LUST - A Bad Boy Romance

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LUST - A Bad Boy Romance Page 32

by Lacey Legend

  Stepping closer to him, Jenna tilted her head, opening her mouth slightly, waiting for Spencer’s tongue to make contact with her own. His lips crushed down on hers and he let his tongue explore her mouth before sucking on her tongue.

  Prominent shoulder blades and soft skin -- Jenna’s hands were exploring Spencer’s sinewy back. The more intense the kiss became, the more tempted Jenna was to run her hands down his back. The electricity of the kiss and Spencer’s erection pressing against her stomach through his trousers caused Jenna to drag her fingers down Spencer’s back. He stiffened as she scratched his skin in an attempt to draw him closer.

  There was just enough room in the waistband of Spencer’s trousers for Jenna to slip her fingers in. Spencer’s breathing became heavier as he felt her fingertips graze across his pubic hair. His hands went to his belt buckle to finish undressing himself. Jenna slapped them away. Placing her hands on Spencer’s pecs, she pushed hard, inclining him to start walking backward. Feeling the edge of the bed behind him, Spencer sat down on the mattress and lay back.

  As he expected, Jenna was hungrily undoing his belt and unzipping his fly. His hard-on was so prominent that when freed from the pressure of straining against his trousers, he groaned aloud. Jenna tugged his trousers low so they wouldn’t interfere with her mounting him. Her hands were cool on his naked skin and while he enjoyed her appreciation of his toned body, there was only one place he wanted her hands to be and Jenna was deliberately avoiding it.

  Spencer went to remove his tight black boxers. Again, Jenna prevented him from doing so with a hasty grip on his wrists to impair him from sliding them down. Spencer placed his hands under his head. It was torture of the sweetest kind. Jenna was increasingly turned on by the outline of Spencer’s erection against his shorts. She laid a hand on the shaft and rubbed it firmly through the material. The simple motion had his cock throbbing under her touch and had her crotch damp. Her hand tightened around his length and she noticed his buttocks tensing in anticipation. Taking her time, Jenna rolled down his boxers until his eight-inch prick was exposed. It was rock hard and stood straight up. Jenna noticed a droplet of clear liquid from the slit of the helmet of his cock. Grabbing his hard-on firmly, she let her tongue run over the head to taste divine fluid. Squeezing the bulb hard, she sucked and let her tongue burrow into the slit to taste more of him.

  Jenna became aware her panties were dripping wet with desire. Her need to ride Spencer’s powerful cock became overwhelming. Quickly and quietly, she slipped out of her panties and stepped out of her shoes. Though tight, the material of her dress was flexible enough for Jenna to pull it up to mid-thigh. Shortening the dress gave her the freedom to climb on Spencer and straddle him.

  Raising herself slightly, her hand took Spencer’s dick and she guided it to her entrance. Very slowly she began to sink down on the thick shaft. His girth was commendable and Jenna was forced to stay still for a minute or two as her pussy became accustomed to the width and length of Spencer’s erection. As she became more comfortable, Jenna began to roll her hips in a circular motion. She could see Spencer’s eyelids fluttering in pleasure at the subtle movements.

  Gradually, Jenna built up the pace and began rocking on his erection. The slightly more vigorous action tempted Spencer to place his hands on Jenna’s breasts. He tugged at the dress, hoping to free them so he could view them as they bobbed in time with her bouncing. Jenna put her hands on his to stop him pulling and spoiling the shape of her dress or stretching the material.

  She placed his hands firmly on her breasts indicating that was the only access he’d be having that night. Spencer squeezed hard. He heard Jenna gasping and guessed it was what she wanted him to do. He roughly grabbed and tugged her breasts. The sensation had Jenna riding Spencer faster and grinding her clit against his pubis to create a friction to bring her to orgasm.

  Feeling the electric tingles begin to originate from her bud, Jenna took the opportunity to adjust her position to prolong the sex. She adopted a squatting position. Replacing Spencer’s shaft back into her pussy, Jenna was able to rise and fall on Spencer’s rod at her own pace. At times, she lowered herself until she was sitting directly on him, other times she imbibed only two of three inches of his cock.

