Vampire's Babe

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Vampire's Babe Page 21

by Karensa Minett

  “Let them go Jacob.”she whispered,his hands relaxed but he still held her,his head rested gently over her,her cold breathing did not affect him,he enjoyed it on the other hand, “let them go..”she repeated again, “Miyana I have....”he stopped,his hands were shivering,his heartbeat raced at maximum speed,I could see why,Ruth was kissing him,her lips were making him soft,it was the same place where Miyana dropped her kiss and he surrendered to her.Tears brimmed in his eyes but he did not look at her,she rested her heavy head again on his chest,breathing his masculine smell.

  “Let them go Jacob.”



  “Why is she smiling in her dreams?.”I could hear Sipper,when I opened my eyes,Troy was unlocking the cell door,one by one we were pulled out,he did not look happy, “so we are not a part of your family after all.”snapped Jill who was pulled by a tall female,her red eyes were cold and she had a cunning smile round her lips.

  Troy did not answer at all,he was stiff and rough while he tugged me along,I did fall several times,he didn’t bother,it seemed like he had become someone who I did not remember at all.

  “Hey watch it,that’s my girl.”Rocky did knock one of the guys who tried to pull Sipper roughly. “Mark we need to get this over as fast as possible,so stop playing.”shouted Chris,he too did not look good but he looked at Kim and she looked back at him,like they were never going to meet again.I saw him pushing her down the waterfall,one by one,in front of my eyes my friends were down the high balcony in the water,Troy had my mouth covered,I was the last one to be dragged up.Heights did freak me out a bit, “so this is your love...”I shouted,what else was I suppose to do,I was at my wits end,I was going to die,waiting for the pain to come,to seize me.

  “No,this is Jacob’s love.”he answered pushing me .

  I saw the smile on his face,he did not regret it at all.I could see Ruth still wrapped in Ronaldo’s arms,his eyes closing and her lips moving,this would most probably be the last time when I would hear her voice, “I am Forever Yours.”


  3 Years later

  I don’t know who is he and neither do I care,I love when he follows me in these dark streets,somewhere down my heart I know he will never hurt me,seen his eyes,the way they look,I never felt so secure ever in my life.Its been quite lonely,I know I have a great job and all but even a witch in real estate business gets tired,someday I think I will approach him and ask his name,but what if he does not like it or just doesn’t show up again,my heart sinks at that thought.Agatha Simon Digzon has most of the things that a women wants,a house,a well paid job and peace of mind.

  I had a word with Maki,one of my close colleagues,well not really a friend but we do save each others ass at times,hence colleague suits best,she told me marriage is just like that delicious chocolate cake which you should not resist!. Well I don’t blame her for not trying but her example did get under my skin.He was still there behind the huge tree that saw straight to my front door,looking here and there as though I could not figure out that he was making sure I dropped safely in my nest.

  This time I decided that I would wait,till he looked at me,well it was hard to say if his eyes met mine ‘cause they were covered with black glasses.He did look in my direction just for that one fraction of a second the next minute a car crossed the street and he was gone.It did ache but there was still tomorrow,I would see him,I would definitely.


  “Hey why don’t you come along,why do you always have to lag behind?.”I tried,he looked shocked but I managed to continue talking again. “So what’s your name?.”

  “Troy.”he answered still maintaining his distance.

  “Why do you follow me?.”

  “ ‘Cause I love you.”

  I was rooted to the ground,did I just hear what he said,he loved me,for the first time ever in my life,somebody loved an orphan like me,I wanted to talk more but something just made me uncomfortable,tears leaked and I could no longer keep my hands free,they were busy wiping my eyes now and then.I truly had to be that one women who didn’t crack so easily,well that was what made me going so far.Without a second thought I swirled hastily and ran at full speed,not looking once at him,I wanted to,I desperately wanted to but I didn’t.He would get someone better,someone who still had some innocence preserved in her,someone who did not force her heart to be cold.There was nothing I could give him,I really had hardened a lot.It was past three and I was still crying my heart out,not able to think logically.

  My ears did ring in alarm,there was somebody on the door,could it be him,if he was the one then I was scared to death.This was definitely not a good timing.I did open it,but there was nobody out there,before I could close the door,I saw a diary lying on my rug.On its first page in a neatly written writing were the following words, “place your hand on empty pages and let time tell you your own story.”

  I waited,called his name several times but he did not show up.There was no harm in doing what he had suggested,I opened it gingerly and placed my right palm on the second blank page.Many memories came flashing my mind,I could see five girls bonded in a sweet relationship,so pure and good.Everything around me was in the air,flying and circling me,my sofa,the mirror and even my bed on which I was sitting.I still refused to let my hand away from the pages.

