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Vampire's Babe

Page 3

by Karensa Minett

  “Sorry I just didn’t get it.”

  “Do you look at Ruth?.”


  “She missed many things didn’t she?.”


  “Sometimes I want to be like her,mature,sensible,responsible but I don’t feel healthy.”

  “What do you mean?.”

  “She feels healthy because she has you,someone to love.”

  “I still...”

  “Ever imagined how did she continue so long without anyone’s support in this nasty world Aagi?.”

  There was no answer to this one,I had never thought about it.Jill just smiled patiently.

  “It was always you.When you have someone to care for,someone very close to your heart,someone for who are you willing to give up your life for,its easy to survive.”

  “Yes..”I agreed,her words sinking slowly in my mind,I was actually loving her to know my sister so well.

  “Have you ever wondered what would happen to Ruth,if you...well...decide to marry and leave.”

  That was a huge one,I was not at all ready for this,where was she twisting this conversation to.

  “Jill,I am not brilliant as you are,so just drop the bomb at the target.”

  “Somebody has set their eyes on you Aagi,its going to be tough and unavoidable.”she warned.

  “What do you mean?.”

  “Mixbreed.”she nodded.

  “Him...”I laughed clapping my hand to my forehead. “My goodness Jill you really are a troubled brain.He is normal.”

  “No he is not.You should have seen him,the way he was looking at you,those last five minutes,if it wasn’t crowded he would probably take you to a corner....”

  “Okay stop.You warned me and I will be careful.Fine.”

  She wanted to speak but my hands just stopped her and she reluctantly sighed.I knew I shouldn't ignore her words,it never did any good to us,but I just wanted to breathe.

  One tired look at her showed me that she was laughing ,I had to join. “Grandma.”I shouted.

  “I liked what you think and said about Ruth.”

  “I love her a lot.If ever I had a sister,she would always be like her.Ruth is perfect and ideal.Feel very comfortable when she is around.I never feel motherless.”smiled Jill,ignoring the book in front of her.

  Poor Jill,she lived without a mother,her mother had left his father long back,till date people did not understand the real reason for it.Jill missed her a lot,it was just that one day when she came home to return my book and saw me cuddled in Ruth’s lap,she saw what she was missing.After that Jill too became a part of our family,well,she did stay with her father and used to get most of the supplies for us,but Ruth was Ruth,she only took how much was required to raise three;guessed it right,Sipper,Jill and Kim.

  Once Jill came she tagged Kim with her too.Kim was difficult at times,Ruth was careful to approach her,it was our match opposite the Loodlov Witches,Kim cheated and so the match referee declared her out,stubborn Kim refused to leave and when pushed she slapped one of the players.The school was not willing to take responsibilities for Kim’s behavior, her parents were called but none of them showed.Teachers were strict and did stick with their decision,Kim had to bring her parents or stay at home.Ruth observed the same for a day and two,she could not go to work since Kim was all alone,her parents were no where to be seen,well they were enjoying high ministries party.

  My sister took responsibility for her and Jill helped Kim tame her temper.

  After that there was no looking back,four girls with disturbed parenthood and a sister cum friend who shared the same pain bonded forever,a bond very difficult to explain or talk about.

  “Kind of lovely isn’t it?.”she asked waking me back to reality.

  “ know what I was thinking.”

  “Of course.”Jill was a very good witch,there was no doubt.

  “I think I will get some extra help...”I stood walking to the last section of books,I had to find some good music themes to impress Mr Bodwin,he did request me to show what I thought would be good.It was hard finding the right book but after few minutes I did.When I reached back to where Jill was sitting I was shocked.

  One guy was kissing her,his hands were under her shirt,brushing her skin.I did not recognize this chap,his face was unfamiliar,who the hell was he?.



  It looked as though she was dazed.

  “Get away from my friend,did you jinx her?.”I demanded.

  “No..I too are hot.”he smiled trying to extend his hand in front of me.I had my wand out,ready to recall the spell that pushed your opponent in the wall,it was just at the tip of my tongue but wouldn’t come out.

