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One You Can't Forget

Page 6

by Lexy Timms

  Luke gasped as he watched her move toward him.

  With one hand Emily gripped his cock and brought it to her mouth, his musk filling her nostrils. Her tongue moved over the head of his cock and he sighed. She swirled her tongue around the head, enjoying the taste of his pre-cum, kissing his shaft and stroking the base with her hand.

  Luke’s breathing grew uneven, especially as she sunk his shaft in her mouth. “Fuck, Emily,” he said hoarsely.

  She pulled off. “Not just yet. Your cock is too delicious to stop.”

  His breath hitched and his eyes gleamed with desire. Suddenly he took her shoulders and pushed her down on the bed. “No.”

  She nodded, and he reached into the nightstand drawer and brought out a condom. Quickly he released it from its foil wrapper and rolled it on his length.

  Emily arched her back involuntarily as she watched him, admiring the beauty of his cock as it strained hard and long in his hands.

  “Baby,” she whispered. She was going to explode if he didn’t slip inside of her.

  Luke fell on her, releasing a torrent of kisses on her skin, her neck, her breasts, her stomach. He reached again for her clit and curled his fingers so his palm covered her bud, but entered her too. A little sound escaped her throat as his finger pushed inside her.

  It was wonderful, but a tease. What she really wanted, he was withholding. “Baby, now. I want you.” She reached for his cock and pulled it toward her.

  He pressed the head of his cock at her opening and made a shallow thrust. Fire gathered where he entered her, delicious and wanting at the same time.

  She needed more and she bucked her hips to welcome him in.

  Luke pushed in, filling her, joining them together. His eyes closed in his enjoyment of slowly claiming every inch of her.

  “I can’t take anymore,” Emily said. “Fuck me. Hard. Luke. Please.”

  He opened his eyes and met her gaze, his expression filled with lust and desire. “As if you could stop me,” he groaned. Luke pulled back and then filled her again, groaning as he moved. His slow strokes became thrusts as he held her hips.

  Her hips moved with him as his cock sent shuddering waves of pleasure through her. The fire built, and she became this one moment of him filling her with his cock, over and over again.

  “I’m coming,” she gasped and she split apart, her blood pounding through her, her breath stolen from her lungs. She felt herself pulsing around Luke’s white-hot shaft.

  He sucked in a sharp breath. “Em,” he cried as he pushed inside hard, then back and hard again. He hesitated on top of her, his abs tightened as his body surrendered to its passions. He moved slowly, trembling as the sensations continued to ride him.

  “Fuck,” he said as he dropped beside her. He turned to her, his eyes shining and bright, filled with something she never saw before in another man’s eyes.

  It seemed like he wanted to say something, but could not speak the words.

  He kissed her instead.

  Holding each other, they fell asleep. When Emily woke she noticed the digital clock on his bedside said midnight. She tried to rouse him by shaking his shoulder.

  “Luke, I need to go home. I have work tomorrow.”

  “Fuck work,” he mumbled in his pillow.

  “No really,” she insisted.

  “I promise more sex, and coffee in the morning, if you let me sleep now,” he groaned. He slid his arm around her hips and began snoring lightly.

  Emily fell back against the pillows resolved to wake early. She couldn’t be late for work. Not after the days she’d missed recently. She sighed and snuggled into the curve of Luke’s body.


  The sun shone through the unclosed blinds. Emily shot up in bed and glanced at the clock. Six! She barely had enough time to make it home, get ready for work, and get there.

  “Luke!” she cried, shaking his shoulder.

  He mumbled and tried to roll over.

  “Luke, I really have to go.” She jumped out of the bed and hastily put on her clothes.

  “Where’s the fire?” he asked as he rolled onto his back.

  “It’s a little place called work. I have to get ready.”

  “Call out. I’ll make you a wonderful breakfast instead.”

  She threw his jeans at him. They landed in his face. “No. I’ve missed too much work already.”

  “Fine,” he said, swinging his legs over the side of the bed. “My mornin’ wood disagrees.”

