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Rascal (Edgewater Agency Book 2)

Page 73

by Kyanna Skye

  Then something else overcame her.

  Disregarding the fact that these two men were brothers, in bond if not by blood, she took full measure of the fact that Jon and Jacob were standing in her room very near to being naked. And her bed was a mere two feet away.

  She understood what it was that was coming over her, though she wasn’t sure why it had chosen now. Buts he knew it for what it was: lust.

  Jon was the nearer of the two. She reached out and kissed him.

  When she pulled away she felt her eyes lightly flutter and she saw that there was a pleased look on his face. Her eyes turned towards Jacob, who stood close at hand as well, a smile on his face.

  “Uh...” Tris said, feeling her embarrassment rise a little.

  “Don’t worry about it,” Jacob said with a small chuckle. “It’s not your fault,” he added as he turned and closed the bedroom door, sealing the three of them in the room. He turned back to face them and untied the simple knot that held his towel at his waist. “It’s a side-effect of the drink. Part of its purpose is to help you understand survival. And every species survives through… well… reproduction. And in a human… it’s pretty potent.” He dropped his towel down to his ankles, along with the flask. Tris was delighted to see that his cock was already hard and ready. “That’s the third thing we came up here to help you with.”

  Her eyes widened in surprise. We? She looked to Jon and a pleased smile washed over his face as well.

  Tris could not remove her eyes from the figure of the man before her. She had imagined having a man so handsomely built several times before. But that she would get to have two such perfect specimens at the same time? Her wildest imaginings had never conjured such a possibility before.

  Jon, his hands lightly drifting downward, undid his towel as well. It slipped from off his body, revealing that he too was hard and ready. Even from here she could taste his breath. She almost laughed, expecting that his lungs would be expelling foul-smelling reptilian breath… but there was nothing of the kind there. All that did exist was something sweet.

  Something that she badly wanted to taste.

  “It was my turn last time, brother,” Jacob said, coming closer to the pair of them. “Why don’t you take over on this one?”

  “Gladly,” Jon said with a wink to her.

  Tris could not take her eyes away from the sight of so much flesh on the gorgeous man. Any lingering fear that she might have had for the creatures contained in both men seemed to evaporate like ice on a hot plate, and all she felt in its stead was a pulsing excitement in her heart.

  But her thoughts were lost when Jon leaned in and began to lightly peck at her neck with kisses. Her eyes fluttered again, like a lightbulb struggling to maintain power, as she watched Jacob step closer towards them, watching his brother work with delight.

  Tris was no virgin. There had been times in her life when she’d met men who had been more than willing to satisfy her sexually. Once or twice she had done things that she had considered to be wild and well out of character for her. Once before had been in the back of a lover’s pickup truck. Another time had been in an elevator. But something such as this had never even entered her list of wild dreams. She’d especially not done anything such as this under these circumstances or much less with people of this nature.

  Jacob rounded her, his fingers lightly tracing across the back of her neck as he stepped behind her as Jon continued to kiss and gently lick at the underside of her neck. Tris felt her legs tremble as Jacob’s lips began to gently caress her shoulders where her dress did not cover her. Ten minutes ago she would have feared for her life, knowing that two unnatural creatures were easily within biting range of her jugular vein. Yet somehow, that fear was gone. Trust that she couldn’t explain was held in its place.

  They were no threat to her, she knew. If anything, it was more the other way around. Tris carried a massive secret now, one that could destroy Luke and his wife Simone, and these two men here and possibly even all of the other souls on this island who were simply content to survive and be ignored by the rest of the world.

  There was nothing wrong with that.

  Nothing wrong with this either, she thought as she felt Jacob’s fingers close around the zipper at the back of her dress.

