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Vampire's Babe

Page 16

by Karensa Minett

  “Yes.”he said picking his sword again and attacking her with all his might.

  “lunati...”she tried dodging his every blow easily as though she was playing with a kid who had a toy in his hand.

  “Lunati listen please..”she said jumping up a tree and sitting with crossed legs,she waited for him to calm down,he did not,instead he tried to climb the tree,finally giving up he did collapse on the ground looking at her smiling face.

  “Good your majesty.”she smiled looking down at him,he stared at her for a while, “I am a birch witch,my name is Crisinda,I have been walking this ground for more than forty thousand years,the reason why we hate lunatis is they were one of us before but they did steal our precious elixir which gave us eternity,only few of us were left and we had five drops of the elixir still with us,one spell earned after a lot of penance helped us make an ever flowing river of elixir which we know protect at any cost especially from your kind,that is why you are not welcomed here.But I see the blood within your veins has two different smell,she was one of us,your mother.”

  Jacob was speechless,he waited for her to complete and she continued without halting, “She fell in love with a lunati,I helped her escape and never heard from her again,I knew she had a son and a daughter.You truly have your fathers skin and flesh but the heart I think comes from her.”

  “I want my wife back.”snapped Jacob

  “You will have her back but not now,she is being poisoned slowly,I’m afraid in your own presence and you did not know,differences were not meant to be but they are made in your relationship Jacob,open your eyes and see beyond the picture which is shown to you.”she tried gravely.

  “I want her back.”she smiled again,he was repeating the same words unable to think anything else besides Miyana.

  “Come to this same spot on the fourth moonless night and you will have her here.”she answered spreading her wide white wings and flying away.


  “Crisinda who the hell is she?.”asked another female dressed in the same manner as her.

  “A birch witch sister.”answered she ignoring the other three who stood annoyed.

  “She has the smell...”

  “Take my hand.”said Crisinda and the other female took it gladly,she saw all that happened between her and Jacob,even the other three were able to see what all happened.

  “He loves her.”said one of the three women smiling softly,very touched but one of them was not.

  “He is not going to see her again only then I shall treat her.”

  Four of the five witches were not at all happy with her words but she was so determined, “Treat her sister,I promise he will not see her until and unless he sees you.”

  “Crisinda..”smiled the first witch.

  “Yes Misaya.”

  “I think you should change.”she smiled pointing at her dress but hinting somewhere else.

  “If he comes here,I will execute him.”threatened the witch who was attending Miyana.

  “Don’t worry sister if he does then we will surely have a Planned Execution.”

  A Blunder

  “What are you looking at?.”asked Crisinda,Miyana was lying over the grass and seeing the stars,she smiled “a beautiful face.” “Ah, a face.”laughed she lying with her. “Do you feel good?.”she asked. “No,not really.”

  “What is it dear?.”

  “I don’t know,I see this face every time,in my dreams, when I am awake,it really haunts me.”

  “Does it belong to a man or a women?.”

  “Its a man.”

  “You should stop thinking about it,its the first step in order to forget it.”

  “I don’t want to forget it.”replied Miyana hastily.

  “I thought you said it haunts you.”

  “It does but to be honest I feel very uncomfortable if I miss to see it.”

  “Girl you are so..”

  “No honestly Crisinda,I don’t know,I have seen it shouting and abusing me but my heart just breaks when I don’t hear his voice.”

  “I think we should go and sleep,its a lovely night though.”

  “You know this face don’t you?.”


  “Its someone from my past isn’t it?.”

  “Yes.He loved you and till date he does but he himself does not know what love is..”

  “You seen him recently?.”

  “I see him everyday.”


  “Near the forbidden line,he waits for you.”

  “Should I go?.”

  “Are you ready to meet him?.”


  “Why not?.”she asked seeing the excitement die in her eyes.

  “He is good in my dreams and besides I know my past does hold bitter truth about us.”

  “Then you should stay with us and move on,how about Lakiya,Misaya’s boy,he fancies you.”

  “Lakiya,you serious.”she laughed and Crisinda joined in, “I know he is nothing close to his mother but he is a berch wizard after all,say yes and be permanently a part of us.You don’t have to worry about your past.”

  “Crisinda are you sure he loved me?.”


  “Does he...”

  Before she could complete Crisisnda answered “Yes.”

  Tears rolled down Miyana’s eyes and she smiled, “I want to stay with you and rest forever,this feels home.”

  “Then stay.”

  “You know it don’t you.”

  “There are only three days left for the fourth moonless night,yes I do.But I know one more thing Miyana that is the last day for few of us.”

  “Is he incapable of crossing the line.”

  “He is capable of many things girl,you probably don’t remember it because of the diamond around your neck,that’s the best Shira could do to clean your blood from the poison.”

  “Once the diamond is broken I return to my former self.”


  “You know its going to break.”


  “How many of you are going to die?”

  “Four of us.”

  “Can I stop this.”

  “Marry Lakiya and he forgets you,the bond will be broken.”

  “Is it wise?.”