  Emily almost reconsidered his offer, seeing his sexy legs and cock slip out from under the covers. No! She needed to be responsible.

  He tugged on his jeans without putting on underwear, and stood.

  If she had the time she’d rip off his jeans again and suck on every inch of his muscled chest. She swallowed hard and ran her tongue over her lips. Fuck she wanted him badly. Again.

  “What?” he asked, obvious of the effect he was having on her.

  “We need to go.” She spun around and hurried out of his bedroom.

  She wouldn’t even let Luke stop for coffee, which left him bleary eyed. Her one thought now was getting to work on time. When Luke pulled up to her place all those hopes were nearly dashed.

  “What the hell!” she gasped. In front of her house were her parents’ car and a police car, with her parents standing on the front porch with an officer.

  “What’s going on?” asked Luke.

  “You’d better go. Now!” She jumped out of the SUV without a second glance at him. Thankfully he drove away without arguing.

  Emily hurried up the walkway. “Mom, Dad, what’s this about?”

  “Evan called and said you didn’t come home last night. We thought something happened to you.”

  Evan? What the hell? “Evan has no business calling you about anything.”

  “Don’t talk to your mother in that tone, young lady.” Her father crossed his arms. “We’ve been worried sick.”

  Emily sighed and turned her attention to the police officer. “Officer, as you can see I’m fine. Nothing dreadful has happened to me.”

  He nodded. “Good to know. I was just telling your parents that we have to wait twenty-four hours to file a report anyway. If everything’s all right?” He left the question open for her to answer.

  “It is. There’s no need to file a missing person’s report or a police report, or anything of that nature.” She held her breath. If the officer did, she could just imagine what the judge would say at her next court appearance.

  “I just got here to speak with your parents. I won’t be filing anything if you can assure me you’re all right.”

  “I’m perfectly fine.” She turned to her parents before quickly spinning around to the officer one more time. “Thanks so much for coming.”

  He tipped his hat and headed back to his cruiser.

  “What do you have to say for yourself, young lady?” Her father looked beyond angry. Sam Dougherty was a tall man, with the reddish blonde hair and blue eyes that marked his Irish roots. He was fiercely protective of his family but he was also old fashioned.

  Emily loved her dad, but she was a grown woman, and this was ridiculous. She shook her head. “Nothing. There’s nothing to say. I’m an adult and what I choose to do is my own business.”

  “Emily!” Her mother shook her head, shock all over her face. “We just got back. To this! We thought something terrible had happened to you!”

  “I’m okay. Honest. Mom, Dad, please go home. I have to get ready for work. I’m already running late. And please, in the future, don’t listen to anything Evan tells you. We’ve broken up.”

  “Broke up? But why?” Her father made no effort to hide his disappointment.

  “I’ll tell you about it later.” Emily kissed them both on the cheek, and entering the building, shut the front door behind her.

  Emily took the stairs in short choppy steps.

  At the head of the steps stood Mrs. Diggerty. “Are you all right, dear?”

��Yes, I’m fine.” Seriously, her too, today? “Everyone else around me seems to be having kittens.” She knew Mrs. Diggerty loved that phrase.

  “That’s because we love you, dear.”

  “Well, I love you too. But I have to get to work now.”

  “Okay. As long as everything is okay.”

  “Yes,” Emily said exasperated. “I’m fine.” I had amazingly-fantastic sex with my high school flame. The boy’s incredibly hot and delicious. “Just late for work.”

  Emily rushed through her shower, and got dressed. She flew through her make-up, and put out Reger’s food quickly. “Sorry, buddy. I don’t have time for the litter box. You’ll have to make do until I get home.”

  Reger meowed pitifully, but she couldn’t stop. Emily rushed out the door and got into her sister’s car. Before she pulled away she pulled out her iPhone and earbuds. “Call Justin,” she said and the phone dialed the number. “Justin,” she said when he picked up. “You won’t believe what Evan did now.”


  You r amazing.

  The text flashed across the top of her iPhone. She quickly replied.

  You topped me at every turn.

  To which Luke responded: I’ll call you later.

