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The Sound of Shooting Stars

Page 22

by Heather Allen

  When we enter the hospital today it’s different than yesterday. We have hope and the knowledge that he is going to be alright makes me continue to move my feet. I’m still daunted with the entire situation but Beckett has done a one hundred eighty degree turn.

  We walk into the hospital room to find Marla joking with David. They are holding hands and his voice is raspy from the tube but he is in good spirits. He looks over to Beckett and me, happy to see us. Marla excuses herself to go and change taking the bag with clothes from Beckett.

  When she leaves, David’s rough voice directs, “You two come over here.”

  Beckett grabs my hand and drags me to the side of the bed. She sits next to her dad and releases my hand to grab his. He eyes me for a moment and looks over to Beckett before shaking his head. I think he just figured things out. There is nothing I can do about it though.

  He squints up at me and admits, “I know it’s been a short while but Jamie, I want you to know that if we were to ever have a son, I would want him to be just like you.”

  My chest stops at his words and something rises in my throat. I don’t know how to respond but he doesn’t give me a chance, “Elizabeth backed out. She has given us her blessing to adopt you. So if you’ll have us, we would love it if you would be a part of our family.”

  My breath is gone at his words. I sink into the chair beside the bed. Beckett turns to me with a wide grin. I frown up at her and ask, “Are you okay with this?”

  She looks over at her dad and back to me and shrugs, “It’s only a piece of paper right?”

  Oh wow, it is so much more than that. I smile up at her happy to finally have a family of my own.


  The next day is Beckett’s first day back to school. Marla offered for her to stay home one more day because of David but Beckett was determined to face the music as she so eloquently put it.

  I greet her with a kiss at the table in the kitchen. She has already started on a bowl of cereal. Sasha places a stack of waffles in front of me when I slide in across from Beckett. She asks, “So, school it is then today?”

  I meet Beckett’s smile and we both nod.

  I drive us the short distance to school. Beckett blasts the radio, Tear You Apart, by She Wants Revenge. Somehow I get the feeling this is a song she intentionally played.

  When I turn the car off she turns to me and asks, “Things are different now, aren’t they?”

  I lift my hand to hold her chin between my fingers, “Completely different.”

  She nods and looks across the lot. I follow her gaze to see Dani making out with Brett against his jeep. When my eyes rest on Beckett again I can see the change in her. She isn’t looking at them with envy anymore. Now it seems that she is satisfied, possibly happy with the way things are.

  She turns to me and admits, “There are some things I have to set straight today. I just want you to know.”

  I nod but Elizabeth’s words echo though my head, “She leaves nothing but pain in her wake.”

  But I shake it away. Beckett has been the one in pain. She definitely wouldn’t cause anymore at this point. At least I hope not.

  We get out of the car and I can feel a dozen pair of eyes rest on us. She strolls around the tail end and loops her hand through my arm asking, “Shall we go to class?’

  I nod. As we walk toward the building, a figure skirts down the next aisle toward us. I turn to see Trina walking with a purpose and a snarl across her lips. Beckett stops us and looks up to me, “First things first.”

  She stands on her toes and kisses me taking me completely by surprise but I lose myself and move my arms around her body pulling her close to me. When she pulls away she winks and turns to a stunned Trina who has stopped in her tracks with a gaping mouth. Beckett crosses the small distance and leans in. She mutters looking toward me, “Jamie is my boyfriend, and I would suggest that you stay away from him.”

  She straightens up and smooths out her skirt, a typical Marla maneuver. I smirk at the similarity. She loops her hand through my arm again and asks, “Shall we continue on?”

  I laugh, “Whatever you want.”

  When we cross the threshold into the hall the chatter usually filling the hall, quiets. I squirm at the sudden attention. I’ve never done very well with this kind of attention. But Beckett is in her element. She leads me down the hall and stops next to Sam’s locker. Sam has just slammed it closed. When she looks up her eyes meet mine first and then she turns to Beckett, “What do you want?”