  “Easy Agatha,this is Roy Rooboy from the music department.”smiled Chris.

  “Does he have any manners?.”

  “Mixbreeds love flesh,your friend was quite tasty,I’m dying to have more.”he added playfully.

  “Me too.”added Jill still fighting to stand straight.

  “You heard the girl,now leave her.”he said advancing close.

  “One more step and I will break your legs.”I thundered.

  “Easy Agatha,we are leaving.Put the wand back.”Chris looked at Roy meaningfully and he groaned,his index finger touched Jill’s thick lower lip,making my stomach twist and blood boil.

  “Your girl is old fashioned.”I heard him in distance.

  At that time itself,Chris turned,his eyes were wild and his lips twisted into a dark line.I hated it,for the first time ever I wanted Kim to be by my side.No sooner had I thought about her,she appeared with Sipper.Her reaction was horrified.

  “What the hell happened?”she demanded,helping me to settle Jill on a chair;my wand was still in my hand and I was just fighting to calm my breath down.

  Sipper placed her hand on mine and she instantly knew what happened.The entire story was right in front of her. “Jill’s first kiss delivered to a mixbreed!.”she exclaimed.

  This was Kim,she was not annoyed that Jill was forced into it but annoyed because she did it with a Mixbreed.Sipper got lemon and fishtail juice to bring Jill back to her senses,once the drink was inside her gut she smiled.

  “So,I thought you could block any spells.”demanded Kim.

  “Yeah I can but for the first time I did not wish to block,I just wanted to experience how it was.”

  “And how did you find it?”asked Sipper enthusiastically.

  “Good and wild.His hands were cold,felt heavy and nice.”replied Jill hiding her grin.

  I was shocked,what the hell was going on.They did figure it out.

  “High time.You should loosen yourself,let the hair low,wear short skirts and deep neck blouse.”laughed Kim.

  There was something about her suggestion that made me stay awake till three in the morning.Ruth did not come home,she left a message saying that she would be late,had some urgent work coming up.I did fidget with my wardrobe,finding something decent and lovely at the same time.

  All three of them had boyfriends, I was only one left alone,I wanted someone and Chris,that look in his eyes,I loved it now.Jill’s face came repeatedly in front of my eye,she was actually enjoying it.

  This could definitely be me and Chris.I wanted to be kissed,Troy was with Kim and there was no way I was having him and spoiling everything for her.

  Tomorrow I had to look my best.Chris,his face circled my mind till I was asleep.

  The next day at school was usual.I continued to stay focused.Finally lunch break arrived and we all were down the hall,in the small corner,making our rehearsal work.

  Roy was all over Jill,they did not smooch each other but continued talking,for the first time I saw her pull her specks away and let it dangle loosely to the center of her shirt.It was so easy for him to be tempted.She was trying her level best to have him.Wow,Jill could be so nasty and expert.Kim was with Troy practicing her set of dialogues while Sipper was ag
ain kissing her new crush.

  I felt very lonely and abandoned.Chris came behind me and kissed me gently on my cheeks.How was I going to tell him that I wanted him to kiss on my lips not on cheeks.


  “You look beautiful,never seen you like this.”he said.

  Well I did try to take Kim’s advice seriously.A low neck blouse matched with tight blue skirt and loose open hair was welcoming.I could see, it was hard for him to breath.

  “Do you mind a little privacy.”

  “Not at all.”I replied.

  We were inside the costume room,one of the old closet,his lips were cold and over mine.First it was difficult to take the difference in temperature but slowly he tried again.I was stiff,all this was new to me,my breathing had accelerated and my heart was beating wildly.His hands pulled my blouse out of my skirt and I allowed them to willing slip inside.It was the most lovely experience,I was pinned to the wall,locked in his lips while his hands were all over my top skin,teasing and pulling.

  “No Chris don’t...”I cried,when he turned me over and my top was on the floor.

  “Nobody is coming Aagi,play along,lets have fun...”he whispered in my ears.