  Frustrated, Spencer’s hands went to her tiny waist and he forced her to take in his entire erection. Jenna struggled, hoping to regain control, but Spencer held her in place and jerked his hips aggressively. The stabbing sensation of him burrowing deep in her pussy made Jenna cry aloud. Spencer continued raising his hips to jerk as far as he could inside her.

  Maneuvering herself back into a kneeling position, Jenna resorted to grinding on Spencer as he insisted on forcing his cock further and further into her. It wasn’t long before the pounding of Spencer’s hard-on in combination with her clit rubbing against his pubic bone had Jenna whimpering as she orgasmed. The second her vaginal muscles clamped on Spencer’s shaft, he too reached his peak and the couple climaxed in unison.

  Jenna collapsed on Spencer’s chest. She was tiny and petite and weighed next to nothing. With her ear over his heart, the rhythmic thumping of his heart gave her the romantic notion that it was her alone that had thawed Spencer’s stony heart. As his hands stroked her hair and back, Jenna felt completely at peace. A flashback of the consecutives mornings she was forced to change Spencer’s bed linen because he was entertaining a different lady every night ruined her moment. She wondered if she meant something to him or was just another woman in the long list of females he bedded.

  “You’re over-thinking things,” he said, breaking the silence.

  “How do you know?”

  “Because I’m becoming very familiar with your body. You just tensed up and have become very angular and uncomfortable to have lying on top of me, whereas minutes earlier you were soft and warm and the perfect fit for me.”

  “Does it mean anything to you?”

  “Jenna, haven’t I exposed enough of myself to you for one night?” It was unlike Spencer to discuss his feelings, let alone in a restaurant. “Trust me and if you can’t trust me, trust your gut feeling,” he advised.

  Jenna rolled off him. He wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close to him. She buried her face in his chest. Spencer’s eyelids were closing and he felt himself shutting down and starting to sleep.

  “You’ll have to stop spoiling me like this,” said Jenna.

  “Mmmm. Why?”

  Spencer’s question was automatic and his voice lazy.

  “It was Paris last weekend. A romantic getaway this weekend. You don’t want me too accustomed to the good life or I’ll come to expect you to whisk me away every weekend.”

  “I can afford that, if you’d like.”

  Spencer was more interested in sleep than girly chit chat.

  “All the same, maybe we could stay in New York next weekend. Could be fun having a weekend together at home.”

  Spencer’s ears pricked up and his desire to sleep was beginning to abate. He could tell from the sound of Jenna’s voice she was angling for the two of them to have a weekend in New York. It was a test of sorts, but he couldn’t fathom for what, exactly.

  “I should think as long as we’re together it wouldn’t matter where we are,” he said evenly.

  “That’s true, but as you said, I’m a family girl and New York is home. It’d be nice to have a weekend at home with the family close by.”

  “You see your family all week. I’d think by Saturday you’d want a break from it all. Especially as the weekend is the only time you don’t have work or have babysitting duties.”

  “Yes, but it’s New York: the city that never sleeps. I love it there. There’s so much going on and so much to do. It’d be fun to explore it together as a couple, don’t you think?”

  “I think you should close your eyes and sleep,” uttered Spencer, pretending to drift off himself.

  Chapter 15

  Arriving back Sunday evening, Spencer rushed to the airport to bid his fam
ily farewell as they returned to London. It wasn’t until Spencer returned home in the evening that he had the time and silence to analyze a feeling of discontentment which had plagued him for the majority of the weekend.

  The Jenna he’d met as his cleaner seemed to be disappearing in front of his eyes. It was as though all the qualities he’d found so attractive in her were waning. Rather than enjoying the romance and history of Portland, she spent a good part of the weekend planning the following weekend in New York. She was selecting the most exclusive clubs, best restaurants and was debating on what sized suitcase she should bring to Spencer’s flat for the weekend.

