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The Sound of Shooting Stars

Page 20

by Heather Allen

  Jamie and I both nod but he doesn’t let go of my hand.

  Marla turns to go back to the house but stops to look back at us, “Oh and Beckett, you better hope that this internet stuff doesn’t interfere with our case. Dinner will be ready soon. ” And she turns to walk back up to the house.

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  Jamie Grey

  Aquarius – The Water Bearer

  Ganymede, the son of King Tros, was a beautiful Trojan boy who caught Zeus’ eye, which prompted the god to disguise himself as an eagle and carry him off to Olympus to serve as cup-bearer to the gods.


  After dinner I settle into my room with my headphones staring up at my ceiling, but it won’t do. I push up from my bed and walk out onto the balcony to find Beckett leaning against the railing. She is looking out to the water and the setting sun. She glances over at me and smiles. My heart skips a beat. I will never get tired of the sight of her.

  “Hey, I was wondering if I can borrow those stickers left over from your ceiling.” She nods and walks to her door but pauses. After a moment with her hand on the door handle she turns and asks, “Do you think what I did to Dani will have any effect on whether you get to stay?”

  I know this is spurred from the conversation at dinner. Beckett had to tell David the gory details of posting the video. She gave him the barest bits of information. He wasn’t amused.

  I close the distance between us and look down at her, the heat rising between our bodies. My fingers raise to brush her hair back off of her forehead, “I’m not sure, but you shouldn’t worry. Your dad will do everything he can.”

  She blinks rapidly as her eyes fill slightly, “I know. I don’t want something that I did to be the cause of your dream going away.”

  I lean in and kiss her softly before pulling back just an inch and whisper, “My dream has recently changed. I’m happy with everything just the way it is.” I push her against the door gently and our bodies touch in every place possible. I can feel her heart pounding in her chest just as hard as mine is. Her hands wrap around my neck and she kisses me as if her life depends on it. The sun setting at my back lights the deck with dim rays angling against her face in the most perfect way.

  When we pull apart to catch our breath she mumbles, “What constellations were you thinking about putting up on your ceiling?”

  I move her to the side and pull the door open to her room. It always smells so sweet in this space, just like Beckett. I pull her in with me and ask, “Do you want to help?”

  She nods and walks over to her desk to open a drawer. She pulls out the sheet of stars and walks back to the door exclaiming, “Let’s go.” I stand still watching her for a moment, her long hair falling down her back and her small little body slipping through the doorway. It’s amazing how dreams can change so quickly.

  In my room she pulls out a chair and begins climbing it. I pull her off of it and into my arms. She starts giggling the whole way as I carry her over to the bed and toss her onto it.

  “Oh no, you get to watch. The last time you climbed a chair, it didn’t end so well.”

  She leans back into my pillows still laughing and watches while I climb the chair and place the stickers strategically across my ceiling. She saunters over to my IPOD and scrolls through the music. Finally settling on a song she places it into the dock onto my clock and Shooting Stars by Owl City comes through the speakers.

  “Ah, rather an appropriate choice” I call down to her.

  She smiles while climbing back across my bed and settling on her back to look up. It takes every bit of my will power to continue placing the stars instead of lying down next to her. She looks adorable surrounded by my pillows and blankets.

  When I’m finally finished I slide the chair back under the desk and ask, “Will you join me?” As I point to the floor. She slips down from the bed and lies down on the wooden floor beside me. I grab her hand and ask, “So, do you recognize anything up there?”

  She places her finger to her lip as if deciding something before pointing, “That’s Cassiopeia.”

  “Yep, any other ones?”

  “Not sure.”

  I point to the stars configured next to Cassiopeia, “That one next to her is the crab. In that story Hera sent a crab to distract Hercules while he was fighting the hydra. He kicked it to the sky where it rests today as stars.”

  “Is that the big and little dipper?”

  “Yes, good job.”

  “What about that one over there?” She points further away from the others.

  “That one is Aquarius, which means the water bearer. Steve told me the story when I was eleven. Ganymede was the son of King Tros who gave Troy it’s name. Ganymede was the most beautiful boy alive so Zeus sent the eagle to abduct him and bring him to Olympus where he lived forever after. I used to think Sam’s house was my version of Olympus and Steve was the eagle that saved me.”

  “I’m so sorry Jamie.”

  I sit up and look over at her really seeing her. Beckett, the girl I’ve fallen for. The last time we laid like this on the floor looking up at the stars, I wasn’t sure how she would act, genuine or the fake version I met the first day we laid eyes upon each other. I lean over her face where her shallow breaths warm my face.

  “Beckett, everything happens for a reason. I have to believe that. If I would have stayed there, we never would have met.”

  Her lips turn up in a sweet smile. I lean closer and gently nip her bottom lip before kissing her softly. A hard knock on the door breaks us apart. Beckett scurries to the french doors leading to the balcony just before I can answer and sit on my bed, “Come in.” And the door to my room moves forward.

  I’m shocked to see Sam standing before me. She looks around the room, taking in the space. Her brown eyes meet mine and she asks, “Can I come in?”

