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A Warrior's Choice [Warriors of the Light 18] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

Page 11

by AJ Jarrett

  “Come on, Kay. Let’s go to bed.”

  Kayson climbed off or Kevin’s lap and let his mate lead him toward the bedroom. Kevin walked them into the bathroom to brush their teeth. Kayson smiled and eagerly accepted Kevin’s toothbrush when he offered it. Slowly but surely Kevin was coming to accept Kayson as his mate. Kayson finally had hope that one day he’d be able to live in the light with his precious mate because without Kevin there was no light in this cold world.

  Chapter Fifteen

  The sound of his alarm going off woke Kevin up. He yawned and stretched out his arms and legs. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d slept so good. Wait a minute. Yes, he did. It was the previous night and he knew the cause of it.

  “Turn off that wretched sound.” Kayson tightened his arm around Kevin’s waist and pulled him closer to him.

  Kevin smiled and allowed Kayson to hold him close. It was weird how Kayson’s body was warm like it was. He always assumed that the Warriors of the Dark were cold and unfeeling monsters both physically and literally but he was wrong. He loved the heat rolling off Kayson’s body.

  “You have to let go of me in order for me to do that, moron.” Kevin chuckled.

  “Fine,” Kayson groaned.

  Kevin leaned over to shut off his alarm. The moment he was back in the bed Kayson jerked his body back to his. Kevin let himself have this moment with Kayson. In times like this he didn’t see this man as a monster or a killer. He only thought of him as the man he was growing to care for.

  Kevin knew realistically that he couldn’t let himself fall for Kayson. The man was loyal to Hale and Hale was bad news. Kevin also knew that his brother would never be able to accept Kayson into their family and Kevin wasn’t sure he could give up his brother for Kayson. Everything was so confusing. Kevin didn’t know what he was going to do.

  He couldn’t stop thinking about last night. He hadn’t felt so charged up like that since he was a teenager, back before his life changed. But now Kevin realized all the things he’d been missing and the funny thing was he only wanted to do these things with Kayson. The thought of letting another man or woman touch his dick made him want to throw up.

  “I hate to be the bearer of bad news but I need to get up.” Kevin patted Kayson’s arm. “It’s only Friday and some of us have to go into work.”

  “Quit.” Kayson kissed the back of Kevin’s neck. “I have more money than I know what to do with. You don’t have to work a day in your life.”

  “Yeah, but I want to.” Kevin untangled himself from Kayson’s hold. He turned around to face Kayson. “Kayson, you need to realize I can take of myself. I don’t need you to treat me like a child. That will get old really fast and if we are going to make this thing work then you need to respect me as a man.”

  “So, does that mean you’re going to give us a chance?” Kayson sat up. His long dark hair fell in waves over his shoulders. His eyes, even though black as night, held so much emotion.

  “I don’t think I have a choice,” Kevin answered honestly. Forces unseen were pulling him and Kayson together. Like it or not, they were stuck together until one of them died.

  “There’s always a choice, Kevin.” Kayson reached out to touch his fingertips to Kevin’s cheek. “Never feel pressure to do something you are not comfortable with.”

  Every time Kevin thought he could hate or leave Kayson he went and said mushy stuff like that. How could a man who’d lived as a Dark Warrior be so sweet and caring? Kayson was giving him a choice, not demanding a single thing from him. Who could resist that?

  “I don’t feel pressured.” Kevin gave Kayson a short kiss then hopped off the bed. He started walking toward his bathroom but stopped in the entryway to turn back toward Kayson, who was staring at his ass. “Hey, buddy. My eyes are up here.” He laughed when Kayson jerked his head up. “Are you going to lay in bed all morning or join me in the shower?”

  Kayson leapt off the bed and rushed toward him. Kevin wound his arms around Kayson’s shoulders and let him carry him the rest of the way to the shower. They stepped in under the hot spray and kissed as the water cascaded down their bodies. It looked like Kevin was going to be late to work this morning.

  * * * *

  Kevin was whistling when he walked in the station. He smiled and waved at his fellow co-workers. The sun was out, the skies were blue and he was happy. It felt like ages since Kevin felt this good.