  When she wasn’t raving about the two of them partying hard in New York, she relentlessly checked in on her cell phone and appeared to be reading constant texts, rather than interacting directly with Spencer. Spencer knew for a fact that Zada was being taken care of, Liana was staying with friends, and her mother was delighting in having a weekend free of incessant girl trouble. Although he’d advised her to keep her phone on lest her family need to get in touch, he hadn’t expected her to be attached to the device all weekend.

  The first night together was close to perfect, but by Saturday morning, it was like an alien had taken over Jenna’s body. Nervous and twitchy, her hand was glued to her phone. She began pestering Spencer as to whether they would be leaving the Sunday night or the Monday morning.

  Almost every restaurant he escorted her to she refused to eat or chose nothing more than a starter. Listless, she had no desire to explore the city. When he tried broaching the subject as to her extreme change in mood and behavior, she nearly snapped his head off, assuring him nothing was wrong and she was having a perfectly wonderful time.

  At least one of us is, thought Spencer.

  The lovemaking ceased after the first night. He noticed Jenna chose to wear pajamas in bed and turned her back to him. His attempt to wrap a comforting arm round her waist resulted in it being flung off and a huge divide forming between the two bodies. Her unwillingness to budge an inch and meet him halfway to discuss the personality transplant was greeted with aggression and denial.

  He’d spent so much time guessing what might be bothering her, that she ended up accusing him of behaving like a bored, interfering old house wife. Spencer was at a loss as to what could be the cause. Last week in Paris, he’d treated Jenna to a new wardrobe and the best tourist attractions Paris had to offer. This weekend he’d opted for something comfortable and casual, so instead of feeling the need to impress each other, they would feel able to be themselves without pretentions. It was turning out to be a very revealing weekend.

  Jenna had been warm and open and blunt in her views and opinions. He’d loved her independence and focus. Staring at her in the car driving them home from the airport, she sat with her hands folded across her chest and her head bowed low to prevent her making eye contact with him. Reluctantly Spencer acknowledged he’d made the right decision by cutting the weekend short. She was impossible.

  They exchanged no words on the drive from the airport to Jenna’s home. Flummoxed, Spencer still remembered his manners and thanked Jenna for spending the weekend with him. That she made no mention of meeting up and causing chaos in New York the following week, as she’d boasted when drunk, was a huge relief to the billionaire.

  The driver, Graham, assisted Jenna with her luggage and saw her to her door.

  “Get me home please, Graham,” moaned Spencer. “I’ve just experienced the most disappointing dirty weekend of my life. The only thing to get dirty was my shoes when I walked along a muddy path on a garden.”

  The sound of the chauffeur snorting loudly, cheered Graham up.

  “I swear I’ve been conned, because the girl I took away for the weekend was not the same one that went to Paris with me.”

  “An evil twin perhaps,” suggested Graham boldly.

  “It’s a possibility. I don’t think I’m going to risk it a third time to find out for certain. Is it any wonder my motto is ’one night for fun, anymore then show them the door’. There were parts of the weekend that were truly excruciating. At one restaurant, I ordered a three-course meal and she chose a side salad as a main. You can imagine how scintillating the conversation was that night.”

  “Sir, are you vocalizing your thoughts aloud or sharing your weekend woes with me?”

  “Graham, I’ve no intention of boring you to tears but I do need to vent. See me as a rambling mad man or a disgruntled employer – though not with your services. Perhaps I’m nothing more than a moaning rich boy. You aren’t obliged to listen or offer advice, but feel free to speak your mind. I’d love your insight.”

  “Does she have an eating disorder?” inquired Graham.

  “No. There were no rushed visits to the toilet throughout the meal.”

  “Mentally disturbed?”

  “I didn’t see any medications in her purse.”

  “Perhaps she forgot to pack them and that accounts for the unusual behavior.”

  “She wasn’t crazy or having psychotic episodes. She completely retreated into herself. It shocked me. When we first met, I liked her openness and uninhibitedness when discussing an array of topics. This time she was sullen, withdrawn and did nothing but nod and agree with everything I said. It was like taking a walking doll on vacation. Her eyes glazed over. She seemed bored with me.”