  Even with her parents’ intrusion on her life this morning she felt warm and happy. She moved through her day as a junior accountant, smiling for no particular reason, remembering from time to time little details of their night together: how his lips tasted when she kissed him, how it felt when he touched her, the thunderous release he brought her.

  “Emily, are you okay?” Her boss, Maggie Pearson, stood at her desk.

  Emily blushed, realizing she was daydreaming instead of working. “Sorry. Yes, I’m fine, Maggie.”

  “Mr. Hartson’s looking for those profit and loss statements.”

  “They’ll be done by end of day, Maggie.”

  “Okay. But put your phone away. You know the rule about smart phones in the office.”

  “Sorry.” Emily shoved her phone into her purse. Even though she felt the buzz of the phone vibrating with the notification of an incoming text she ignored it. The phone on her desk rang and she answered.

  “Accounting, Emily speaking.”

  “Emily,” said her mother. “I’ve been trying to reach you. Don’t you check your texts?”

  “No, Mom. Not at work.”

  “Oh, well then. Your father and I want you to come by the house tonight.”


  “Listen Emily Rose Dougherty, we want to talk to you. You’re coming to the house.”

  Emily cringed. Her mother had put her foot down. “Yes, Mom. I’ll stop by after work. I really have to go now. Bye.”


  Déjà Vu

  “Speeding!” Her father’s face burned bright red. “Reckless endangerment!”

  “We just don’t understand, dear. We want to know what’s going on.”

  Emily sat in her parents’ dining room, her father standing, puffed up with righteous indignation. She’d barely been in the house two minutes and hadn’t had a chance to speak.

  She shook her head. Hadn’t they just returned from Florida? “I want to know who told you all this?” Emily crossed her arms over her chest.

  “He just wants to help you, honey,” said her mother.

  “Who?” Emily tightened her jaw. She had a good idea who was spilling things into her parents’ ears.

  “I did,” Evan said, walking into the dining room from the kitchen.

  “What’re you doing here?” Emily took a step away from him. She didn’t have Luke here to ask him to leave.

  “I was invited.”

  Emily stood. “I’m leaving.”

  Evan hurried over and stood next to her, whispering in her ear, “No you aren’t. Not unless you want your parents to know how much of a slut you are.”

  “What was that?” asked her mother.

  “I was just telling Emily how beautiful she looks tonight.”

  Emily stepped away from Evan like he’d slapped her. “Mom, Dad, if this, this man stays here just one more second I will leave. You don’t know all the trouble he’s caused me, and you’re only hearing what he is telling you.”

  “You’ll not tell me who I can have under my roof,” roared her father.

  She stared at her father. “Fine. If you want to believe him over your own daughter, that’s your choice. I’m not being a victim one moment longer.” She spun around and headed for the door.

  “Emily, please. Evan, you better leave,” said her mother.

  “Okay, Mrs. D. I’ll call you later.”

  Emily stopped and stomped back into the living room, glaring at Evan as he left. She couldn’t believe that ass-hat had the nerve to show up at her parents’ house and fill them in on lies. She felt like she was eighteen years old all over again. This was ridiculous!

  “So, are you going to tell us what the hell is going on?” Her father had stood when she moved to leave and now was pacing.

  “No.” They weren’t going to believe her anyways.

  “No? Emily Rose I’m warning you—”

  “What? That you’ll ground me for months at a time so I can’t see my boyfriend? That you’ll take away my college money if I don’t do what you say?” Emily couldn’t believe she was so angry that she brought up old hurts. She couldn’t believe her parents would side with Evan without hearing her side! It tore away the bandage she kept over her heart. The frustrated fury of her teenage years, the strangled truce she kept with her parents after, welled into deep and dark places of her heart unleashing the old hurts.

  “Is that what this is about?” Her mother shook her head in disbelief. “What happened with that Wade boy? That was a decade ago.”

  “A day, a decade, it hardly matters. What matters is that you’re interfering with my life! Again. Without even thinking for one moment I’m on the right side of truth!”