  The shower had taken longer than he expected. To be fair, he’d never showered with another person before but he wasn’t complaining. Kevin had been nervous but all that soon faded away. Kayson was gentle and didn’t pressure him to do anything he didn’t want to.

  It made Kevin want to please Kayson that much more. When he went to his knees Kayson said he didn’t have to do that but Kevin wanted to. He’d been sexless for the past twelve years and it was like being set loose in a candy store. He wanted to try everything.

  Kayson’s dick was longer and thicker than his own and Kevin had started to wonder how he’d fit the thing in his mouth. It was then when Kayson touched his face lightly and smiled down at him that all of Kevin’s hesitations drifted away. Kevin kissed and licked at the swollen head and swirled his tongue around the pulsing length. He wasn’t a pro at it yet but given time he could take this man, or so he hoped.

  “Hey, man. What you so happy about?” Another cop, Allen Perry, asked as he passed by.

  “Life.” Kevin made a clicking sound with his mouth as he walked by. He headed to his desk and got to work on finishing his report on the Cobras case.

  After finishing his paperwork Kevin looked up the info on the two victims that Kayson had taken to the hospital. He made a few calls and discovered that both were alive and well and were making a full recovery. Neither had any memories of that night so that was a plus.

  “Good morning, Kev,” Wes said as he stood in front of Kevin’s desk. “Nice to see you in a good mood for a change.”

  “Oh, yeah, hey, Wes.” Kevin quickly closed out the screen he had pulled up on his computer. “What are you talking about? I’m always in a good mood.”

  “Yeah, right.” Wes started to walk away then stopped. The air conditioning had kicked on and the air stirred around Kevin. A chill ran over his skin and goose bumps pebbled on his arms. He watched as Wes sniffed the air then glanced over at him. Kevin wasn’t sure what had happened but before he could say anything Wes smiled then walked away as if everything was okay.

  Less than ten minutes had passed when Kevin’s phone started to ring. He reached for it and answered on the second ring. “Hello?”

  “Hey, little brother.” His brother’s voice carried over the line.

  “Hi, Matt. What are you up to?” Kevin spun around in his chair.

  “Getting ready to head to lunch and thought I’d see if you wanted to tag along,” Matt asked. “There’s a new Philly cheesesteak place I’ve been dying to try. I asked Wes but he’s got a meeting to go to. So, what do you say? My treat.”

  “How can I turn that down?” Kevin told Matt he’d meet him in ten minutes then stood to leave the office. He pulled his phone out of his pocket when he was outside. He called Kayson’s cell phone.

  “Hello, Kevin.” Kayson’s voice was low and sounded so sensual. Kevin wanted to leap through phone and kiss the man.

  “Hey, Kay.” Kevin popped the lock on his truck and climbed inside, starting the air conditioning. “How’s your morning going?”

  “Good. I hope you don’t mind that I’m using your washing machine. My clothes were a little dirty from last night. Oh, and I had to borrow a pair of your gym shorts. I’m not sure red is my color.”

  “I do have a few pairs of black shorts in there.”

  “You do but you said I should try to add some color into my life.”

  “That I did.” Kevin grinned. “I like that you’re taking my advice and I bet you look fucking hot in red.”

  “I’ll be sure to keep them on until you get home then.”

“You do that.” Kevin chewed on his bottom lip, unsure of himself. “Hey, Kay. I was wondering if you wanted to maybe go out to dinner with me tonight.”

  “Like a date?” Kayson’s voice rose in volume.

  “Yes, a date.” Kevin chuckled. “I have been on one since I was fourteen.” Kevin winced. He didn’t always mean to bring up the past but it was hard not to. Like it or not, Kayson was tied to the darkest period in his life. He was doing his best to get past that but some things couldn’t be avoided.

  “I’ve never been on one,” Kayson responded softly. “I’d love to go on a date with you, Kevin.” There was a sound over the line and he could hear as Kayson pulled the phone away from his ear. “Kev, I need to go switch the laundry. Call me later?”

  “Definitely.” Kevin hung up the phone just as he pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant. His brother was leaning against his car, typing away on his phone. “What’s up, Matty?”