  Slowly, gently, Jacob began to pull the zipper down. Tris’s body began to tingle with anticipation as air began to kiss at her skin where the dress was parted. Jon’s mouth traveled up her neck until his lips covered her own. She felt his tongue in her mouth, which felt fully human, as it probed the inside of her mouth. His breath tasted sweet, just as she’d thought. It was almost like brandy, and potently so. She felt in that moment she could happily become drunk on his kisses to the point of needing to attend a weekly AA meeting should it come to that.

  She felt Jacob’s hands gently stroke her shoulders as they spread outward, pulling the shoulder straps of her dress off. Inch by inch the dress came free from her body, Jacob’s tongue danced on her skin where it could, as if hungry for the exposed flesh.

  Little by little, her shoulders became bare and with only a slight assist from Jacob, her dress succumbed to gravity and formed a red and flowery pool around her ankles. A tiny breeze – or maybe it was just the thrill of anticipation – made the tiny hairs on her entire body stand up with excitement.

  Jon’s hands found her breasts, closing around them through her bra. She lightly stirred at the feeling. His hands were strong, but his touch was gentle. Her delight doubled when she felt Jacob’s smaller hands encircle her at the waist, gently caressing her waist line, teasing her with the prospect of going further down. She had never had that experience before in her life, nor had she ever dreamed she would feel it. To have one man touching her tits while another man’s hands explored her nether regions. It was an incredible feeling that only grew more intense as she felt Jacob’s larger fingers finally slip inside her panties, dipping inside of her. Her legs simultaneously tensed and weakened, unsure if she wanted to continue standing or give in to gravity.

  She received a momentary reprieve as Jacob’s hands left their perch inside her panties and found the clasp of her bra. She moaned with delight as her bra came unclasped and Jacob’s stocky hands pulled her bra straps aside before that too joined her dress on the floor.

  Jon’s hands, momentarily freed from her breasts reached out and reclaimed them. His fingers danced over the tips of her nipples, making them hard.

  Her kiss with Jon, unbroken, Tris felt her heart begin to accelerate with new speed feeling Jacob’s hands on her body and his lips upon her neck. Slowly, Jacob began to kiss his way down until he reached the small of her back. His hands gently stroked up and down her legs before dipping back inside her panties, his fingers plunging in and out of her, making her wet.

  Jon, momentarily breaking their kiss began to kiss and lick his way down. First he lightly began pecking at her chin, her throat, her chest, her left breast and then her right. She could lightly feel a small stubble of a closely shaven beard on his chin that tickled her all the way down to her belly until finally he was on his knees before her.

  Tris’s eyes could not leave the sight of Jon as he slowly dropped down to his knees before her. He looked like a man about to pray to the idle of some ancient goddess and she was ready to welcome his praise, however he should choose to deliver it.

  Together, Jacob and Jon both hooked their fingers in the elastic band of her panties and pulled them downward. Once free, he gently patted her legs, spreading them apart. And like the dragon she had earlier envisioned him to be he did as she had thought all dragons would do. He used his mouth on her, if not in the way she would have expected a dragon to do so.

  His mouth electrified her and once more her legs threatened to turn into jelly. His tongue went wild as it passed inside of her, expertly probing her mons… her clitoris… her labia… He was like a blind explorer, mapping what he could not see with instruments that no one had ever thought to use.

  She began
to moan and her body reflexively began to rock against his mouth, craving more of the same from him. Jacob abandoned his kneeling position and rose up, giving his hands over to the caressing of her breasts before taking hold of her chin and turning her mouth towards him. Jacob’s lips engaged hers and she felt the moistness of his mouth as their tongues wrestled with one another. Jacob’s kiss was not as sweet or as inviting as Jon’s, but she found it delightful nonetheless.

  Jacob’s hands lightly brushed at the flanks of her chin, tickling her, sending miniature bolts of lightning through her fingertips. Somewhere in the back of her mind Tris still managed to think that this was madness… this was insane… that things like this didn’t happen. But it was happening and she relished the feeling that it gave her.