  I wave her in but refuse to move from my spot. I’m a little peeved at her now that she’s here. There is no reason why she should be hanging out with Dani. She crosses the room and sits next to me on the edge of the bed.

  “How’d you get up here? Does your mom know you’re here?”

  She shakes her head and looks to her feet.

  “Then why are you here Sam?”

  “I had to see you.” She hesitates, “I don’t understand why you’re still with Beckett after what she did to me.”

  I stand and run my hand through my hair frustrated with her.

  “Really Sam? I can’t believe you’re hanging around Dani after what she did.”

  Anger flourishes her words, “Jamie, it wasn’t Dani. Beckett set the whole thing up.”

  “And whose choice was it to go through with it? I think we’ve had this conversation before Sam. Beckett didn’t make either one of them make that choice to sleep together. That was all on each of them. And Beckett thinks they had been together way before she got involved.”

  “But she recorded it and posted it online Jamie, for everyone to see. It’s humiliating.”

  I settle back beside her, angry that she’s been hurt. I grab her hand and explain, “Beckett had a good reason.”

  She leaps to her feet and her voice comes out fierce, “Apparently Beckett always has a good reason. She goes around hurting people and doesn’t give a damn. Did she have a good reason when she slept with Jake too?”

  “Dani drugged her when she slept with Jake. I know it’s hard to hear but he took advantage of her.”

  “And you believe that?”

  “I do.”

  “Of course you do, she’s probably sleeping with you now too.”

  I shake my head tired of fighting with her. There is more at stake here than just this teenage shit that will be gone soon enough.

  “Sam, if no one knows you’re here then you should probably go. Elizabeth, um, your mom, isn’t making things very easy right now.”

  She laughs sarcastically and asks, “Jamie, have you even considered why my mom doesn’t want you living here?”

  I look to
my hands clasped between my knees and shake my head.

  “Let’s just say, she knows Beckett and how evil she is. It would be better if you went to a new home somewhere else than to be exposed to these people.”

  I look up unable to believe what she just said to me. It’s not about me, but about Beckett. Before I can ask anything else Sam crosses the room to the door and turns one last time before softly telling me, “Bye Jamie, I’m so glad we got to see each other again.” And she quickly skirts out the door.

  The door to the balcony opens a tiny bit and Beckett peeks in with tears running down her face.

  I look at her pained face and ask, “Were you there the whole time?”

  She nods unsure how I feel about it all. I open my arms to her and she charges into me almost knocking me off of my feet.

  “Jamie, I’m so sorry. This is my fault.”

  My hands run through her hair trying to calm her down. This isn’t her fault. There must be more to all of it and I think there is only one person who will be able to explain.

  Chapter Forty

  Beckett Chase

  Carina – The Keel of the Argo Navis

  The main body of the Argo Navis, the ship sailed by Jason and the Argonauts to find the golden fleece.


  After hearing part of the truth from Sam I fell asleep in Jamie’s room. He woke me up and walked me back to my room. I still can’t believe all of this is because of me. First Dani and Trina and now Sam’s whole family. I’m just a screw up. Somehow I’ve managed to alienate everyone except Jamie.

  My alarm wakes me just before sunrise. I open the doors to find it cloudless and a sure wind coming in from the water. Tiny white caps roll through the river making the sun glisten in reflecting rivulets. No school for me today but hopefully I can catch Jamie before he goes. A half an hour passes but he doesn’t emerge from his room. By this point I’m sticky from the rising sun even though the wind is steady. I finally gather enough courage and knock but he doesn’t answer. I try the handle and it turns easily in my hand. The room is still darkened, his shades are drawn but he’s nowhere in sight. On his bed though is a folded piece of paper with my name written across the front. I hesitate before grabbing it carefully. Underneath is his IPOD.

  Beckett (My Princess),

  I had to leave early to get a ride with Marla.

  I downloaded some songs for you to listen to today. Have a wonderful day.

  I miss you already!

  Love Jamie

  I pick up the IPOD and play the first song and it’s the song he sang to me on the way to the planetarium entitled, Hey, Princess. This causes me to laugh out loud even though I’m the only one in the room. I climb into his bed and take in the smell left on the pillows and blankets that is unique to Jamie. Maybe I’ll just stay here all day. The next song that plays is Reckless by San Cisco. He knows me so well.


  At the end of the day Jamie walks through the house to find me in the pool.

  “Hey, how’ s our resident fugitive?”

  “Not bad. How was your day?’

  He hesitates a minute and turns, “I’m going to go and get my suit. Is the water nice?”

  “Jamie, you’re avoiding my question. How did it go?”

  “It was fine Beckett, I’ll be right back.”

  I lower myself underwater as he heads back into the house. I can only imagine what he must have gone through today. Only one more day and I get to go back. Oh joy.

  A few minutes later Jamie runs to the edge and leaps landing in a cannonball. The pool sloshes over the edges onto the deck. I laugh until he swims up behind me and wraps me in his arms. He whispers into my ear, “I missed you today.”

  I turn in his grasp and kiss him lightly, “I missed you too.”