  Beckett moves her arm from mine and takes a step closer. Her voice is solemn and genuine when she says, “Sam I owe you a huge apology for so many things, but first and foremost for betraying our friendship. We were friends first, a long time ago and I turned my back on you. I will never be able to make it up to you but I’d like to start with an apology. I am truly sorry.”

  Sam is at a loss for words. She stands staring at Beckett along with most of the hallway. At that exact moment everyone’s attention is diverted down the hall as Dani enters the school on the arm of Brett. She angles straight for Beckett obviously pissed. Trina trails behind still nursing a bruised ego.

  Beckett turns to greet Dani, “So glad that you came to witness this. “

  She spins toward Sam and begins, “Last year at Gabe’s party I slept with Jake who was your boyfriend at the time. I can’t express how much I regret that. I want you to know though that although it takes two, I was not exactly in control of my actions at the time. Dani here slipped something into my drink that encouraged my actions that night. Along with Jake’s actions, I guess I didn’t have a chance. But I’m okay with it all. I just want you to know that in reality I would never do that to my friend. I am sorry for all of the heartache my actions have caused you.”

  She turns to Dani now and smiles sweetly. This smile alarms me; it’s her Hyde side peeking out. A small bit of me wants to whisk her away and prevent her from doing anything regretful but I have to trust her now. She must see my sudden reluctance because she turns to me and winks, “Don’t worry, it’ll all work out.”

  I smirk at my own words.

  She looks toward the floor before looking into Dani’s eyes, “Dani, Dani, you once told me I had to play the game correctly to play with the big dogs.”

  She shakes her head, “I don’t need to play any games Dani. Life isn’t a game and it will always come back to bite you on your ass.”

  She turns to me and asks, “Can you walk me to class?’

  I smile at her, my pride shining through, “Of course.”

  Chapter Forty-Four

  Beckett Chase

  Ophiuchus – The Serpent Holder

  Asclepius, son of the god Apollo, was said to be able to bring people back from the dead with his healing powers.


  As I turned away from Dani with Jamie on my arm, I knew that my life is finally exactly as it is supposed to be. None of this really matters in the whole picture. My family is the most important thing and I intend on keeping them as close as possible.

  By first period Dani was pulled into Mr. Phillip’s office and her locker was raided. A little birdy happened upon the fact that she had an illegal substance in her locker. Brett paid me back in full for his screw up on the beach. I knew all along that he isn’t prone to violence like that. I’ve known him for most of my life. So we made a deal on the beach that night that he broke up with me from the relationship that never was. If he could find something on Dani to pay her back, I’d forgive him for the attack and his poor lack of judgment. It sounds harsh, I know but Dani is unique. When she tattled on me for the video, I knew that the only way to get her to leave me alone was to play her game, as much as I didn’t want to.

  When lunch time rolled around she was nowhere to be found and Trina sat pouting at the center table, barely speaking to anyone.

  Jamie led me to the cafeteria. I was reluctant to enter but he was sure things would be different. I think Jamie did a little bit of his own planning. H
e steered me to the table in the corner where I sat alone all those weeks ago.

  As he pulls my chair out, he states, “This is officially our table now.”

  My eyebrows quip at his mention of owning the table.

  He pulls out a lunch box with a built in cooler and places a soda and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for each of us on the table. He winks and claims, “Her royal lunch.”

  I smirk punching him gently on the shoulder.

  “Did you do all of this by yourself?”

  He nods laughing, “Yep, no help from Sasha. I wanted you to have lunch with me. We’ve never actually been out on a date you know.”

  I look around thoughtfully. The room buzzes around us as if we aren’t there and for the first time I realize I’m okay with that. In fact, a foreign feeling that I can only describe as refreshing pulses through me. It’s okay if I’m not the center of attention, as if a weight has been lifted.

  “A date huh? Maybe we should remedy that.”

