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Interloper (The Askirti Chronicles Book 1)

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by Danny Brown

  Hate my life some days! They expect me to do my job, but this position was always set up to be the first line of defense! When we find a problem, we call for backup! We have a problem, and there’s no backup!

  I really must retire.

  Just then his best friend entered the bar.

  “Josh!” Captain De Vitis called out.

  “Oh, hey Jeri! Bartender, a cold one for my bud?”

  “Thanks, man! Hey, I wanted to talk to you about the orders,” Jeri said.


  “Josh, the new probes are going to be a great help, and I really am grateful for them. I do have a feeling I’m missing something at a few of these sites. Almost like they are there, and I can’t see them, call it a hunch. But I’m anxious that we aren’t getting reinforced. With this much trouble, we should have a heavy cruiser or two we can call on, but we’ve got nothing! Not even a light cruiser! These destroyers are old, and they are very vulnerable. We’re just supposed to spot a problem and call for help. But we are the help. Are we meant to stop the bad guys with this? This isn’t going to go away with just us here.”

  Josh appraised him carefully. He knew he gave his friend a bad deal.

  “I was just pondering the same thing,” Josh admitted.

  “For real?”

  “Jeri, listen. I’ve begged, and I’ve pleaded. I’ve called in all my favors; nobody is listening. As your friend, I can still pull a few strings for you though.”

  “What type of strings?”

  “The type that gets you transferred to another sector. The type that gets you full retirement. Take your pick.” Josh responded.

  “Man, is it that bad? You want to get me out?”


  “What’s going on here? Is the problem purposely being swept under the rug? Which politician doesn’t want to admit they have a problem?” Jeri asked, taking another sip of his beer.

  “I think it’s worse than that. I believe that this goes to either to competence or to a level of corruption I haven’t ever seen before. The type of corruption that gets one man rich and another man dead. Jeri, I want to keep the promise I made to Ester. Please think about getting out.”

  Geez, my wife cornered him at some point, Jeri chuckled to himself.

  “Promised?” Jeri said.

  “Yeah. After Remus-5.”

  Jeri winced.

  Remus-5. An old mining system. It was abandoned and made an ideal place for war games. Lots of places to hide, lots of space to maneuver.

  Jeri was the captain of the heavy cruiser WFS Victory performing war games with the Fourteenth Fleet when a particular light cruiser, the Shining Knight, moved suddenly out of position while in tight formation and collided with the Victory.

  Josh had known of the Shining Knight and who captained her. After the “accident,” it was discovered that the captain, Gath Musini, son of influential senator Raji Musini, and his navigator were both under the influence. It was found out they were involved with one another and were having an illicit affair while highly intoxicated during the night shift of the war games.

  The military protocol was not only broken with a relationship with someone under his command, but intoxicants on duty were an offense that would land one in a court martial.

  Captain Musini had several complaints against him before for inappropriate advances towards women, and at least the rumor was that not only was he a heavy drinker but he sat in his captain’s chair under the influence on multiple occasions. He should have long ago been removed, except being a political appointee he had connections, deep ones.

  While most captains obtained their position by political means, most were also reasonably decent at their jobs. Some, like Gath, were not. The “accident” as it was being called resulted in the deaths of over three hundred naval personnel. Negligent homicide would have been a more accurate description, but Gath was a politician’s son.

  Jeri was outraged. Outraged that men and women under his command died. Outraged that such an easy to avoid “accident” had occurred. Outraged that the responsible parties got lightly, not even being charged with a crime!

  He approached the admiral who oversaw the exercise, Admiral Heather Dawson, and unloaded on her. He couldn’t bare the negligence. He held nothing back, all the while she sat back and coldly stared. What Jeri wished he knew then...Admiral Dawson was the sister-in-law of Senator Raji Musini, father of Captain Gath Musini.

  The admiral almost discharged Jeri! Josh was in the vicinity at the time and heard about what happened. He agreed this “accident” was an intolerable situation and that the Gath’s punishment did not fit the crime. It was Admiral Dawson that let Gath off so lightly. This should have gone to a full court martial, and not had been handled by the captain’s “aunt.”

  Josh pulled his own strings to saved his friend’s career. And now Jeri was stuck on a dated destroyer, and Josh was stationed out of sight and out of mind.

  At least he had his retirement.

  That was when his best friend’s wife approached him and begged him to look out for Jeri. Josh respected Ester, even thought of her as his own sister. Jeri was practically family. What else would it make his best friend’s wife but family too. And family looks out for one another.

  He didn’t care for his new “position” in the fleet, out in the middle of nowhere. But it wasn’t much different than what he was doing before. The only now difference was smaller toys.

  This would not end well.

  “Josh, you stuck your neck out for me, and continue to do so. I will never forget that. But people are being hurt. Our people. It is our job to help them however we can. I cannot turn my back on that.”

  Josh sighed. Not an easy sell to get his friend out. “What can I do?”

