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Gavin's Bliss [Men in Blue 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 4

by Rose Nickol

  “You did very well. Time to move this horizontal.”

  He grabbed her around the waist and lifted her onto the bed. He leaned across her, took that arm, and lifted it over her head. He fastened the cuff to something on the headboard. Her arm wasn’t stretched or painful, but when she tried to move it, it didn’t move very far.

  After leaning down and kissing each of her nipples, he moved over her and did the same with her other arm. She now had both arms fastened over her head. It was so erotic. She had fantasized about this but never thought it would happen in real life.

  Gavin was looking at her with a hungry look on his face. It was so hot Shelby felt a gush of fluid between her legs. If she stayed with this man, her panties would be wet all the time.

  Gavin worked his way down the bed until he was facing the footboard. Lifting each foot, he placed a kiss on her sole and then fastened her ankles spread-eagle to the end of the bed. Turning around he traced his hands up the inside of her spread legs until he came to her core. Cupping her mound, he leaned down and placed a kiss on her navel. He sat back on his heels and looked at her.

  “Beautiful, just beautiful,” he said with a smile. He was imagining her on the St. Andrews cross in his playroom. She would be gorgeous. He couldn’t wait to get her in there. Time to get back to the plan for this afternoon. Shelby was so in for it. He hadn’t had a woman in his house to play with for a long time.

  He leaned back her, braced himself on his elbows, and kissed her again, sweeping his tongue through her mouth again and again. He pulled away and kissed his way down her neck to her breasts bringing both nipples to rigid peaks. He reached into his jeans pocket and pulled out something. Holding his hand palm up where she could see it, he showed her what he had.

  “Do you know what these are?” he asked with a grin.

  Shelby saw three shiny metal objects with a little rubber on them in his hand and shook her head.

  “These are screw clamps. They go on your nipples. They can be adjusted as loose or as tight as I want them. When we are playing I will keep them fairly loose. If you displease me or get in trouble for something I may use them to punish you, and then they will be tight. Today we are just playing, so I will keep them looser. Since you’ve never played with them before they may be a little uncomfortable at first. I want you to listen to me and do as I say, and it will be better for you. Okay?”

  Shelby kept her eyes on the clamps and nodded, imagining how they would feel on her nipples. “Wait, you have three clamps. I only have two nipples.”

  “Yes, baby, there are three clamps. Can you guess where the third might go?”

  Shelby thought a minute. “Oh no, not there?”

  “Where, baby?”

  “On my…my clit?” He wouldn’t put one there, would he?

  He had an evil grin. “Yes, baby, that’s what the third one is for. If you don’t like it we won’t leave it on long, but will you try for me?”

  He looked so eager, and Shelby wanted to please this man in so many ways that she nodded without thinking. What would it hurt to try? He said he wouldn’t leave it on if she didn’t like it. She had no idea why she trusted him as much as she did, but she knew he would never do anything to hurt her. She just knew it.

  “Okay, enough talk. Here goes the first one.”

  Gavin leaned down and took her nipple in his mouth one more time before quickly applying the clamp. It didn’t feel too bad at first, but as he tightened the screw she could feel the pressure building. Finally, she couldn’t keep quiet anymore.

  “Oh please, it’s tight,” she cried.

  “Oh, baby, that’s just tight enough to keep it from falling off. It’s barely on. That’s nothing.” He laughed at her.

  Nothing? She’d show him. Let her fasten something like that to one of his balls and see what he thought.

  Gavin gave her a look. “What was that thought?”

  Cripes, could he read her mind, too? She tried to smile and shook her head. “Nothing. It doesn’t feel as bad now.”

  “Okay. I’m going to put the other one on now, and I’m going to tighten it faster. What I want you to do is to take a deep breath and hold it for me.”

  Shelby did as he asked, and he put the clamp on very quickly tightening it much faster than he did the other one. She felt the pressure immediately. Letting her breath out with a gasp, she cried, “Ohhh!”

