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Before Ben (Wilde Ways Book 3)

Page 10

by Cynthia Eden

  Oh, hell, no.

  Cole would tell him everything. And then they’d make sure the bastard never got near Courtney again.


  “I get that you’re furious,” Eric stated as they hurried down the hospital corridor. “But try to show some restraint. I had to bribe the head nurse to get us access back here, and if you cause a scene—if you attack the dude who is in ICU—security will be called on us.”

  Let them come. Ben wasn’t in control. He knew it. Rage burned and spread inside of him, and every time that he saw the fear on Courtney’s face, he wanted to attack. She should never have been afraid. She should never have been threatened.

  I let the bastard get close to her. This is my fault.

  Eric grabbed his arm, stopping Ben before he could shove open the door to ICU. “Get yourself under control,” Eric ordered, voice nearly whisper-soft. That was the thing with his brother. The angrier Eric became, the lower his voice dropped. He became quiet and intense.

  Ben was the opposite. When rage fueled him, he didn’t go soft and lethal. He attacked. Loud, hard, fierce.

  Right then, he wanted to destroy anyone who threatened Courtney. He wanted to—

  She took his hand. Threaded her fingers with his.

  His gaze shot to her. Her delicate shoulders straightened, and she lifted her chin. “We’re doing this together,” she told him. “And if he lies to us, we’ll both forget restraint.”

  She was afraid. He saw that. But she was also furious, and she damn well had that right. Wilde agents were going over every square inch of her apartment under Simon’s direction. Simon was afraid that Cole hadn’t stopped with just taking photos of Courtney. He was afraid that Cole had put surveillance in her home.


  Fucking hell.

  She squeezed his hand.

  A nurse bustled out of the ICU. Her wide, green gaze went first to Eric, then it swept down the hallway. “Three can’t go in,” she mumbled, voice a little nervous. “ICU rules—normal rules—are for two family members at a time. I’m telling the others I think you’re family in order to get you in, but only two people can enter. Only two.”

  “We’re going,” Courtney responded at once, pulling on Ben’s hand. “And we’re going now.”

  The nurse exhaled. “He’s going to be groggy. That poor man is on a great deal of pain medication—”

  Poor man, my ass.

  “He sustained several broken bones and internal injuries and he—”

  “He’s going to live?” Courtney cut in, voice tight.

  The nurse nodded, her blonde hair gleaming under the light. An I love my patients button had been pinned to her left breast pocket. “Absolutely, you do not need to worry about that—”

  “We weren’t worried,” Ben told her. “Not even a little.” And if he doesn’t tell me the truth, I just might kill the asshole myself.

  The woman bit her lower lip. “Five minutes.”

  That wasn’t much. But it would have to work.

  Soon, the cops would be there. They’d be questioning Cole. Eric was going to pull his strings and make sure all of the evidence at Cole’s place was properly collected. And that the jerk found his way to a jail cell.

  Ben and Courtney followed the nurse inside. The place was quiet, and the nurse’s shoes squeaked over the floor. A nurses’ station was in the center of the space. A collection of desks, monitors, files. Small rooms snaked out around the station. The nurse pointed to the room on the far left end. “He’s in there. Please, don’t stress him.”

  Can’t make that promise.

  “The poor man has been through a terrible ordeal, and he needs to recover. Five minutes,” she said again. Then she hurried back to the station.

  Courtney seemed to brace herself before she went in Cole’s room. Ben made certain he was right at her side. As they neared the bed—Jesus. Cole looked like hell.

  The skin on his face was red, torn. Probably because he’d slammed into the pavement and been run over twice. His left arm and right leg were both in casts. Bandages covered his upper arms and chest. Wires were connected to him, an IV fed into his arm and—

  His eyes opened. “Court…ney?”

  She was at the edge of the bed and still holding Ben’s hand.

  As far as he was concerned, she could hold his hand forever.

  “What…happened?” Cole’s voice was a weak rasp.

  “You were hit by a car,” Ben told him curtly. “Twice.”