  My hands were far away from my body,stretched widely,allowing him to brush my skin the way he pleased.His lips pulled my ear lobe and proceeded lovingly to my bare back following the spine.I was turned again,my hands were still at a distance,he did not allow them close and no matter how hard I tried, I could not pull them either.His lips nibbled gently my skin from the naval to my open chest.

  “Chris...”I moaned.

  He did not stop,his eyes searched me thoroughly,making me a slave,I don’t remember how fast his hands were playing around my skin or why was I moaning so badly,but there was one thing for sure,I still had my skirt and legs in place.His cold chest was pushing me further and further inside the wall,it was good,hard and breathtaking.

  “Where is she?.”I could hear someone shouting outside and I recognized that voice easily.Chris was shocked when I pushed him hastily away from me.

  “What’s wrong?”he demanded.

  “Give me my blouse.”I cried in horror.


  “Just shut up,I think my sister is outside...”


  I fell the moment I stepped out of the closet,he tried to help me,stupid tight skirt, “No don’t,even don’t come behind me.You get it.”

  “Fine.”he groaned,standing without his shirt.

  I rushed as fast as I could.

  “Hey,do I see you more?”he asked sadly,hoping the answer was quite obvious.

  “Yes.We still have unfinished business.”I smiled,it was good to see his dead face beaming again at me.


  “I’ll let you know.”

  “Where is she? And why aren’t you wearing your specks.Maintain that distance both of you.”It was not hard to guess,sure it was Ruth.Kim and Sipper were glued to each other,Troy was leaving with Rocky as fast as he could.Blow me, Roy was no where to be seen,smart Jill,she was perfect at hiding her mistakes but it was hard one to hide from Ruth.It was so clear in her eyes,she was surely mad at Jill.Now it was my call and slowly when she did turn,the first things out of her mouth was, “Does such thing exist in your wardrobe?.”

  “I thought...”

  “Don't think.”


  “Shut up and get in the car.”

  “But my periods,the school is not over.”

  “I already had a word with your class teacher,now get moving.”she fired,there was no way I was going to disobey her,she was red in face but she looked very ill.I walked as fast as I could,picking my bag on the way.

  “What are you three waiting for?.”she thundered louder than ever,Jill was the first one to cross me,then Kim and Sipper slowly raced after me.

  “We are doomed.”she cried in horror sitting at the back.All four of us squeezed in the last row,leaving the second row as it was,empty.

  “I am not liking the look on her face.”shivered Kim

  “Its going to be a tough day.”whispered Jill ducking her head instantly.Ruth was marching towards us,coming with full force,giving us the highest degree of shiver.

  “I’m dead.”I added slowly.

  “We all are.”Jill corrected me.

  Ruth did not look at us nor did she speak,but she drove furiously.I had never seen her driving like this.Jill tried to maintain her perfect face of a scholar but somewhere down my gut I knew she was just pretending.

  Kim and Sipper by my side were totally petrified.Ruth was mad,she was driving so blindingly fast and I, out of all the lot, was able to figure out why,could easily see it in her head,she saw me with Chris.Oh god I was so screwed.

  To calm her mind she tried playing few songs on our local radio,Bewitching,it was Merlin Ming,from far north,the famous rock star ,she was someone I always fancied,my favorite song was loud in the air,Boys,Boys Everywhere.


  “Get inside your room,now.”she did not calm down,Ruth was all bonkers. “Ruth..I wanted to....”

  “I don’t like repeating myself.”she shouted high in a sharp piercing tone.There was no way Jill tried another word,she dashed straight to the bedroom and we followed her blindly.

  There was nothing to talk,I tried to do my homework,working a way which Mrs Broomdin had followed some two thousand years ago.A witch has to be perfect in psychosis,Mrs Wee’s words were coming back to my rescue.It had been so easy for this witch to figure out the same when she was just ten and here I was still struggling with it.

  My cell phone rang and I had to excuse myself from the rest of the girls,not hard to guess,Chris was on the other end.It was very nice to hear his voice.



