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Before Ben (Wilde Ways Book 3)

Page 12

by Cynthia Eden

  Courtney paused at the conference room door. Rick had left a few moments before, and she’d been so eager to escape after him. Only it seemed the escaping would have to wait a bit longer. She pasted a smile on her lips as she turned back to Julia. “Of course.” Her hand waved vaguely in the air. “More questions?”

  “I don’t want to get in your personal business.”

  Um, yes, the previous questions had been all about her personal business.

  “But speaking from experience, you can’t protect yourself from pain. You can try to wall yourself off from everyone else, try to keep your heart out of reach because you think it’s safer that way, that it won’t hurt as much that way, but you’re wrong.”

  Courtney sucked in a breath. “I need to go find Ben—” Once more, she turned away.

  “Does he know about the one-month rule?”

  Courtney’s fingers tightened around the doorknob. “You’re right, this is very much personal business.”

  “Because he’s a nice guy. Sure, he can play the dick sometimes, but once you get past the surface, you realize he’s the kind of man who will be there when you need him, no questions asked.”

  He had been there for her that way. But… She glanced over her shoulder at Julia. “We aren’t serious. Ben understands me. I understand him.” Enemies in the courtroom, but outside…

  “Are you sure about that? Because I was carefully watching your face each time you mentioned him.”

  Oh, crap. What did that mean? What had Courtney given away?

  Julia’s fingers lightly touched Courtney’s arm. “Just…don’t let pain that some asshole in the past caused you—don’t let that stop you from having the chance at something really good. Okay? Because while you’re trying to protect yourself by setting your one-month limit, you just might be missing out on something really special. You might miss out on life because you’re too afraid to live it. The past will hold you down, and it will hold you back.”

  “I’m not afraid to live my life.” Now she was getting pissed. Wasn’t she? Not like she was afraid Julia was right. Or that, deep down, she might have felt the same way… “I happen to like my life as it is.”

  Julia nodded. Her hand fell away from Courtney’s arm. “And will you like it if Ben walks away in a month and hooks up with someone else?”

  Hell, no. The thought shoved through Courtney’s mind, but all she said was… “Ben and I have an understanding. He’s helping me right now. You don’t need to worry about what’s happening between us.”

  “I like Ben. He’s a good friend. And Eric is the best boss I’ve ever had. They were both there for me when I was going through a pretty dark time.” Her lips curled down.

  Even as she felt sympathy, a tendril of jealousy stirred in Courtney. “Are you… interested in Ben?”

  Julia’s eyebrows rose. “That’s what I’m talking about.” A satisfied tone filled her voice.

  Courtney blinked. She had no idea what the woman was talking about.

  “You’re territorial where he’s concerned. You might think this isn’t serious, you might be trying to stop yourself from letting it become serious, but a part of you wants more—and you want that more with him.”


  Ben let Piper go so that he could smile down at her. “Oh, God, I hope it’s a girl. A baby girl would wreck Eric. He’d be tied so tightly around her little finger. Guy would be one of those dads who wears a tiara and meets her for tea, and it would be awesome.”

  Piper laughed. “Like you wouldn’t be showing up for tea, too?”

  Well, of course, he would. He’d do anything for his niece.

  “I don’t know how to tell Eric.” Her words rushed out. “You’re the only person who knows about it so far. Me, you, and my little stick with the plus mark on it. I want it to be special. I want him to be so excited. And I want this memory to last forever—”

  “Piper,” Ben sighed her name as his fingers stayed curled around her shoulders. “This is you. This is Eric. He worships the ground you walk on, so when you tell him that you’re having his baby, you will instantly make him ecstatically happy.” She should have understood this by now. “You don’t need to do some elaborate surprise reveal. You just need to tell him, and it will be a memory that lasts forever for him.”

  Her eyes teared up. Oh, hell, he hated it when she cried. He pulled her in for a bear hug. “Piper…” Ben muttered.

  He was looking over her shoulder so he saw the door swing open. Ben figured it was Eric coming back, and he prepared for a quick back away from Piper—

  It wasn’t Eric.

