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Rascal (Edgewater Agency Book 2)

Page 65

by Kyanna Skye

  “Hey,” Kaeden said softly, suddenly beside her, his thumb brushing away the lone teardrop that had escaped. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. For the first time in…Oh, I can’t even remember, nothing is wrong. Everything feels right. Perfect.” He placed his other hand on her cheek, framing her face as his eyes met hers.

  “You’re right. This does feel perfect.” His hand moved to play with the curling wisps that had escaped the messy bun piled on top of her head. Oh so softly, he touched his lips to hers, breathing her in. Her scent, all woman, exploded in his mind, driving every thought from his head except to possess her. This woman that had barreled into his life like a whirlwind and now felt like an integral part of it. The need to claim her for his own drove his body forward, but he held himself back, his desire to satisfy her even greater.

  Torturously slow, he lifted the hem of her fluttery blouse, the slippery material shifting over his skin. He looked at her questioningly, waiting to see any signs of reluctance and sighed in relief when all he saw was complete surrender. He almost tore her shirt as he hurried to finish removing it. Knowing she wanted this as much as he did nearly undid him as he tried to maintain a grasp on his patience.

  His gaze drifted over the sweet swell of her breast curving seductively above the black lace of her bra. The sight of all that black against the pale white of her skin had him drooling, he ached for a taste. Unable to deny himself, he lowered his mouth to the tops of her curves, first the right, then the left. All the while his hands were working on the clasp in the back, which finally came undone allowing him an unobstructed view of pale pink nipples that tightened under his gaze.

  He turned, taking off his own black t-shirt and throwing it heedlessly on the carpet. He was completely captivated as Amelia slowly eased herself back until she was laying full out on the couch, her chest completely bare, and the skirt that fit snug around her waist, then flared out, had slid down baring her matching black lace thong as she bent her knee.

  He growled deep in his throat, his restraint decimated by her unique combination of honest sweetness and unbearable sexiness. He pounced. That was the only word that Amelia could think of as he leapt onto her, her trembling body bracketed by his legs on either side of her thighs and his arms, supporting himself just inches above her.

  His mouth descended on hers, his tongue sparring with hers as her heart pounded wildly in her ears. His hands were suddenly everywhere, sliding over every curve until they reached the hem of her skirt, and he made a sound of annoyance in the back of his throat at the obstacle. His lips followed the path of his hands, pausing to suck at her nipple, sending shockwaves through her system. She shifted, unable to keep her body still under the attentions of his devastating mouth, feeling her dampness as she rubbed her thighs together, aching to be filled.

  Kaeden continued his journey south laying an achingly tender kiss over each rib until his lips met the dip of her hipbone, his tongue explored the curve leading to the spot at her center that was melting for him. Where she desperately wanted him to be. He pushed himself up, impatiently finding the buttons that held the skirt together, trying to undo them but ended up popping them off instead.

  “I’m sorry.” He whispered, his voice like gravel

  “It’s fine, just don’t….don’t stop.” She helped him pull away the offending material. “Please.”

  He groaned, spreading her thighs, reveling in the contrast of how soft she was compared to him, and the idea of all that softness wrapped around him as he pushed into her over and over again. The scent of her arousal drove him over the edge as he lowered his hungry mouth to her core.

  Amelia gasped, then moaned as his hot tongue flicked over her. She could feel herself tensing, the pressure building as he licked her up like he was starving.

  “Wait.” She grabbed his shoulders trying to pull him. He didn’t budge but to look up at her from under a dark slash of brows. “I want…I want to come with you inside me.” His eyes flashed. “Please.”

  His natural dominance rose up at the sound of her sweet begging, and he lifted himself over her, his erection now straining against the fabric of his jeans. He quickly kicked off his shoes, and his pants soon followed adding to the pile strewn across the floor. He looked at her, spread out like a feast, her pussy wet and ready for him. He reached for her, the fingers of his hand stretching her, but only for a moment as the need to be inside her filled him, urging him on.

  He paused, the tip of his thick erection at her entrance. In one slow thrust he was seated all the way inside her. Amelia cried out at the incredible feeling of being filled, the friction as he slowly slid almost all the way out and then in one motion drove all the way back in. Again and again he continued the rhythmic motion that was slowly driving her insane.

  Kaeden's breath hitched on a low groan as he began to thrust faster, amazed at the incredible feel of her wrapped so tightly around him. Wanting it to never end. He reached his hand down, easing his thumb over her most sensitive spot and she exploded around him. Feeling her climax sent him over the edge, and he slid into her one final time as his body tensed. With his release came an overwhelming sense of happiness as Kaeden stared down into her heavy lidded eyes, shining with emotion.

  Even though they had just met, somehow, this woman had wound her way around his heart. The thought of Amelia, already pregnant with their child, warmed his heart in a way he never thought any one could. For this chance at happiness, he was willing to break all his rules, and maybe, just maybe take a chance that sometimes the heart really does find its true mate.

  12 Months Later

  “Listen, Rafe. I gotta go.”

  “C’mon Kaeden, me and Luca are gonna hit up Banner’s new bar. You know, Roxanne is working there now.”

