elise. He held desire only for Claire. It was amazing to her that she had found someone who had recognized her worth and who loved her so completely.

  “Why would I ever want Elise?” he asked quietly. “I’ve already got you. You’re good and kind. You’re a true friend and a caring partner. You’re my woman. On Monday I’m going to make you my wife.”

  “What?” Claire asked, stunned by his words.

  “I want you as my mate and my wife, angel. Your name will be Claire McKade. You’ll be legally protected from anyone who would dare to question your worth to me. Please, Claire. Will you do me the honor of marrying this old, broken down cowboy?”

  “Oh, Jake,” Claire said softly. “You already own me body and soul.”

  “I need you to be my wife, angel. Please say yes.”

  Claire smiled up at him as she leaned in and kissed his shoulder. Easing her body up, she hovered over him, her long hair brushing across his chest as she looked down at him.

  “I love you, Jake. I would be very happy to marry you.”

  Jake smiled widely. “Good choice.”

  Claire laughed softly as she settled back down onto the bed and shared his pillow. “Yeah, I think so, too.”

  She closed her eyes and allowed her mate’s warmth to envelope her and his heart to kiss her emotions. The soft, classical music played as they rested within each other’s arms. The setting sun sent streams of pink through the window of the loft, and the white candle flickered softly—a symbol of the love that they shared and the life that was meant to be.

  Chapter 41

  Claire settled the white baby blanket that she had crocheted in the corner of the crib, smoothing the soft, yellow sheet that was covered in tiny pink and blue hearts before straightening to stand with her right hand on her lower back. Her belly was big with Jake’s child. It was uncomfortable now that she was so late into her pregnancy, but she relished every moment of it.

  She loved being pregnant. She loved the feeling of their child moving and kicking inside of her. She also loved the emotional connection she had to him. This little baby was going to be a wonderful person. He was filled with warmth and love. She couldn’t wait to meet him and hold him. She knew that Jake felt the same way. He told her often enough. He also told their baby. Just thinking about how Jake caressed her belly and spoke to their child every day made her emotional.

  Looking around the nursery, she was happy with the way that the room had turned out. The wooden decorations of the baby cowboy and cowgirl with the lasso and the crescent moon were hanging above the crib. Two padded rocking chairs sat beside the crib. Their burgundy cushions were so comfortable. Claire was glad that Jake had suggested that they buy them. He had also arranged for a custom-made recliner to be placed in the nursery so Claire could be comfortable whenever she had to soothe or nurse their child. She knew that Jake was going to be sharing that seat with her.

  He thought that he was such a tough cowboy, but Claire knew better. He wanted to be by her side every moment that he could. When he wasn’t working or helping Deuce with the ranch, he was making sure that Claire was safe and comfortable. He often just stopped by at the hospital’s satellite office where Claire worked. He was absolutely adorable when he told her that he worried about her doing too much and getting tired.

  Claire rubbed her belly as their baby kicked within her. She loved feeling Jake’s son moving inside of her. Well, she didn’t actually know if it was a boy. Her obstetrician Doctor Andrews knew, but she didn’t want him to tell her. Jake supported her decision. He said he didn’t care if they had a boy or a girl and Claire believed him. He only wanted Claire and their baby to be healthy. />
  She looked at her hand as it rested on the swell of her belly and smiled as the gold wedding ring that she wore sparkled in the soft lighting of the nursery. Thinking about the day that Jake had put that ring on her finger and had spoken the words before their family and friends that legally joined them, she couldn’t help but smile. It had been a quiet ceremony held in their living room, standing in front of the large window that filled the front of their new home. It had been a calm, winter day. The moonlight had made the snow sparkle softly on the crest of the hill where their new home now sat. Sheriff Franklin Sturgess had presided over the ceremony, and they had been surrounded by their family and friends. It was intimate and emotional. Claire would remember the beauty of it for the rest of her life.

  Over the past few months, Jake’s obsession with getting their home completely furnished with bedroom furniture for their kids had made her laugh. They were having one baby, yet Jake was determined that each of the four bedrooms that were designed for the kids they wanted to fill them with were furnished with beds, bureaus, and desks. Claire knew that Jake wanted a large family with Claire, and she was happy to agree with him. He was the most caring and loving husband. She knew that he would be a caring and loving father.

  The way he made her laugh was the most surprising attribute of her dominant cowboy. There wasn’t a day that went by when he didn’t make her chuckle. The funny thing was, he didn’t even realize that he was being funny.

  The day he had shown her the cellar in their home had been a worrisome day for Claire. She had a deep fear of cellars. It didn’t matter that her fears were unfounded now that she had a loving life with Jake. She still had horrible memories of being locked in her mother’s cellar. There had been no light, and it had been cold. She remembered waiting for the cellar door to open so she could escape the isolation and fear that she experienced in that cold and dark place.

  She was plagued by the memory of herself as a little girl perched on top of the washing machine or the dryer, afraid of touching her feet to the floor. Elise had often taunted her, telling her that there were bugs in the cellar. In the dark, Claire had felt things crawling on her even though they hadn’t really been there.


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