  Her thoughts were pulled away when she felt Jon slip his arms between her thighs and hooking them over his shoulders. With surprising strength considering their relative sizes he lifted her from off the floor as if she weighed nothing at all. It was to her a confirmation that he did have some preternatural strength within him.

  An excited yelp issued from her lips as she left the ground, breaking her kiss with Jacob. Jon’s tongue still working wildly within her he stood upright. It didn’t matter now that her legs were less solid than water as her back arched. Her view of the room becoming inverted, she found Jacob standing just behind her. Her arched back provided her a perfect angle from which to work.

  She stretched out her arms, cupping the other man’s buttocks and drawing him in closer. With her head inverted she brought Jacob’s to her waiting lips and she put his throbbing cock into her mouth. Jacob rested her weight on Tris’s diaphragm as she used her mouth on him, his body lightly rocking, plunging in and out of her mouth as if he were fucking her properly.

  Oh, yes!

  It seemed mere moments of delight before she felt herself being pulled away from Jacob’s tender spot unwillingly. That she felt this amorous was a new sensation to her and she wondered what it had been in that flask she’d drunk from. Magic potion? Whatever it was, part of her wondered what would happen if she had drank more.

  The room seemed almost to spin as Jon brought her to the bed, laying her down softly upon the expensive comforter, her head resting on the pillows.

  She grinned as the elder brother freed his mouth from her, his hands lightly traversing the course of her body. He gently rubbed at the inside of her thighs, her hips, and her breasts. The smile that he wore wasn’t just the delight of sharing flesh that he saw there. There was something more to it. Something that Tris couldn’t readily identify.

  “I bet you thought that today wouldn’t end like this,” he said, as Jacob crawled upon the bed beside her, lightly caressing and kissing her shoulders and chest.

  Tris chuckled. “No… I can’t say that I did.”

  Jacob looked upon Tris’s outstretched body and then looked to his surrogate brother. “You know what to do now. She’s ready.”

  Jon’s smile endured as he took hold of her hips and gently inserted himself inside of her. Jacob watched approvingly as he did so and Tris could feel his strength even from there. He grew harder inside of her, even to the point where she could feel the veins of his cock throbbing.

  “Not too much now,” Jacob cautioned. “We don’t want any accidents.” He turned and looked to her and once more put his mouth on hers, his tongue slipping between her lips. Tris gently and blindly stroked at Jon’s flanks as he began to thrust inside of her, savoring the feeling while her tongue played at Jacob’s. Jon moved slowly at first and his brother gently added his hands to the massaging her breasts.

  Tris felt a new jolt of energy every time Luke’s pelvis gently collided with her own. He was gentle, for a man with a mythical creature inside of him. His power radiated and she could feel it warming her inside and out as beads of sweat began to form on her body.

  “Oh, God…” she moaned between kisses with Jacob.

  “Gently, now,” Jacob encouraged his brother. “Don’t hurt her.”

  Tris’s hands split. One sought out Jon’s chest, her fingers dancing across his exposed flesh while the other clasped around Jacob’s neck and brought him back into another kiss. She had been bedded by men with more and less muscle than either of these two, but she was pleased to find that both had found a comforting balancing point between the two.

  Jon’s hand took hold of hers and they intertwined. Jacob’s fingers remained clutched firmly around her tits. With the mess of hands she felt power in three places, acting like a conduit. The energy dispensed from one traveled all the way to the other two and back as his Jon’s thrusts and Jacob’s fingers seemed to become more and more powerful, feeding off each other.

  Jon’s breathing intensified and with the added leverage of their joined hands she felt his throbbing growing in their intensity. Tris shut her eyes, relishing in the passion of it all, trying to savor it.

  All sensation seemed to become blurred to her as he pressed on inside of her. Multiple things began to happen that she was barely able to keep track of. She felt Jacob’s hands lightly pinching her nipples and then gently massaging them… she felt Jon’s free hand clasp her ass… she felt Jacob’s mouth suckle at her nipple… a mixture of tongues and hands washed over her body and time seemed to blur into one long mix of pleasure that she could not define.

