How to Make a Wedding
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“So can I, Josh. I’m a writer.” Her hands were still intertwined behind his neck. Oh, the happiness of this! “Relocating to Paris for a while doesn’t actually sound too shabby to me.”
“It doesn’t?”
“If this is Paris, France, home of the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre and croissants that we’re talking about, then no. It doesn’t.”
“You’d move to France?”
“Yes,” she answered, growing more sure of it. “I would.” He’d given her an irresistible motivation to grab hold of her very own real-life adventure.
“I love you, Holly.”
“I love you, Josh. Now kiss me some more.” She was grinning and crying at the same time. “But be quick about it. You’re the best man and we have a wedding reception to attend.”
Miracle of miracles, God had brought Josh back to her. And this time, she wouldn’t let him go. This time, Josh wouldn’t leave her behind.
This time, the timing was perfect.
Today is our wedding day. In just a few hours I’ll get to see you in your wedding dress, you’ll walk down the aisle to me, and before God we’ll promise ourselves to each other for the rest of our lives.
Thank you for agreeing to be my wife. For loving me. For showing me what matters in this life.
Neither the years we spent apart nor the distance between us had the power to change my love for you. My heart was, and is, and always will be yours.
Je t’aime, Holly. I love you. Till death do us part, my love.
Becky Wade makes her home in Dallas, Texas, with her husband and three children. She’s the Carol Award and Inspirational Reader’s Choice Award-winning author of contemporary Christian romances My Stubborn Heart, Undeniably Yours, Meant to Be Mine, and A Love Like Ours.
for Love at Mistletoe Inn
1. Harmony Creek’s barn is used for weddings and receptions. Tell us about the last time you attended a wedding that wasn’t held in a church.
2. The book begins at a wedding fair. If you’ve attended one in the past, what part of the event did you enjoy the most?
3. Sylvie, the “Mad Batter,” specializes in nontraditional wedding cakes. What is the strangest wedding cake you’ve seen?
4. What did you think about Chet encouraging Hope to divorce John?
5. Verna encourages Hope to stay silent and listen for God to speak to her. Give an example where you’ve used this in your own life.
for A Brush with Love
1. Ginger suffered a tragedy that marked her inside and out. Everyone reacts differently to life events. Was there an event in your life that marked you in some way? Do you relate to how Ginger feels?
2. Tom’s family, while Christians, are flawed. He wants to make amends for his father’s mistake. But it’s not always possible to undo what’s been done. What’s the best way to show forgiveness for a wrong? Or to seek redemption?
3. Bridgett seems all about herself, doesn’t she? But in the end of the book, she’s at the wedding cheering Ginger on. How do you see this? Did Ginger misunderstand her friendship with Bridgett?
4. We often see ourselves through our own wounds. We think that’s how others see us. Does Ginger do this when she’s around the bold and the beautiful people? Around Bridgett?
5. Tom is influenced by Edward, a man responsible for bringing him back to town to start a church. Does he allow Edward too much influence? How do we walk in love with one another when we disagree?
6. Ginger’s mama, Shana, was looking for help in the church. But her trust was misplaced. How can we love people who confess secrets to us? How can we bring them to truth without making them feel condemned?
7. I loved when Ginger was bold enough to walk down the aisle in her dream dress even though it exposed her scars. I actually cried writing that scene. What happened to her that she could brave such a thing?
8. Be honest, do you really believe God can change your negative emotions? Because He can. We don’t have to be locked in darkness, despair, depression, and fears. How can you change your thinking to believe you are who He says you are? Ginger did it by confessing she was beautiful.
9. What aspects of Christ does Tom demonstrate to Ginger? How can you do the same toward your friends and family?
10. If you have scars, inside or out, list one thing you can do to overcome.
for Serving Up a Sweetheart
1. Meadow carried emotional scars into adulthood from having been bullied as a teen. Have you or someone you loved experienced bullying? How did you cope?
2. What was your favorite scene and why?
3. Colin gave up his life in Chicago to help his parents. Have you ever needed to make drastic life changes to help a friend or relative? Would you? Why or why not?
4. To which character could you most relate? Please discuss.
5. Meadow had a tough time believing in the goodness of people because of her childhood. People like her grandparents and Del helped shape her for the better. Who in your life has had the most positive impact on the person you are today? What did they do or say that made a difference?
6. Who was your favorite character and why?
7. Colin struggled with fear of making the same mistake twice romantically. Have you ever held back from a relationship because of poor choices or hurt in your past? Please discuss.
8. Have you been to a wedding lately? What was your favorite wedding-themed decoration, shower game, or recipe? Please share funny or inspiring stories.
for All Dressed Up in Love
1. Deciding what to do with your life at age 18 . . . or 21 . . . can be a daunting task. The law school statistics bear that out. Fifteen percent of graduates never practice law. Do you know people who bore the brunt of education and then changed their lives or careers abruptly? Is that crazy or wonderful?
2. Greg Elizondo thinks he’s like his father. Of course he is, in some ways, but as an adult his future lies strictly in his own hands. How often do we blame our pasts or our parents for choices we made on our own?