  “Hey, Kevin.” Matt put his phone away then walked over and gave him a hug. “Let’s go eat.”

  They went inside and ordered their food and waited for it to be made. It smelled delicious. The onions and green peppers would taste amazing. The server handed over their baskets and they went to find a table. Kevin sat down and grabbed his sandwich, taking a big bite. The beef was tangy and the cheese gooey.

  “How are things going?” Matt asked as he shoved in a piece of bread that fell off his sandwich.

  “Dude, we just saw each other last night.” Kevin grabbed his napkin to wipe off his mouth.

  “We did but that’s not what I meant.” Matt leaned in closer. “I mean how’s your personal life going? Have you met anyone or are you dating?”

  Kevin resisted the urge to roll his eyes. He loved that his brother cared so much about him but this was annoying. Every few months Matt would ask him about his dating life or his lack of. Before he’d shrug it off and say everything was fine but now he actually had some news to give but he couldn’t tell Matt who he was dating. Kevin wasn’t even sure he could call what he was doing with Kayson dating. Right here, this very moment was his chance to open up to his brother about Kayson so he could get his opinion on what was happening between them.

  “No.” Kevin shook his head and bent his head down to take a bite of his sandwich. Nothing good would come from telling Matt anything about Kayson.

  “Really.” Matt began to tap his fingertips on the table. “No one new in your life?”

  Kevin detected the change in his brother’s tone. He looked up from his basket of food to stare at his brother. Matt’s eyes were glowing an eerie blue. Over the years Kevin had discovered when his brother was either pissed off or turned on they’d start to glow. And being as Wes wasn’t around he knew his brother was upset but what about Kevin had no idea.

  “What are you getting at, Matty?” Kevin shoved his food away from him. “I feel like I’m under investigation and you’re the interrogator. What gives?”

  “Wes called me this morning after you arrived at work.”

  “So?” Kevin shrugged.

  “He was concerned about you.” Matt darted his gaze around them then leaned in closer and whispered, “He said he smelled a certain scent on you.”

  Kevin’s eyes widened. Kayson and he had been together. They hadn’t had full-on sex but they’d done everything else. Surely his scent wasn’t imprinted on his skin. Kevin had scrubbed super hard in the shower to prevent just that from happening.

  “What scent?” Kevin asked, now very terrified at what his brother was going to say.

  “Wes said he’d smelled that dark scent before.” Matt narrowed his eyes. The blue orbs were glowing like spotlights. “When he’d come across Warriors of the Dark.”

  “Oh my god.” A cold chill rippled down his spine. This wasn’t good. If he knew his brother-in-law like he did, Kevin knew where Wes was at right now. The thought scared the shit out of him. “Where is Wes?”

  “What is going on, Kevin? Are you in some sort of trouble?”

  “Matty, where is Wes at right now?” Kevin jumped to his feet and pulled his phone from his back pocket. He dialed Kayson’s number but there was no answer. He hung up and called again. Still no answer. “Shit.” He headed for the door.

  “Kev, talk to me.” Matt grabbed his shoulder, spinning him around just as he reached his car.

  “Where is Wes, Matt?” Kevin’s voice rose. He was worried about Kayson but also Wes. If Wes went to his house and found Kayson, god only knew what would happen.

  “After he called me we both agreed it would be best for him to stake out your house.” Matt looked around to make sure no one was near them. “You’re only a human so if you were being followed by a Dark Warrior you wouldn’t know. Kev, what’s going on with you? Ever since that case you’ve been acting weird.”

  “I got to go.” Kevin popped the lock on his truck door and jumped inside. His hands were shaking, his nerves were all over the place. Matt grabbed ahold of the door when he tried to shut it. “Fuck, Matt, let go.”

  “Not until you tell me what is going on.” His brother’s sharp teeth were peeking out from his upper lip. Matt was in full vampire mode and if he didn’t want Kevin to leave, he wouldn’t be able to get away.

  “Kayson is at my house,” he said in a rush. Matt’s mouth fell open and his grip on the door loosened. There was no question about whether or not Matt remembered that name. “I need to go.” He slammed his door and put his truck into drive and peeled out of the parking lot. In his rearview mirror, he could see Matt running toward his car.