  “You will breathe,you will live and so shall we but you won’t be able to love again.”

  Tears made their way around her eyes continuously, “why wasn’t he able to find me?.”

  “Because you are protected by a shield,he can hear your voice but cannot see you,the moment the shield is broken,he will not stop.”

  “He loved me,he loves me,hurts and abuses me,who is he?.”

  “Your husband,king of Lunati’s,wild and untammed lunati who could have been somebody more decent and pleasurable to meet.”

  Miyana was confused, “he carries Atira’s blood,she was one of us.”

  “I would love to meet him but its wise not to.”

  “Finally I see you are ready for bed.”

  “Yes.”replied Miyana walking by her side into the huge palace gates.


  “What happened here,kill him.”cried Shira,looking at the half killed creatures in front of her.

  “He is getting out of hand.”observed Manika, “Agreed.”smiled Misaya. “At last two more days to go and I am free.”laughed Juna.

  “I have the power to crush his ugly head.”snapped Shira.

  “Sure you do but if given opportunity and power like us he can be someone who we would love to meet someday.”interrupted Crisinda.

  “And why are we suppose to be so generous to him?.”demanded Shira annoyed.

  “Because he has Atira’s heart and eyes.”joined Misaya.

  “Are you fool,if he gets an opportunity he will kill us.”

  “Who is afraid of death then,are you afraid Shira?.”asked Juna,Manika waited like the rest for an answer.

  “I have to protect the river.”

  “He has crossed the river several times
and believe me never touched it.”replied Crisinda.

  “What are you afraid of?.”asked Manika more politely than required.


  “No.Fear of being betrayed again.”

  Nobody argued,they just saw her dark black wings cover the entire sky as she flew away from the ground.

  “She loved him didn’t she.”

  “And he betrayed her.”


  “Miyana wait.”panted Lakiya racing behind her,her wings were white in color and she flew with grace. “What’s wrong Lakiya,you don’t want the kiss.”laughed she flying more high and away from him.Jacob’s eyes flew open,he took a burning log from the small fireplace in front of him,the dark night was not helping,he could hear her voice but couldn’t see her,blindly he marched in the darkness to see her again,no matter how hard his eyes strained,he still couldn't find her.

  “Looking for someone Lunati.”sneered Shira.

  “And that is definitely not you.”answered he standing with his sword ready.

  “That toy is no match for my powers.”

  “Agreed.But I have a surprise for you.”he said having a long silver chain out of his pocket, “you rut..”she hissed.

  “Its good to know your weakness,I had to invest my time,so I did in finding who the hell you bitches were.”

  Before she could hit him,he swung the chain and it landed neatly on her back,her skin burnt so did the silver in his hand.

  “Lovely isn’t it?,I mastered an element too,fire.”

  That did call for a fight,Shira was not giving up and so was Jacob both of them were determined to kill each other.

  He could repeatedly hear her faint laugh now and then,Miyana was not far away,if only he could get rid of this witch,he tried hard,blow after blow which did tire Shira,she was on her knees and ready to take the last blow when Crisinda interfered,she pulled Shira up and flew high,whereas Jacob stood on the ground watching them escape.

  His ears were back on job,she was not far away,he could hear her,but couldn’t see her,why?,why?...

  Miyana was next to the tree,her hands were on top tied in a fix,she could easily see the desperate look in Lakiya’s eyes,she enjoyed it but something within her still refused to give in.

  “What is wrong Miyana, you scared of the animal.”laughed Lakiya brushing slowly her lower red lip.

  She could easily vision Jacob,her memory returned where he had asked her the same question.She was stunned,she could hear someone cursing,it was faint for her ears,like a low cry, I can only see the trees where the hell are you?....

  She saw Jacob throw his sword in between them,she pushed Lakiya in the opposite tree while the blade was stuck on the ground,the invisible film of protection was broken.Jacob froze,he waited for her to turn.

  It was the same face,face which she used to see in her dreams,the same face which kept her awake all night,he was so close to her now,waiting for her to turn and have a look at him.She breathed heavily before turning to him,observing his rugged and muscular structure,the desperateness in his cold eyes and the wicked line of victory marking his lips.

  “Miyana,pleased to see your husband or have the witches jinxed you.”

  “King of lunati’s aren’t you?.”she asked,whereas Lakiya stood stone cold observing the stranger and his hostile attitude.

  “Lets go Miyana,he doesn’t look healthy.”he whispered.

  “Who the hell are you?.”demanded Jacob calling his sword back which did come in his right hand swiftly.

  “My fiancee.”replied Miyana smiling softly to see pure hatred cross Jacob’s face.

  “You are my wife.”he thundered.

  “I was but the court did state,I no longer have any rights on you as my husband.”there was no hatred in her tone just a polite fact which she hated to point.

  “You remember...”

  “Not most of the stuffs,I have seen you cursing and abusing me in my dreams,I assume they are not dreams but the things that happened in our past...”

  “I am here to take you,come with me.”he roared unable to hide the wave of anger in his voice.


  “The court said being the king I have the power to take the decision...”