  I squirm out of his grasp and claim, “I won’t let you kiss me again until you tell me about your day.”

  He swims at me, a sneaky smile across his lips, “Is that so?”


  I swim to the other end but he’s faster. Before I can climb out he grabs my waist and pulls me back under with him. When I surface again I turn in his arms and reason, “Seriously, tell me. How was Sam? How was Dani? Did she do anything evil today?”

  He shakes his head releasing me and looking like he’s suddenly deep in thought.

  “I have to go and talk to Sam’s mom. I think there is more to her reasons than we know and maybe if I can talk to her…”

  “No Jamie, that is a terrible idea.”

  “I’m sorry but I have to.”

  I swim to the other side of the pool hoping to distract him. But he climbs out onto the deck. When I turn around he looks like he’s given up.

  “Jamie, please don’t go. What if this backfires and gets you sent away? David said don’t go near them.”

  “I have to try. Sam came over here last night so maybe it’ll be alright.”

  “What if she came over to get you to do something like this? What if they are just waiting for you to go near Sam and then you’ll have to go away.”

  He skirts around the pool and leans down to me. He kisses my forehead and tells me, “Don’t worry. I’m not going anywhere except to fix all of this. Can I take your car?”

  I nod and watch him walk into the house and a bad feeling settles in my middle. I really think this is a bad idea.

  Dinner comes and goes. My parents ask where Jamie is and I give them some lame excuse about him going to the beach to look at the stars. They believe me, who knows why but time sneaks by so slowly as I sit on the lounge chair on the balcony waiting for him. I’ve listened to the playlist he made for me at least ten times today.

  Chapter Forty-One

  Jamie Grey

  Norma – the Level

  Two faint stars resembling the line of sight a draughtsman may use.


  Beckett practically begged me not to go to Sam’s house but I’m tired of all of these games. This is my life everyone is playing with. If I’m meant to stay here then it will happen but I can’t take this back and forth shit anymore. School today was tough. I didn’t tell Beckett because I didn’t want to upset her but Dani was downright cruel. She was on a gossip rampage most of which involved Beckett. I think her intention is to make it very difficult for Beckett to come back. Most of the day I was ignored except for the usual attempt from Trina.

  When I pull up to the large white two story home I hesitate, getting out of the car but they’ve probably already seen me. It’s D time. I ring the bell and wait. A slight woman with a bun on top of her head answers the door.

  “I um came… can I see Elizabeth?”

  “Sure, please come in.”

  She leads me to a lone table in a room attached to the kitchen. It’s sparsely decorated and the walls are painted a light baby blue. The woman leaves telling me Mrs. Rivers will be with me shortly. This is a huge change from when I lived with them. We lived in a three bedroom house in a middle class neighborhood. Both Steve and Elizabeth worked full time but they seemed happy. The two times I’ve seen Sam’s mom, I’ve gotten the impression that she is unhappy, not like she was back then.

  A few minutes pass before she walks around the corner. A surprised expression crosses her features before she regains her calm and professional demeanor. She doesn’t sit; instead she stands behind one of the high backed chairs.

  “Jamie, I’m surprised to see you. Do the Chases know you are here?”

  I shake my head still not sure how to start this conversation.

  “Well I’m not sure it’s a good idea for you to be here. They did inform you of what is going on, didn’t they?”

  My anger at her rises in this instant. It’s all true I realize. She is trying to get me thrown back into the system. Maybe I just needed to hear it for myself.

  “Elizabeth, do you realize what you are doing? Do you realize that all those years ago when you sent me back that I never had a real home again?”

  I can tell my
words affect her. Just slightly that strong set of her jaw falters. So I continue with the knowledge that my words do have an effect, “I was never placed for more than a year after your home. Now, when I’m about to turn eighteen in less than a year and I have the opportunity to have a home for those short months, you want to take that away. I don’t understand.”

  She pulls the chair out. I can tell the wall she’s so carefully put up is starting to crack.

  She sits quietly placing her hands one on top of one another on the table, her shoulders squared and her mouth moving but no words coming out.

  Finally she tells me, “You remind me of him, you know. No you aren’t blood and you don’t look like him but your mannerisms mirror some of his. Jamie, I was hurt and heartbroken. I couldn’t have you around, there were too many reminders of him and he left me.”

  I’m shocked at her words and stricken by the reality of what she is saying.

  My voice comes out in barely a whisper, “But I was only a child.”

  Her eyes fill with emotion and she nods, “I know and that is what makes it so much worse. Over the years I thought about trying to get you back but the more time that passed, the angrier I thought you’d be and I just, I imagined you had found a family that would love you and raise you better than I ever could have.”

  She continues, “I don’t know what Sam told you, but I was in a very bad place for two years after he died. If Jared wouldn’t have found me, I don’t know where we’d be right now.”

  I slink back into the chair. Hearing all of this brings it all back to me as if it just happened yesterday. I’m completely at a loss for words. I thought she really didn’t want me because I wasn’t good. She didn’t want me because I’m like Steve. I want to leave so badly but I force the words out, “But why are you fighting it now? I have a real chance at stability, possibly college, and you want to take all of that away again.”


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