Cupid's Arrow Book Two Capturing The Duke

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Cupid's Arrow Book Two Capturing The Duke Page 8

by Mysty McPartland

  Yet her mind was too befuddled with other problems and she couldn’t think of anything. She knew though that the best thing for her to do was to spend as little time here and away from Killian as possible. Mmm, suddenly she sat up and smiled brightly. There was nothing stopping her and why shouldn’t she? Swinging her gaze back to her aunt, her eyes lit up with excitement. “Why don’t we go for a drive in the park, Aunty? The sun is shining and it shouldn’t rain.”

  Lucy frowned, then smiling, she nodded her head. “That sounds lovely, dear, but what about your husband. He might wonder where you are.”

  “Oh pish, Aunty, if he’s like everyone else he’ll probably sleep most of the day away. I’ll leave word with the butler just in case he rises early. Besides, we’ll probably be back long before that happens. Now why don’t you go upstairs and fetch your things and I’ll do the same.” Modesty was eager to leave, but first she would go to the carriage house and order one of her husband’s gigs. She knew he had one of those new racing phantoms, she was eager to try her hand at driving it and this might be her only opportunity.

  If she asked Killian he would probably refuse her request, so since he wasn’t available she saw no reason to deny herself. Jumping to her feet, she hurried out of the room and left the house. In all likelihood he would never know and if he did somehow find out it would be too late for him to do anything about it.

  Chapter Eight

  Dissatisfied when he woke up and finding himself alone, muttering several profanities, Killian rang for his valet. Trust his bride to be an early riser. Since he had been denied taking a few intimate pleasures with her last evening, he’d planned to enjoy them this morning, but once more she was depriving him. Be damned if he’d let her escape a third time. Half an hour later, he trotted down the staircase and strode into the breakfast room expecting to find her there along with her aunt. Instead, he found an empty room; he swung and scowled at his butler. “Where is my wife?”

  Turner cleared his throat. “Her ladyship and her aunt went for a drive in the park, your Grace.”

  Scowling, Killian pulled out a chair. “Who’s driving them?” At first, he wasn’t concerned, but as he stared at his butler and seeing the man looking increasingly agitated his apprehension increased. Dread started stirring in the pit of his stomach because he could only assume she was up to something he wouldn’t like.

  “No one, my Lord. Her Grace is driving your racing phantom — herself.” Turner nervously gulped when his lordship let out several crude curses.

  “Bloody hell, I’ll turn her over my knee and spank her. Be damned if I don’t. Blast it, man, don’t just stand there have my horse brought around and quickly.” Of all the reckless, empty-headed things to do. Didn’t the woman have a lick of sense? Obviously not. As for his head groom allowing her to take out the vehicle, he would deal with the man later. First and foremost, he had to reach his wife before some tragic accident could happen. Striding out of the room, he just reached the foyer when someone knocked on the front door.

  When he saw the butler answering it, he was surprised to see his friend, but he was in no mood or had time for pleasantries. “Is my horse ready?” He asked between clenched teeth as he battled to keep his temper under control.

  “Yes, your Grace.” Turner said as he handed his lordship his hat and riding gloves.

  “I suspect you’re about to chase down your wife? I assumed you weren’t aware that she was driving your new phantom. Doing rather a good job of it too, mind you.” Gideon’s voice was filled with amusement. “I must say, Killian, I was rather shocked to read the announcement of your marriage in the paper after our discussion a few nights ago.”

  “Shut it, Gid. I have no time to amuse you right now.” Killian snarled as he finished pulling on his gloves. He stepped outside, jogged down the steps and taking the reins from the groom swung into the saddle. His eyes narrowed in annoyance when his friend joined him. Without a word, he nudged his horse forward and though he wanted to race to the park he kept his mount at a trot. “You said she and her aunt are unharmed?”

  “Yes. Well, they were before I came to fetch you. Blast it man. How in the hell did you end up marrying her when you were most adamant that you had no intentions of doing so for years?” Gideon asked in confusion.

