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Sinful Cravings: Erotic Paranormal Romance (Lake City Stories Book 2)

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by Annie Nicholas

  The door swung open and six armed vamps raced out to surround us. Guns, swords, oh and one had an axe, very medieval. It took me a moment to recognize them all. I hadn’t ever seen them at work before.

  I nodded. “Boys, what’s up?”

  Amel grabbed me by the arm and pulled me inside. “Keep up.” His heavy foot falls echoed in the halls.

  Our armed escort followed behind. Apparently, Amel didn’t have much of a fan club within the nest.

  The vamps ahead scattered like leaves on the wind creating a clear path for the demon.

  He entered the security codes and followed the same path Sin had until Amel stabbed the elevator button that would lead us down to Sin’s apartment.

  I glanced over my shoulder at our guards.

  One of them winked at me.

  The elevator doors opened and I was swept off my feet by another of Amel’s yanks.

  He crammed inside the small space, wings squished against the sides of the walls. He set me in front of him between his feet before the door closed us inside. “I hate this part. My kind should be in the sky, not underground living with parasites.”

  “I always thought demons lived underground.” My stomach dropped as we accelerated deeper in the vampire nest.

  “Obviously, you know nothing.” The doors chimed opened and he shoved me out.

  Sin waited in his practice room stretching.

  Amel dumped me at Sin’s feet. “She’s intact.” Then he exited into his cave, closing the entrance behind him.

  “Well, that was fun.” I climbed to my feet. “Nothing like being tossed around like a garbage bag to make a girl feel special.”

  Sin’s lips twitched. He reached for a blade and gestured for me to get out of his way before he started his usual routine of slow motion forms. “Do you need food?”

  “No, I had supper with Val.” I tossed my jacket on the leather couch. When I turned around to watch Sin, he had already stopped his practice. “What?”

  “You were supposed to stay away from Val.”

  “That was before you gifted me Amel the charmer.”

  Sin re-started his stances. “Did he behave?”

  I grimaced and toed the thick wall-to-wall carpet. “Yeah, he behaved well for a demon.” I smirked. “My moms liked him. If I had left him at home, I think they would have rubbed him down in Nutella and had a feast.”

  Sin chuckled. “I could think of worse ways to die.” He moved with an unnatural grace. His idea of slow-motion would be an average man’s speed. From stance to stance, he flowed with his sword as if it were an extension of his body. For as long as I’d known him, he always started his evenings with this exercise.

  “Val’s in a bad way,” I whispered. “I have to help him.”

  “He needs to control his wives, not let them control him.”

  “I spoke with Cecile today. She swears she’s been sending the packages and I believe her. Val’s the reason she has power. She wouldn’t weaken him.”

  “You called her of your own free will?”

  “Well, yeah.”

  “I thought she frightened you.” He swung the blade around, decapitating some imaginary enemy. Or reliving memories…

  “She scares the shit out of me but this is serious stuff. Val could end up killing someone.”

  “So where are the packages going?”

  “To New Harper city.”

  He paused and glanced at me with a surprised look on his face. “You already tracked it.”

  “Dude, I shop online all the time. I know how to use a tracking number. What has me stumped is the shipping company can’t tell me the address so I can contact them.”

  “I’ll call my IT guys and have them look into it.”

  “Don’t bother. I called John. He’ll get me what I need.”

  Both Sin’s eyebrows rose and he set his sword back on the wall before facing me again. “You’ve grown up.”

  I glanced at my feet. I didn’t feel any taller. “What do you mean?”

  “You’re taking care of your own problems.” He approached me and laced his fingers with mine. “Normally, you would have asked me or your father to take care of this.” He kissed me on the tip of my nose.

  “I never gave it any thought. Val belongs to me, not to either of you. As his future wife it just seemed the right thing to do.”

  He grinned.

  Butterflies rolled in my gut. “Stop that. You’re making me feel all weird.” I thought pigs would fly before I ever earned an ounce of respect from Sin. It felt, well, nice. “Do you happen to have any of my empty vials here? I promised Val I’d fill some for him.”