  “Any thoughts for tonight...”

  “I’m very stressed.”

  “I can help...good at shoulder massage.”

  I laughed,it was tempting, after all I did enjoy his lips and hands.But would it be a good idea since Ruth was still mad.I had to take my chance,a guy like him was difficult to get.I did a little calculation and added quietly.

  “How good are you with vacuum charms?.”

  “They are my pet.”

  “Exactly at five in the evening,when the girls drop dead and Ruth is relaxed,you know the co-ordinates to my bedroom?”

  “Yes,easy to pull.”

  “I’ll be waiting.”

  “Will definitely finish the business.”

  For some reason,I was feeling guilty but at the same time I was deadly excited.It was a quick decision,but I was willing to loose my virginity to Chris.He had some kind of wild charm which finally helped me break free from my chains.

  Nobody spoke, we continued to finish our homework,as predicted,Kim and Sipper fell asleep instantly while Jill was keeping up.After exactly half hour,she too slipped under her blanket.There were only five minutes left,the skull shaped clock on my dressing table grinned,I just turned it over.I pulled the curtain near my study desk and closed the window opposite it.It was dark and cozy,reminding me the closet and the limited space.

  I was surely out of my mind,going to do something wild and right under Ruth’s nose.My stomach felt heavy,something was bad but in a good way.I wanted to feel Chris,his lips,hands and the wildness that his eyes carried in them.

  I saw the white transparent sheen in the center of the room,it was slowly coming towards me and very instantly I was pulled into it.After that the sheen disappeared,even if somebody pulled the curtain,then too we would be safe,invisible.

  “Bang on time.”he said pulling me in his arms and kissing me wildly on my lips.I was locked with him for a while,his tongue was inside my mouth and I searched him.I groaned,my stomach was experiencing a different kind of sensation.Within few minutes I was sitting on my desk with legs wide apart.His hands were careful while he pulled the only silk dress above my head.I allowed his eyes to feast on my untouched body
.It made me cry,I was scared,could see how hungry he was.He continued kissing me till I was dazed and relaxed,like a sedative which went straight to my brains,calming the senses.

  I could feel his hands now and then,his tongue and lips were more demanding than ever.Couldn’t imagine so different a world,Chris was actually making me cry,the feeling that swelled within my chest was very unique,I was wanted and beautiful.He whispered now and then to me while I moved the way he wanted me to,there was no denying that Kim was right.This new phase of life was..was..

  I moaned loudly,catching his head. “Easy,Aagi.I have just started.”he laughed slowly,breaking free from my hands.

  He played slowly,arousing the women in me and then we progressed to a different level.I could not believe myself,on that small desk,he managed me pretty well.

  I tried to stay awake and fight the drowsiness that clouded my brain but couldn’t,the darkness grew and I was out of light.

  “So did you enjoy it?”asked Jill.

  “Enjoy what?”I pretended.

  “Being a women.”she snapped.

  “Yes.”I confessed sheepishly.

  Kim and Sipper were nowhere to be found.I was back in silk dress.She was reading her book giving me space to vomit certain facts.

  “How did you know?”I asked her combing my hair in the mirror,still avoiding her sharp eyes.

  “Kim and Sipper are dumb, they did not notice the silk.”she said.

  So idiot,I was truly an idiot,who wears a silk dress to bed,it was not a silk nightie.

  “Get rid of it before Ruth kills you.”she suggested and without a second thought I was back in my shorts and loose t-shirt.

  “Where are they?”

  “Cooking food.”

  “Where’s Ruth?”

  “She got a call and left instantly.It was from a doctor.”

  “Do you think she is okay?”

  “No,had a look at her skin,unusually white don’t you think so?”

  “Yeah,she looks very ill.”

  “She shouted from downstairs to keep the food ready,will see us at dinner.”

  “You didn’t go to help.”

  “Sure,I cook and you all run.”she laughed.

  “No,I think you mastered the basics.”


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