Bound by the Unborn Baby
Page 11
Wiping his hand over his mouth, he wondered why this fragile, damaged woman stirred him as no one ever had. It went deeper than the embryo she carried. His anger towards his mother had been at her treatment of Alina. His concern had been solely for Alina’s feelings.
He toed off his shoes, stripped to his boxer shorts, watching her slow progress through the water. Not wanting to startle her, he walked along the side, meeting her halfway. Felt his lips curl. How did she keep a straight line with closed eyes?
They flew open, though he’d swear he’d never made a sound. Her head turned. One look into sorrowful violet and he dived in, surfacing next to her. He hauled her into his arms, the anxiety he’d experienced giving his action more force than he’d intended.
He buried his head in her neck, his lips seeking her pulse, his heart rate lifting at the feel of its erratic beat. The feel of her hands clasping his shoulders, her legs brushing his as they trod water, the tantalising aroma from her skin—all heightened his senses.
Her wrists stiffened, preventing him from drawing her closer. He raised his head, meeting censure in her eyes.
‘Alina, I...’ Where the hell were the words he needed? ‘You hung up on me. Didn’t answer your phone.’
Indignation flared, making the colour of her eyes even more stunning. Her hands lifted and slammed onto his skin, clearing his mind. He huffed out air, drew in fresh breath, regained control.
‘I’m not angry, Alina—not at you. You sounded so upset. When you didn’t pick up I was...’ Admit it. Tell her how you felt. ‘I’m not sure what I felt. Just knew I had to see you, hold you.’
‘Your mother—’
‘Had no right to come here. If I’d even suspected she might I’d have told you not to grant her entry. I’m sorry, Alina—and, believe me, so is she right now.’
‘You’ve talked to her?’
His chest tightened. Hadn’t she believed him when he’d said he’d protect her?
‘More like a short, angry lecture. Plus her one and only warning. I made it clear if she upsets you again I’ll have even less contact with them.’
‘That’s a bit drastic. They’re your family, Ethan. I knew about her attitude, so I shouldn’t have overreacted—though she certainly lived up to her reputation.’ Her tone softened with regret. ‘I’m really messing up your life, aren’t I?’
He shook his head. ‘Quite the opposite, Alina Fletcher. You enrich my life every day. You and our baby have changed my world.’
Her hands relaxed, allowing him to tighten his hold, bringing them into full body contact. Her fingers traced a featherlight path up his neck, across his chin. A glimmer of desire flickered in her eyes. It was satisfying for a few seconds—until his body responded to the flimsy barrier of cotton bathers and silk boxers between them, to the press of her breasts on his bare chest. To the flesh-on-flesh contact of their thighs.
His mouth crashed down on hers. No preamble, no gentle brush of lips—this was need, satisfying a hunger that had been building for days. From that first gut-clench, that first look into her haunted eyes.
He tilted her head for better contact, took what she offered, his tongue caressing hers, tangling, tasting the sweetness he’d dreamt of. And she was an active participant, giving and receiving, her fingers weaving into his hair, holding his head to hers.
His heart thumping, pulses pounding at every point, his lungs screaming for air, he had never felt so gloriously alive.
Reluctantly breaking the kiss, still holding her close, he gazed into violet eyes as bright as the stars in a moonless night, stunned and bewildered by the ardency of their kiss. He’d crossed an unspoken boundary, knew he should apologise. Knew it would be a lie.
‘Do you want another apology?’
How could Alina ask an apology of him when she’d willingly contributed to the kiss? When she’d seen the concern in his eyes as he’d surfaced beside her? When it had been him she’d been thinking of as she’d floated in the semi-darkness, lost in a hopeless fantasy?
There’d been no sound—only a crackling in the air surrounding her skin. She’d opened her eyes and dream had become reality. A splash and a moment later she’d been enveloped in strong arms, his lips nuzzling her neck.
As if nothing had happened. As if his mother hadn’t treated her with contempt. She’d bristled, hit him in an effort to get away.