  “Deep breath again.”

  She quickly sucked in a breath and held it until she couldn’t any longer. By then he was done. He rubbed his hands around them, not touching her nipples. He leaned up and kissed her again.

  “You took that very well, baby. How do they feel now?”

  “Not too bad.” Her nipples were starting to feel better until he flicked each clamp.

  She moaned again, arching her hips off the bed.

  “Amazing, isn’t it?”

  He grinned at her, flicking each clamp again. He took her nipple, clamp and all, in his mouth and started flicking back and forth with his tongue. Sliding one hand down to part her folds he brushed one finger lightly over her clit.

  She screamed at the sensation. She was ready to come now.

  “Hold it back, baby, and it will be so much better. Fight it back,” Gavin said soothingly, still gently rubbing her clit.

  “I don’t know if I can,” Shelby sobbed.

  “Deep breaths, baby, deep breaths. Fight it back,” he told her, but still didn’t let up on her clit. He wanted to show her she could do this and how amazing it would be. He slowed his strokes to give her time to push the orgasm back. He knew she could do this.

  Shelby took some deep breaths and tried to do as Gavin asked. She was so close and it would be so easy to just let herself fall over the edge. Hold back and it will be better, he said. What could be better than what she had already been given? But she wanted to do this for him. For some reason she wanted to please this man with every fiber of her body. Shelby took deep breaths and managed to crawl back from the edge.

  “Good girl.”

  Gavin praised her recognizing the effort she had put forth. He leaned down and kissed her again, before taking one nipple in his mouth and flicking the clamp. Then he started applying more pressure to her clit. He was going to let her come this time and as she did he was going to remove the clamps. He didn’t plan on using the clamp on her clit yet. He just wanted her to see it and know they would play with it later.

  After slowly trialing his fingers through her folds, he slid them down to her rear hole and started rimming her. He wasn’t going to play long but wanted to follow through on what they had talked about. Reaching for the lube he had placed on the bed earlier and not wanting to shock her, he said, “Baby, I’m going to put some lube on your asshole. It might feel a little cold at first.”

  “Okay,” she answered him in a small voice.

  Gavin applied the lube to her and his first two fingers, just like he’d shown her, then started rimming her again with just one finger, slowly pushing it deeper and deeper until he had it all the way in.

  “How’s that feel, baby?”

  “Kind of tingly.”

  “Tingly, is that good?” he asked, pushing his finger slowly in and out.

  “Good, very good,” she answered a little breathlessly while arching her hips a little.

  He added a second finger and started pushing it in, too. Both his fingers together were about the size of the butt plug he wanted to use on her. He scissored his fingers for a few seconds, not wanting to overwhelm her this first time. Checking with her frequently, he decided she was getting close enough.

  He could feel her ramping up and increased the speed and pressure he was using on her clit. As he felt her starting to come, he eased the tension on the clamps and pulled them off.

  As the blood rushed back into her nipples, she writhed on the bed and screamed his name. Her orgasm was more intense than any she had ever had. He took one poor nipple in his mouth, easing the blood flow and reducing the discomf
ort she felt and palmed the other one. When she stopped screaming and writhing, he released her arms and pulled her into his embrace. He held her for several long seconds, letting her catch her breath. Once her breathing had returned to normal, he pulled her onto her side and spooned her in the aftermath of her climax.

  “That was fantastic. I didn’t know it could be like that,” Shelby whispered, afraid to say anything aloud and break the spell.

  Gavin turned on his back and pulled her head to rest on his chest. She spread her legs over his and sprawled atop him. Rubbing her back he told her to rest and pulled a light blanket over them, not wanting her to get cold.

  Shelby let her eyes close—she could hardly keep them open—and relaxed into his hold. She felt totally safe and cherished.

  Gavin kissed the top of her head and closed his eyes. He hadn’t told Shelby yet, but he was working the night shift and needed some rest himself. They could talk when they woke up.

