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Vampire's Babe

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by Karensa Minett

  Kiss Me Again Series :: Book 4.

  Vampire’s Babe


  Karensa Minett


  Author’s Note

  These books are a work of fiction.Names,characters, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination and are used fictitiously.Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons,living or dead,is entirely coincidence.The scanning,uploading and distribution of this book via the internet or any other means without the permission of the publisher is illegal and punishable by law.Please purchase only authorized electronic editions, and do not participate in or encourage electronic piracy of copyrighted materials.Your support is crucial,its the best way to help self-publishers.

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  Also by Karensa Minett

  Kiss Me Again

  Celebrity Love

  Letters To Cinderella

  Same Story

  Vampire's Babe

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Also By Karensa Minett


  Vampire’s Babe

  A Vampire Story

  Red Eyes


  Boys,Boys Everywhere


  Wishes Don’t Come True

  Cold Eyes


  A Dream

  Missing Witch


  Cursed lover

  Twisted Corner

  Stories of Baltia.

  Mysterious Call

  Book Inside Book

  Berch Witches

  Jacob Bodwin


  King Auguaten

  The Lonely Girl

  The Enconter

  The Prediction

  The Invincible One

  Planned Execution

  A Blunder

  Its Just Love

  The Curse


  Ruth’s Diary

  Ruth’s Diary Chapter Two.

  Ruth’s Diary- Miyana.

  Ruth’s Diary- Poisoned.

  The Traitor

  Forever Yours

  Caged | 3 Years later

  Black Pen

  Sign up for Karensa Minett's Mailing List

  Also By Karensa Minett

  About the Author


  Vampire’s Babe

  A Vampire Story

  Red Eyes


  Boys,Boys Everywhere


  Wishes Don’t Come True

  Cold Eyes


  A Dream

  Missing Witch



  Cursed Lover

  Twisted corner

  Stories of Baltia

  Mysterious Call

  Book Inside Book

  Berch Witches

  Jacob Bodwin


  King Auguaten

  The Lonely Girl


  The Prediction

  The Invincible One

  Planned Execution

  A Blunder

  It’s Just Love

  The Curse


  Ruth’s Diary

  Ruth’s Diary Chapter Two

  Ruth’s Diary- Miyana

  Ruth’s Diary-Poisoned

  The Traitor

  Forever Yours


  Black Pen

  Vampire’s Babe

  “Come on Agatha wake up,you are getting late to school.” my sister was screaming at top of her lungs down the stairs, she was my only family and the head of it too.I was the spoiled witch,who got low marks and who never was in anybody’s good book.It was because when I was around six years old my parents and their close friend died.People say I was the cause of their death.I don’t know if there is any truth in the same but there is no denying it,I still have a fade memory of myself,sticking around their dead bodies,there was blood in my palms,I was crying and my lips moved on their own,I don’t remember the spell but the officer in charge refused to even right it down his diary.

  I lost my parents,they loved me and so did I,especially daddy,because he used to bring many sweets only for me,even Ruth,my elder sister couldn’t get them.Till date I miss my people,they were...

  “Agatha,are you coming or should I come on top.”

  There was no way I was allowing her to come into my room.She would kill me if she ever found out that I was living with a cursed creature in my bedroom,yes I know it sounds complicated but that’s the truth.

  “Come on Sipper,wake up” I yelled and the pixie in the custom made match-box bed fell right on the ground.She was a mess,long green ears sticking right out of her face and invisible nose and tiny lips.She was pretty but not sexy,I was annoyingly hot,well that’s what most of the wizards in school thought about me.A witch with a bitchy attitude,that was me,Agatha Simon Digzon.I loved myself.I truly did.

  “Why are you never on time?.”she growled,I was so used to my big sister by now, “Ah my favorite chocolate fudge cake.You are so good at cooking.” She was smiling and within few minutes sharing her yesterday’s work load,I had a knack to get around many just like her.They were all dumb,falling for false praises and pretended words.It was so easy to survive in this witchy world if you knew few basic laws.

  Law one,smile to everybody even if you do not like them.Law two,never get in anybody else’s fight but do punish the culprit in a silent way,which he or she should never forget.Law number three never ever encourage sexual desires in anybody and lastly and importantly the last law of all,all laws are changeable and can be broken in dire survival circumstances.

  “You even know what he did?.”she said cutting furiously her fried bacon.


  “Well..he proposed to me...I was so embarrassed by him,imagine him to be on his knee with the diamond ring in front of the entire office.”

  “Don’t tell me you rejected him.”I was devastated,did god,if he existed,give any brains to Ruth.

  “Well apparently not,I said I shall take few minutes to think.”

  “Praise the lord.”I screamed throwing my hands in the air.

  “Why are you so excited?.”

  “Cause he did give you brains...and I doubted him for so long.”

  “Can you just hold it...”

  The door bell rang and I was on my feet opening it,Sipper had disguised in human form and was just standing in front of me.

