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Monroe, Marla - A Home with Them [Men of the Border Lands 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 8

by Marla Monroe

  “I’m going to bed. I’ll talk to you in the morning.” He walked out of the kitchen and stomped up the stairs.

  “I still think my idea is a good one,” Jessie said.

  “It could backfire on us though, baby.” Kent wasn’t sure if seducing Wyatt was a good idea or not.

  “Once he realizes he enjoys sex with me, the rest will come. I can’t help but think he’s fighting it anyway. He tries too hard to not be alone with me. He knows you aren’t jealous, so why make the effort unless he’s fighting the attraction?”

  “Give it some more time, baby. If he doesn’t give in, in another few weeks, we’ll try it your way.”

  Kent hoped they could convince him soon, because Jessie loved him, and it was killing a part of her knowing he didn’t believe he loved her. Maybe a little part of her was afraid he really didn’t, and she was only dreaming she saw it in his eyes. Kent wasn’t sure what to think, but knew that whatever it took to keep her happy, he would do. That included letting her seduce his brother.

  * * * *

  Jessie stood up and stretched. Her back was killing her. She’d been planting seeds for the last two hours and felt as if she would never stand up straight again. She looked down the rows of dirt and smiled. All in all, it had been a good day’s work. She still had to water it all, but it was in the ground.

  She gathered the remainder of the seeds and added them in the basket she would store in the cellar to keep them dry and cool. She didn’t have much left. They would have to barter for more next time. Plus, she wanted to get a few different varieties as well. She was learning so much from the books.

  “What are you grinning about?” Wyatt asked as he walked up to her.

  “I’ve finished planting everything, and now I’m going to water. It feels good.”

  “I just finished the pasture for the cow and her calf. They can go out in it tomorrow during the day, and we’ll put them up at night. It will give them more to eat and put less work on us.”

  “Good for you.” She hugged him and pulled his head down for a quick kiss.

  For once, he didn’t immediately pull away or walk off afterwards. She hurried on to keep him from doing it now.

  “I’m going to try the water hose we found, but I think it’s mostly dry-rotted.”

  “I’ll help you carry water if you need me to.”

  “Naw, you have things to do. It’s not going to hurt me to cart water. I’m strong.” She showed him her puny muscles, making him laugh.

  “Hey, you two, what’s so funny?” Kent walked up with dirt all over him.

  “You are. What have you been doing? Playing in the dirt with your toy soldiers?” she asked.

  “Funny. I’m cleaning up the shop so we can find what we need out there. It’s a mess.”

  “Is that that building over there that you had the tractor in?”

  “Yeah, that’s what we are calling it.” Kent grinned at her.

  She couldn’t help but laugh at the cobwebs hanging off his head. She wasn’t showering with him tonight.

  “You have some room to laugh, Jessie,” Wyatt said with a grin. “You’re covered in dirt yourself.”

  “Yeah, but mine is clean dirt. His is old dirt.”

  Wyatt shook his head and popped her on the ass before walking back toward the house. Jessie smiled at Kent.

  “He’s coming around. Just wait. I actually kissed him a little while ago, and he didn’t run away this time.”

  “While you two were playing smoochy face, I was working. Not fair.” Kent grabbed her around the waist and hauled her up for a kiss.

  Jessie moaned when his tongue licked at the seam of her lips. She opened to him and welcomed his tongue into her mouth. He ate at her as if they hadn’t just kissed only hours earlier. He devoured her as if they hadn’t made love that morning while Wyatt slept.

  “Umm, I want you so bad my cock is poking a hole in my jeans.”

  “Hmm, poor cock.”

  “Don’t you feel sorry for it?”

  “Help me unroll this hose over here and I’ll check out your hose.” Jessie pointed at the rat’s nest of garden hose she’d dragged out of the barn earlier.

  “That looks like a dirty job.”

  “I’ll clean you up afterwards.”

  They laughed and began sorting through the garden hoses. Thirty minutes later, she had them stretched out with one end in the garden and the other end hooked to the spigot.