His sincere contrition had chastened her; his defence of her had quelled her resentment. His claim that she enhanced his life had spun her back into her daydream and his kiss had been everything she’d imagined and more. She could no longer deny that she wanted him—rampantly hormonal or for real. Where that took them, she had no idea.
‘I don’t ever want you to say sorry unless you truly mean it. I’m the one who ought to apologise, for acting like an immature schoolgirl. I should have kept calm this morning and placated her.’
She was blurting out waffle, keeping back the words she really wanted to say.
The incongruity of the situation suddenly hit her. She was in a dimly lit pool, treading water with an almost naked, definitely aroused man whose very presence threatened her safe, isolated, unemotional existence.
‘Ethan, I...I can’t... Oh, hell, I can’t shop.’
Ethan’s eyes widened when she swore. His hold loosened, giving her the chance to paddle backwards, putting distance between them. He caught her at the steps, his touch light yet compelling. His hand framed her cheek. His little finger lifted her chin, enabling him to study her face with the intensity she no longer found intimidating. Especially when the warm, caring gleam in his dark blue eyes said he’d wait as long as it took for her to confide in him.
She quivered: from his look, from his hold, from her fear of his reaction. From everything about him.
His lips curled in reassurance. ‘If I let you go now, will you explain what that meant when you’re dry and dressed?’
When she’d had time to rethink, time to decide to try again. When he’d be corporately attired, in his business persona again.
Her eyes blurred with tears. She needed help—the sooner the better.
‘Of course I can shop—that’s ridiculous. It’s buying stuff to wear when I meet the people in your world that’s so daunting. Those fancy boutiques scare me; even the upmarket department stores are discouraging if you don’t follow the latest trends. Reading magazines doesn’t help, because I have no idea what’s suitable for what event.’
‘I like you in blue.’ Instant and believable. He gently wiped the corners of her eyes with his thumb. ‘And your new dresses look great.’
‘They were easy. Summer daywear. Once I start meeting people you know I’ll be judged on how I look, what I wear. How I speak. I’m afraid I’ll fail you.’
Her mouth stayed open, unable to form more words as her brain seized on her last thought. Failing Ethan, having her unsuitable image impact on him, was her number one fear. Perhaps an avoidable situation if one woman had behaved as a loving mother should.
‘Why couldn’t your mother be more like Louise? Then I’d be able to ask her for help.’ As soon as the words were spoken she wished them back. Gave a choked snort of a laugh.
‘Stupid question. If she were we wouldn’t be having this conversation. I need to manage by myself.’
ETHAN HAD LOST track of the number of times he’d been racked with guilt these last several weeks. There’d been days when it had been as prevalent as breathing.
He’d given Alina a credit card, assuming she’d enjoy shopping. A lot of the women he knew—including his mother—considered having unlimited credit their due right, an essential element in their pursuit of looking stunning on the arm of their partner at any public or private function.
Alina was different. No demands, no preconceived notions. Absolutely no
idea how beautiful she was.
He placed his hands on her waist, lifted her onto the side of the pool, and checked his watch.
‘We’ll meet in the lounge in, say, thirty minutes?’
‘For what?’
His pulse hiked at the endearing way her brow wrinkled and her eyes narrowed, as if she expected a reprimand.
‘A shopping trip. If I’m the one you’re dressing for, I guess I ought to help in the selection.’
His reward was a beaming smile and sparkling eyes—worth any amount of waiting outside changing rooms or carrying umpteen promotional bags. The single experience he’d had accompanying a female shopper had left him disinclined for a repeat, but this was for Alina.
‘You mean it?’
He ran his finger down her cheek. ‘I told you—I take care of what’s mine.’
She was on her feet in an instant, grabbing a towel on the way to the door. He followed, hoisting himself from the water, giving himself a quick dry-off before retrieving his clothes.