  “Evan told us you were with some biker last night.” Her father shook his head, disgusted. “Was it that Wade boy?”

  “Luke! His name’s Luke! And he’s hardly a boy. He’s a man, with his own business!” She couldn’t believe she was defending him. He hadn’t done anything wrong. Evan was the one who had created this massive problem in her life!

  “I knew it!” Her mother moved to stand by her father. “He’s the one that got her into trouble!”

  “For heaven’s sake, no!” Emily’s breath came out in ragged gasps. “I’m only going to tell you once. I want nothing to do with Evan Waters! And if you know what’s good for you, you will have nothing more to do with him either!” Screw them! Angela could tell them what had happened! She was done. Twenty-eight-years-and-a-decade-too-late done!

  Emily grabbed her handbag and stormed out of the house.


  “Emily?” It was Angela at the other end of the line. “What happened? Mom’s beside herself. She’s crying, Em.”

  Emily sat in her living room, her knees clutched to her chest. She had been crying, too. “Evan filled their heads with a bunch of garbage. He told them about the speeding and reckless endangerment charges, but didn’t bother to tell them about the grand theft auto charges he instigated. Or that he was continuing all this shit in court.”

  “Emily, you need to tell them.”

  “Why?” she scoffed, her voice breaking as she fought to control the tears. “If they don’t trust me now, they never will. No matter what explanations they get, they think I’m reckless. It’s ridiculous. The one time I do something stupid, I get caught and it turns into a massive nightmare.” She sighed. “Let’s be realistic here, Ang. I’ve done everything they wanted. I went to college, got a degree, heck, I even have my CPA license, and they still think I’m some sort of fuck-up.” Unlike their perfect daughter, Angela. Emily bit back the last comment. This was not her sister’s fault and she’d never been anything but supportive to her.

  “They don’t, Em.”

  “You should ha
ve heard them talk to me, Ang! It was like I was in high school again. And Evan.” She made a noise in the back of her throat to bite back the anger. “I’m so mad I can’t even think! You know what he did? He called mom and dad to tell them I didn’t come home last night! Like, what the hell! It’s none of his business!”

  “What? Where were you?”

  Emily rubbed her temple. “I had a date, Angela. You know, the things grown women do?”

  “Really?” Angela sounded genuinely interested. It made Emily smile. “With who?”

  “Never mind.” All she needed to do was open her mouth and say Luke’s name and someone else was going to curse him. “It’s none of your business.” She didn’t mean to snap at her sister, but she couldn’t take the words back.

  “Now wait a minute! That’s no way to speak to me, especially how I’ve helped you.”

  Oh shit! She really was spinning out of control. “I’m sorry, Ang, it’s just all this stuff—”

  “I know. I don’t know how you are dealing with it.”

  “Not very well.” She bit her lip. “Luke Wade. I had dinner with Luke. We bumped into each other.”

  “Luke Wade!” Angela’s voice went up an octave.

  Angela giggled. “Does he still have that bad-boy hot sex appeal?”

  Emily smiled. Picturing Luke made her bite her lower lip. “He’s not a boy anymore. Trust me on that! He has his own motorcycle repair shop.”

  Angela laughed. “So he’s still into motorcycles, ’eh? Don’t tell me he’s an outlaw biker too.”

  “No. He’s in a club but they are super nice. Evan showed up drunk at the restaurant and threatened to beat Luke up. He called me a slut and suddenly a bunch of Luke’s gang were standing behind the table, ready to back Luke up.”

  “Oh shit. Don’t tell me.”

  “Nothing happened. Luke suggested Evan leave and he did. Luke sat back down. It was awesome. He put Evan in his place.”

  “What’s the name of the club?”

  “Devil something.” Emily snapped her fingers. “Hades’ Spawn. That’s it.”

  The phone went silent for a moment. “Emily,” said Angela in a hushed tone. “Don’t you read the papers? That club’s in big trouble. Their president just went to prison for drug dealing. It’s been all over the news. They’re investigating the whole group. Last I heard they were all huge and heavy into drugs. Dealing, using, raping. Everything.”


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