  “Hello Sipper,pretty dress.So come and join us for breakfast.”

  “Thank you so much Ruth,its so good to have two sisters like you’ll.”

  “Yeah,my parents are always out and it is so good of you Ruth to take me as your second little sister.I just don’t sleep here but this is my second home.I have my lunch and dinner,study...well I am so grateful.”I mocked,repeating her words loudly.

  Ruth playfully slapped my hand while Sipper managed to settle in her seat.These were my words of course and Sipper had just repeated them for these ten years,there was nothing new that she could manage on her own.

  “I love you Sipper the way I do Agatha.You are family.”

  Ruth however meant every word that she said.I felt very guilty and Sipper did too but there was no way we were sharing our secrets with her,she would freak out immediately,she was like mom,frail,girly and non-hot over thinking type women.It was a height when one of our school boys addressed her as my mother.She was in a way but it was very early for someone to address her like that,she should be called as chick rather than my mom,later I did box that fellow

  Ruth never enjoyed her childhood,studying,working,bringing me and Sipper ,taking care of everything.I owed her a big time.The faint lines on her skin were too early,she was a very beautiful girl once,her long free hair was somewhere tied in a bun and her skin was just dry.

  “You should say yes.”I said placing my hand on her’s.


  “I want you to.”

  It was so clear in her eyes,she avoided mine.

  “Did I miss something?.”asked Sipper.

  “Ronaldo Sweeptuck asked Ruth to be his first and last love,Breaking News...Breaking News...”

  “Blow me up...Blow me up....”Sipper cried in joy.

  Ruth however was fidgeting with her bowl of porridge now.

  “Its high time,get settled and let your little sisters grow on their own.”It was quite an emotional moment for us,Sipper concentrated on her bowl of cereals,she just did not wish to cry.

  “You don’t know him Agatha...”she tried walking to the sink and putting the bowl of untouched porridge there.

  “Ronaldo Sweeptuck,the most eligible bachelor in town of DuskDew,wanted by all witches,rich,famous and handsome.What else do you need?”

  “A guy who also knows to love.”she smiled.There was no answer to this one,she was perfect,the best thing that Ruth had was a heart full of love,forgot to mention,when dad bought me sweets he used to get special milk ones for Ruth as she was allergic to the ones I munched on.She used to put those too in my box,that’s one place where I failed every time,Ruth was the most beautiful and blessed person that happened to be in my life.

  Sipper was in pool of tears,the porridge had extra saline water in it which was about to overflow and it did.I hated her.Ruth was obvious,I had to do the cleaning.

  “See you.”she said grabbing her broom stick and she was out of the window,did I forget to mention,we were witches,but everybody out there called us Vampire’s Babe.

  A Vampire Story

  Why they call us vampire’s babe you see,well it has its own story.Once when there was war everywhere,we witches of ‘Dooday’ took refuge in a very strange land,where there was no human or any kind of life form,excluding the vegetation.

  She was the most beautiful female that he saw,yes a vampire set his eyes on one of the witches,she was lovely as well as crafty.He wanted to make her just like him but she refused it. Her powers slowly started to drain and he waited till they were nothing more than puff of smokes.Her eyes watched his never sleeping ones,they were only fixed on her,cornered inside a room,her spells would only last till her powers.

  She had to figure out a way,in order to survive and bring the true soul in the dead leech who she saw in distance.Her last spell worked and she was carried by him to her coven.He was fast and furious,a man she always wanted by her side.At last when all her powers were back she made him drink her own blood which was bewitched by one spell and it worked,he never wanted anyone’s blood again,but only her blood.Somewhere down, his heart was still beating and what she had thought it worked,he couldn’t kill her for the blood nor he could have a taste of another,eventually the vampire woke and so till date people say that they live in the deep woods,many followed their steps,the land which we stay in is where once there was no life form but now everything grows here,even we receive vampire’s with hospitality,in fact most of them.

  All creatures irrespective of their birth and origin are welcomed in Duskdew.

  There was heavy clapping in the classroom and Sipper just couldn’t stop,Mrs Wee had to swish her wand thrice in order to maintain the silence.

  “Bravo my girl,now very good concept and I will be very happy when you will elaborate that story,remember,one scene at a time,imagine,open the creative eye.I want this witch ball to be the best.”

  I just smiled,there was no way I was cutting her in between,she was not only my class teacher but also the principal’s wife.He never could speak in front of her,not in the office or the classroom and I surely could imagine how it would be at their home,well most of us had brilliant imagination,including Kim Seawock,she was the dance diva,won the title of most beautiful face in the magazine Wizards corner and lastly she dated the guy who I had a crush when I couldn’t even spell my name.In spite of all these things or you can say issues,well lets get an appropriate word and narrow it down to differences,yeah,having differences is healthy,we were friends.Our group of witches was limited to just four of us,Sipper,me,Kim and oh! well I did forget to mention the bookworm.She skipped classes and all the fun,her name was Jill Potcrock,every teachers favorite and sore eye to all the smart wizards,she even helped us win the Witchy-twitchy championship last year.