* * *
It wasn’t working. Ethan felt way out of his depth, wished he’d offered to find someone else to help her. He knew when a woman looked chic, understood the way it transformed her inner attitude. The selected clothes weren’t having that effect on Alina. They were in the third boutique, and she’d modelled the tenth outfit.
The assistants had been helpful, yet there was an edge to their attitude he couldn’t fathom. Was it him? His obvious antipathy to this environment? Was it sweet, shy Alina, who hadn’t looked comfortable at all, posing awkwardly as if she’d rather be anywhere else?
If she lifted her chin, held her shoulders back and stood proud, the effect would be so much better. He groaned inside. He’d promised to help her—failure wasn’t an option.
‘This isn’t working, is it?
Her voice echoed his thoughts as she came up behind him, wearing the dress she’d left home in. He swung round, ready to protest.
Alina stopped his words with two fingers on his lips, ignoring the tingles her action generated.
‘You’re uncomfortable with it all, and I’m as helpful as seagulls at a beach picnic. I can tell what clothes aren’t right on me. Others...’ She shrugged. ‘I have pictures in my head of women attending special events, can’t put myself there. Maybe if you lend me some of your confidence it’ll solve the problem.’
He gave her a crooked grin and took her hand. ‘Not such a good suggestion, huh? I overestimated my expertise with all this. Louise was never a fashion slave, she—’
His eyes lit up, and his smile turned into a heart-stopping grin.
‘I’m an idiot. Though, in my defence, I’ve had a few distractions.’ He brushed his lips over hers. ‘You being number one. Wait here.’
He was back in a few moments, after talking to the head saleswoman. As they left he pulled his mobile from his inside pocket.
‘Got your notepad and pen?’
By the time she’d found them, his call had been answered.
‘Thanks, Tanya...we’re getting there. How are you? Definitely—we’ll make it soon. Right now, I need the names of a couple of boutiques Louise patronised. It’s for someone special who’s recently moved to Sydney.’
He repeated three names and numbers for Alina to write down, promised to arrange a foursome dinner soon, then said goodbye.
‘Don’t know why I didn’t think of her earlier.’ He gently flicked her chin. ‘Like I said—distractions. She recommends the first one, says the woman there has an uncanny knack of finding the perfect outfit for her customers. Let’s ring—find out if she can see us today.’
* * *
Maralena’s displays were simple, yet very effective, with one model in an appropriate setting in each window. Alina’s fingers gripped Ethan’s as they entered. She had no doubt how she’d be perceived, how the sales staff would wonder what he saw in her, why he was with her. She received an encouraging squeeze. What she needed was a little of his innate self-assurance.
Inside, there was room to move easily around the minimal racks of clothing, or along the walls containing full-length gowns. The blonde woman who came to meet them was everything Alina wished she was: poised and perfectly groomed, yet clearly approachable. She dispelled any fears with her genuine smile.
‘Welcome to Maralena’s.’ She held out her hand to Ethan. ‘Mr James, please accept my deepest sympathy for your loss. Louise always brightened our day when she came shopping, whether she purchased or not.’
‘Thank you, she’s very much missed. Please, call me Ethan.’ He drew Alina forward. ‘This is Alina Fletcher, her friend from Spain.’
‘I’m Marlena—I tweaked the name a little for business. I’m pleased to meet you, Alina.’
She shook hands, then stood back, giving her new customer a quick and thorough appraisal. Unlike Sophia’s critical gaze, it was a professional assessment which didn’t bother her at all. To her surprise, the eyes that met hers were approving.
‘It will be a pleasure to help you, Alina. Do you have any particular style in mind? Any colour preferences?’
All doubt dissipated, as if Alina’s whole body gave a sigh of relief. She’d found the help she so desperately needed.
‘I have a list of what I think I need.’ She sensed Ethan’s lips curling. Was tempted to nudge him in the ribs with her elbow. ‘I’ve been backpacking through Europe for a long time, so I’m out of touch with what’s in fashion.’
