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The Sound of Shooting Stars

Page 18

by Heather Allen

  My lids start to fall as my energy seeps away. Visions from earlier in the day flit through my mind. Jamie casually reclined next to me under the stars with our hands entwined. His beautiful profile when I glanced over. The light tendrils of his lashes brushing against his cheeks when he closed his eyes and his long nose and full lips brushing against mine.

  Ringing echoes through my room. I roll over onto my back and look up at the stars glittering in the dim moonlight emanating through my windows. My phone pipes up again. I reach for it on the bedside table barely glancing at it before hitting the answer button.

  Brett’s booming voice vibrates through the speaker, “Beckett, what are you doing?”

  I wipe a stray tear from the corner of my eye and look over at my clock. Seven thirty.


  “Good, I’m coming over to get you.” Confusion floods my brain. Did I make plans with Brett?

  “Um, why? What’s the occasion?”

  “I just want to see you and we need to talk.” Brett is not a very good talker and I have no desire to see him.

  “I, I don’t think so, can it wait until tomorrow?”

  “Nope, I’m on my way. Make sure the gate is open for me.”

  I hang up. Shit. I punch in the code for the gate and get up to splash cold water over my face and change out of my school uniform.

  Twenty minutes later I am waiting impatiently on the front porch pacing back and forth. I know Jamie is still sitting on the dock. I saw him from my window, motionless in the moonlight. If I were a good person, I’d go out there and comfort him but I just can’t. And even worse, now Brett is coming over.

  I continue to wear a path in the tile as the door opens beside me. I look up shocked to see Jamie step down to the porch. His face is pained and the blood pumping through my veins increases at the sight of him. At the same moment headlights shine in the curve of the driveway. I look over to see Brett’s black Jeep idling ten feet away. My eyes meet Jamie’s as he realizes who it is. His fists clench at his sides and he barks angrily, “What the hell Beckett.”

  My eyes dart back and forth for a beat before I start to climb down the steps toward the jeep. I look back at Jamie’s torn expression and mutter, “I have to go.”

  I feel completely rotten climbing up into the vehicle. I look over to see torment cross over Jamie’s face while we pull away from the house. My hands knot in my lap. I’ve royally fucked up. Actually, I continue to fuck things up.

  Brett’s voice brings me out of my self-pity.

  He grabs my hand and squeezes, “It’s good to see you.”

  I frown looking over at him, my patience for this guy, completely lost, “You just saw me earlier today.”

  “I know but I can’t get enough of seeing you.”

  My hand moves away from him diverting to my hair in frustration.

  “What is it you want Brett? I’m tired and we have school tomorrow.”

  He maneuvers the Jeep into a spot at the beach and comes around as I’m climbing out. He tries to grab my hand but I avoid him.

  “Really Brett, I’m not in the mood. What is so important that it couldn’t wait until tomorrow?”

  “Okay Beckett, I get it. I’ve tried for how long now? A year, maybe longer. You just aren’t into me. I’ve been thinking a lot about that lately and it isn’t fair to either of us.”

  As his words hit the air, my heart takes a turn. Is Brett ‘breaking up’ with me? That lasted all of three days. Relief spreads through my middle. I was a tiny bit worried that he was going to try the shit he did before but I had to get away from the house. I was willing to risk it.

  He continues, “I wanted to tell you that Dani is on a war path. She called me today offering sex in return for anything I could give her to destroy you.”

  I settle into the soft sand suddenly out of energy to stand any longer. My hands dig in at my sides and the cool breeze from the ocean blows my hair across my face. He sits next to me cupping bits of sand in his own hands.

  “Of course I told her no. I just wanted you to know that she’s going after you.”

  My eyes move to the darkness in front of us. Wisps of white flicker against the sand with the rolling of the waves.

  “Thank you for letting me know.”

  He adds grabbing my hand, “I think we need to break up Beckett. I can see that you aren’t happy and being around you when you don’t want me doesn’t help my ego.”

  I think the shock from his words have made my heart stop. But a small smile forms on my mouth. I’m thankful for the dark so he can’t see it.

  I feign sorrow, “Okay if that’s the way you want it.”

  “Come on Beckett you know that isn’t what I want. But we can’t always have the things we want.”

  His words mean more to me than he knows. Oh man, are those words so true.

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Jamie Grey

  Lyra – The Harp

  Orpheus was known for his ability to charm even stones with his music, for his attempts to save his wife Eurydice from the underworld, and for being the harpist and companion of Jason and the Argonauts.


  Watching Beckett leave with Brett made me want to hit something so bad. When they pulled away I walked out to the water’s edge and ended up punching a palm tree. The tree came away unharmed; I wish I could say the same for my fist. But I felt a tiny bit better being able to let my anger out. I can’t believe she left with him. I thought we had established how much we mean to each other today at the planetarium. Maybe this adoption thing has changed everything. She refused to look at meat dinner and denied anything was going on when Marla asked.

  Fuck Beckett. I just want to shake her and tell her how much I love her all at once. After my fit in the yard I trudge back up to the house. The bright light in the kitchen reveals that my hand is a little bit worse off than I thought. Sasha spots it the moment I walk through the door.