  With a heavy sigh of irritation, Killian explained. “And that’s exactly what I intended doing. But she came to me out of desperation. Her despicable father had put her up as payment for his gambling debt to that odious, conniving cit, Stokes. What choice did I have but to honor the contract and wed the little hellion?” The title fit her perfectly, she was a catastrophe waiting to happen. He silently prayed that no misfortune would befall her or her aunt before he could reach them.

  “Christ. What a damn predicament you were put in. I never imagined you to be a knight in shining armor rescuing a damsel in distress, but it’s understandable under the circumstances. Never liked her father, bad seed that one. As for the cit he’s a devious rat, don’t trust him an inch. Refuse to gamble with him whenever he approaches me.” Gideon could only shake his head over his friend’s troubles. Poor Killian was certainly going to be pushed to his limits until he tamed his bride.

  “You’re just full of smarmy aphorisms, aren’t you? I didn’t ride to her rescue, she came to me. And yes, her father’s a blight on society, as for the cit, he’ll pay dearly for trying to climb above his station and setting his sights on Modesty to gain respectability. I’ve already started whispering in certain ears and I intend to have him investigated. I have always suspected that there’s something very nasty about his dealings with those that owe him money. I also know he has some very powerful people that are in debt to him.” Killian finished his explanation just as they reached the gates to the park. He scanned the area in the hope of locating his hellion of a wife, but she was nowhere to be seen.

  Gideon let out a whistle. “You best be careful. Men like Stokes play a deadly game.”

  Thoughtfully Killian’s eyes narrowed. “Have you heard any gossip about me and all the women that I’ve apparently taken to bed?”

  “I’m surprised you’re asking. I had wondered a few times when you didn’t bring the subject up. I could only presume you didn’t care about them.” Gideon frowned when he could see his friend was troubled by the gossip because there was no truth in them.

  “I’ve only just discovered that someone is spreading vicious rumors trying to ruin my reputation.” While he explained, Killian kept an eagle eye out for his troublesome bride.

  “Do you think the despicable, blighter Stokes is behind them?” Gideon asked and wasn’t surprised when his friend agreed.

  With a careless nod of his head. “Yes, he’s the only one I can think of who would gain by besmirching me,” Killian’s eyes narrowed when he spied a speeding vehicle in the distance. Recognizing both the phantom and the matching blacks, he kneed his horse forward and chased after his wayward bride. His heart lurched when he watched in horror as they went speeding around the bend on two wheels. “Damn woman, doesn’t she have any idea how dangerous and reckless she’s behaving?” He muttered as he leaned low over his horse. It was a few heart-stopping moments before he caught up with her, reaching out he grabbed the bridle and slowed the animals down until they stopped.

  Swinging from the saddle, he strode over to his wife, grasped her around the waist and hauled her out of the vehicle. So furious with her he held her up in the air and glaring at her, he started shouting. “Are you out of your mind, woman? You could have killed yourself and your aunt. What in the blazes did you think you were doing driving so recklessly?”

  The moment she’d seen the black clad arm reach out for the horse’s head, Modesty knew it could only be her husband. Now dangling in the air listening to him rant and rave at her, she tried not to wince in guilt. “You’re over reacting. My aunt and I were in no danger. Tell him, Aunty.”

  “Leave aunt Lucy out of this. You are never… never to do something so irresponsible and d
angerous again. I forbid it. I want your word that you’ll never pull another stunt like this ever again.” Though he tried to bring his temper under control, he found it impossible. Every time he blinked, he could see his bride rounding the corner on two wheels and it only sent it soaring all over again.

  Annoyed the longer she was held with her feet dangling in the air, she tore her gaze away from his blazing one and her eyes widened when she suddenly became aware of the crowd of curious on lookers approaching. She swung her head to glare at her husband. “Put me down, you fool. You’re causing a scene and embarrassing both of us.” She hissed and blew out a breath when he started to lower her to the ground.