‘What suits you is more important. Do you have a time limit today?’
‘No.’ Emphatic from Ethan. ‘Take all the time you want.’
A few minutes ago Alina might have begged him to stay. Now she had no qualms about placing herself in Marlena’s hands.
She put her hand on his arm, drew him aside. ‘Thank you, Ethan, this is just what I’ve been hoping to find. You can go back to your office now. I’ll be fine.’
His eyes narrowed. He didn’t seem convinced.
‘Did you leave work unfinished and come home because you thought I was upset?’
‘No, because I knew you were.’
‘I’m not now. The quicker you get back, the earlier you’ll come home.’
He grinned. ‘Can’t fight feminine logic. Okay, I’ll go. Call the hire car when you’ve finished.’
‘I promise.’
He kissed her, slow and tender, seemingly oblivious to anyone else in the shop. Her fingers tightened on the strap of her bag, her other hand lifted to cradle his neck. Her lips moved in unison with his.
She felt his muscles tense. Wasn’t this a kiss for show? To her it seemed the perfect place. Maybe he didn’t, so she broke away.
‘I’ll see you later.’
‘Mmm...’ He blinked and his head jerked. Still holding her, he nodded to Marlena. ‘Take care of her.’ With a final squeeze of her hand, and a husky, ‘Tonight...’ he walked away.
‘Okay, Alina, let’s see your list.’
She was escorted into a dressing room. Within minutes she’d confided her lack of success and doubts of her fashion abilities to an empathetic Marlena.
* * *
Ethan’s mobile rang as he walked into the apartment building a few minutes before seven. Things were settling into place, with the agenda set for a breakfast meeting with his new management team in the morning. Once they were clear on their roles he’d be able to reorganise his working hours.
‘Good evening, Father.’
‘Ethan. I believe you have a new girlfriend?’
‘Yes.’ He wondered what spin his mother had put on today’s events.
‘We’d like to meet her. Does dinner on Saturday night suit you?’
‘I’ll check with Alina.’
‘We’ll look forward to seeing you. Goodbye, Ethan.’
; He stood in front of the elevator, staring at his mobile, his gut twisting in regret. He had more cordial conversations with the people he spoke to regarding aspects of renovation or trading with his hotels. Was he destined to be as impersonal as his parents, considering he had their combined DNA?
The idea appalled.
He stabbed at his floor number, tapped his thigh on the journey up and strode purposely to the door. Alina came through from the lounge as he dropped his briefcase on the floor. His mind registered her sweet smile in the same instant as he wrapped her in his arms, burying his face into her silken curls, breathing in their citrus aroma. He relished her warmth, her softness, the way she stood still in his embrace, her only movement being to slide her arms around his waist.
Seconds ticked by. Holding her wasn’t enough.
He lifted his head. ‘Hi.’
Their kiss was gentle, a mutual giving and taking. So soul-soothing he kept it short rather than risk pushing for more. This was new—something to build on. She was beginning to trust him as a man. He was beginning to reassess who he was.
She leant back in his arms to study his face.
‘You caught up?’
Warmth radiated through him. This felt right. This was the way homecoming should always be. ‘As good as. How did you go?’
‘Two outfits which I love. One’s here, the other needed some alteration, so I’ll pick it up on Friday.’
‘Only two?’ He grinned down at the face she pulled and kissed the tip of her nose. ‘Whatever you feel comfortable with, Alina.’
‘The new season stock’s arriving in a week or two. By then I’ll be bigger. Common sense says to buy what I need as I need it.’
His laughter shook his body. ‘Since when did common sense become aligned with fashion shopping?’
‘Hey!’ She swatted his arm playfully, then froze as she realised what she’d done, eyes widening in shock.
Alina couldn’t believe what she’d done. One second he’d been teasing her, the next she’d reciprocated. Completely spontaneously. Without thinking, she’d hit him, as if they’d been friends for a long time. The incredulous look on his face made it worse.