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Expecting Darkness

Page 19

by Mandy M. Roth

  Daniel exhaled slowly. “Yes. He had a hand in it all. Your father told me as much last night when he phoned. He knew then that you were with child—Islay told him.”

  She touched Daniel’s arm lightly. “Daddy killed Islay, didn’t he? It’s why no one will tell me what’s going on with Daddy.”

  Daniel glanced fleetingly at Searc. “Actually, we are not sure if Islay remains alive or not. We have men on their way to your father’s home as we speak. We’ve reached out to them, but they are not responding.”

  She tensed. “Daddy was attacked too?”

  Daniel’s look said it was a possibility.

  Jessie closed her eyes a moment and then gasped. “Wait. Daddy told you last night that I was pregnant?”

  “Yes, and that Searc was the father. He told me of the testing.”

  “You should have told me last night,” snapped Searc.

  “It needed to be said face to face and the two of you needed time together without all of the drama hovering in the air between you,” said Daniel.

  Blaise was suddenly there, grinning like a fool, holding a glass of water with a lemon in it out to Jessie. “Here. Drink.”

  “I’m fine. I don’t want any.”

  “Wasn’t asking if you did,” he said sternly. “Drink it or I’ll force it down you. Sambora said you taxed yourself with your power and you refused an IV of fluid. You have to take care of yourself, Jessie. A little one grows in you. For our kind, having a child is rare. It’s a precious gift. Drink the damn water or I’ll hold you down and put the IV in myself.”

  Her eyes filled with moisture. “Searc and I weren’t planning on this. We’ve been a couple less than a day and we’re having a baby. What if he doesn’t want anything to do with being a father? It’s not like he got a choice.”

  Blaise pushed the glass of water at her more until she took it and drank. He nodded, as if pleased with himself and the small victory of getting her to hydrate. “I’ve known him a long time, Jessie. Trust me when I say, this is good news to him.”

  She blinked away her tears before taking another sip of water. It helped her dry throat and gave her hands something to do other than shake. “Everything is happening so fast.”

  “I’m sure it feels that way to you,” Blaise said, pushing Daniel out of the way. He dragged a chair over and sat next to her, taking the water from her and setting it on the table. He took her hands in his. The act was so caring that she found herself on the verge of tears once more. She was a hot mess and if what she was being told was true, hormones were probably to blame.

  Jessie let it all sink in and her shoulders slumped. “I’m pregnant.”

  “Yes.” Blaise continued to hold her hands. “The baby is a blessing.”

  She met his gaze, all of her fears coming to the forefront. “I didn’t get pregnant the normal way. From what I’m able to piece together, I wasn’t given a choice. I was made in a lab. So was my child.”

  Blaise ran a hand into her hair and she tensed, worried Searc would attack him. Much to her shock, Searc had eased away from her, allowing her this moment with Blaise. “Jessie, be honest with me. Do you want Searc?”

  She looked at the floor, unable to answer at first because of the ringing in her ears. She knew her cheeks were red.

  “You desire him,” said Blaise. “More than simply desire. Am I correct?”

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  “And have for some time?”

  She nodded.

  “You feel drawn to him in ways you’ve never been able to explain.” Blaise kept hold of her hands as they started to shake again.

  “Yes.” She swallowed hard. “He was the first person I wanted when I came to in my condo, having lost days. I was so scared, and the only person I wanted was Searc. Tonight, during the attack, I was so scared he’d be hurt. I don’t know what I’d do if something happened to him.”

  “Because you love him,” said Blaise, his tone warm. There was nothing in his expression that said he was being anything but sincere.

  She turned even redder. “I don’t know him all that well.”

  “That’s nae true, lass,” said Searc, his voice piercing the tension in the air. “You’ve read all my old journals. You know me better than the men here if the truth be told. And yer my wife now. That means something.”

  “But not enough to say I love you,” she protested.