  “My XO. I need time with her. I think she is really special and headed towards great things. But she needs me. She needs a mentor who will stand by her. Look, I’ve been at this game a while now too. This sector is a mess, and my XO is going to make an outstanding captain one day, but needs more ‘time in the oven’. I can’t leave the job half-done with either the sector nor my XO.”

  “Jeri, I’ll agree she is impressive. But please man, once she makes captain, get out!”


  With that, the two men ordered another round and changed the topic to a more pleasant subject….sports.

  Chapter 4

  Anderson Station

  While leave was up, that didn’t necessarily mean time to return to the ship. On this stop, the crew was granted a chance to cross train or to obtain entirely new skills if such training did not interfere with their schedule. While this was not typical, it was not quite unusual. Their next mission had been approved, but apparently, details were still in the works, leaving them time for other things besides time to get into trouble.

  Jackie spent her time sharpening her skills at hand-to-hand combat. Being Askirti, she was raised with the strict belief in martial arts to find balance within your soul. And a means to flatten your opponent. Growing up, she was drilled in the art of combat and was much more deadly than people would ever give her credit. She was always glad to get off the ship, where she had more “playmates.”

  Upon the end of her leave, she made a bee-line to Marine Country. She knew who to see to get her a new playmate, Commander Rick Amori.

  “Well well well! Look what the cat dragged in!” said an enthusiastic marine commander.

  At around two meters tall, the commander towered over most. As a marine, he had a very muscular build; he needed those muscles to throw his weight around! With his olive skin, jet black hair and green eyes, he was never without some female attention.

  “Yeah well, I was in the neighborhood and needed to give a good beat down, so I knew where to come!” answered Jackie.

  “Ha, let’s catch up over lunch.”


  After a delicious sandwich at the food court, which anything was delicious after serving on a destroyer for mont
hs on end, they returned to Marine Country and went straight to the gym.

  Good thing I ate light, Jackie mused.

  “So I take it you want the usual?” asked Rick.

  “Yeah, I just need to blow off some steam.”

  Rick regarded her with a sideways glance then laughed, as they walked over to the area used for sparing. Nothing like a girl sparring with beefy marines to blow off steam. It was always entertaining when Jackie was on station. Besides, he was attracted to her. And this way, she kept coming to him! A routine he was comfortable with.

  Take a girl to lunch, get to see her fight! I like it! he would muse.

  “Very well, Commander Campo!” Commander Amori said, looking around the gym. “Anderson! Front and center!” he yelled.

  “Sir yes sir!” responded one marine near the back.

  What ran up to the commander was a mountain of a man. Two meters in height, thick, chiseled limbs, and a jaw you could wreck a tank against and the jaw would come out ahead.

  “Private First Class Anderson reporting as ordered, sir!”

  “At ease. Private, we have a navy officer here who isn’t afraid of a bit of a challenge. Are you up to a challenge, Private?” asked his commander.

  He looked at Jackie with a questioning look. Then a wide grin spread on his face. “Sir yes sir!” he said. Jackie could tell this man thought her to be dinner.

  “Okay, Commander Campo? He’s all yours.”

  A small crowd was forming. Most here had never seen Jackie before, such were the rotations. They would have remembered her, and not just because of her unusual looks but the long list of marines she’s laid flat.

  Anderson came at her with the broad grin of someone used to dishing out pain and enjoying it.

  He lunged at her, but she was not there! He spun, seeing her to his left and went for her again. This time his effort was rewarded with a swift kick in the back that landed him flat on the mat.

  At this point, he was no longer amused. The tiny little navy girl had just laid him out in front of his squad. Now he was getting angry. Quickly.

  Each time he swung at her, his fists met with only air. Each kick he tried was met with further humiliation. Humiliation was not something other people did to him. And not by a woman.

  No matter what move he made, she just seemed to dance, sprint and leap away from him like she knew what he would do before he did it! It was only a few minutes, and he was laid out on the floor again. He didn’t want to get up! He was having his butt handed to him in front of his squad! His squad!

  “Fella’s, it’s time to teach Navy what it means to screw with us!” said Anderson as he got up again.

  At that, three full squads of marines slowly crept to the edge of the sparring mat. Some entering the arena.

  “Damn woman,” Anderson muttered.

  Two other squads that were approaching were getting fired up as well at this navy puke kicking a marine all over Marine Country. They too were stepping up, right until they heard his slur against women. One of the squad leaders was female, and the other squad had three women in it too. While they would not turn against a fellow marine, they stood back at his slander, not willing to participate in what was looking to be an epic takedown of one soon to be dog meat naval officer. Anderson was known as a womanizer anyway. Who knows? Perhaps he would finally get his! But most thought they should call for a medic because this navy chick was about to be pulverized.

  Commander Amori saw what was happening, and didn’t like it one bit. He was about to put a halt to it, except what he saw from her. At the advance of the additional nine men, Jackie didn’t panic. Her eyes never darted. She didn’t fidget, but was actually becoming calmer! Her face remained an expressionless mask, except for the slight smirk that appeared on her face, if only for a moment.

  Oh man, not sure whether to be afraid for her or afraid for them!