  Chapter Five

  Shelby woke again later in the day, but this time Gavin was still sleeping beside her. Lifting up on one elbow, she looked at him—really looked at him. In sleep, his features were relaxed. He was very handsome. Why had he picked her? He could have his choice of any woman, and he had picked her Shelby Nevins, the screwup. All she had done with her life was screw up. When he found out he wouldn’t want her. But she could enjoy the ride while she was on it. She thought about everything that had happened this morning and after lunch.

  Were they done for the day, or would they play more? She didn’t know if her body was up for any more today. She was sore all over—her wrists, her shoulders, her legs, but most of all her girly parts.

  After Gavin let her arms loose, they lay, cuddled, for a while. She had just started to drift off when she felt him between her legs again. He had made love to her several times before they both went back to sleep. Shelby lost count of how many times. It was great, but she was feeling it now.

  Looking up at Gavin’s alarm clock it was time for dinner, and she was getting hungry. Leaving him to sleep a little longer, she went to fix the meal. One of the times he had woken her, he told her he was working the late shift, from nine p.m. to five a.m., so she knew he needed to eat and get ready soon. She slipped out of the bed and across the hall to her room to shower and dress before fixing them something to eat. A lot had happened since morning.

  While they were eating dinner they talked about her job at the garage, when she would start, and the hours she would be working. Gavin was on the late shift for a few days, so he would be able to take her back and forth to work. Hopefully by the time his shift changed her car would be working.

  After Gavin left for work the house was quiet. It was too early to go to bed, so Shelby flipped through the television shows, but not finding anything to hold her interest, she soon shut it off and decided to go to bed and read. She went in her room and looked at the bed. It looked lonely. Grabbing a book, she decided to sleep in Gavin’s bed, sure he wouldn’t mind. She also grabbed a camisole and sweats.

  As she left her room, she noticed the door at the end of the hall. When Gavin was showing her around, he hadn’t shown her that room. She tried the knob, and it was locked. She rattled the handle a few times—nope, it wouldn’t open—and she finally walked away, vowing to ask him about it tomorrow or when he called. He had told her before he left that he would call to check on her and not to be surprised if he stopped by during his shift if it was quiet. She hoped he could come home no matter how short the time would be.

  Shelby made herself comfortable and started reading. She must have drifted off because before she knew it, she was waking to the ring of her cell phone. Gavin had paid her bill, telling her she needed a phone while he was gone and so he could reach her at work. Unable to come up with an excuse good enough to convince him otherwise, she had let him pay the bill. It was almost one a.m. when her phone rang.

  “Hi, baby,” he purred, his deep dusky voice came through the phone. “Were you dreaming of me?”

  “Hi, how’s your night going?” she answered him.

  “We’re not too busy tonight, just thought I’d check in and see how you were doing. I talked to O’Brien, and he doesn’t want you there until ten a.m., so you and I can sleep a while after I get home. Sound good?”

  Shelby didn’t know how much sleep they would get, but it did sound good. They talked a while longer, and then Gavin had to go because he got a call.

  Shelby must have fallen asleep because next thing she knew Gavin was crawling in the bed with her. He pulled her against him, spooning her.

  “Sleep now, baby. We’ll talk later.” He quickly stripped her camisole and sweats off. “From now on, when you’re in my bed, you sleep naked.”

  The next time Shelby woke up Gavin was sitting on the side of the bed with a cup of coffee.

  “Time to get up and get ready for work.”

  Shelby jumped up and sat beside him on the edge of the bed. What should she wear?

  Again reading her mind, Gavin answered, “O’Brien said jeans and a T-shirt would be good. It’s a garage, so it’s not the cleanest environment. After today, you can decide what would work best for clothes.”

  Shelby nodded and jumped up to shower and get ready. She was excited to have a job again. She didn’t even know what it paid, but it had to be better than nothing.