  It was Courtney.

  And she immediately stilled when she saw him hugging Piper. Stilled…and then her eyes narrowed. Her delicate jaw hardened.

  One of her eyebrows went straight up.

  Oh, hello…that’s interesting.

  Ben stepped back and let Piper go. She followed his gaze and spun around. “Oh.” Piper’s hand flew up to cover her heart. “I was afraid you were my husband!”

  The other eyebrow joined the first as it rose. “And you didn’t want your husband to see you in Ben’s arms?”

  “Oh, no, I don’t care about that,” Piper said breezily. “Eric sees that stuff all the time. I just wasn’t ready to talk with Eric yet. Trying to work my way through this.” She headed toward Courtney, a spring still in her step because the woman was riding high. “You look so familiar.” Piper offered her hand. “I think we’ve met before, but please accept my apologies because I can’t quite place you.” Her smile was big and friendly. “I’m Piper.”

  “We met but it was a long time ago.” Courtney took the offered hand. “I’m Courtney McKenna.”

  “Courtney…” Piper seemed to taste the name. She tapped a finger to her chin. “McKenna?”

  Uh, oh. He got a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach. For the love of expensive whiskey, Piper, do not say—

  Piper glanced at him. Snapped her fingers together. “Right! Of course! Ben’s Courtney. I have heard so much about you over the years.”

  Courtney blinked. “You have?”

  “So much.” A firm nod. “First started the day I had to patch up Ben’s hand in law school because he’d punched some jerk who’d talked smack about you. Ben must have pounded the crap out of him, and, honestly, Ben doesn’t fight that much. Thought you two might hook up after that, but then Ben got all weird and clammed up on me—”

  “Piper!” Sweet Jesus, the woman over shared.

  She blinked. Innocently. A total fake innocence. What in the hell did she think? That she was dealing with Eric? Ben could see right through her.

  Ben crossed to the two women. “That’s enough of a walk down memory lane.” He motioned vaguely toward Piper. I will totally make you pay later. “Courtney, you’ve probably realized she’s married to my brother.”

  Courtney’s expression was completely closed down. “I know who Piper is. Remember, I’ve seen the scars?”

  His lips parted…

  “Ooooh…” From Piper. A whole world of understanding in that amused sound. “She’s seen you without your clothes on, huh? Guess things finally progressed the way you wanted.”

  Fucking hell. She was going to pay so much the next time they were alone. Through clenched teeth, he gritted, “I’m sure my brother is looking for you.”

  “No.” She gave a happy little rock of her body. “He doesn’t know I’m here.”

  “But if you were to go find him—”

  She put her hands on her hips. “This is his office. I’m sure he will find his way to me soon.”

  He grabbed for patience. A whole lot of it. And, once more through gritted teeth, he managed, “But you had something to tell him.”

  Piper gave Ben her sunniest smile. “And I will tell him…don’t worry about me.” Paint splatters lined her jeans and top. She must have been working in her studio before she’d taken her pregnancy test.

  “Oh, but I do worry.” He needed to talk with C
ourtney. Explore the whole moment when he could have sworn he saw jealousy on her face. “I worry so much…” He took Piper’s elbow. “That I am going to give you a nudge so you can find—”

  The door opened once more. Eric stood there. Glowered. Typical Eric. “What’s going on?”

  Piper sighed. “Ben was giving me a nudge.”

  Eric immediately pulled her away from his brother and led her across the room. “Stop nudging Piper.” He eased out a chair. Made sure she was comfortably arranged. Frowned worriedly down at her.

  And Ben frowned back at him. Yes, as a rule, Eric was extremely, almost hyperly protective of Piper. But this was something else.

  Shit, he knows.

  Ben laughed.

  Eric pointed at him. “You need to get to the hospital. Just got a call from Simon. Cole is awake, but the guy is saying he will only talk to Courtney.”

  Ben immediately reached for Courtney’s hand. Her fingers curled with his. Fit perfectly. He headed for the door.