  “Yet he’s the first person you want when you’re scared or in danger. You were scared for him when you thought he might be hurt, and you’ve admitted to being drawn to him, desiring him.” Blaise didn’t let go of her and she was thankful for that. “Maybe I’m wrong. Maybe you don’t love him. And he couldn’t possibly love you either, right? The daughter of his maker? His true mate? His wife.”

  “Och, do nae tell her I do nae love her!” snapped Searc. “I’ve wanted her in ways I shouldn’t for nearly six years. I’ve tried to stay away. Tried to keep distance between us for fear I’d do something stupid, like claim her for my own—which I did. Nothing I do stops the draw to her. Nothing stops my want of her. I’ve nae wanted a woman in years—only her. Hearing she’s expecting my babe is music to my ears. I hope it means she’ll consider staying with me. She wouldnae want me any other way than this. I’m nae guid enough for her. She is my wife and I love her with all I have. All I am.”

  “What?” asked Jessie, flabbergasted by his statement. He thought he wasn’t good enough for her?

  Blaise’s lips twitched. “You’re right. You’re not good enough for her. Maybe we’re all wrong. You’re probably not her true mate. The test results are probably wrong too. You know, you’re not the only one of us who has been held by the enemy and had samples forcefully drawn from them. Could be anyone’s baby. Might even be Islay’s. He is your first cousin after all.”

  There was a blur and Searc had Blaise pressed against the wall as he snarled, his fangs showing. “I’ll tear yer fucking throat out if you ever hint she’s nae my mate again. The claim stands. And the babe is mine. I know. Deep down, I know. I do nae need paperwork to prove it. I feel it.”

  Daniel and Auberi pulled Searc off Blaise.

  Auberi looked to her and motioned his head to Searc.

  Jessie stood slowly, her legs feeling wobbly. “Searc.”

  He spun and came at her, taking her arm and holding her steady. “Lass, sit. Yer pale. I’m sorry that idiot brought up Islay. He’s nae the babe’s father. I am. And make no mistake, yer mine, lass. All mine. There are no take-backs from what we did.”

  She slid against him and wrapped her arms around his waist. “I know.”

  The tension left his body as he hugged her tight. His lips found her ear. “I want to tell you everything I feel for you, but I’m worried it will make you run from me. It will overwhelm you.”

  She put her cheek to his chest. “Same here.”

  He rocked their bodies in place gently. “We’re to be parents, lass.”

  She snorted. “Daddy is really going to kill you now.”

  “No. He’ll threaten and he may even try to kick my arse, but he’ll nae kill me. Doing so would strip his only child of her mate. And his grandchild his father.”

  Daniel approached. “Take her back to the hotel. We’ll phone when we have news on Cormag. And before Jessie panics, none of us believe for a second that Cormag is hurt. He’s fierce and powerful.”

  Jessie held tighter to Searc. “I’m tired.”

  Boomer entered and looked around at everyone. “Is she okay? How is the baby?”

  “All is well,” said Daniel.

  Boomer bit his lower lip ring. “Uh, Jessie, I’m actually here for you. Your dad phoned.”

  “Is he hurt?” asked Jessie, her throat constricting.


  “Is Islay dead?”

  Boomer glanced at Searc. “No, but I’m guessing he wishes he was.”

  Searc stayed close to Jessie.

  “Cormag wants to know if you’ve claimed her yet. Was I
right to tell him yes?”

  Auberi laughed. “Your soon-to-be father-in-law is deadly. I would avoid family dinners for a few centuries.”

  Jessie gasped.

  Searc offered a warm smile and embraced her. “I’m nae scared of yer father. He can kiss my arse. I’ve no regrets on claiming you as my own.”

  She snorted. “Seriously, you’re as bad as he is.”

  “Och, I’m nothing like yer father.”

  The rest of the men burst into laughter before exiting the room. That left her totally and completely alone with Searc. His lips twitched. “I’ve a mate who doesnae love me, a baby on the way that I dinnae get the pleasure of helping to create. Some would say it’s been a verra unlucky meets lucky weekend for me.”

  Jessie wrapped her arms around his waist. “Searc, you’re wrong.”

  “About what?”