  Could be true. After accidents, Ben knew some people did forget. But they’d get back to talking about the hit-and-run in a moment. “Do you remember stalking Courtney? You remember that?”

  The machines beeped faster.

  Ah, yes, I think you do.

  “I was in your apartment,” Courtney said. “I saw the photos. What in the hell were you doing?”

  Cole shook his head, moving it slowly against the stark white pillow behind him. “It’s not…” But his voice trailed off.

  “Not what?” Ben demanded. “Not proof that you’ve been stalking her? Because it sure as hell is. Just like the notebook is proof. You followed her on every date she took with a man. Documented how long she was with the guys. You watched her every move, you sonofabitch, and I want to know why.”

  Cole let out a low groan. “My body has been…wrecked to hell…can this wait?”

  Was he fucking serious? Ben lunged for the bed, letting go of Courtney’s hand. “You stalked her,” he snarled.

  The machines were beeping so fast now. Fast and loud, and he could hear the rush of footsteps heading toward them. Hell, the nurse must be coming for her patient.

  He needed answers from Cole. “I’m going to turn your ass over to the cops. I’ll make sure Wilde Securities gives the PD enough evidence to toss you into a cell. You will never hurt Courtney again, you understand?”


  “You didn’t take those pictures?” Courtney asked, voice shaking.

  The nurse rushed into the small patient room. “I told you he couldn’t be stressed! I told you—”

  “I…took the pictures,” Cole admitted.

  Fuck not stressing him. “You bastard—” Ben began as his vision turned blood-red with fury. The machines screamed.

  The nurse cried out, “You have to leave!”

  And Courtney demanded, voice choked, “Why? Why would you do this to me? I thought we were friends.”

  She was hurt, and he was going to make Cole pay.

  The nurse grabbed Ben’s arm. “You’re leaving, now.”

  More footsteps were rushing toward them. More nurses? Or even security personnel? Ben didn’t care. He wasn’t done with Cole. “You tried to hurt Courtney.”

  Once more, Cole shook his head. Blood seeped through one of the bandages on his chest. “N-no.”

  “She was attacked in that parking garage! And you took a picture of her right before the attack happened. You were there. You were—”

  More nurses burst in. Two women. One man.

  “I was protecting her,” Cole rasped.

  “Bullshit! You attacked her. You left that message on her apartment wall, and I am going to make you wish you’d never been—”

  Hands grabbed Ben and tried to haul him back.

  “Ben.” Courtney’s voice. Quiet.

  His head swung toward her. He stared into her eyes and his rage calmed, just for a moment. I will not let anyone or anything ever hurt her again.

  “M-my job…” Cole managed to say, voice straining. “P-protect her…It’s wh-what I was…doing…why…watching…”

  Ben’s attention snapped right back to the man in the bed. “What? Don’t you dare lie to me—”

  “No…lie.” Each word was a struggle. And the circle of red on that bandage was spreading. “My job…protect her. Was h-hired…b-bodyguard…”

  What in the hell?

  “You have to leave, now.” The nurse who’d origina
lly let them in—she was now glaring and sweating.

  And the others were swarming the patient.

  Ben and Courtney backed away. They got out of the ICU as quickly as they could and found Eric pacing in the hallway.

  “Well?” Eric stared at them. “What did you find out?”

  “First, you’re gonna need to pay that nurse more money.” Ben winced. “And maybe make a small donation to the hospital.” Or not-so-small.

  “Ben…” Eric seethed.

  Courtney stepped in front of him. “Cole said he wasn’t stalking me.” She dragged a hand through her heavy mane of hair. “He said that he was protecting me. That he was my bodyguard.”

  “Total bullshit.” Ben’s fingers clenched into fists. “Has to be bullshit.”

  The way Ben figured it, Cole was trying to cover his ass, but it wasn’t going to work. The jerk was going down.