  Sin’s grin vanished. “You can’t shoulder the responsibility of feeding him by yourself.”

  “I’m not trying to but our options are slim. My dad banned selling energy on the streets years ago so Val could barely get enough to get him through today. He talked about having to hunt.” I rubbed my chest where an ache grew stronger. “It’s not safe.” For anyone. If hungry enough, he could take a succubus against her will.

  Pointing to a cabinet by the mini fridge, Sin managed to keep his counsel to himself.

  I found five empty vials inside where he had pointed. That should hold Val until Cecile overnighted the next package. Holding one to my lips, I concentrated to flex my secret muscles and release my energy. It rose higher until it poured from my lips and filled only two vials. How disappointing. The energy had tasted of Nik. “This won’t be enough.” Packing the corked vials in my pocket, I pulled out my cell phone. “I hope Cooper’s available.”


  I glanced up from dialing. “Yeah, I’m sure as hell not calling Nik and John’s busy hacking the internet. That leaves Cooper.”

  Sin slapped his chest. “What about me?”

  “You? You charge me every time I feed off schedule.” I grunted and turned my back on him. I didn’t have any time for this nonsense.

  He reached over my shoulder and snagged my phone. “Not tonight. No charge.”

  I twisted to face him. “What’s with you lately?” Cupping his face within my hands, I stared into his baby blues. “Are you dying or something?”

  He laughed but I was being serious. This vampire before me did not act like the suitor I most of the time hated. If he didn’t become mean again, I might have to consider asking my father to buy out our contract.

  “Are your lady bits still tender from yesterday?”

  “Ugh.” I hung my head and let him go. Why did I bother to try? “I’m good. The power of succubus is strong with me today and I’m all healed.” I strolled toward his bedroom. “What did you have in mind?”

  “Let’s stay in here.”

  I wheeled around.

  Sin had undressed and sat on the leather couch. “We never finished what we started yesterday.”

  “I hadn’t realized we had started anything.”

  “You said no when I offered to kiss your tender bits better.” He patted the seat next to him. “Let’s finish off.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  A Forced Day Three

  I undid my dress and let it pool to the floor. “I don’t say no often.” Straddling Sin’s hips, I sat on is lap facing him.

  “Not true. Since Val, it’s all you say except on feeding days.” He undid the front clasp of my bra and set the girls free.

  “Is that what all this is about?” My hunger peeked out since I’d drained all my energy out into vials. Brain function would vanish if I didn’t feed soon.

  Nuzzling my breasts with his soft lips, Sin worked his way down to my nipples. The trail of tender kisses burned my flesh.

  I groaned and arched my back, inviting him to do more. I didn’t care what as long as it was more.

  He circled a nipple with his tongue and pinched the other, combining soft and sharp in one sensation. Knowledge of how my body responded was something Sin possessed and used to his advantage.

  My small cry encouraged his behavior as he switch
ed sides and repeated the process. I wove my fingers in his hair and clung to him. There weren’t many constants in my life. My family seemed like the only foundation I had to fall back on, except Sin had been there for the last three years. The closest thing I had to a boyfriend before meeting Val. What did that say about me? And what did that say about his recent behavior?

  With a practiced skill, he maneuvered me onto his couch until I lay on my back and he kissed his way along my stomach.

  Somehow my fingers hadn’t left his hair. Had I pulled it when he moved me? I’m sure Sin didn’t mind so I gave him another hard tug until he raised his gaze.

  “Is this really the path you wish to choose?” He yanked my hands from his hair and pinned them to my chest. A fang protruded from his upper lip as his gaze grew darker. I recognized this side of Sin better than the kindness that had recently emerged. I felt more comfortable being his victim than his friend.

  I bucked under him and tried to toss him off. He knew my triggers, but that meant I also knew his.

  He staggered at the sudden movement and his eyes flared. A snarl slipped from between his lips. It had been a long time since we played this game. There wasn’t much space to run in his apartment. Then again, I wanted to be caught.