  When realizing his wife was right, he forced himself to grin as he slowly lowered her to the path but didn’t let go of her. “I want your word, sweetheart that from now on you won’t leave the house without first greeting me in the morning. I missed you when I went down to breakfast.” He said loud enough for everyone to hear.

  It was an effort not to roll her eyes over his outrageous statement but managed not to when she caught the sound of all the whimsical sighs coming from the females that had gathered around them. “Of course, dear heart. Now shall we return home?”

  Killian leaned in and whispered in her ear. “Don’t think you’re out of trouble just yet, you little hellion. Since we have an audience you can be assured we’ll discuss this matter when we are alone.” He straightened up; grasping her elbow, led her back to the phantom and helped her in before he swung up beside her. “Gideon I’d be obliged if you lead my stallion back home.”

  “No trouble at all, Killian. Be happy to.” Gideon grinned as he followed the vehicle leading his friend’s horse.

  Killian didn’t need to wonder why his friend was being so accommodating. When the crowd was left behind, he turned his head and glared at his bride from beneath a heavy brow. “Now would you like to explain what asinine worm wiggled its way into your brain to make you do such a stupid and dangerous thing? You probably scared twenty years off poor aunt Lucy’s life.”

  “Oh no, Killian. It was exhilarating. Haven’t had so much fun since Modesty drove the mail coach last year. She drove so fast it was like we were flying.” Lucy said with a bright smile and several bobs of her head.

  Modesty groaned when she saw her husband’s face drain of color and sparks of anger lit up his eyes. “Hush, Aunty, I’m sure Killian’s not the least bit interested.”

  “My God, woman do you have a death wish. Oh, and I can assure you I’m more than interested in what other madcap antics you’ve done in the past.” His voice vibrated with horror over all the reckless and dangerous escapades his hellion wife might have done. Just imagining some of them, he shuddered in dismay.

  After giving an indelicate sniff, she sat rigid in her seat with her hands fisted on her lap. She could very well imagine what was going to take place when they arrived home and it annoyed her immensely. Killian had no right at all to forbid her from doing anything or to lecture her and she just knew that he was going to read her the riot act the moment they were alone.

  Blast the man. Peeking at him from beneath her lashes, she could see that he was still in a high temper. Trying not to grimace, she turned to her aunt and forced a bright smile. “What about a visit to the shops, Auntie? I’m sure Killian won’t mind dropping us off before he returns home.” She forced herself not to wince when she heard a vibrating growl coming from her husband. Reluctantly, she swung to face him with a curious expression on her face. “Is there something wrong?” She asked innocently knowing all along he wasn’t going to allow her to escape what she predicted was going to be a very long lecture.

  “Don’t think that naïve act you’re doing will fool me, woman. I know exactly what game you’re playing and believe me, it’s not going to work on me. You aren’t going anywhere but home with me and there we will be having a very in-depth, serious conversation.” He told her in no uncertain terms.

  There was no doubt in her mind that it would be an opinionated boring discussion, he’d be the one doing all the talking and she would be forced to suffer his jabbering. She could just picture the one-sided tete-a-tete she would be forced to endure, her mouth tightened in irritation knowing she would be the one obliged to do the listening. “Really, I don’t think there’s anything for us to discuss.” She tipped her shoulders and turned to face ahead. When she heard the low growl beside her, she didn’t bother to hide her grimace this time.

  “Oh, you can be assured I have plenty to say. It’s way past time you realized that you can’t just do whatever takes your fancy whenever you have a madcap idea in your head.” Killian ignored the fury burning in her eyes. After the stunt she pulled today and the fear she caused him to suffer, he wasn’t backing down. No way, no how.

  For the rest of the ride home, she refused to utter another word. Though she’d predicted this would happen when she married the fornicating scoundrel, but because of her selfish father, she hadn’t been given a choice. Still, she had no intentions of letting her husband or any man dictate her life.

  No one, not even the arrogant duke seated beside her would be allowed to stop her doing what she wanted, when she wanted. She huffed out an angry breath and her eyes narrowed deciding that she would just let him rant and rave, then she had every intention of ignoring every one of his ultimatums and decrees.