3. Tara’s eager-to-please personality is almost her undoing. She wants to help others, but the reality of what her small town lawyer career would be like doesn’t exactly jive with her mental image! Have you ever had a true wake-up call from the Holy Spirit? One of those “what were you thinking?” moments? How did it change or affect your life?
4. No one said the right person would come along at the most opportune time. Oops. Greg is faced with two dreams . . . the woman God planted before him and his long-awaited goal of a seat in the big house of corporate law in Lower Manhattan. His trip there seemed ill-timed, but it was actually perfect timing. Has that happened to you, where the worst timing ever turns out to be ideal? Oh . . . that God!
5. Greg has lived in Old City and walked the streets for decades. He grew up here and pursued his education and dreams in Philadelphia, but he never paid much attention to the Old City Mission or the nearby churches until the mission closed down. How did God’s timing play a pivotal role in Greg’s life, his choices, and his perspective?
6. Greg, Tara, and the bridal crew at Elena’s Bridal had to reinvent a new normal to keep the store running. With the advent of internet shopping and free delivery, have you seen changes in your local shops now that they have worldwide competition? My research trips highlight the difficulty of keeping a shop running in a tight and competitive economy. How important is it to a community to keep those local shops open?
for In Tune with Love
1. Jack builds a hit song out of a few lines of lyrics that don’t belong to him. Have you ever passed off someone else’s work as your own? If so, did you get away with it, or did it backfire?
2. April has worked the same job for years, hoping to make it big in a town full of musicians just like herself. Have you ever had a dream so big that you were willing to do anything to make it happen? How long did it take?
3. Jack agrees to perform in Kristin’s wedding out of guilt. Is there anything yo
u’ve ever agreed to do because of a need to “make it up” to another person?
4. April writes lyrics on anything she can find—napkins, toilet paper, other people’s arms. Do you have any habits like April that might considered “quirky”?
5. When Jack questions April, he learns that she doesn’t want money or “anything obvious” to make up for stealing her lyrics. Instead she wants him to “think of something creative.” Do you think Jack’s solution was a good one, or do you think April was crazy not to demand payment and recognition?
6. April’s sister is a bit of a diva when it comes to planning a wedding. Is there anything in your life that has temporarily changed you or turned you into an irrational person—be it from stress or another outside factor? Can you give an example?
7. In the end, April forgives Jack and they wind up dating each other. Do you think you could forgive someone that much who stole something so personal from you?
for Never a Bridesmaid
1. Mari feels slighted when she’s overlooked for the maid of honor position. Have you ever felt offended as a result of being overlooked? If so, how did you respond?
2. Crystal’s future mother-in-law is the overbearing sort. If you were in Crystal’s shoes, how would you handle Mrs. Hayvenhurst’s demands?
3. Sienna falls down on the job as maid of honor and Mari has to fill in the gap. Have you ever had to step up for someone who didn’t do his/her job properly? If so, how did you handle it?
4. Derrick is well known and loved for his abilities as a right fielder. Why do you suppose he enjoyed the fact that Mari saw more in him that just his talent?
5. There’s a fairly large socioeconomic gap between Crystal’s family and Phillip’s. How would a typical upper/middle class father-of-the-bride react to the news that he had to pay for such an expensive event?
6. Mari and Derrick’s first “date” takes place as they bake for the bridal shower. What do you learn about his character as he nabs cookies behind his mother’s back?
7. In the end, Mari gives the first dance to Tyler, not Derrick. What did you think of this gesture? Would you have done the same?
8. Do you agree with Grandma Nellie? Does the Lord really “work quick” sometimes? Has He ever done so in your life?
for Picture Perfect Love
1. When unexpected events happen, like Jenna's cancelled wedding, people say that God has a plan, but Jenna didn’t believe her friends. What would you have thought if you were in Jenna’s situation? How accepting are you if God's plan differs from the path you’re taking? Do you question God's plan?
2. Jenna admits to hitting rock bottom and turning away from God after Ash breaks up with her and leaves her facing a mountain of wedding debt. How has your faith been tested? Did you find yourself turning away from God? If so, how did you find your way back to your faith?
3. Ash didn’t believe Jenna when she had nothing to do with posting his photo on Facebook. He publicly called her a liar. Do you think there was any more Jenna could have done to convince Ash she was telling the truth? Can you share a time when you have been falsely accused of something? How did it make you feel?
4. Jenna eventually came to see the break-up with Ash as a blessing that made her stronger as a person and in her faith. Share an experience that was perceived at first to be a bad thing, but later turned out to be a blessing. How did you realize what happened was a blessing?
5. Jenna thought she’d forgiven Ash and moved on with her life, but seeing him again made her question if she had put the past behind her. As Christians, we’re told to forgive. Can you share a time you had trouble forgiving someone? If so, do you know what was holding you back from forgiving them? How did you resolve the issue?