  “Oh my, Jamie, what happened?”

  I collapse into a chair while she cleans it up. She mutters things under her breath about Beckett and me but I try to ignore her. As she is wrapping it in a bandage she stops and looks at me forcing my eyes to meet hers.

  “Jamie, everything will work out. Beckett has a good heart.”

  My voice comes out forced, “I know but she’s so impossible.”

  She chuckles, “I never said she was easy to deal with. Give it time, whatever is supposed to happen, will.”

  I used to believe that statement. But that would mean that all of these homes I’ve been in were meant to be. The group home I was stuck in as a young child was supposed to be. It’s a hard pill to swallow that fate meant for all of those things to happen.

  When she’s finished I hurry up to my room locking the door behind me. My hand starts to throb so I down some aspirin and fall into bed. Tomorrow is a new day as they say.


  A soft knocking wakes me up. My room is doused in darkness so it takes a moment for me to regain consciousness and realize that the knocking is coming from the french doors to the balcony. I swing my body out of bed and shuffle to the doors. Beckett’s uneasy expression greets me as the door swings open. She is dressed in blue sweats and a black tank top. Her dirty blonde hair falls down around her shoulders framing her long face. I turn from the view that makes my heart stop and attempt to climb back into bed. She takes a hesitant step in taking in my lack of clothing, only my boxer briefs and pleads, “Jamie, can I please talk to you?”

  I frown up at her and snarl, “I think we’ve done enough talking don’t you? It doesn’t ever seem to do us any good. You always do something other than what your words say.”

  She flinches at my accusation. But I mean every word. The truth hurts.

  She takes another step toward my bed and wrestles with her words while her hands turn restlessly, “Please Jamie, please come and talk to me.”

  Her voice breaks my heart. To know that I’ve hurt her, stabs at my own heart.
She turns and slips back out onto the balcony. I find a pair of shorts on the floor and pull them up, fastening the button and shake my head that I’m doing exactly as she asked.

  I step out onto the balcony closing the door behind me. When I turn to find her she is looking out at the water her arms resting on the edge of the railing. My body sidles up a few feet away with my arms against the ledge. A few beats pass before she admits still looking into the distance, “I don’t want you to be adopted by my parents.”

  My brows crease at her words. It’s something I’ve wanted my whole life, stability and an adoption will guarantee it. Doesn’t she see that? Before I can protest she continues, “Something happened and, and I fell in love with you. If you are adopted by my parents, I can’t love you anymore.”

  As her words sink in the simple yet complicated fact shines out just like the stars would if the clouds weren’t out in droves tonight. I slide closer and put my hand on her arm. She shifts her gaze to look over at me but doesn’t move her body.

  “Beckett, your parents adopting me won’t change anything between you and me.”

  She moves away taking a step back and her face is anguished, “Yes, Jamie it will. Everyone will know that you will technically be my brother. What will that look like, dating my brother? That is just, not right.”

  Anger pulses through me. I step toward her and place my hands gently on her shoulders forcing her to look up into my eyes, “Beckett, we will not be related, no matter what a piece of paper says. I love you and to hell with what anyone else says. Why do you care so much about what everyone thinks? What about what you want?” I’m so frustrated with her.

  Her blue eyes shine in the glow of the night. We stare at each other for a few minutes before she moves slowly her arms coming around my neck forcing my mouth to connect with hers. She mumbles against my lips, “What is it about you that I can’t resist?”

  Our lips move together softly at first, but the rush of emotions make us more fervent. I wrap my hands around her hips pulling her closer. Her hands move up and down my bare chest causing tingles everywhere she touches. She pushes me back into the lone lounge chair in the corner. I lay back pulling her on top of me and in that moment I know that no matter what happens, she is mine and I am hers. Nothing will change that fact.


  I wake with renewed energy. For the first time in my life I feel as if a weight has been lifted, as if I can finally breathe. As I climb from my bed I think about last night on the balcony with Beckett. She knows where I stand with all of this. The ball as they say is in her court. A tiny part of me is leery that she’ll turn away again but a larger part is sure that she won’t . She seemed different, as if she’s given up the fight. Like she’s been swimming upstream for so long and she’s finally decided to go with the current.

  The hot water rolls down my skin further easing the tension I seem to always have. When I walk back into my room I see the screen on my phone light up. It pains me to look because of Sam. She is probably the only person who would text me. I have to keep my word though. I can’t talk to her today. It’s bitter sweet. Beckett is finally talking to me but now I can’t have anything to do with Sam.

  When I stroll into the kitchen a bright faced Beckett greets me with a sweet smile. I can face this day as long as she’s with me. I sidle into the chair beside her and lean over landing a lingering kiss on her cheek. Her face turns crimson as Sasha turns around to our display.

  She exclaims with humor in her voice, “I’m so glad to see you two have worked things out.”

  Beckett looks away and gathers her hands in her lap just in time for Marla to wander into the kitchen. She looks over at us and over to Sasha, “Did I just hear you say that someone worked things out? What wasn’t working?”