  “It’s not bullshit.” Eric spun his laptop around so that Ben and Courtney could see the screen. “First of all, the guy’s real name is Cole Vincent, not Cole Trevor. And, yes, he is former military, Delta Force to be exact. He’s a lethal SOB, and he’s been working in the private sector for the last year.”

  Courtney stared at the screen, her gaze flying over the material there. Cole Vincent? Her temples throbbed. They were back at Wilde Securities after an excruciating night that had seemed to never end. Good thing she’d already had the next few days scheduled off from work. Everything was straight-up chaos, and she didn’t know how she would have dealt with a court case, too.

  She’d actually scheduled the time off before all of this madness had started. She’d thought she might get some time off and head down to the beach. Those plans were screwed, along with most things in her life.

  “From what I can determine, Cole is a freelance guy, one who offers his services out to the highest bidder,” Eric continued. “Very hush, hush, very elite.”

  “He said he was an ex-con.” Courtney ignored the increasing ache in her temples. “I didn’t think you could get in the military with a criminal record.”

  “His crimes were committed when he was a minor. His record was sealed. A deal was made with someone in power along the way, and, presto, the guy was suddenly being all he could be for Uncle Sam.”

  Ben glowered at the computer screen. He’d been especially quiet—he was never quiet—since they’d left the hospital last night. He’d taken her back to his place, walked her to the guest room, and told her to get some sleep.

  She’d thought he would come in with her. But…

  He’d left her alone. She’d tossed and turned all night, and dawn had not been able to come soon enough.

  Then Eric’s call had come a few hours later.

  “His services aren’t cheap.” Eric tapped his fingers against the top of his desk. “Whoever his employer is…we’re looking at someone with a very large bank account, especially if Cole has been playing bodyguard to Courtney for the last few months.”

  “This can’t be real,” she whispered. “Why would anyone hire a bodyguard for me?”

  “A bodyguard who truly sucks at his job,” Ben added, voice brisk. “’Cause I sure didn’t see the jerk running to the rescue in that parking garage.”

  Eric hesitated. His expression was clearly troubled. “I’m afraid there is more.”

  She didn’t want more, thank you very much. Could he just keep the more?

  Eric inclined his head toward her. “Simon found two listening devices in your apartment, Courtney. Cole was monitoring you all the time.”

  She could only stare at the laptop screen. At the picture of Cole that must have been taken when he had been part of Delta Force. His hair was cut in a brutally short style. He was missing his tats, and his face…it looked softer. Kinder.

  “I am going to break his other arm.” Ben surged to his feet. “That jackass.” He started to prowl around the office like a caged lion.

  Courtney’s hands shoved against the front of her jeans. “Why?” That was the question that was driving her crazy. “I’m nobody.”

  Ben spun around. “The hell you are.”

  She blinked. His eyes were blazing. His hair was mussed. Stubble covered his jaw.

  Dangerous and sexy.

  Courtney swallowed.

  “You’re someone important, Courtney. You always have been, always will be.”

  Her chest ached. “Ben, my mom died when I was five years old. We were in a car wreck together and…I had some injuries.” This was so hard. “At the hospital, I needed a transfusion—and, well, somehow during the course of my treatment, my dad found out that I didn’t…I wasn’t his.”

  She didn’t usually tell this story. Not to anyone. Because it fucking ripped her heart out.

  “He left me.” Her fingers rose to press to her chest, right above the spot that ached so badly. “I was in the hospital, and he didn’t come back. He never came back. I didn’t see him again. I had no other family, so I was put in foster care. I bounced around the system for years until I turned eighteen. There was no one looking for me. Not then, not during college or law school. There is no one who would want to hire some bodyguard to watch me. I’m not important enough for someone to—”

  “Don’t fucking say it again.” He was right in front of her. He grabbed her arms and hauled Courtney to her feet. “Do not.”

  Eric cleared his throat. “I, um, think I heard Dennis call my name. I’d better go see what he wants.”

  Dennis hadn’t called him—

  “I heard him, too,” Ben said flatly, not looking away from Courtney but instead keeping his blazing blue eyes on her. “Go check and keep checking for a good long while.”