  When aunt Lucy reached out and clasped her clenched fist, she swung her head and smiled reassuringly, then turned away. A thoughtful frown pulled at her brow, perhaps this might work to her advantage after all. If she defied Killian and ignored his demands, it might be enough to make him so frustrated and furious perhaps he would be eager to send her away.

  Her mouth twisted in disgust realizing with everything going on around her, she’d completely lost track of her original plan. It was those blasted kisses that had made her a complete and utter dimwit.

  With her teeth clenched in exasperation, she didn’t bother to utter a protest when after arriving at the townhouse and helping her aunt down, she was practically dragged from the vehicle and inside the house. She raised a brow at his rudeness when he dismissed his friend with just a curt goodbye.

  It was humiliating the way he hauled her inside the house but she did wince though at the loud vibrating bang as he slammed the door to his study. The oaf was despicable and without any manners. She tossed him a glare of loathing and huffed out an irate breath, damn pompous ass.

  Striding across the room, she flounced in a chair, she might as well make herself comfortable while she was being forced to listen to his tirade. Keeping her expression neutral, she watched him begin to pace, it was obvious that he intended to lay down the law and expected her to obey.

  More fool him, it was time he learnt that she lived by her own rules and no one had the right to tell her what to do. Her eyes snapped angrily when he opened his mouth and started spewing his displeasure.

  “Surely you have enough sense to know how dangerous and reckless you were. You could have killed both yourself and your aunt or been seriously injured. Don’t you have a lick of common sense? At your age you should know better than going around causing havoc and stop behaving so outrageously.” He stopped walking and turned to frown at her.

  How she managed to not clout him was truly amazing, she sniffed and raised her chin. “Are you through insulting me?”

  “Damn it, woman I’m not insulting you I’m just trying to make you see how outrageous you behave. You’re a married woman now and you can’t just do as you please anymore. Damn it, Modesty you’re old enough to know better. No one, not even I can do what I want, when I want. It’s past time you learnt that you can’t either. If you intend to leave the house you will explain to me where you are going, how long you’ll be and who you intend seeing. If I am not available you’ll inform the butler. Is that clear? There will be no more running off and doing something dangerous.” Once more, Killian continued to pace, he was warming to the topic and he had a lot more to say to his w
ayward, hellion of a bride.

  It wasn’t long before she was lost in her own thoughts and was only half paying attention. She was busy thinking of all the ways she could spite him, but when he abruptly finished speaking, she blinked several time, heaven help her, staring at him she knew he expected her to answer whatever question he’d asked.

  Since she hadn’t the slightest idea what it was she nodded her head in agreement. When she saw he was looking relieved, she relaxed thinking that the lecture was over, but she was foolishly mistaken.

  The deep voice droned on and on, never ending. The list of complaints and demands never ceased. She wanted to laugh; it surprised her that he’d agreed to marry when he found she had so many flaws and caused nothing but chaos. Damn rotten scoundrel, for a fornicating rake he was a dullard and a prude.

  Growing angrier she clenched her jaw, well since he thought she was a hellion be damned if she wasn’t going to give him hell. He thought she caused nothing but trouble well, she was going to shove trouble down his throat. At least that should shut the blasted moralizing cad up for a while.

  Chapter Nine

  As time dragged on though she thought Killian was exaggerating all the things he found wrong with her and she didn’t think her behavior was outrageous or faulty. She’d very much like to tell him to shut up and go to hell, but knew it would only stir his temper more. The longer she’d be forced to sit here listening to him complain and dictate how she should behave, she once more let her mind drift and then she once again remembered her own plans. Now more than ever it was imperative that she keep a distance between them until he realized and admitted that living together was impossible.

  It was time she went back to her original idea to drive him to distraction. As the droning voice continued, her eyes glazed over imagining she’d probably have to endure this for the rest of her days. She would have to suffer listening to him waffle on for hours at a time if she couldn’t convince him they should live apart, it would be intolerable if he refused.


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