  “Me loving you,” she said, going to her tiptoes. “I do love you.”

  He went motionless, looking much like a statue. “W-what?”

  She laughed softly. “I love you.”

  He went to the exam table and leaned against it, lowering his head. “Do vampires have heart attacks?”

  She laughed again. “No.”

  He rubbed his chest. “Are you sure?”

  She smiled. “Yes.”

  He swallowed hard. “I feel a wee bit faint, lass.”

  She pursed her lips. “You’re not scared of my father, but I tell you that I love you and you look like you’re going to pass out?”

  He lifted his head and locked gazes with her. “Yes. That about sums it up.”

  There was a flash from the doorway and she turned to find Auberi there, a phone in hand, snapping a picture. “Honorable mention moment for Asshole of the Week.”

  Jessie grinned. “I agree.”

  Searc grabbed for her and drew her into his arms. “I love you so much I’m scared to blink.”

  Auberi winked from the doorway. “This is a good thing, Searc. A very good thing.”

  Jessie put her palm to Searc’s chest, but looked to Auberi. “Wait until it really sinks in for him that in five months he’s going to have a baby to deal with too.”

  Searc swayed and she stepped back just as he crashed to the floor. Instead of helping, Auberi took more pictures and yelled for the other men. “Come quick! Searc fainted!”

  Jessie groaned and then laughed, shaking her head. Her life would never quite be the same again, and she was happy for that.

  Chapter Twenty

  Jessie sat in the center of a large sofa in the formal living room of Searc’s home. She snorted, reminding herself that it was her home now as well. She’d only lived there two full days so she couldn’t be expected to remember to refer to it as such just yet.

  Besides, she had bigger issues to worry about. Like her father who was currently refusing to sit as he stood toward the entranceway of the room, his arms crossed over his chest, his gaze narrowed on Searc.

  Searc grumbled, shaking his head. “Yer the one who said you gave me yer blessing.”

  “To protect her and start to court her. Nae to claim her as yer own just yet,” snapped her father. “I expected you to wait a few centuries before you did that.”

  The two men had been at it for the greater part of three hours. Tired, bored, and hungry, Jessie was close to boxing both their ears and then demanding someone make her a sandwich.

  Erik came in from the other side of the room holding a plate of food in one hand and a beer in the other. He glanced briefly in the direction of the feuding vampires and then covered the length of the room to her. He handed her the plate of food and then took a drink of the beer, keeping it for himself. “They’re still going?”

  She lifted the sandwich and admiring it. Erik clearly knew his way around a kitchen. “This looks delicious.”

  He smiled. “Shane is infusing water with lemons and oranges for you now. Whatever that means. He’ll be in soon.”

  She grinned. Erik and Shane had hovered from the moment her father had arrived with them at sunset. They’d already been told she was expecting, but they hadn’t been informed that she was claimed. After she’d done her best to pull them off Searc, she’d confessed to being hungry and they’d gone off to try to be useful in Searc’s oversized kitchen. For a man who pretty much lived off bagged blood, Searc had a kitchen any serious chef would envy. Within hours of her arriving at the home with him, he’d had the kitchen fully stocked with supplies as well.

  “I thought you had more self-control than that!” yelled her father.

  She’d missed whatever else had been said between them and ate her sandwich as her father and husband continued to carry on like fools. She glanced at Shane as he entered the room, holding a large glass of water with sliced fruit in it. He snorted on his way past her father.

  “When you meet yer mate we’ll see how long you last before claiming her. I lasted nearly six years!” returned Searc, never giving an inch.

  Shane handed Jessie the water. “Hydrate. They’ll be at this all night.”

  “I really wish they’d stop,” she said.

  “They have like three hundred years of pent-up anger with one another,” said Erik. “Vampires can really hold a grudge.”

  Cormag stopped yelling at Searc and looked at the shifters. “Comments from the peanut gallery are nae needed or wanted.”

  Erik drank more beer and grinned wolfishly.

  Shane grunted. “He’s your son-in-law for life now. Get used to it. There is no shaking the asshole now.”