  Jamie’s lip quirks as he leans in and takes my hand. He bends and kisses it before asking, “Beckett, my princess, will you go out on a date with me?”

  I place my hand on my cheek as if thinking about it. His expression changes to amusement as he waits patiently for my answer.

  “I guess that would be alright.”

  “Alright?” He whispers in my ear, “You’re lucky we’re here in the middle of the cafeteria, otherwise, I would have to kiss you. Only alright, a kiss would definitely change that answer to a resounding yes.”

  “Is that a threat?”

  He moves, so that his breath is on my lips and my heart speeds in anticipation but he pulls away grinning, “Definitely. Now eat up.”

  “Jamie Grey, you’re such a tease.”

  He smiles and takes a bite of the sandwich dripping jelly down his hand.


  After school we head straight home to get some clothes for Marla and leave for the hospital. My dad still can’t come home and Marla refuses to leave his side. As we sit around his bed joking and keeping everything light for his benefit, he shocks us.

  “Well family, I have some news.”

  We sit quietly, patiently, eager to hear his words. As he gathers his thoughts I watch Jamie out of the corner of my eye. His reaction to my dad’s words is something I will never tire of. I’m sad that he didn’t get a family sooner but as selfish as it is, I wouldn’t know him right now if he had.

  My dad’s voice has returned to its booming tenor, “Eric, a buddy of mine handling the legalities of Jamie’s adoption came to see me today.” He nods to my mom.

  I glance over at her to find a calm smile spread over her lips. She grabs a folder from the table nearby and hands it to my dad. He opens it and pulls out a piece of paper examining it a moment before handing it to Jamie. Hesitantly Jamie holds out his hand and lets the document rest in his palm for a moment before grabbing it with both hands. His eyes meet mine. I try for a reassuring smile but I can tell he is all nerves. When he glances down, a myriad of emotions flush his face.

  My dad explains, “Our situation is a little unique because of Jamie’s age and other things. Eric was able to speed things up.”

  Finally Jamie looks up in awe. I look around at their three faces wondering what the paper says.

  The exasperation fills my voices, “Well, what is it? What does it say?’

  My dad looks over at my mom and squeezes her hand.

  “It says that your mom and I are officially Jamie’s legal guardians. He is a member of our family now.”

  My mom interrupts, “Well as far as the paper states, but he’s been in our hearts for a while now.”

  As I look over at him again a small tear runs down his cheek. He looks up at my parents and whispers, “Thank you.”


  Later that night we are sitting quietly on the edge of the dock with our legs dangling languidly over the still water below. My hand moves to grab Jamie’s. He smiles out at the water grasping my fingers tightly. He looks over and asks, “Are you really okay with it all?’

  I smile slowly, “Yes, I’m actually perfect with it. What could be any better?’

  “We are kind of brother and sister now.”

  I laugh, “Oh so the tables are turned.” My hand moves to turn his face to mine. His bright green eyes gleam in the stark night. My head moves to gently brush my lips against his in a teasing motion.

  I pull away slightly and ask, “If you were my brother would I be able to do that? It would be disgusting and you are anything but disgusting.”

  He pulls me into him causing us both to fall back against the wooden slats. We angle to look up at the stars. The night is clear with bright spotlights dotting the sky. Suddenly, a wave of light flashes across the dark expanse. Jamie turns to me and whispers, “Make a wish, it’s a shooting star.”

  I close my eyes and instead of wishing for anything, I thank that star for everything because there is nothing else I could possibly want.


  Jamie Grey

  I’ve been a member of the Chase family for six months now. I will be eighteen at the end of the month which means I will officially be on my own if I want to be. But now that it’s almost here, the last thing I want is to be on my own and alone. Especially now that I’ve experienced what it’s really like to be loved and wanted.

  This weekend is the prom. One of the last rites of high school where we all get to still be free of responsibility and have fun. Beckett and I have been out on more dates than I can count but I have counted them, every one of them, forty-three if we don’t count those times when we stayed home to watch a movie or I attempted to make a meal for the two of us that didn’t consist of peanut butter and jelly.