  “Ready?” Kent asked.


  She watched Kent turn on the water and the hose fill out as water coursed through it. Dozens of tiny pinholes sprayed water everywhere, but the majority of it ran out the other end of the hose into the garden. She whooped for joy.

  “So, I helped you. Are you going to help me?”

  Jessie laughed and went to her knees. She unfastened his pants so that his thick dick jumped out at her. She licked her lips and looked up at Kent from her position on the ground. He grinned down at her with heavy eyelids.

  She wrapped her hand around the base of his cock and licked a long line from top to base and then licked back up again. He hummed in the back of his throat. A drop of pre-cum pearled at the slit, and she licked it off, savoring the taste of him before licking down into the slit for more. Kent hissed and grabbed her head.

  “Suck my cock, Jess. Take it all.”

  She wrapped her lips around him and swallowed down until he reached the back of her throat. Then she swallowed hard around him and backed off. She did it over and over again until he was holding her head still and fucking her mouth with his dick. God, she loved sucking cock. She wanted to taste Wyatt’s so badly she ached inside.

  She pumped her hand up and down with her mouth until he began groaning. She knew he was close and reached inside his jeans to fondle his balls. He growled and shouted as he shot thick streams of cum down her throat. She swallowed every bit of it and then licked him clean. He pulled away from her and fastened his jeans before helping her to her feet.

  “God, you are so damn good at that.” He kissed her and wrapped his arms around her before letting her go. “I’d better get back to my job before Wyatt cuts my food supply off for screwing around.”

  “Ha-ha.” Jessie laughed and ran out to the garden to direct the water where she wanted it. She couldn’t wait to see her garden grow.

  * * * *

  Wyatt watched Jessie give Kent a blow job and couldn’t help pulling his own cock out of his jeans and tugging on it while he did. He could see just fine from the kitchen window. They were next to the house by the water spigot. He wrapped his fist around his cock and pumped it as he watched Jessie swallow Kent’s down her throat.

  By the time Kent was face fucking her, Wyatt was about ready to come. He wanted to make it last as long as Kent lasted, but he was too fucking horny. He’d been hard ever since he’d woken up to them fucking next to him. He’d pretended not to be awake, but knowing they were having sex in bed with him had grown his cock and left it that way all day long.

  He squeezed his balls and locked his knees as he felt the first electrical shocks in his spine signaling his imminent release. He squeezed hard on his cock and caught the streams of cum in his hand. He wanted to shout out but didn’t want them to know what he was doing. It felt so wrong to be jerking off watching them have oral sex.

  Wyatt groaned at the sight of Jessie licking all the cum from his brother’s dick. He looked down where he was cupping his cum and about to dispose of it. What he wouldn’t have given to have had her swallow his cum. What was wrong with him? Why couldn’t he get her out of his head? She belonged to his brother and deserved to be loved for her and not for her body. All he could give her would be his body, because he couldn’t love her, too, could he?

  He hurriedly cleaned up and fixed a glass of tea as Jessie finished fiddling with the water hose and headed for the house. She walked inside as he took his first sip of tea.

  “Oh, man. Just what I need. She took the glass away
from him and swallowed down half the glass.

  “Help yourself, Jessie,” he said with a grin.

  She smiled and winked at him, then filled it back up and handed it to him. “Thanks.”

  “Looks like you got the water hose to work—for the most part.”

  “Yeah, Kent helped me unravel it and hook it up. I think it will work. The next time we go raid a place, let’s look for garden hoses, though.”

  “I was thinking about that. Maybe in another week we should look at that town called Skyline on the map. There’s bound to be a few stores there we can look through.”

  Jessie grinned and jumped up and down like a kid. “Oh boy! Shopping.” She reached up and dragged him down for a kiss.

  He forgot himself and kissed her back. She latched on to his tongue and sucked it in, teasing it with her own. He moaned and wrapped his arms around her as she shoved her tongue into his mouth. He slid his along hers and then realized what he was doing. When he tried to peel her arms from around his neck, she whimpered and held on. He gripped her waist and tried pulling her off of him, but she wouldn’t let go.