  I was about to hit the floor when he came in,holding me in his arms,I saw his complete face after a very long time,his eyes were brimmed just like mine,faint smiles shaping our timid lips.It was surely a long period,period of misery and hopelessness,it was finally coming to an end.My eyes were heavy and I fell into a peaceful nap.

  Ruth was there and so was Jacob,the only difference was,he was outside and she was inside the cell, Caged.

  Black Pen

  I was definitely dreaming,oh my god,my girls were with me,Jill was cooking,Sipper was counting her cars and Kim was snoring hard on the sofa.I stood stone cold on the stairs,was this for real,I mean it was only yesterday that I saw my past and today everything was slipping back in place,it is definitely a dream.

  I was about to pinch myself when the boys marched in,they had the groceries,Roy laid all his bags in front of Jill, crowding the counter more,Rocky and Sipper were betting on the colors of the cars that passed,Kim was still snoring and Chris just relaxed his head on top of her belly sitting straight in front of the television set.He was just frustrated surfing channel after channel, “you won’t get it here idiot,that channel is only available in witchtown alone.”groaned Kim pushing his head away from her and hugging a pillow in between them.

  If it truly was a dream,then I just wanted to wait a little longer,longer so that it would remind me of....

  “Why are you standing here,still in pajamas?.”questioned Troy a bit annoyed,I was about to open my mouth and as usual like his old self he sighed and added reluctantly, “Its not a dream,hurry up,we are getting late for breakfast.”


  “Just go and help yourself,please.”

  “Fine.”I muttered stomping in my room.It only took me twenty minutes and I was sitting at the dinning table with him,Jill smiled,hugging me first and then serving a plate full of bouncing nuggets.

  “Wow,I think...”

  “Don’t worry Aagi,I own a restaurant now,you are safe.”


  “Its been three years,we were under the spell,but whatever happens,happens for good.”she beamed,Roy was already munching few from the extra large plate.

  “I am a teacher and a witch.”clapped Sipper,hugging me as tightly as possible.I did struggle to get away from her but she kept coming back and so finally I gave up.

  “I am an occultist.”announced Kim still lying on the sofa “and this here is my husband and partner.”she pointed to Chris,he just waved at me sinking again on the pillow that she held.


  “Extremely.”she groaned.

  “This is a favorite dish of my mum,try it Aagi.”encouraged Jill,she did slap Roy’
s hand as he tried to scoop few of the glittering doughnuts in his hands, “why do you do it?.”he cried a little red in face.

  “Keeping a check on your health.”she fired.

  “Come on...”

  “That makes my job,you should have thought about it before saying I do.” she mocked.

  “Thanks for reminding me.”he added but his hands did pull three doughnuts out of the plate.Jill was red in face while he munched on them,“sometimes I truly wish..”

  “No don’t think about that..”he warned his mouth still full of lights.

  “What about...”

  “No not even that..”he shivered.

  “So lets say I do...”

  Before she could complete,he kept the doughnuts back in the plate and to my surprise whatever was in his mouth he flushed it through the sink.

  “Happy.”he said raising his hands in the air.

  “Very much.”snapped she,he did walk slowly towards her,measuring her looks and eyes,placing a kiss gingerly on her cheeks.She sighed, “you know this trick is not going to work all the time.”

  “Sure it does.”he grinned.That did it,her wand was out and Roy was flying in the air,he was out of the window and I was pretty sure he landed on his legs,for there was no sound at all.

  “You cannot....”he marched in from the door, before he could complete,Jill swished her wand again,Roy was pushed out and the door closed,I could not believe my eyes,I never had so many locks on my door,well was this really my house.I did turn around,I was not in my place.

  Troy just smiled “what was I suppose to do leave my wife alone.”

  “Wife?.”I repeated heatedly.

  “Yeah we were married yesterday after you finished the book,not your fault,its just the spell of the diary,you will remember your current memories soon.If you want I can show you how many times you said I do.”

  I blushed red,I was married,to Troy,him,my first and last love and here I was again having my cunning mind doubt his intelligent brain,faithful heart and above all the true love that reflected in his eyes.

  “No I trust you.”I whispered,so sure that he was the only one who could here my voice.

  “So everybody came for my wedding.”I smiled,my eyes were brimmed,Jill looked a bit serious but she added gently, “Hey Aagi Ruth is having a baby,we are here to celebrate a new life,she alone is the reason why Jacob has broken the spell,he wants his child to meet us.”

  This news was a blast,my sister was having a baby,I was speechless,she was having a baby.

  “What are we waiting for?.”I cried getting up as hastily as possible.

  “Stop.”Troy pulled me down, “the hospital forbids family till noon.We will leave the house by one,its only ten minutes away.”

  “What finally had him break the spell?.”

  “I told you...”

  “That’s incomplete truth...”