  Tonight though is the date of them all. Marla has enjoyed every moment of the mother daughter time she’s spent getting her ready.

  As the hour approaches I climb down the steps and sit quietly at the kitchen table. Sasha places a box with a white daisy nestled inside. I smile and look over as she slides into the chair facing me.

  “I figured you might need that.”

  I nod appreciative of everything she’s done for me since I’ve been here.

  A few minutes later, Marla’s voice calls from the foyer, “Jamie Grey, I would suggest you get yourself in here. You know how impatient this girl is.”

  I smirk and straighten my navy blue dress pants and baby blue shirt. Absently I straighten my pale pink tie, grabbing my suit jacket and ask Sasha, “How do I look?”

  She winks, “Like you’re about to have the time of your life with the girl of your life.”

  I smile and turn to the foyer sliding into my jacket. When I enter the room my feet stop moving at the sight coming down the stairs. Her small frame is covered in a strapless pale pink dress resting at the tops of her knees. Her hair is piled messily on top of her head and a tiny tiara peeks out. She steps up to me and asks, “Do you like?”

  My face turns red because Marla is watching the whole thing. She snaps a picture as I place the corsage on Beckett’s wrist. She shakes her head and steps forward instructing, “Be home by two o’clock you two and have a wonderful time.”

  She turns to walk out of the room but adds over her shoulder, “Love you both.”

  We both say in unison, “You too.” And start laughing. Dating the girl you live with has its oddities.

  We climb into a waiting limo and make our way out of the drive. A few blocks away it pulls into another drive lined with a tall metal gate in front. When the car comes to a halt Beckett tears out of the car before I have a chance to help her. The front door opens to reveal Elizabeth standing with a large grin on her face. I watch as she embraces Beckett and Sam steps out in a black floor length dress followed by Gabe. Her hand snuggly nestled in his.

  Beckett followed by Sam and Gabe make their way down the steps. Elizabeth remains on the porch and waves. I nod but that’s all I’ll give her these days. Maybe at some point I’ll be abl
e to forgive her or maybe not. I keep my distance because of the hurt that seeing her causes. Maybe seeing me causes her the same feelings and we’re better off with this, a wave or nod here and there.

  Beckett grabs me pulling me behind her to the car. She ambles through the open door and I let Sam get in after her. Before Sam is in all of the way she hands me an envelope. She looks up to the house and back explaining, “That’s from my mom.”

  I glance down at the envelope unsure if now is a good time to open it but Beckett’s impatience brings me out of my reluctance. I sidle up to her and she asks, “what’s that?’

  I shrug my shoulders but Sam pipes up, “You should open it.” She teases before kissing Gabe, “You never know what it might be.”

  Beckett asks, “Do you want me to open it?”

  I shake my head and angle my finger to rip it at the crease. A single sheet of paper falls out. I carefully open it and scour the page. As I look up Sam’s eyes meet mine. Her lips spread as she calls out, “Hello college man.”

  Beckett asks, “what?” and snatches it from my grip.

  “This is a full paid scholarship for wherever you want to go.”

  I nod, knowing and accepting that this is Elizabeth’s way of trying to make up for her mistake so many years ago. I smile at the thought that I can now go to college. I never thought this would be a possibility for me.

  The night passes by quickly. We sit at a table when we’re not dancing with Brett and Cara who have suddenly become the couple of the moment. Trina is dating Brandon on and off. She is still hurt that Dani moved away but I say good riddance. I don’t think Trina and Beckett will ever be close like they were before but at least they are cordial to one another.

  When Beckett’s feet are tired I pull her out into the warm night to walk along the beach. One of the perks of living on Palm Beach.

  We walk hand and hand through the soft sand. A small distance from the hotel where the dance is, I pull her to face me. She looks up to the sky and muses, “I wonder what a shooting star sounds like.”


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