  “Hey,” protested Searc.

  Jessie laughed.

  Searc looked at her and winked.

  She nearly melted.

  “Eat, lass,” he said, nodding toward her sandwich. “Have you taken the vitamins that Sambora sent over?”

  She rolled her eyes. “Yes. Stop mothering me.”

  Searc watched her. “I love you, lass. And I want you and our wee one as healthy as possible.”

  Her father uncrossed his arms. “I say we take this out back and settle this like men.”

  Jessie handed her plate to Erik and stood, the glass of water still in hand. “And I say the next one of you that says anything cross to the other will have me to deal with. I feel so bloated that if someone sticks a pin in me, I’ll pop. I’m not in the mood for any more vampire macho bull. Knock it off. Both of you.”

  The men shared a look and Searc lifted a brow. “For someone who claims to be used to her being upset with you, you look like yer ready to fold.”

  “Och, and you do nae?” her father returned.

  Erik laughed. “Now they’re going to argue over this for hours.”

  Jessie looked at her father and her husband and realized that they were indeed a great deal alike. They were also both in their kilts again, driving the similarities home. She turned to Erik. “Let’s go to the dining room. We can let them argue until they’re blue in the face alone. They don’t need an audience.”

  “Hello?” came a familiar voice from the hallway. “You guys in here?”

  Searc turned and walked a few feet just as Blaise came around the corner with Giuseppe close at his heels. Blaise’s long hair was pulled back in a ponytail holder at the nape of his neck and he had on his signature all-black clothing. “Found this little guy out front with baskets of baby stuff. Claims he knows you.”

  Giuseppe set down a large basket full of bottles with pink bows around the tops and pink baby blankets. He tossed his arms open wide and came right for Jessie, pulling her into a deep hug. She laughed, returning it, happy to see the small man.

  Blaise snickered. “I’ll be right back. He’s got a van full of pink stuff out there. It’s like he’s sure you’re both having a girl or something. Is he a baby whisperer?”

  Jessie froze, her gaze finding Searc.

  Searc paled and then swayed, grabbing Blaise who was near him. “Holy shite! I’m having a daughter.”

  Giuseppe laughed and then went for Searc, hugging him
as well. “Yes. I thought I told you that already.”

  “No,” said Searc. “That dinnae come up.”

  Giuseppe waved a hand dismissively. “Well, you were no listening to me tell you that you were going to be a father anyways. So, now you listen. It’s a girl.”

  Erik laughed. “Just think, Cormag, in like twenty years, Searc can glower at some poor unsuspecting sap of guy who is head over heels for his daughter.”

  Her father narrowed his gaze. “No man is to date my granddaughter!”

  “Aye,” said Searc, standing tall, finding his footing once more. “My daughter will nae date. Ever.”

  Jessie let out a long, slow breath. “I really have my work cut out for me.”

  “Could be worse,” said Erik, drawing her attention.

  “How so?” she asked.

  Shane chimed in, “Your daughter could end up mated to someone like Erik.”

  Searc and her father both charged Erik. He dropped the plate and ran, just missing being caught by her father. There was a blur and they ran out of the living room, in the direction of the expansive backyard.

  Jessie glanced at Shane. “I get the feeling this will happen a lot.”

  “Yep.” Shane nodded.

  Blaise snorted. “Hell. The really bad thing would be her being mated to someone like me.”

  Jessie’s eyes widened. Searc was nowhere near ready for something like that.


  About the Author

  Dear Reader

  Did you enjoy this title and want to know more about Mandy M. Roth, her pen names and all the titles she has available for purchase (over 100)?

  About Mandy:

  New York Times & USA TODAY Bestselling Author Mandy M. Roth is a self-proclaimed Goonie, loves 80s music and movies and wishes leg warmers would come back into fashion. She also thinks the movie The Breakfast Club should be mandatory viewing for...okay, everyone. When she's not dancing around her office to the sounds of the 80s or writing books, she can be found designing book covers for New York publishers, small presses, and indie authors.


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