  When she finally came up for air, she was panting and whimpering.

  “Please don’t push me away, Wyatt. Please don’t.”

  “Jess, you don’t understand. It’s not right.”

  “It is right. I love you, and I know you love me, whether you believe it or not.”

  Wyatt ran a hand through his shaggy hair and tried to think of what he could say to make her understand.

  “Jessie. There was someone in college that I fell in love with.”

  She stilled and stepped back.

  “I don’t know what I feel for you, Jessie. I can’t promise it’s what you need. What you deserve.”

  “You love someone else? All this time, and you’ve never said anything. Does Kent even know about her?”

  “No. My parents didn’t even know about her, and then they were all gone.”

  “Why are you telling me?”

  “Because I don’t want to hurt you, and I’m afraid that I will in the end. I’m afraid that all I’ll be doing is using you, and that isn’t right.”

  Jessie swallowed hard. He watched her throat convulse as she seemed to be fighting something.

  “I’m sorry, Wyatt. I didn’t know. I won’t force myself on you anymore.” She took a step back and then another and bumped into the kitchen table.

  Then she turned around and walked through the living room. He heard her footsteps on the stairs, and he realized he might have just done what he’d sworn he never would. He had hurt her.

  Chapter Ten

  Kent walked inside an hour before dark and headed straight for the shower. He was a nasty mess and needed to clean up before he helped with anything inside. He hadn’t seen anyone when he walked in and was a little surprised to see Jessie lying on the bed in the bedroom when he got upstairs.

  He quietly walked over to the bed and bent over to see if she was asleep. Her eyes were closed. She looked tired. Maybe she’d come in early for a nap. He decided not to wake her. He’d take a shower instead. She’d wake up when he got out to dry off and dress.

  He scrubbed all the cobwebs, dirt, and gunk from his body. Then he worked on getting it from beneath his nails, the best he could. He couldn’t help but think about the blow job he’d gotten earlier. She’d surprised him with that. He really hadn’t expected her to go down on him right outside in the middle of the yard like that, but it had been fucking hot.

  When he got out of the shower and dried off, he walked in to find that Jessie was gone. Hmm, she must have gone downstairs to start supper, then. He finished dressing in clean jeans but left the shirt off. It was too hot for a shirt, anyway.

  He found her in the kitchen stirring noodles on the stove. She’d opened a can of tomatoes and was going to make a pasta dish of some sort, it looked like. Just as he started to lay his lips on the back of her neck, Wyatt walked in from outside. She turned around and nearly screamed at him standing over her.

  “Fuck! You scared me to death, Kent.” She sat the spoon down on the spoon rest on the stove and wiped her hands on the apron she had on.

  “Sorry. I didn’t mean to. He kissed her on the lips then moved back out of the way.

  He could tell something was wrong, but he didn’t know what it was. He sighed and decided to leave it alone until after supper. Only after supper, they talked about the garden and what to work on next, and then she wanted to go to bed early.

  “I’m really tired. My back is hurting some. I’m obviously not in shape for this kind of work.” She laughed.

  “Rest up, baby. I’ll be up soon.”

  “Night, Wyatt.”

  She didn’t hug him like she normally did. Her back must really have been hurting, he decided. He would offer a backrub if she was still awake when he got upstairs.

  “The garden looks really good. She’s worked hard on it,” Wyatt said.

  “Yeah. She’s managed to do a lot in the two weeks we’ve been here. I’m surprised she’s held up this long. She needs a day off, I think.”

  “Good idea. Why don’t you two stay inside all day tomorrow and just relax. I’m going to work around the outside of the house some and make a list of things we might need. I told her we might think about hitting that city on the map called Skyline. She wants new garden hoses, for one thing.”

  “Sounds good. I’ll keep her inside tomorrow and get her to rest some. When do you want to head to the city?” Kent asked.