  “Best dump her then, Mr. Lawson.”


  “Wrong kind of advice, sir?”

  “No, just unexpected.”

  They carried on driving in silence.

  “But what if the real Jenna is lying dormant in there? Perhaps someone’s repressing the girl I fell for and that’s why she’s been AWOL this weekend.”

  “Sounds a bit like something out of a science fiction novel, sir.”

  “It does and that makes me the hero, thus I can’t dump just yet - as you so crudely put it.”

  “Sorry, sir,” apologized Graham.

  “But I am going to have to find whether the old Jenna is actually contactable or if she’s disappeared for good and where and why she’s gone.”

  Graham kept his eyes steady on the road. Part of him was amused by Spencer’s boyish enthusiasm to solve the dilemma of Jenna’s split personality, but another part of him wondered if Spencer was taking it a little too seriously. Spencer had a lot of connections and discovering someone’s background was not difficult for him.

  Having worked for Spencer for seven years, he had a degree of paternal affection for his employer. He wondered if Spencer would consider a warning to steer clear of activities that were a little excessive and underhanded if he genuinely wanted this relationship to work.

  “If I may say, sir.”

  “I told you to speak freely, Graham.”

  “Rather than embroil yourself in a world of spies and intrigue, perhaps it may be best to discuss this face-to-face with your lady friend.”

  “Graham, the most we talked over the weekend was when we were in the restaurants and giving our orders to the waitresses. I’m not sure the direct, normal approach is viable.”

  “All the same, sir. Give it a degree of consideration before planning your strategy to solve the mystery of the two-faced woman.”


  Liana and Hannah were able to extract about as much information from Jenna upon her early arrival home, as Spencer had been over the weekend. Giving each woman a kiss, Jenna murmured “good night” and removed herself to the bedroom she shared with her mother.

  Her head was pounding. The headache was excruciating and no amount of aspirins would ease the pain. A cool breeze ran through the room and Jenna felt able to relax. Jenna badly wanted the vibration in her pocket to be a communication from Spencer. Habitually, she reached for the cell phone in her jeans. Not that she deserved it after her behavior that weekend, but because she wanted to hear from him, wanted the opportunity to explain.

  “Nice 2 c ur home alone. Keep it that way.”

  She scrolled
through the thread on her phone of texts from Leon. Jenna had refused to engage in communication with him and thus not responded to his many messages, but that hadn’t stopped him bombarding her all weekend.

  The first text arrived within minutes of her climbing in the Hummer with Spencer on Friday afternoon outside the NYU campus.

  “If u go with him ull be sorry. Ur ruining things 4 us when we r meant 2 b.”

  She’d turned her phone off to cut Leon’s method of communications with her. Unfortunately, her mother and sister were keen to get in touch and having contacted Spencer, he advised her to keep her phone on for the entire weekend, given the close-knit family may need to stay in regular contact.

  Spencer initially thought the texts were sweet. What he didn’t know was that the texts weren’t from her mother or sister. They were all from Leon. The regularity and continuity of them eventually appeared to annoy Spencer.

  “I was ur 1st and Ill be ur last. If he touches u again im going 2 have 2 make sure something happens so he wont ever want to touch u again.”

  That Leon had eyes on her in Portland to report to him if she’d slept with Spencer had Jenna paranoid and anxious. Concerned for Spencer’s well-being, Jenna felt the only way to keep him safe was to shut down and not interact with him. She was sullen, disinterested, refused to participate in anything he suggested and answered all questions in monosyllabic remarks. She was relieved to find it was Monday tomorrow. Leon was due to start his new job. Surely, all the silliness would cease when he was actively occupying his time. Her fingers itched to dial Spencer and apologize for her appalling behavior. She’d been the guest from hell. She wouldn’t even blame him if he never saw her again, that is, if he never spoke to her again. Jenna was starting to realize she’d spent all her time being critical of Spencer’s abundance of wealth and shallow lifestyle choices, that she hadn’t stop to consider her own decisions in life and the impact they had on her nearest and dearest.


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