  “Simon is there, and he’s going to report back to me what you find!” Eric called out. “He’s lead on this—so don’t do anything stupid!”

  Ben growled. Stupid? What the fuck? “I’ll do what it takes to get the information we need.” Because he wasn’t going to just let a threat to Courtney keep existing.

  Eric was protective as hell about Piper.

  And Ben…

  When it comes to Courtney, I’m realizing I feel the exact same way.


  “I didn’t know that…” Piper’s voice was halting. “Courtney’s a client? Is everything okay?”

  No, it was pretty much a cluster, but they would be finding out who was after Ben’s lady. “Don’t worry about them.” Eric didn’t want her worrying about anything. “My team is on it.” He trusted his team completely. Eric hovered over her. “Do you…ah, are you thirsty? Do you want to put your feet up? You cold? Hot?”

  Her gorgeous eyes narrowed on him. “You know.”

  “Ah…know that you’re the best thing to ever happen to me? Absolutely.” He leaned forward and put a careful kiss to her lips.

  When Eric would’ve pulled back, her hands flew up and fisted in his shirt-front. “You know my secret.”

  He smiled at her. “I think I could be married to you for fifty years and never know all your secrets.”

  Her expression held pure suspicion.

  “If you’ve got a secret you want to share with me, though,” Eric added carefully, “please do. I’d love to hear it.”

  She bit her lip. That luscious lower lip. Then she dropped her hold on him. “I’m pregnant.”

  “I love you so much,” his immediate response.

  Her eyes gleamed. “You’re excited?”

  Excited didn’t even cut it. He was the luckiest SOB on the planet, and he knew it. “Baby, you are my world.” She was…and their baby.

  Piper is having my baby! His hand was shaking as he reached out to touch her stomach.


  “There’s nothing going on between Piper and me. We’re friends, have been since we were little, crazy kids terrorizing our Pre-K teacher, but we’ve never been together as anything more.”

  They were in the elevator when Ben made that announcement.

  Her hands twisted in front of her. “I…didn’t ask.”

  “Didn’t you?”

  Her gaze cut to him.

  “I was celebrating with Piper when you came into the office. She’s pregnant, and probably telling my lucky brother that news right now. I’m going to be an uncle.” His smile was absolutely thrilled. His eyes gleamed. “And I can’t wait.”

  Her heart was drumming too fast. She stared at him and realized—the baby that Piper carried was completely and totally wanted. She could already see the plans and dreams in Ben’s eyes. Soccer games? Princess parties? Campouts? There was so much hope there.

  And if Ben was this excited, she could only imagine how thrilled Eric must be.

  “Congratulations.” Courtney cleared her throat. “I’m happy for all of you.”

  His gaze raked her.

  The elevator doors opened, and Courtney pretty much surged out. But he caught her before she’d gone too far. His fingers wrapped around her elbow, much like when he’d “nudged” Piper. Only when Ben touched her, Courtney felt a surge of heat pulse through her. Her breath came faster. Her skin seemed more sensitive. Her entire body reacted as she turned toward him.

  “And that’s why.” He wasn’t smiling now. He backed her up until he caged her between a nearby wall and his body. “That’s why Piper and I were always just friends. Because when I touched her, I didn’t feel the surge.”

  Wait, he’d felt a surge, too?

  “I touch you, and it’s like my whole body gets hyper tuned. I can feel everything more.”

  That was exactly how she felt.

  Footsteps rushed toward them.

  “There a problem here?” A gruff, male voice demanded.

  She turned her head—managed to pry her eyes away from Ben—and saw a man in a security uniform side-eyeing them.

  Ben stepped back. “No problem, Tommy. Just taking a minute to let my lady know something very important.” He inclined his head to Courtney.

  The security guard didn’t back away. Courtney realized that while he may know Ben, the guard still wanted her reassurance. “I’m fine,” she told him quickly. “Thank you.”

  The guard took his time backing away.

  Ben wasn’t touching her anymore. She missed his touch.