  A few moments later, the door shut behind Eric.

  Ben didn’t let go of Courtney. “You are important.”

  “My dad abandoned me. My mom—even before the crash, she barely had time for me. That is the memory I have of her. This terrible memory of my mom screaming at me that I’d ruined her life. That I was in the way.” A memory that had haunted Courtney for her whole life. “This idea that some mystery person hired a bodyguard for me—it makes no sense. I’m not on anyone’s radar. I’m—”

  “You’re on my radar, and you have been for years. You’re important. You’re smart. You’re beautiful. You’re kind. When I see you, you make my fucking day better.” His eyes widened, as if those words had come out by surprise. “Don’t talk anymore shit about this, okay? Your dad left—then he’s a sonofabitch who didn’t deserve you. Real men don’t leave. You got that? If I had a daughter, you can bet I’d do everything I could to make her feel loved and happy, to know that she was safe and protected and—” He kind of froze.

  Ben stared at her with a dazed look on his face.

  “Um, Ben?” Courtney prompted.

  He shook his head. Squeezed his eyes shut. Muttered something she didn’t catch. Then his hands fell from her. He turned away.

  She didn’t know what to say.

  “He shouldn’t have left.” Ben’s voice was growling. “And your mother shouldn’t have said that shit to you. You deserve better. You deserve everything.”

  She could only stare at his broad back. “You’re being…kind.”

  He laughed and didn’t glance at her. “I’m not kind. I’m an asshole. Ask anyone. Hell, just open the door and ask my brother. He’ll tell you. I can be a selfish, controlling prick. When I see something I want, there is no stopping me. I’ll do anything to get the thing I desire.”

  His words sounded like a warning.

  She wasn’t in the mood to be warned. You are smart. You are beautiful. You are kind. “You can’t say sweet things one minute and then try to get me to believe you’re a bastard the next.”

  He spun toward her. “I am a bastard. You know that better than most.”

  Once, she might have agreed with him. But now… “I think I’m starting to see you.”

  His brows lowered.

  “Maybe you’
re more of a white knight.” Just like she’d believed when he’d come racing to her side in the parking garage.

  Ben shook his head. “Don’t believe it.”

  “I’ll believe what I want.” Courtney leaned into him. “You can tell me that I’m important, and I can tell you that you aren’t an ass. Let’s both believe those words.”

  His lips curled. His dimples almost winked. “I never know what to expect with you.”

  She searched his eyes. “Is that a good thing? Or a bad thing?”

  “I’m trying to figure that out.” His gaze dropped to her mouth. “I want to kiss you.”

  “I’m not stopping you.”

  “If I kiss you, I’ll want to fuck you on my brother’s desk.”

  Automatically, she peered at the desk. And the laptop that still sat there, with Cole’s background information displayed on the screen.

  “Actually, I always want to fuck you, if you want the record to be very clear, but I’m trying to hold my control in place while we figure out why someone sent Cole after you.” His voice was gruff and the roughness slid over her skin, making goose bumps rise. “There has to be a reason.”

  She tried to slow her racing heartbeat. “No one ever cared when I was younger. There was no one swooping in to find me.”

  His eyes narrowed. “Cole will tell us. With the right pressure, we’ll get him to tell us everything.”

  She tucked a lock of hair behind her ear and didn’t look back at the desk. She also tried very hard not to think about having sex on that desk. “You think…” Courtney cleared her throat because her voice sounded too husky. “You think whoever hired Cole believed I might be in danger?”

  “For all we know, that guy is the freaking danger. Could be some obsessed jackass who didn’t want anyone else close to you. The first attack on you happened right after you and I were together at the bar.”


  “And then, after we spent the night together, the same bozo showed up at the park.”

  Her arms curled around her stomach. “And I got the friendly note on my wall saying to stay away—”

  “From me,” he finished flatly. “I think Cole reported to his boss that we were together, and the psycho lost his shit. We find out who hired Cole, and we eliminate the threat to you.”


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