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Gavin's Bliss [Men in Blue 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 10

by Rose Nickol

  Chapter Nine

  Shelby felt like she was the one who had caused the trouble. Mike and Gavin hadn’t let her out of their sight since the break-in. She was never alone and not even allowed to go for walks by herself. One of them often stood outside the bathroom door while she was in there. She had tried to tell them she wasn’t in any trouble in the bathroom, but neither of them listened to her.

  Nothing more had happened, and none of the investigators had found anything. Shelby was sure it was just a prankster. Other than the fact that Mike and Gavin watched her like a hawk, nothing had changed. She still went to work each day and still did her job, only now Mike did less work and watched her more, especially when Earl was around. One thing had changed. Earl was even more friendly than he had been before. He was constantly at the desk asking her questions and had started asking her to dinner and to movies. Shelby tried to be nice to him, but he just wasn’t getting the hint.

  One Friday, Earl was being particularly annoying, and Mike had had enough. Walking up to the desk when Earl was asking Shelby out, Mike interrupted him. “Earl, I need to talk to you in my office. Shelby, you’d better come, too.”

  Shelby knew Mike was going to confront Earl but didn’t know why she had to be involved. Following them into Mike’s private office, Mike indicated for them to take a seat while he sat behind his big desk.

  “Earl, I’ve been watching what’s been going on, and I notice your work quota has gone down,” Mike said. “I can’t help but think it’s because you’re up at the desk talking to Shelby all the time.”

  Earl looked down at the floor but didn’t say anything.

  “Has Shelby done anything to encourage you to talk to her?” Mike knew she hadn’t and almost laughed at the look on Shelby’s face, but he kept his facial expression professional and waited for Earl to answer.

  “No, Mr. O’Brien. I like Shelby and hoped she would take pity on me and allow me to take her to dinner or a movie one evening,” Earl answered, still looking at the floor.

  “Shelby how do you feel about that?”

  “Well, sir, I think Earl’s a very nice man, but I have someone in my life and I’m happy with that relationship. I’m not available to see anyone at this time.”

  Mike was happy with Shelby’s answer. His little sub was in for a reward tonight. Mike looked at Earl. “Earl, you’re welcome to continue working here, but if I see you bothering Shelby again we will have to consider our options. You are a good, reliable worker, and I would hate to lose you, but unless you bring your quotas up and leave Shelby alone, I’m going to have to recommend that you find other employment. Do you understand?”

  Earl nodded and stood to leave.

  “See you Monday,” Mike said as Earl walked out. He hoped that it was just a crush and that Earl would shape up after their talk.

  On the ride home, Shelby thanked Mike for talking to Earl. She didn’t want to see Earl lose his job, but the man was seriously starting to creep her out. She’d tried to handle it on her own, but Earl didn’t seem to take the hint.

  “No worries, honey. It’s part of my job not only as your boyfriend and Dom but also as the owner of the business. You should have said something to me before I had to do this. Several of the guys in the garage noticed him and how he was acting. Next time someone bothers you like that you tell me or Gavin, okay?” Mike said in a stern voice.

  Even though they had been staying at Gavin’s house for a little over a week, they still hadn’t taken Shelby to the playroom. Tonight was the night. He and Gavin had been planning this scene for a while, and Shelby needed the attention. Mike was anxious to get his single tail out and see how Shelby reacted to it. This wasn’t going to be a punishment session. It was going to be play.

  Gavin had been doing some shopping on his work breaks and had gotten Shelby several play outfits along with some new toys. Tonight was going to be fun for all of them. After they finished dinner, Gavin led Shelby up the stairs and to the master bedroom. “I put some clothes on the bed for you to wear. I want you to wear what I laid out and only that, nothing more, nothing less.”

  Shelby walked to the bed and saw something bright pink lying on the bedspread. Lifting it up, it looked like a long slinky negligee. It had spaghetti straps and was cut almost down to her navel. She quickly stripped off her clothes and slipped it over her head. The gown was backless and was split up to her hips in the front. She felt very sexy with it on.