  “Ah, I was just telling the kids here that the stove was backfiring on me but I worked things out.”

  Marla looks over toward the stainless box across the room, “Oh, I didn’t know anything wasn’t working. Should I call a repair man?”

  “No, it seems fine now.”

  My eyes meet Sasha’s in the briefest flash but she has my gratitude. The last thing Beckett and I need is her parents having second thoughts about everything.

  Marla sits across from Beckett who has just finished a bowl of cereal.

  She looks between us and states, “I wanted to catch you before school to remind you that Elizabeth Rivers will be waiting for you to mess up. She’ll know if you talk to Sam and it won’t help our case.”

  Beckett looks up, “We know mom.”

  “Well I thought you needed to be reminded in light of yesterday’s lack of attendance at school.”

  Her stare lands on me. I squirm under her glare and turn away after nodding in acknowledgement.

  The drive to school is quick. If I had my way I’d skip again with Beckett. Facing Sam without being able to talk to her puts me on edge but the minute we pull into the parking lot two thin figures start walking toward us and I know that Sam isn’t going to be the most troublesome part of the day.

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Beckett Chase

  Scorpius – The Scorpion

  Orion tried to ravish the goddess Artemis, and she sent the scorpion to kill him.


  I looked up after putting the car in park and saw Dani and Trina walking toward us. In that moment I wanted to turn the key and throw it into reverse but Jamie’s hand on mine gave me a little more strength than I could muster on my own. I told him last night about Dani wanting revenge for the video. He took my confession way better than I had expected. It probably helps that he and Sam aren’t talking. I’m sure she’d have a number of choice words for me if she knew it was me who orchestrated the whole thing.

  As Jamie and I climb out of the car, Dani passes on my side and Trina rushes over to Jamie. I watch as she lands a hand in the center of his chest lingering for a moment while stating loud enough for me to hear with a show of batting of her eyelashes, “It’s such a shame. What a waste.” She clucks her tongue and leans closer as if smelling him, “You know where to find me if she won’t put out.”

  It takes everything in me not to walk over there and pound on her but Dani calls my attention once Trina has cleared the area.

  She shakes her head, “Oh, Beckett, Beckett, will you ever learn? If you insist on playing with the big dogs, you have to play the game correctly? Might I make a suggestion?” She looks over to Jamie, an amused expression on her face, “I’d walk away now while you can.” She diverts her attention to the school and spots Brett across the lot. She looks over her shoulder at me and winks. I watch frozen in place as she sidles up to Brett his arm encircling her shoulder. What the hell? He said he wanted nothing to do with her, just last night.

  My shocked expression meets Jamie’s almost identical surprise. Last night he was very concerned about Brett so I eased his worry by explaining what happened at the beach. Neither one of us was expecting this. As I stare at the incredulity of what is taking place before my eyes I feel my hand ensconced in warmth. Jamie pulls me close gathering my body in his space. His lips meet my forehead as he asks, “Are you ready to go and face the wolves?”

  I nod, knowing it’s not the truth but thankful he’s here with me. We walk hand in hand to the door. I take a deep breath not sure what to expect once we enter that hallway. I went from being on top to the very bottom and back to the top again all within the short span of a month. At this moment for the first time in a long while, I don’t care where I land on the social status ladder of high school. The only thing that matters is this boy next to me and what he thinks about me. Nothing else could actually bring me down.

  The true reality of things is that we talk ourselves up and assure that things are as they should be but at the most unexpected turn of a corner something happens to upset the balance and we don’t know which way to go anymore. It reminds me of the missing star from my ceiling. Jamie came to my rescue so to speak in that moment. I didn’t know it
at the time but it’s so real to me now.

  “Beckett Chase.” Mr. Philips the principal walks up to us as we stroll into the hallway.

  I’m a little unnerved. I expected Dani or Trina to give us hassle, not an adult.

  “Yes, Mr. Philips.”

  “Beckett, I need you to come with me to the office.”

  I glance over at Jamie unsure what to do. I don’t want to leave his side. It will be hard enough for him to see Sam and not being able to talk to her. If I’m not with him, I doubt he’ll be able to resist talking to her. He squeezes my hand and encourages me to go. I turn to leave but call out instead, “Um, Mr. Philips, can Jamie come with me?”

  Mr. Philips looks annoyed and preoccupied. He looks back and continues forward again. It’s not exactly a no so I pull Jamie in the direction of the office. The walk down the hall makes me think of the walk off of the plank into the unknown abyss below. I have the feeling this isn’t going to be a pleasant visit with Mr. Philips.

  We walk the length of one hall and turn onto another. The moment we round the corner I spot Sam in front of her locker. She must feel my eyes on her because she looks up with pained, saddened eyes. I glance over at Jamie and see the same sorrow across his face. He looks away as we pass her. I continue looking over my shoulder at her. She attempts a small smile for my benefit. I know deep in my heart that I don’t deserve it though.

  Once we enter the busy office Mr. Philips tells me to have a seat. He looks to Jamie as if this is the first time he has noticed that Jamie is with me and asks, “Jamie, what are you doing here? You need to go to class.”


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