  He had seen Jackie fight often. Had even seen her “lose,” if you could call it a loss. He felt she was holding back, but was not sure. At this point, the gloves were coming off, and he would have his answer.

  As Jackie apprised the ten men surrounding her, she approved of her challengers.

  At least I might break a sweat this time, she thought.

  Part of the Askirti gift was knowing you were the ultimate warrior. So much power, yet so much control. The difference between Askirti royalty and warrior was but age. The warriors only came into the fullness of their abilities around the age forty. The age she was now.

  If only I were this strong when it mattered, perhaps I would have saved my family, she lamented.

  She squeezed her eyes for a moment. Focus!

  That is when the first of the marines came at her. She quickly dodged his attack by shifting to the right, and punched him in the side, then kicking yet another who was approaching.

  She almost felt sorry for them. She could see each move before any of them would make it. But she needed the workout, and it had been fifteen long years since she had a serious challenge.

  Remember, they are not trying to kill you. Use restraint!

  Another flip in the air, another two kicks in the faces of two marines now flattened, the fight continued. While the marines tried to gang up on her, she continued to place herself at the most opportune spots for maneuverability.

  Bam! Another marine down, sucker punched in the stomach then a blow to the head! Half the squad was down and not getting back up. And still, they came at her, although the two on the left did not look so hot right about then.

  Well, at least they’ve got the spirit.

  After another three minutes of spins, kicks, hits, screaming and grunting it was over. To the marines’ credit, none yielded. They fought to the last man, but it wasn’t enough.

  Not one marine got a single hit in during the entire match.

  “Commander Campo! Follow me!” Rick belted out.


  Once they got to Rick’s office, he closed the door, turned to her and started. “What the hell, Jackie! I give you space to burn off some steam, maybe get tossed around a bit, and then this?”

  “Commander, I was prepared to end my session until that idiot called for his buddies to help! And I don’t remember hearing you stop it!”

  He calmed down, shaking his head with an insane grin on his face and a scared laugh. “I know, I know. I was curious! I mean, when those other idiots stepped in, you looked happy! And being as I know you tossed those other fights you supposedly lost, I wanted to see for myself what was going to happen.”

  “Commander,” she started, “fighting was what I grew up doing. Not the getting into trouble type, but my family trained me from the time I was little. I have mastered several forms of martial arts and have a natural talent for combat. Believe me when I say the marines hold a huge draw for me and I wanted to join, but I felt that for what I want to accomplish career-wise, the navy was my best career track.”

  “While I’m glad to hear you profess your love for the superior service,” he snickered while saying it, “for my service, I have just never seen someone, especially someone your size, take down so many men! I mean, I never even saw you break a sweat!”

  Rick sat there appraising her with perhaps a bit of fear himself. He was close to blowing his lid with her, but thought could not help himself at drawing her in to see what else she might be capable of.

  “Listen,” he continued, “we are performing some wargames in a few hours in the rec center. I would like you to join my team. How would you feel about that?”

  Wargames. Urban, perhaps jungle combat. This could be good.

  “Wow, after what happened a moment ago, I am a bit surprised you would want me on your little team,” she deadpanned. “I’m in.”

  Chapter 5

  Anderson Station

  Marines Recreational Room 5

  As Jackie entered the rec room, she realized just what an understatement the name was to the reality of what was in front of her. What she saw before her was wha
t looked like a few city blocks!

  Having come from the armory already equipped, she approached Commander Amori.

  “Commander Jacqueline Campo, reporting as ordered, sir!” she said, tongue-in-cheek.

  Rick laughed. “Good to have you, Commander!”

  “So, what’s the plan? I think we’re in the wrong spot if we’re going to storm the beaches!”

  They both laughed.

  “No,” Rick replied. “We are playing capture the flag! My troops know the drill, this time it is our turn to hold the objective while Charlie company charges us and tries to take it. Sound simple?”

  “Easy peasy.”

  “Well, as it turns out, Charlie company will be carrying heavy weapons, night vision, and will have the high ground.”

  “Well crap,” Jackie said. “How the hell are we supposed to win?”

  “That’s not the point,” Rick responded. “The point is to maintain control while under a no-win situation. We’re going to die. We are supposed to lose, Jackie. The point is to condition us to it so that our people learn to turn off the ‘panic’ response when faced with seemingly impossible odds in a real-life situation.”

  “You must really hate me.”

  “Ha, some of the troops will consider it payback after that little demonstration of yours.”

  “And you?” Jackie asked.

  “Me, well, after what I saw, I’m just wondering if we can redefine what a ‘no win’ situation looks like. Let’s get started.”

  After a few minutes, Alpha company took a position in an area with nothing but rubble and low-rise buildings. Everything around their area was taller than where they sat. Jackie looked closely around before the rec room lights dimmed. Was she supposed to sit here and hold? That would not happen.

  As each of the soldiers was taking their positions, she spotted PVC Anderson, also part of Alpha company, looking none too happy to see her. He walked over to her. The look on his face was one for which she was familiar. Murder. She had seen it often before in the Battle of Orlando. The troopers they battled were murderers through and through. Everything about Anderson was familiar in that regard.


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