  Snatching my ankle, he tugged me off the couch.

  I landed on my butt with an oomph yet still managed to kick him in the shin. That earned me a stern glare.

  He swept me in his arms and tossed me over the back of the couch with my ass pointed at the ceiling. Oh wait, I forgot about this part of the game.

  Twisting around, I tried to ward off Sin’s first slap. “I changed my—”

  Not listening, he shoved me back in place with a restraining hand in the middle of my back.

  I didn’t have a chance to prepare myself before the first slap landed with a sharp sting on my right cheek. “Ow!” My nails dug into the leather backing of the couch and held my breath as the next one landed even harder. “Wait, wait.”

  “Breathe through it, Pia.” He landed two more. “You chose this, remember?”

  Heat burned over the sensitive flesh of my ass cheeks. I couldn’t stop the cries as he landed each one. He was right. I had purposely provoked him. Hitting or kicking Sin came with a price. I knew this intimately. Maybe subconsciously I had wanted to be punished.

  For years I’d played at being a succubus but never shouldered an ounce of the responsibilities. People had been hurt, including me, because of my refusal to grow up. Sin and my father had been my safety net. It wasn’t fair for them to have to take care of my mess and make sure I fed properly. I finally understood what I should have been doing, and it had taken Val spinning out of control for me to see how I had been acting all this time.

  Even with the pain, my hunger took those impulses and changed it into arousal until my hips raised to meet Sin’s hand. My cries of hurt turned into moans of need. This was why Sin and I played well together. Whatever he dished out I could take.

  The couch shifted a little under my knees as Sin knelt on it. He spread my legs. “Where were we before you decided to change my mood?”

  I cringed. He knew I’d done it on purpose. Then I jumped as his tongue slid between my heated folds.

  He licked around my bud, sending urgent messages to my nerve bundle, but he never actually touched it. If he had, I would have exploded. Oh the tease.

  “I surrender.” The words came easy, but I sure as hell didn’t. Sin wouldn’t let me climax and the hunger clawed at my insides. I had left myself a little energy when I filled those vials for Val but I burned it all up fighting Sin.

  My body wanted more. The demon part of me crept closer to the surface just like when I had fed from Nik. “Sin.” I couldn’t speak.

  He backed away.

  I slowly turned to face him since my tush still throbbed in time with my heartbeat.

  Sin stood in the middle of the room as if waiting. His gaze moved over me. “It’s been a long time since I fed you when you’re this hungry.” Normally, I didn’t wait until my energy reserves hit zero to feed from my suitors. I scheduled them early on my day threes and it’s not like we ran on clocks. Sometimes I could force a day four when super desperate but that only worked if I fed well and conserved my energy afterwards.

  This wasn’t one of those times.

  I climbed to my feet and circled him, letting him take a full look at what he was driving me to become. “Don’t do this.”

  “Isn’t that what you want from me? To be such a bastard that you’ll never have any feelings for me.” With his unnatural speed, he whipped around me and clutched me to his chest. His hard cock pushed into my lower back where he rubbed it nice and slow.

  The feel of his firm body against mine flashed fried my nerves into overload. I cried his name out again. “Please.”

  “Maybe from now on, Pia, I’ll only feed you when you’re this desperate.” He licked along the side of my neck and I half expected to hear him sizzle. I was so hot.

  I reached between my legs and tried to rub myself into release.

  Sin chuckled and looked over my shoulder to watch. “That won’t work and you know it.” He let me go and returned to the couch. He sat down with hislegs spread. “Show me how much you need me.”

  Hurrying to him, I tried to straddle his hips. If only I could turn my back on him and leave. If only…those things couldn’t be possible for a succubus. We’d always be someone’s bitch.

  He shook his head and pushed me off his lap. “Not like that. Not yet.”

  I glanced at his hard cock, my only salvation, and fell to my knees. Anything to ease this ache. I wrapped my lips around his shaft, driving it deep and hard until he was in my throat. In petty defiance I skipped the things he enjoyed like licking and ball fondling. No foreplay for him.