  “I was thinking about a couple of days. I want to make sure I have a good list of things. You should be thinking about what you know we need, too. We can all three combine our lists and figure out where to go once we get there.”

  Kent stretched. “I think I’m going on up. Don’t stay up too late if you’re going to be handling the work tomorrow.”

  “I’ll be up in a few minutes,” Wyatt said.

  Kent climbed the stairs and found Jessie still awake in bed. She looked worn out, and maybe even a little sad.

  “Hey, baby. How about a back rub?”

  “Oh, you don’t have to do that. I’ll be fine in the morning.”

  “I want to. I like rubbing my hands all over your bare skin.”

  “I’m wearing a T-shirt, silly.” She rolled over anyway and gave him her back.

  “Yeah, but I can run my hands up under that nasty T-shirt of yours and touch to my heart’s content.”

  He did so and began a slow, gentle massage up and down her spine until he felt her slowly release and relax.


  “Yeah.” She rolled back over, and when he lay down, she rolled back on top of him to lay her head on his chest. “Kent?”

  “Yeah, baby?”

  “I think I’m going to leave Wyatt alone now. I’m making him uncomfortable, and I’m not getting anywhere. If he changes his mind, then we can think about it.”

  “Something happen, Jess?” Kent stilled.

  “No. I’ve just been thinking about it and realized that it’s not fair to push on him and tease him if he doesn’t want to be involved. I can’t make him.”

  “Whatever you want to do, Jessie. I’ll support you.”

  Kent felt a piece of him tear away as he realized he wouldn’t have his brother’s help in loving his Jessie. Sure, he knew that if anything happened to him that Wyatt would always take care of her. But it wouldn’t be the same. Part of him understood why she was giving up, and part of him didn’t. If she loved him as much as she said she did, why give up at all?

  “I love you, Kent.” She squeezed him and settled her head over his heart.

  “I love you, too.” He wrapped his arms around her and held her close.

  About thirty minutes later, Jessie was asleep in his arms, and Wyatt came to bed. Neither man felt comfortable that someone wouldn’t steal Jessie from them, so they continued to share the king-size bed. Kent began to wonder if he would still do that in the future.

always slept in his underwear, but tonight, he slept in his jeans as well. Something had happened. He just didn’t know what, and he wasn’t going to ask either one of them. As much as he wanted to know, he didn’t want to stir up the pain that both of them were obviously feeling. The piece of him that had torn away grew bigger, and he knew that as long as the three of them were at odds, it would never get better.

  * * * *

  “How much longer, Kent?” Jessie asked as they drove toward Skyline.

  “Looks like another thirty minutes, maybe.”

  “Wyatt, what happens if we can’t find gas to get back?”

  “We’ll find gas or siphon it out of cars there. Stop worrying.”

  They’d left at the crack of dawn to head for Skyline in hopes of finding some of the things on their wish list. Jessie had a long list, but the top four things were all she was really worried about. She wanted canning supplies, garden hoses, cheesecloth, and more matches. The cheesecloth was to skim the milk she was finally growing better at getting, and the matches were for emergencies. The pilot lights had all blown out after a big windy storm they’d had one night. Evidently the house wasn’t as airtight as they’d first assumed. She wanted to be sure they had plenty. Kent had added beside it flint in case they ran out of matches. She wasn’t sure where they would find that, but she had it down.

  Sitting between the two men was eating at her. She scooted a little closer to Kent. Touching Wyatt only made her ache inside, and she knew she had no chance there anymore. He had treated her just like a sister-in-law after that afternoon, and she reciprocated. It had been hard the last few days, but it was for the best.

  “Look, I think those are the suburbs of the city.” Kent pointed out some houses that were in neat rows.

  “It’s so spooky looking, knowing no one lives here anymore.”

  “Not any different than the places we passed through on our way across country,” Wyatt pointed out.

  “I guess it’s because we’ve been living on our own for a while. Now we are going to town, and you expect there to be people.” Jessie watched the houses pass.


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