  Running into the bathroom, she brushed her long auburn hair until it hung in waves over her back and shoulders. It was supposed to be a play session, and she knew she would be crying from release of her emotions at some point, so she left her makeup off. She sprayed her body and hair with a scent she knew pleased her men and sat on the bed to wait. Gavin had given her explicit instructions not to leave the room until he came to get her, and she was going to obey. She didn’t want to turn their night of fun into a night of punishment.

  The past few days had been wonderful with her men. They had cuddled and made love but had not played very much. She had been spanked a few times for some minor things, but nothing intense. She was looking forward to the night’s activities as much as her men were. She was still waiting for both men to take her together, one anally and the other in her vagina. So far they had only taken her one in her mouth and the other in her anus or in her pussy. She wanted them both at the same time so badly, but they kept telling her not yet. Maybe tonight would be the night. Her muscles clenched just thinking about it.

  She sat on the side of the bed as Gavin had instructed. She thought and waited. After sitting for a while, she wondered if she had misunderstood Gavin and maybe she was supposed to go down to the living room when she was ready. No. she was sure he had told her to wait that he would come get her when they were ready.

  Mike looked at Gavin and chuckled. “How long are you going to leave her in there?”

  They were standing outside the playroom door arms crossed over their bare chests. Both had changed into leather pants to play in and were anxiously waiting for Shelby.

  “You told her to wait for you right?” Mike asked.

  “Yes, I did.” Gavin answered. He was going to let their little sub stew a few more minutes. He wanted to see if she would listen and wait for him to come and get her or if her curiosity would win out and she would come looking for them.

  Shelby sat on the bed for a few more minutes, then went back to the bathroom and brushed her hair again. She walked to the door and put her hand on the knob, then let go and walked away before she turned it. Gavin had told her to wait and wait she would. She walked back to the bed, then to the door again, she put her ear to the door listening to see if Gavin was coming up the stairs. Well, she’d wait a few more minutes before she went looking for him, maybe he got busy or something.

  Gavin and Mike talked about five more minutes before Shelby opened the door a crack and looked out. The minute they heard the doorknob turn, Mike and Gavin were outside it.

  “Hey, honey, can we help you?” Mike asked.

  Shelby jumped back and sat on the floor with a little scream. Mike and Gavin rushed in the door, both offering her a hand up.

  “Are you okay, baby?” Gavin asked.

  Taking their hands and pulling herself up, Shelby nodded. “You two scared me,” she told them with a huff.

  “I thought I told you to sit on the bed and wait.” Gavin crossed his arms.

  “It had just been so long, that I was wondering if something happened,” Shelby answered with a little bit of attitude.

  “I’m not sure I like that tone of voice,” Mike said as Gavin stood beside with his arms crossed over their massive chest as well.

  Mike’s chest was covered with tattoos and it always gave Shelby a thrill to see them like this. Her girly parts were definitely awake and paying attention. These two alpha men were hers and hers alone. She didn’t know how she got this lucky but was happy they had found each other.

  Shelby’s first time in Gavi
n’s playroom was the experience the men had wanted it to be for her. She watched Mike practice with his six-foot whip for a while, and then they all played.

  Totally sated and exhausted after her play session with the men, Shelby was carried to the bedroom, where they cuddled and relaxed. They spent the rest of the weekend relaxing and goofing off. Monday would come too soon and everyone would go back to work.

  * * * *

  Mike and Shelby drove to work together as was their custom, now that they were all spending more time at Gavin’s house; it was pointless for Shelby to drive herself. They arrived at the garage two hours after it opened and the mechanics were hard at work. They had already written several orders for parts for Shelby to call in.

  Picking up the stack of papers, she headed for her desk and the phone to start making her calls. She sat and quickly began sorting through the orders, she had discovered that they often need the same parts for several orders, and if she ordered the parts in bulk, she could get bigger discounts. As she went through the orders, she found a folded piece of paper tucked among them. She unfolded it and read “You’re not as special as you think bitch.” And that was all.