  Sipper was well Sipper,most of you know she is a cursed pixie but yes there is a big butt in between,she has a knack to see the future, open the gates of time and even she can bring back a dead,well only for a day or two but she is blessed.

  I am the extra log in the group,well that’s what I show all the people,no special powers,Na,I don’t have a brilliant brain, not even going close to charming wizards of my age,well I could it was just that I was following the third law,I never gave them courage to come and speak to me,Ruth’s ideology,keeping a low profile helps single witches survive the nasty world.So I declared myself ordinary with just one gift,I could make anyone fall in love with me if I wanted to.Sounds strange but that's what Ruth told me,well she is a face reader,very good at her job and what ever she tells you,mark it,that definitely comes true.

  “So are you set for tonight?.”asked Kim super excited in a low tone.We were sitting in the library. “It is dangerous.”warned Jill.

  “Come on who knows it can turn out to be our best night.”encouraged Sipper in all hushed tone.

  “I see you dying to see the old leech,its just a story Sipper,there is no Vampire in that old temple.”I snapped.

  A wand flashed and all four of us were hanging upside down our chairs,surely Mrs Bookrie caught us talking.She was never friendly to any kid and many had ill rumors about her.

  “I hate all four of you,come in to my library and keep disobeying the rules.” she sneered.

  “I will call my dad and have you cursed out of your skin.”threatened Kim.She had a short temper and a long tongue,well it was my turn to interfere,as Ruth did tell me I needed to work on my hypnotic skills and to my surprise I did,but I used it only when required.

  My eyes were locked in her’s,Mrs Bookrie did not stand a chance,she let us down and I grabbed my bag and Kim with me to our next classroom.

  “Someday,I am going to kill her.”she shouted,trying to straiten her hair.

  “We will figure out a plan in which we can kill her but later,for now just lets concentrate on our current plan.The Vampire’s temple.I have all the info that we need.”giggled Jill patting a tattered book in her hand.

  “There is no way I am going to read that fat junk.”snapped Sipper,sometimes she had to pretend just to be in our group,well Kim could only take to people of her energy levels,she was not bad but highly hyperactive and could explode on anybody.

  “What am I for,I will cut it short.”she smiled.

  Two of them were excited and when Jill turned to me I had to fake the excitement too.

  “According to the Witch hound’s analysis,this vampire lived a thousand year ago but was cursed by his wife because of his dual relationship.The curse was that he would remain stone cold the way she was till somebody came and loved him truly.....”


  “The vampire in that temple is cursed by his wife....”

  “I know that, my question was,we have to love him?.”

  “No..No..Not at all.”

  “I’m not liking this.”

  “Come on Aagi, give the story a chance.”encouraged Sipper,keen again to listen and fill herself with all the info that she was given.

  “Fine.”I groaned and Kim took my arm lovingly.

  “He has never met any true love till now but there was one queen who visited his palace. It is said th
at the queen was attacked by her neighboring kingdom,the king was on his deathbed and her loyal subject were turning against her.She took refuge in his palace that night.There was something written on his wall,next to his throne where he sat,made of stone.”

  Jill turned to the page where the following lines were scribbled in the book.

  ‘He who shall kiss his stone cold chest,

  Will be gifted by his vast treasures at his best,

  But in return the demon within shall take your test,

  Only when he has his fill alone shall he rest.’

  “I don’t like these words.”shivered Kim,for once a rational reaction on her behalf,after all I was lucky not to have a pure dumb-head as my friend.

  “I did warn you it was dangerous.”answered Jill

  “What’s next?.”asked Sipper.

  “The queen cried and he listened,she was unaware that somebody was by her side.At last a saline drop from her eye fell on the ground and his heart melted,he rose from his frozen state and helped the queen,in return she lost her soul to him.Till date the people of Catatroshia worship him on the same night and his palace has become the ruined temple.Only those go there who have no other option than death.He fulfills their wishes but in return takes something away from them which is close to their heart.”finished Jill,four of us sat silently in our little hide-out.

  It was a place in our school building where we could see the sea and below it was the sky.This place actually helped us to think and breathe.

  “I’m in.”said Sipper putting her right hand in front,Kim was the second to place her palm on top of her,all excited Jill was third and three of them looked at me; Jill perplexed,Kim annoyed and Sipper,well,requesting.Reluctantly I placed my palm on top of her.

  “When do we nail it?.”

  “Right at midnight.”

  “Wait a minute,what am I suppose to tell Ruth.”

  “Yeah.” joined Sipper,Kim tried to avoid it dumping everything on Jill.

  “Can I bail out too.”she sighed.

  “Well she...she...she will kill me.”I shouted.

  “Not only you but all of us.”reminded Kim,she liked Ruth but was terribly afraid of her like me,well each one of us was.I had a very possessive elder sister,everything that I did was monitored by her.She did give me space but there were times when I couldn’t help it.


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