  “Yeah, I’m not really not interested, good to see my two little brothers are finally getting along though.”

  “Getting along? Hah! We are going to see who can get that pretty little bear into bed first. Winner takes all. Literally.” Kaeden could practically hear Rafe’s characteristically sardonic grin through the phone. Kaeden just shook his head. He was convinced his brothers would never grow up.

  “Good luck with that…You know she has five older brothers, right? And they’re big guys. Really big.” Kaeden chuckled evilly, “and they don’t like randy boys sniffing around their little sister.”

  “Hey, who are you calling ‘boy’?” Rafe’s overly indignant reply made Kaeden smile as he opened the front door and walked into the sunny yellow living room. It was cut off as he heard a piercing shriek coming from the bedroom. Heedlessly dropping his phone and the bag of groceries he had returned with, he ran down the hallway, his heart pounding like mad in his chest.

  Another high pitched scream met him just as he pushed open the bedroom door and froze. His golden eyes widened at the sight of Amelia, her long brown hair caught up in a messy bun the way she often wore it, half of it coming loose as she mercilessly tickled the four month old baby, the source of all the noise that had just about given him a heart attack.

  He made a sound deep in his throat, making Amelia turn guiltily.

  “He was asking for it.” A sweet smile tugged the corner of her rosy mouth up, happiness shining from the depths of her dove grey eyes. “I mean it. He really was.”

  She looked down at their child, just as he lifted his arms toward Kaeden and opened his mouth.

  “Tgghhhiiii” He demanded. Kaeden swept forward, catching up his son, so small in his arms. He looked down into his own golden amber eyes, already half covered with drooping lids as he emitted one giant yawn and then they were hidden completely as he drifted to sleep. He stood, drinking in his features, still so amazed that this child was a reality. The sound of a soft breath catching had him looking up.

  Amelia stood, never taking her eyes off of them as she walked closer.

  “Hey.” She whispered, her voice sounding so soft after the raucous laughter of their child. “The little guy’s asleep.” Sh
e glanced up at him, her eyes jokingly accusatory. “How do you always do that?”

  Kaeden just shrugged, careful not to disturb the slumbering baby still clutched in his arms.

  “Why don’t you go lay him down in his crib?” Her still quiet voice took on a husky quality. She grinned up at him playfully as he turned quickly to do just that, but was stopped short at her next whispered words. “I think it’s about time we started working on baby number two, don’t you?” Waves of joy and contentment washed through him as he turned back to look at this amazing woman that fate had dropped in his lap, and his chest tightened at the combination of love and desire he saw glowing in her expression. He knew she had spent her life dreaming of having a houseful of children, and he could think of nothing sweeter.

  A thought stopped him as he looked around the small room, and then back at Amelia.

  “We’re gonna need a bigger house.”


  The Twin Dragon’s Mate

  Calypso wanted so badly to howl at the moon.

  As she gazed up at the giant orb, hung in the night sky like an ornament on a Christmas tree, she felt its pull. She was no werewolf, but it was at times like these that she could understand why wolves felt the need to bay up at the silvery moon. There was something positively magnetic about it. And she had learned to appreciate magnets for what they were: tokens of power.

  She held the moon in her eyes, feeling again the urge to howl up at it. The moon was after all a symbol of power and every soul in the twilight community to which she belonged knew to appreciate it. But the wolves alone seemed to have figured out the best means by which to show their admiration: howling. To call up at the moon as if it could hear her… to plea for its attention… its favor… its power… there was something in that which she simply could not define to her satisfaction.

  But as in all things, the moon would begin waning tomorrow night. She could feel the ebb in its power even now, its luster losing momentum. By this time tomorrow, the moon would just be a reminder of the one day of every month when everyone from her respective community chose to come out and play.

  And play was exactly what she had in mind. And shew knew exactly where she wanted to be to let her more devilish desires out.

  “Hell with it,” she said to no one as she looked back down upon the city below.

  The lights of the L.A. district were nothing new to Calypso. The light of the moon, while beautiful, didn’t hold as much diversion as the city lights beneath her. And from her perch high on one of the more run-down apartment buildings she watched the ordinary folk go by.

  Through eyes that no human had been born with she took in the sight of the world below. She saw people in their various pursuits and diversions. She saw them in their apartments… in their cars… the throngs of people on the sidewalks… countless souls who were just living out their lives without a clue as to what kinds of dangers lurked on the streets other than those they created for themselves.

  Ignorance is bliss, she thought.

  From the roof she was able to discern others like herself mixed in with the countless denizens of the L.A. area. She couldn’t see them exactly, but she could always feel them. And there were other indicators to give them away for others who knew what to look for. Regardless, their presence was always in the back of her mind as if someone were faintly whispering “Here I am,” to her.

  She saw a trio of men, all clad in the garb of what ordinaries might consider “punk rocker” attire. Draped in leather jackets and chain-link bracelets with wild Mohawk they looked like kids on their way to some kind of a garage band bash. But the way they seemed to almost glide over the pavement as they walked was what gave them away. Without needing to be close to them she could sense that these three were vampires.