  Earl immediately came to mind. She sat looking at the paper for a minute trying to decide what to do. The note was hurtful, but not threatening or malicious. She didn’t know whether to go and confront Earl or go tell Mike. If she told Mike, he would call Gavin then the police would be involved. She really didn’t want Earl to get in trouble, just wanted him to leave her alone.

  Deciding she needed to confront him herself, she went looking for him back in the garage where the guys were working. Asking around she found out Earl hadn’t shown up for work that day and no one had heard from him. Now she was really puzzled who the note might have come from. Head down she walked to Mike’s office, holding the note. She was trying to figure out who might have sent the note and didn’t notice Hank, one of the older mechanics, watching her.

  Mike’s reaction was exactly what she expected it to be. He immediately called Gavin, who also blew a gasket and arrived at the garage sirens blaring—way to not bring attention to the situation.

  Shelby assured both men she was all right and not scared, which wasn’t true. She was nervous about who it could be. They once again reassured her she would never be alone and started looking at all the suspects, who it could be, and why.

  One by one, they went through the garage employees, all of whom had worked for Mike for years except Earl. They had no idea who would have left a note like that for Shelby. Every one of the guys liked her, and there was no reason for anyone to want to harass her. They couldn’t help but think Earl had something to do with it.

  Mike had tried to call Earl to learn why he wasn’t at work with no results, so he decided to drive to Earl’s home to see what was going on. Gavin decided not to let him go alone and not wanting to leave Shelby alone at the garage with the guys when the letter writer could still be there, they all piled into Mike’s truck. Gavin didn’t want to take the squad car.

  When no one answered the door to Earl’s apartment, Gavin decided to talk to the manager and check the place out. Earl’s apartment was empty. It looked like he had moved out over the weekend. The manager knew nothing about it. There was a note on the counter addressed to the manager. When he opened it, it just read that he was moving and there was a check for the fees owed—nothing more.

  They were even more puzzled as they thanked the manager and left. Mike pointed out that just because Earl moved didn’t mean he couldn’t have left the note, but Gavin didn’t think so.

  They headed back to the garage puzzled about who could have left the note. Mike was sure it wasn’t any of the mechanics. They had all worked for him for more than five years, and he trusted all of them. He’d even been overseas with two of the guys. Both knew one thing for sure was that Shelby was not going to be alone. One of them would always be with her.

  Chapter Ten

  Hank watched the little whore as she left with the men she was fucking. His son hadn’t been good enough for her. Oh no, the little slut had to have two men. That was all right. They would all get what they deserved, the slut and the two assholes she was fucking.

  No one knew that Earl was Hank’s son, and that was the way he wanted it. Mike might have thought he had gotten rid of Hank back in that hellhole in Afghanistan. His name was Harvey back then, Harvey Milstone. Harvey Milstone had died in Afghanistan, and Hank Mills was born. Because of what he knew and what he had seen, the US government paid for Hank’s new identity and all the surgeries he needed to mend what was left after the bomb went off.

  His mission that day had been a solo one, so no one on his team knew what had happened to him. That was just fine with him. Mike had been his team leader and should have been more responsible for him. Mike was the one who made the decision to pack up and leave when they couldn’t find Harvey. Mike just assumed he was one of the many deserters, and when his higher-up agreed, he had no reason to protest.

  Hank had spent the last five years worming his way into Mike’s trust and the time was getting ripe to strike. The slut’s treatment of his only son was just icing on the cake. Now Hank had more than one reason to get revenge on Mike. If he got the slut that would get to Mike, not a bad day’s work. He’d spent a lot of time planning what he would do to Mike while he was lying in hospital beds recovering from his various surgeries. Revenge would be his. The man should never have left him.