  Arching in the couch, he lifted his hips and pumped. “Oh fuck.” He gripped my head. “Yes, like that.”

  After years of having sex at least once every three days and a third of those times with Sin, I could tell when he was close to coming from the way his breath hitched in his throat. With a twist of my head, I pulled out of his grip and released his cock.

  He hissed and gripped its base. His fangs had grown longer and his baby blues had grown to black. My demon nature wasn’t the only one showing now. Pushing me to the floor, he covered my body with his and plunged inside of me in the same manner as I had given him the blow job, hard and deep.

  My tanned ass rubbed against the carpet with each powerful thrust but the pain just added to the ecstasy. I dug my nails into Sin’s back and left my mark. He wouldn’t get away this time. “Fuck me.” It came out more like a challenge than a plea.

  His breath started to hitch again and his rhythm grew erratic.

  I cried out, clinging to his ass with my heels. “Yes!” As I came, a flood of relief almost swept my limbs free of his body. Energy flooded my system as my body created it with Sin’s accompanying climax. He tasted different than Nik. Filled with spicy zing and crackling ancient power.

  Sweat coated my skin as I collapsed under Sin.

  He supported his weight with his arms and stared down at me. The black in his gaze faded back to blue. “Why?” He genuinely seemed puzzled.

  How did I tell him that I didn’t want to fall in love? I doubted he could ever understand. “Because it’s how I need it.” Maybe he could comprehend that answer better.

  Shaking his head, he rose to his feet. “After that I need to feed.”

  I tilted my head to the side and offered.

  “No, you fed me yesterday. It’s too soon.” He helped me to my feet. “I’ll send those vials to Val for you.”

  “Thank you.” I said that a lot to Sin over the years. Maybe he didn’t believe the gratitude was real when it came so often. How could he when I abused our relationship for so long?

  I picked up my cell phone. John had texted me. He wanted to meet at his apartment tomorrow afternoon and go over what he’d found. Good, I could make
more vials for Val with what I’d made with Sin and feed from John tomorrow. Gathering the last of the empty vials, I filled them and left myself enough for a day.

  “What are you doing?” Sin grabbed my wrist.

  “Hey.” I yanked from his hold. “I’m feeding my sweetie. Don’t worry, I have John scheduled for tomorrow.”

  Sin frowned at the vials filled with his flavor. “I agreed to feed you, not Val.”

  “Now that I’ll be married it won’t make a difference anymore. Part of what I create will always go to him.”

  Sin gathered my bra and panties, setting them in my hands. “You’ve overstayed your welcome.” Those words stung worse than the spanking. He turned his back on me and shouted, “Amel, take Pia to her parents’ house.”

  “I’d rather drive home.” I pulled on my underwear and bra.

  “I’m sure you would.” He left his apartment via the elevator. Naked.

  The floor shook with Amel’s footsteps. “I’m not touching you dressed like that.” He made an unpleasant face.

  “Fuck you, Amel.”

  “Maybe you should wash too.”

  I searched the room for my dress. “Poke yourself in the eye.”

  His roar of pain eased a little of my heartache as I pulled the dress over my head. I found my jacket and shoes. “Let’s go.” I could have called a cab but Sin had given Amel a direct order so he’d only drag me out of said cab and flown me anyway.

  This time I wrapped my arms and legs around him as he carried me over the city. His body heat kept me nice and toasty until he dropped me onto the front porch of my parents’ house.

  I wiped my face quickly with my sleeves before he could see my tears.

  He reached into his back pocket and offered me his handkerchief. Leaning forward, he met my tear-filled stare. “Do you see any chains on me?”


  “Am I still his slave?”

  I nodded.

  “So are you.” He stepped off the porch and jumped back into the sky he missed so much.

  At one time I would have agreed with Amel. I fingered the necklace. Things have changed though and Sin wanted to be nice to me. I forced his behavior tonight but that trick wouldn’t work again. Sin was a fast learner.


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