  And across the street, disguised as a homeless man pushing a shopping cart and scouring the trash for cans to recycle she could sense an older presence. Even from her perch she could see how the discarded bits of metal seemed to find their way into the hand of the one that sought them. That was the tell right there. She was able to mark the seemingly homeless man for some kind of a Sage. A Metal Sage, perhaps? That seemed appropriate, since their chosen medium sometimes made them slow and this one moved at about that right pace.

  In the distance, well above her head, she could see winged figures flying in the darkness. Humans would take no note of them, she knew. It would take eyes that humans weren’t born with to see such things, but she knew them at once to be Gargoyles who only shed their stony visage from off of buildings or as statues in a park somewhere during the light of the full moon. And they enjoyed their solitary nights of freedom, though humans would dismiss them as stray breezes.

  She shook her head. It didn’t matter. But the humor in it all remained. That if they were predisposed to do so, those four characters down there – or even the winged creatures above her – could murder everyone on the street around them. Even though there were hundreds of people. Gargoyles were certainly not murderous, but a Sage or even vampires could be moved to slaughter if they felt like it. And more, they would be gone before anyone realized anything had happened. The media would, of course, simply attribute it to some kind of a random event in which people suddenly chose to drop dead in masse on the streets. And the reason for that would never be discovered by any means that humans yet possessed.

  The thought struck a curious chord in her head.

  She had often wondered if any of her kind was tempted to do that sort of thing. There had been times in history when she – or any other single soul – could have gotten away with mass murder and easily. No one would have been the wiser. Of course that had been in the days of castles, high lords, and when life and death were determined by plague as much as by the sword.

  But no… there would be no slaughter tonight. She eyed the traffic cameras monitoring a nearby intersection. At least one of them had a good angle on both the fangs and the Sage. If they chose to do anything untoward their actions would be captured digitally. Sure, there might be some initial confusion and it could eventually be dismissed as some kind of a computer glitch. But there was also the possibility that someone would recognize it for what it really was and before anyone knew it, there would be another witch hunt.

  Damn technology, she thought. It was still amazing as to how so simple a device had kept thousands of powerful people like her in check. She, nor any of her kind, was immune to technology. Hundreds of years ago, an event like a vampire slaying or a pack of ravenous werewolves was dismissed as hearsay and folklore. But in this age of digital media and everyone with a camera on their phone, extra vigilance was called for. Some had considered it a real boon for their respective peoples, but by and large she found it more irritating than anything else.

  But even so, those simple cameras were enough to keep even vampires at their hungriest of times in check. Willful exposure to humans, except under very controlled circumstances, was treason by any tribe’s standards. And treason, just as it was for humans, was only ever punishable by death.

  And if there was one thing that immortals hated, it was death.

  She smirked at the quartet of characters as plain people simply walked by, paying them no mind. It was incredible to her, even after nine centuries, that people could be so oblivious to the dangers that were right in front of them. Passing right before their eyes but they had no idea of it.

  People didn’t believe in ghosts, goblins, vampires, werewolves, witches, or wizards, and other figures of mythology anymore simply because they weren’t real. But in truth, everyone in the world had seen such creatures. They simply didn’t know it. It was enough to make her want to laugh out loud most often… but then there were times too when the joke seemed to be wearing thin.

  Like tonight, ironically when she felt most powerful.

  She stood up on her perch. From below, if anyone did see her, they might have thought that a woman was standing precariously on the edge of a building and about to leap to her to d
eath. But no one reacted. No one ever did.

  She was twenty stories above the ground and while there were other buildings around her that were certainly taller, she had no fear of being noticed. The nearest building where someone might have seen her was on the next block and this late at night no one could see her. Not even by the light of the full moon.

  She sighed. “Well… I’m not getting any younger.” That too was a joke that she privately enjoyed. Though she looked to be no more than a woman of perhaps thirty or so, she had nearly a millennium of years upon her.

  She stepped over the edge of the building.

  She didn’t fall, at least not exactly. It was as if she had blinked her eyes and found herself on the iron fire escape of the building she had crouched upon one level beneath her. Her eyes darted to the fire escape of the building directly across from her, one level lower. As if the iron railings of the fire escape didn’t exist at all, she passed through them the same way smoke would have and just as weightlessly. And with another blink of the eye she was on the fire escape of the building across the way, one level lower.

  Back and forth she went between the buildings, taking one level at a time until finally she arrived in the garbage laden alley floor between them. Steam rose up from the sewer grates around her and the occasional alley cat scurried at her sudden appearance from nowhere. Though she had appeared in the mouth of the alley, with normal people easily within eyeshot of her, nobody turned their head to see her. It was just as it had always been for her.

  She was invisible, but only because she wanted to be. It came naturally to those like her. And it added to her longevity more than anything else.

  She smirked and walked ahead, entering into the illumination of the overhead street lights. It was then that she allowed it to where people began to see her, and politely avoided her as she walked by, giving her the space that everyone within L.A. thought that they were entitled to: enough room to wiggle their elbows, but no more.


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