  When Hank came back to the States and found out that Henry’s old girlfriend was pregnant when he left her several years before he joined the serviee and he had a son it didn’t take long for him to befriend the bitch and her son. Killing the bitch was easy, and with no family to take the young boy it was easy for Hank to take custody of him.

  After Earl had been fired from his fourth job for gross misconduct with a female coworker, Hank got him the job at the garage where he could keep an eye on him. Earl hadn’t been accused of rape yet, but Hank could see where this was going. Having him work at the garage where there were only men seemed like the best idea to Hank. Then Shelby started working there, and Earl’s trouble started again.

  After Mike talked to Earl on Friday, Hank had decided to have Earl move in with him and not go back to the garage. Now he had even more reason to get his revenge on Mike. Before leaving the garage, Hank managed to disable the new alarm system Mike installed and wedge one of the side doors open. Disabling the alarm wasn’t difficult for a demolitions specialist. He had chatted the technician up installing it and gotten all the information he needed. After the slut and her men left, Hank sneaked back into the garage and set his little present up. Mike was in for a surprise and so was the slut.

  Gavin, Mike, and Shelby were rudely awakened by a pounding on the door to Mike’s house. They were still taking turns sleeping at either Mike’s or Gavin’s house. The garage was on fire. Both men grabbed clothes and took off running leaving Shelby alone in the house. Gavin screamed at her to lock the doors and set the alarm as they ran.

  “Don’t open the door and stay in the house,” Mike yelled.

  Shelby did as she was told, then stood watching out the window of the house trying to see what was going on. It wasn’t very long before she heard a pounding at the back door. She started to go back and answer it when she remembered Mike had told her not to open the doors. What should she do? Why was someone at the back door instead of the front? The knocking came again, and Shelby decided she should at least walk back there to see who it was. She could do that without opening the door.

  Shelby yelled through the door, asking who it was.

  “Shelby, it’s Earl. Open up.”

  Crap, Shelby thought. She didn’t want to let Earl in. Crap. “I…I can’t,” she yelled back, trying to think of a reason she couldn’t open the door.

  “Open the door, Shelby. The garage is on fire. I need to talk to Mike,” Earl yelled back.

  “We know about the fire. Mike’s at the garage.” Oh shit, t
hat wasn’t smart. She didn’t want him to know she was alone.

  “Did Gavin go with him?” Earl yelled back.

  “What?” Shelby yelled back pretending like she couldn’t hear him.

  “Are you alone in there?” Earl yelled back. “Shelby, answer me. Are you alone?”

  Earl started beating on the door again. Shelby didn’t know what to do. She grabbed her phone and tried to call Gavin, only to hear it ring upstairs. Double crap!

  “Umm, uh, just a minute, Earl. I have to find the key to the door,” she yelled back, stalling for time and to think. After the night the lights had gone out, Mike and Gavin had installed deadbolts on all the doors and they could only be opened with a key. Earl didn’t need to know they kept the keys on hooks by all the doors.

  Earl kept banging on the door and yelling while Shelby tried to think what to do. She’d attempted to call Mike’s phone with no answer. She hoped he had it and just didn’t hear the ring. Maybe he’d check and see she called.

  Shelby paced up and down trying to figure out what to do. She had almost decided to let Earl in when she heard something at the front door. Running for it, she thought maybe one of the guys had come home.

  As she crossed the threshold from the kitchen to the living room, she waited to see who would come through with one hand on her phone, the numbers nine and one already dialed, and her finger hovering over the one. The door flew off its hinges, and glass and debris flew toward her. Stopped in her tracks, she was knocked off her feet by the force of the door blowing in.

  As her senses were returning to normal, she heard the back door break in. Earl ran to her and wrapped his arms around her.

  “Shelby, Shelby, talk to me. Are you okay?” he asked her frantically.

  Shelby shook her head, trying to figure out what had happened. “Gavin, Mike,” she yelled, trying to figure out why she was sitting on the floor and why Earl was holding her. What had happened?


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