  Shelby grabbed one of her nicer pairs of jeans and a hot pink T-shirt that said “Hot Mama” across the front. After putting on her socks and tennis shoes, she ran down the stairs to the kitchen to find Gavin. He was cooking breakfast again and had everything ready.

  “You’d better eat, then I’ll take you to work.”

  Shelby sat and ate hurriedly, and then they headed out. Gavin pointed out various things on the way to the garage. Shelby was a little apprehensive about working, but it was just greeting customers and answering the phone. How hard could it be?

  Shelby’s first day at the garage was good. Paperwork and training took the first half of the day. All the guys were very nice to her and explained everything to her. Mike made sure she was comfortable. Gavin came and took her for lunch. It was a good first day.

  Shelby and Gavin settled into a routine for the week. He was on the night shift all week, and she worked days, so it worked pretty well. He came home every morning and crawled in bed with her until it was time to take her to the garage. They had made love a few times but hadn’t played again. The only thing he was doing that was close to playing was putting a butt plug in her, to stretch her he said. And she still didn’t know what was in the room at the end of the hall.

  The weekend came quickly, and they were both off work. Gavin had promised to show her the room at the end of the hall, and she couldn’t wait.

  Friday afternoon at work, Shelby’s cell phone rang, and thinking it was Gavin checking in, she answered it without looking.

  “Hello, Shelby. It’s Linda. Don’t hang up. I know what I did to you was not very nice, but I need to tell you something.”

  “Okay, what?” Shelby still thought she should hang up, but she and Linda had grown up in the same town and had been friends for years. She should give her old friend a chance.

  “Well, I don’t know how to say this other than to just get it out. Your parents and your brother, Elliot, were in a bad car accident. Both your mom and dad were killed instantly, and Elliot is in intensive care at the hospital. He’s been asking for you.”

  Shelby’s knees gave out and she sat right there on the floor just staring at the phone in shock. Mike ran up, picked her up, and carried her to one of the seats provided for customers and sitting with her in his lap.

  “Somebody call Gavin,” he yelled, holding Shelby closer. She had started shivering and shaking. “Honey, what’s the matter?”

  She was mute. She couldn’t answer. She just sat there in shock.

  Mike heard a voice coming out of the phone and gently took it out of her hand. He explained who he was, and after a few questions Linda expl
ained who she was and why she had called Shelby. Mike made sure he had her number and told her Gavin would be calling to get all the details. Then he sat holding Shelby, not knowing what else to do. He had one of the mechanics call Gavin and update him on what was going on, and they found a blanket to wrap Shelby in.

  Mike sat with Shelby on his lap and rocked and crooned to her, trying to calm her and comfort her. He knew she was Gavin’s girl, but holding her like this was heaven. Shelby was very attractive, and had she not been Gavin’s first, he would have asked her out.

  He and Gavin had often discussed sharing a woman. He wondered if Shelby could be that woman. He didn’t know if she was attracted to him or if she was even interested in being shared by two men. How would she handle that? Now was not the time to talk to her about it. He needed to talk to Gavin first and see if he was still interested in sharing. Maybe Shelby would be the one for them.

  Shelby couldn’t believe it. Gone, they were gone. She hadn’t talked to or seen her parents in several years, but had always hoped that they could reconcile. Now they were gone. She would never hear her mother’s voice again. Never feel the warmth of her father’s embrace. And Elliott, her little brother needed her. Elliott was five years younger, but they had been close. When he left to go to college they had drifted apart but still talked frequently. She hadn’t talked to him since she moved to Minnesota. Now she was sorry she hadn’t called him. Linda said he was asking for her. She had to figure out a way to get to him.

  She started moving on Mike’s lap. “Elliott, I need to get to Elliott.”

  “Shhh, honey, Gavin’s on his way. We’ll get you to your brother. Shh.” Mike held her tighter.

  “Gavin’s coming?” Shelby asked through her tears.

  “Yes, honey. I had one of the boys call him, and he’s on his way. He knows what’s going on, and together we’ll get you to your brother.” Mike told her, holding her tighter.


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