  Kevin put his foot down hard on the gas pedal and sped toward his house. He silently prayed he got there before anything bad happened.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Kayson was taking advantage of his free time. He never had much before. For the past twenty years he’d been with Hale and that never allotted any time for relaxation. It was nice. He lounged on the couch watching daytime talk shows. It was horrible but it was better than sitting around while Hale fucked Christopher or killed innocent people whose only crime was looking like Colby.

  The buzzer on the washer went off so Kayson got up off the couch to go put his clothes in the dryer. When he came to Kevin’s house he hadn’t thought to bring a bag with a change of clothes. In all fairness, he totally expected Kevin to kick him out the moment he saw him but Kevin had surprised him by letting him stay.

  Kayson smiled as he walked toward the laundry room. That was something he hadn’t done much of in the past two hundred years. He wasn’t even sure he smiled as a young child. Love did funny things to people.

  Kayson lifted the lid to the washer and grabbed the clothes. He bent over to put the clothes in the dryer and that’s when he heard the click of the front door. Kayson froze in place, knowing by the smell in the air that it wasn’t Kevin. No, this person’s scent was earthy and something that reminded him of a wet dog. The last time Kayson checked, dogs couldn’t open doors. By process of elimination he was resigned to say it was Wes who was in Kevin’s home. The question was, did Wes know that he was here?

  “Stand up real slow,” Wes ordered. “Don’t fucking try anything funny.” Kayson did as he was told. “Now turn around.”

  Kayson sighed and did as Wes asked. He wasn’t shocked when Wes’s eyes darkened and his teeth elongated to sharp points. Kayson held his hands up in front of him in a show of surrender. He’d seen that on a TV show that people suspected of crime did this gesture.

  “What the fuck are you doing in this house, motherfucker?” Wes’s body rippled as his wolf rose to the surface. Kayson had been around plenty of shifters in his life and knew when one was about to lose control.

  “I know you have no reason to believe me but I’m a friend of Kevin’s.” Kayson kept his hands up. He didn’t want to do anything to set Wes off.

  “Bullshit,” he snarled.

  “No, I really am.” Kayson slowly lowered his hands. “Kevin and I are…” Kayson bit his lip to keep from spilling the
beans. It wasn’t his place to tell Kevin’s family of their connection. Kevin would tell them in his own time. “We’re friends.”

  “You’re a liar.” Hair sprouted up along Wes’s arms and his shirt ripped at the seams as his body began to morph.

  “I promise that I’m not lying to you.” Kayson fisted his hands just in case he had to knock Wes out. He didn’t want to hurt the other man but he wasn’t about to let Wes kill him either.

  Before he could say another word, Wes lunged toward him but he never reached Kayson. He stared in disbelief when he saw Wes sprawled on the ground. Kayson’s eyes widened as he looked at the unconscious man. Did wolf shifters suffer from heart attacks? He listened and could hear the rapid pounding of Wes’s heart.

  “So, what’s going on here, brother?” Kayson had been so distracted he hadn’t picked up on his brother’s familiar scent. Kane came around the corner and leaned against the wall. “Whose house is this and why is a Warrior for the Light here?”

  “Uh…well…you see…” Kayson sighed. He put his hands on his hips and let his head fall forward. “Fuck it. This is my mate’s house. And that guy is his brother-in-law.” Kayson pointed down at Wes’s limp body.

  “Wait a minute.” Kane held up his hand. “You’ve found your mate?” Kayson nodded. “And he’s a Warrior of the Light?”

  “Well, sort of.” Kayson knelt down next to Wes. He grabbed his arm and picked him up. “Feel free to help me, Kane.” He could do it himself but it was Kane’s fault that Wes was out cold.

  “Holy shit.” Kane’s breathing increased. “I can’t believe this. How? Why?” Kane brought his hands up to cover his mouth. “Hale will lose his shit over this.”

  “I know and I don’t care. Now help me, you idiot.”

  Kane grabbed Wes’s other arm and helped Kayson get him into the living room and to the couch. Kayson made sure not to just drop Wes on the couch. They laid him on his side and made sure he looked comfortable. The last thing he wanted was for Kevin to get mad at him.


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