  “Let’s be very clear on something.” Ben’s stare didn’t waver. “If I came into a room and found some jerk with his arms around you, I’d be jealous.”

  She shivered. “We’re just…” Her words trailed away. Friends?

  Friends with benefits? Friends who had amazing sex?

  He waited.

  “We’re not serious. Or—or—I mean, we haven’t even said if we’re exclusive. We hooked up on Friday night.” It had just been a few days. Things were moving so crazy fast.

  “I’m not going to fuck anyone else while I’m with you.” His voice was a rough rasp. “And if you are planning to fuck someone else—”

  “I’m not.” Had he missed her six-month dry spell? She was pretty sure she’d told him it had been six months.

  “You were planning to meet someone in the bar on Friday.”

  Cole was waiting. They needed to get to him. And the guy she’d been planning to meet didn’t matter. “He was no one, okay? Just a guy I met online. A man who never showed up.” She hadn’t even bothered to mention him to Julia. What was the point? They’d never met in person. He’d stood her up, and she’d…found Ben?

  He had a half-smile playing on his lips. “Then I’m eternally grateful that he’s a dumbass.”

  She could only shake her head. “I don’t know what to do with you.”

  “Oh, baby, I am sure you will figure it out.” Once more, his fingers took hers. “But for now, let’s go see Cole. He will be talking, and I want to know exactly what other intel he has to give us.”

  She wanted to know, too. Wanted to know everything that she could.

  They hurried outside the building, and the Atlanta heat hit them. She tried to ignore just how crazily right it felt to hold Ben’s hand. His Benz was waiting out front, and he held the passenger door for her as she slid inside.

  He was being the gentleman. A protector.

  He hardly seemed like her enemy at all.

  In fact, he seemed like he could be something so much more.

  They drove in silence for a time. Because her guard was down, because he made her feel safe and comfortable…the question just slipped from her as she asked, “Do you want kids?”

  “One day, absolutely.”

  Her gaze darted toward the window.

  “What about you? Want a little girl with your eyes? Maybe a fierce little attorney-to-be? Or maybe a son?” His voice was teasing. Typical Ben. “Someone
who’ll play dirty on the baseball field while you scream your heart out for him in the stands?”

  She had to blink. She’d never had anyone screaming for her in the stands. No one had ever been in the stands, and she hadn’t been on any teams. She’d just been alone. But if she had a kid… “One day, absolutely,” she repeated his words in a slightly hollow tone.


  “And I will scream my heart out in the stands for him or her.” A million times, over and over. She’d go to every game. Her kid could be the star player or sit on the bench. Didn’t matter a single bit. She’d still cheer and scream and love. “And I won’t care if she wants to be an attorney or a circus clown. As long as my kid is happy and knows that he or she is loved, that’s all I want.”


  Her gaze slid to him. He was looking at her.

  “Courtney, you deserve—”

  A car was barreling toward them. She saw it coming. Saw it moving as if in slow motion and she screamed.

  But it was too late. The vehicle plowed into them, hitting on Ben’s side. Metal crunched. Glass exploded. The air bag deployed and it was a sea of white and she was screaming the entire time.

  Every moment seemed to last forever…

  As she kept screaming Ben’s name.


  He ran from the scene. Jumped out of the SUV and just ran as fast as he could. His whole body was shuddering. He’d slammed down the gas pedal as hard as he could and just floored the sonofabitch. The impact had been terrifying. Metal had screamed—or maybe that had been the woman. Glass had blown everywhere. The vehicles had become friggin’ sardines.

  And he was bleeding! Some of the glass had cut him above his right eye. He swiped at the blood as he ran.

  Someone yelled, “Stop him! He just hit that couple!”

  When some fool tried to get in his way, he just slammed a shoulder into him. It had been an old guy who tried to stop him. Gasping for air, the jerk fell onto the pavement.

  No one else tried to get in his way. His feet thundered over the pavement. He had a motorcycle waiting up in the garage. He’d get on it and get the hell out of there.

  His payment would come that night. He’d be riding high then.


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