  “You did take the decision your majesty,you brought me here.”

  “I did bring you to this place but I never....”

  “There is no point,I have already crossed the line.”replied Miyana,ready to fly away,Jacob was stunned to see her feathery white wings.

  “Maybe I should also cross lines then.”She could easily see the silver chain in his hand and the way it was burning,his palm too had the blue flames licking most of his flesh.

  “Do you think she stands a chance?.”asked Misaya and Lakiya was stupefied,he was hiding with his mother in the top most tree,where they could see both of them getting ready for a fight.

  “Wake up,help her,she is going to be my bride.”cried Lakiya when Crisinda joined in.

  “First she is not going to be your bride but we will have the party or the wedding preparations though and secondly even if we are wrong and she is to be your bride I must see how well can she protect you, only then I agree to her.”

  Lakiya was speechless and Crisinda held her tongue,pursing her lips tight,she did not want to laugh and attract attention to the tree,she was here like the rest of the witches to see the fight between a lunati and a berch witch.

  “Impressive.”she smiled when Miyana defended herself deftly from his blows, “she is brilliant.”added Juna who was perched on another tree,Manika nodded and was about to clap when Shira stopped her.

  “How are you keeping?.”

  “A little good.”she replied.

  “Someone is turning a new leaf.”smiled Crisinda talking to her but her eyes were fixed on the fight that was taking place down on the wet rainy ground.

  “When did she learn that?.”asked Shira,she could not miss the hand, Miyana had transformed her left hand into an ice sword.

  “Did I forget to mention,she mastered an element.”added Crisinda and everybody just sighed.

  “I wish I could see them kiss one another rather than this,but this too is fun.”added Manika and everybody was laughing silently,hoping what she said would come true.

  Jacob was tired and so was Miyana,both of them were on their knees eyeing each other like any enemy would do.She stood and he did the same,breathing and ready to battle again,they both ran,with their swords in hand,Jacob slipped and Miyana got the opportunity,her blade was close to his throat,ready to pierce it but she couldn’t,her eyes were lost in his dying ones.Each and every memory that they had lived together came flashing in front of her,Jacob did not miss he did attack and in the process her diamond necklace broke into pieces,he couldn’t see her fall on the sharp stone and he held her just in time,her cold lips involuntarily kissed his open chest wall,very close to his heart.Her eyes met his and he was lost in her beautiful gaze.

  “Time to celebrate.”announced Misaya.

  “Son have the arrangements done,this is going to be our last party.”

  “I feel very blessed.”announced Juna

  “Agreed.”said everyone in unison.

  “I hate to separate the love birds.”sighed Juna flying down.

  Before Miyana could do anything Jacob was lying unconscious on ground.


  Miyana was already in her wedding gown and Lakiya paced madly outside her room. “Can you calm down son,I’m trying to have my last nap.”Misaya groaned, “He will kill me,he wants her,she loves him,you know it,then why are we having this wedding.”he cried in anger.

  “Son,it seems like your wedding but it is not,you just have to pretend for a little while,too much to ask and stop cribbing like your father and his fathers.”

  “He thinks its real and so does she,why are you....”

  “Son its because he should know what love is and she should know that every time giving up is not the solution.”Lakiya was rooted to his place,taking in
every word that his mother had just said. “So you are going to die, all of you?.”


  “I’ll be all alone.”there was no way he could hide his tears.

  “No you won’t,remember the witch that came to our place and she actually cursed you.”

  “Yes.”he said very softly.

  “Go to her and she will take you as her husband.”

  “Why would she?.”

  “Because she liked you and hence cursed you.”

  “I don’t get it.”

  “Ah..she cursed you so you would go to her and beg to free you from the curse and she would place a condition of marriage,when you are a berch witch,you cannot escape the fine lines can you.”she said turning again in her bed and trying to sleep.

  “How come I didn’t see it?.”

  “ ‘Cause your father was a bonehead and you are the same.”


  “Lakiya,my boy.”she said turning to him, “what is it ma?”

  “A piece of advice I wished to give you.” “What is that?”.

  “Let me sleep or I will break your neck.”she smiled and he moved quietly away from her.

  “Good boy,just like your father,he too never disobeyed me.”

  Miyana dabbed her lower lip with some ointment,she could clearly see herself like before in Jacob’s arms and the way he pulled her lips to his.

  “Quite a fight.”complemented Crisinda waking her up, “Yes.”she smiled hiding her bruised skin.

  “Need help?.”she asked

  “No I can manage..”before she could complete,Crisinda’s long finger brushed her lip and it healed,she did the same to her left arm and the open back.

  “Sometimes it is wise to ask for help.”

  “Thank you.”

  “You are always welcome girl.”

  She was at the door,when Miyana called her,desperate to know something,she was so scared that Crisinda had to ask, “What is it that you need to know?.”

  “ he alright?.”

  “The king,yes he is.”she smiled.

  “You lied to her.”whispered Lakiya, “He is desperately trying to break the walls of the dungeons.”

  “Your mother was right.”


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