6. Ash believed his family instead of trusting his fiancée. Why do you think it was so hard for him to accept Jenna was telling the truth without proof? Based on the evidence Ash had, would you have believed Jenna was guilty? Why or why not?
7. Jenna was able to do the trust exercise with the people she didn't trust by putting her faith in God and letting go. Have you ever done a trust exercise like that? How does it make you feel when you give over all your trust to God?
8. After Jenna has forgiven Ash, their relationship is again tested when he doesn't believe she’s telling the truth until he has proof. If you were Jenna, how would you feel? Do you think you could forgive someone a second time for falsely accusing you? Even if they apologize again when the truth comes out, would you give them a third chance? Why or why not?
for I Hope You Dance
1. Skye was in love with the idea of love. Did she have unrealistic expectations of romance and/or marriage? In what ways did her faith in God protect her from making poor choices?
2. Grant’s past relationships with women before he was a Christian weren't respectful or healthy. What did he do right to change his behaviors? What could he have done better?
3. Skye and Grant both fell in love quickly. Do you believe in love at first sight? Why or why not?
4. Grant’s history with his family was loving but made him reluctant to marry and have kids of his own. How has your family history impacted your marriage and/or your plans for the future?
5. Skye makes assumptions about her future with Grant that nearly end their relationship. What assumptions have you made in your relationships (romantic or otherwise) that you need to talk over with a loved one?
6. In the end, Skye realizes the importance of living in the present. In what ways have you allowed memories of the past and/or dreams or fears for your future to spoil the present? What steps can you take to live more fully today?
for Love on a Deadline
1. Ethan made a radical decision when he realized he’d lost sight of what was really important. Describe a time when you had to make a life-changing decision. What were the circumstances? The outcome?
2. Painful memories from Mackenzie’s past made it difficult for her to see herself the way others did. What characters in the book were instrumental in changing her perspective?
3. What was the most embarrassing thing that happened to you in high school? If you could go back in time and change one thing, what would it be?
4. Hollis tells Mackenzie that “sometimes you do crazy things for the people you love.” Give an example of that from your own life.
5. What was your favorite scene in the book? Why?
6. Why do you think Mac decides to stay in Red Leaf? If you were in her situation, what would you have done?
for Love Takes the Cake
1. Charlotte was a single mom convinced God would send her a certain kind of man because of her fears and regrets from the past. Yet when Will came into her life, he was anything but what she expected. Have you ever had God bless you with a desire of your heart that went beyond what you felt you deserved?
2. Charlotte was living her dream of running her own bakery, while Will was still trying to figure out what to do next after his step down from active military. What would you do career-wise, if you could be guaranteed not to fail?
3. Will felt responsible for his sister’s accident that made her paralyzed, and he carried that weight to the point of it stifling his own life. Have you ever taken on a burden you weren’t meant to carry? How did you get past it?
4. Charlotte struggled at one of the wedding showers, having come both as the caterer and as Will’s date. Have you ever been in a social situation that was awkward because of mixed roles or for feeling like you didn’t belong?
5. Because of her past, Charlotte struggled with jealousy when it came to Will, even though he’d done nothing to give her reason to. Have you ever allowed your insecurities to almost ruin a good thing in your life out of fear or misunderstanding? How did you handle it afterward?
6. Like Will, Charlotte also struggled with regret and bearing the burden of false guilt, and had to learn how to go to God and be set free from those misconceptions. What misconceptions or false truths are you tempted to believe about you
for The Perfect Arrangement
1. Who was your favorite character and why?
2. Amelia has dealt with some pretty significant losses, and yet she says her life isn’t tragic. Could you say the same thing if you were her? Are you more likely to focus on the good or the bad?
3. Who are you more like—Amelia, or her best friend, Rachel? How so?
4. Amelia feels very protective of her brother, William. Is there anybody in your life you feel extra protective of? Why?
5. Do you think William’s fiancée, Bridget, was being honest? Do you think Nate’s advice to let it go and respect William’s wishes was good advice? Why or why not?
6. George tells Amelia that love is a risk, it’s just a matter of who you’re going to take the risk with. How do you know when somebody is worth the risk?
7. Just for fun—what do you think the 24 stands for?
for Love in the Details
1. Holly and Josh were one another’s first love. Did anyone here marry their first love? Name one thing that you still remember clearly about your first love.
2. At its heart, Love in the Details is about the perfect nature of God’s timing. When in your life did you face a disappointment, only to later realize that God’s timing was ultimately best?
3. Near the end of the story, Holly realizes that her almost subconscious belief that she’s not enough for Josh is holding her back. We all struggle from time to time with deceptive self-talk that assures us that we’re “not good enough” or “not worthy enough.” When has this most been a stumbling block for you? Share a story of how God has helped you have victory in this area.
4. How would you characterize Becky Wade’s writing style? How was it different and/or similar to the style of other writers included in this collection of wedding novellas?
5. How is Holly and Josh’s love story a picture of God’s love for us?
for A Brush with Love
The idea for this book came to me one evening while standing in the kitchen, fixing dinner, taking a mental break from the novel I was writing—with great difficulty.