  “Yes it is..”Troy did cut Jill and me again, “He not only wants the child to meet you all but also Ruth.He wants a true family where love is just love.He denied the throne,Mudrox did become the successor,Crystal was brought back to life but the rest of the lunati’s declined him down,he is a stone cold statue in the mountains of Ibris,nobody will find him there.Its been a while,we are all that he has,Chris,me and Ruth.”

  “What about..”

  “Crystal is no longer with him,she married a Mukasa,don’t ask me that,I don’t know what that creature is but I know one thing,its not good.”

  “Now he remembers us...”I thundered.

  “No,now he is free to trust.”answered Troy making me sit again on the chair.The fountain of anger that had swelled up my chest did drain instantly at those last words and what they meant.

  Nobody commented,we were shocked,still taking in the ugly fact,what all had he suffered and what all had he given up to just be with her.

  “That’s pretty deep...”I had to look up,who was it,the voice was not more than a muffled sound.

  “You are eating again....”cried Jill looking desperately for her wand,I laughed,just could not hold it,Roy was half out and half in through the window which was near the gas stove,his mouth was full and his hands were covered in brown chocolate.

  “Jill stop....”

  She didn’t,he was again thrown out,I could still hear his scream.

  “Where did you send him?.”asked Rocky terrified and avoiding to meet her in the eye.

  “To Alaska.”snapped Jill banging many things on the counter.

  “Easy there,new house,still I need to clear the installments.”added Troy very politely.

  “Sorry..he just does not listen.”

  “Men.”sighed Sipper while Rocky stared at her in disbelief.

  “Wrong,husbands.”announced Kim,pushing Chris down,well he was snoring hard,I bet he didn’t feel the floor.

  “Wow.”I laughed,it died at once,Troy was red in face,But something did change,I laughed more loudly.He could not help it either, “cat and dog show is going to continue all the life.”laughed Rocky munching on his doughnuts.

  “Oh but where do we have a cat?.”asked Sipper,there was more laughter,this was the best day of my life,I was free again to be just me.


  I could see her,Ruth was sleeping so peacefully,there were no dark circles round her eyes,she had a glow round her face.There in between her hands I could see the new life.

  “You may visit her now.”announced the doctor,the moment she did we all rushed in,eagerness filling our heart, “is it a boy or a girl?.”asked Rocky in a hushed tone.

  “Its a girl.”answered a deep voice,he was sitting there,on the sofa,in complete darkness.

  “Hey man,exhausted?.”

  “Yeah,couldn’t afford a wink,these three weeks have been stressful.”he chuckled slowly. “being a father is not an easy job.”

  “Agreed.”smiled Roy entering the room. “Well Alaska is pretty cool not like you.”he pointed to Jill,she just mocked his words in return.

  “Cat and dog.”laughed Rocky.

  “We don’t have a dog either.”tried Sipper and Rocky just nodded his head in return, “I love you,I surely do.”he said loud and clear,I guess he was reminding himself,he was definitely reminding.

  One by one,we did hold her,pretty blue eyes,well this was from Ruth,rosy lips and a bunch of curly hair,she just watched us.

  “Wow,she is beautiful.”smiled Roy,he was the last one to hold her and that too for long.

  “Yes she is.”agreed Jill,placing her head on top of his shoulder while he made funny faces at the child.

  “So what name?.”I asked him,Jacob still refused to move from the couch.

  “Well this authority belongs with the aunt.”smiled he.

  “Me.”I smiled.

  “Us.”corrected Kim, “yes us.”she added,I laughed,she was back to her senses,her hands were open and she hugged me tightly.

  “I think everything is settled then.”it was after such a long time that I heard her voice, “Ruth...”we cried in unison,jumping close to her and hugging as much as we could.

  It is then we heard her laugh,the small one. “She likes you all.”smiled Jacob taking her in his arms,I could see how much he loved her,the warmth within those purple eyes was not going to die easily.Ruth smiled,I knew she was feeling blessed.


  Here we were in Jacob’s new apartment just beside the hospital,he to my surprise was a doctor,very easy for him to earn that degree,he was actually good at his work,there was no denying it,the entire hall was flooded with new faces,so many new faces.There was gift for everybody and I just opened mine,Ruth giggled softly while my one eyebrow was still raised,I was not angry but I did smile back at her,she still remembered the stationary shop where I had argued over an expensive Black Pen.

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  Also by Karensa Minett

  Kiss Me Again

  Celebrity Love

  Letters To Cinderella

  Same Story

  Vampire's Babe

  About the Author

  Karensa Minett is born in April 1984.Loves to teach kids of all ages.In her spare time she does graphic designing and experiments new recepies.

  Strongly believes that one should never stop learning and keep the mind productive,hence she is a regular student at Udemy.

  Her goal in life is to be happy and lead a peaceful life!.




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