  It wasn’t until she heard Jon and Jacob both give off a kind of guttural growl that Tris managed to come out of her stupors. The growl sounded almost demonic… but thanks to the memories she had viewed she knew it for what it was… the sound of his inner beast, satisfied with their present pursuits.

  Jon was still inside of her. His thrusts had slowed some, but remained plenty strong. And though the sun had set, what little light that shined in from the outside moonlight, she saw the sheen of patterned scales on human flesh cross over his body.

  And unlike the first time she had seen such, she had never thought to have seen anything more beautifully translucent before in her life. It was a glow that Jacob also seemed to share and Tris found the sight nothing short of dazzling.

  Jon began to grunt as he thrust inside of her, his sounds keeping in time with his movements. Tris rocked her pelvis against his, their bodies settling into a kind of synchronized harmony. She could feel his energy within him, building to heights not yet experienced.

  She encouraged him with her body, tightening her muscles inside where she could, milking him. He fed off her enthusiasm, sweat beginning to run down his body, mingling with her own.

  “Make her night complete now,” Jacob whispered as his mouth again joined hers. Jon’s thrusts into her began to feel as though he were near his climax. Tris could feel her depths reaching a critical point, ready to explode.

  Jon’s power built, and built, and built further still until it seemed that he might burst unless he released all of his pent up energy. She tried to hold her breath, but the effort was stymied by Jacob’s ever present lips. She found herself waiting for the moment, counting his thrusts but constantly losing count for the way Jacob’s tongue moved inside her mouth.

  She felt Jon pump inside of her. Three… four…seven… no, six… er… eight… oh, damn!

  And then she felt it. Warmth, just as her body felt as though it were a pot about to boil over. Unlike any she had ever felt that elicited a silent scream from her. Her toes went numb, and then her legs shuddered, followed by her hips, her waist, her torso and finally her head.

  The three of them paused collectively, as if suddenly encased in amber and frozen in this moment. Tris tried to hold onto the feeling, imprinting it upon her mind. Her flesh tingled with the shared sensation until inevitably the moment passed.

  Jon was the first to sigh and he removed himself gently from within her, rolling over beside her. Jacob followed, sitting up on the opposite side. Tris rested between them, the three of them caked in sweat and breathing heavily.

  “That was…” she managed to gasp out.

  “Yeah… it was…”
Jon managed to add.

  Jacob chuckled.

  There was a gentle knock at her door that woke her. When she opened her eyes and looked around, she found that Jon was still asleep on the bed next to her. But Jacob had gone. Jon’s arm was draped over her and he slumbered peacefully beside her, his fingers intertwined within hers.

  She heard the gentle knocking again and lightly stirred to look at the man sleeping beside her. The noise had not roused him. A small smile touched her lips at seeing him so close beside her and very quietly and smoothly she slipped out from under his arm and out of the bed.

  She found a silken robe hanging nearby and slipped into it, covering her body and protecting her modesty. As she moved, her body felt a little sore but the efforts she had gone through to feel this way was more than worth it. She also noted that she couldn’t wait to do it again, were it possible.

  She went to the door and opened it gently. Light from outside in the hall peered in and she saw a figure standing there. A woman, with short curly blonde hair and an hour-glass shaped figure. She was dressed in a scarlet colored evening gown that flattered her figure greatly and without needing to ask, Tris knew who this was.

  “Simone?” she asked.

  The woman answered with a small smile. “And you would be Tristina. Welcome to our home.”

  Tris stepped into the hall, closing the door behind her.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you,” the other woman said.

  “No, no, no need to worry about that,” Tris said.

  Simone’s smile was radiant and she folded her hands together at the waist. “I just wanted to come by and apologize.”


  Simone nodded. “How we met today, in the court yard. I’m sorry if we scared you. It’s just… this whole thing is easier to accept if you see it for yourself and then drink from the flask.”


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