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Interloper (The Askirti Chronicles Book 1)

Page 16

by Danny Brown

  There were a lot of gasps and surprised looks in the room due to her actions, but no one made any moves to stop her from pursuing whatever punishment she meant to visit upon this man, except Rick.

  She composed herself, made a show of handing the weapon back to the marine commander and took her seat. She never took her eye off this man.

  “Sword of Her Vengeance indeed!” stated His Eminence, to Jackie’s annoyance.

  “This man is a war criminal, guilty of the worst crimes and is deserving of the worst punishment.”

  “I know.”

  Jackie looked from the man to the prime minister, the anger on her face easy to see.

  “You know?” she said through the coldest look she could muster through her piercing bright green eyes. “Then do tell.”

  There were yet more gasps and murmurs as she ordered their leader like he was subservient to her.

  Nervously, the prime minister answered, “he was an agent placed on Earth by our government, though he is now our prisoner.”

  Jackie had a brief look of confusion, looked from the prime minister to the man and back.

  “I’ll have him tell you in his own words.” He turned to look at the man and said: “speak.”

  “My name is Bill Rafenger. I got the assignment of watching your people, the Askirti, many decades ago. I was there at your birth. I saw your parents dedicate you as a baby. I watched you grow up. I was there when your father was coronated. I was there when Earth was invaded, and I was there when the temple was destroyed.”

  The look of anger changed to one of horror. This man had been among them for decades! Another thought entered her mind…her secrets. They were all about to be laid bare in front of all present. It hardly seemed to matter though, as she wanted to know whatever this monster would say. Besides, if she was now compromised with the Federation, it sounded like the Commonwealth could be leveraged to better her chances of tracking down those responsible for the massacre on Earth. The Federation wants a treaty with these people, badly! This meant she still had power.

  Already thinking like the leader your father trained you to be? she thought, quickly pushing the thoughts aside as she interviewed this criminal.

  “If you were there to watch, why did you join in the horrors and become one of those monsters? I remember you. I saw you enjoy it,” she uttered through gritted teeth.

  “It was the only way to get close to you and your family. My orders were simple. Watch. Beyond that my orders were to intervene if any situation became life-threatening, and those orders came decades before the invasion. Your family was important, is important. With the invasion, I couldn’t get word back to the Commonwealth for further instructions, or ask for a team of specialists to extract you. I….I lost track of you and your family. When I found out you were captured, I knew there was only one path forward to intervene. I had to become one of them. And I did just that. I killed one of the guards and used his credentials to slowly work my way into the facility where you were being held. The only people allowed anywhere near you were the worst types.”

  “So you became one of those monsters? You raped and murdered,” she uttered, in a voice filled with malice.

  “Yes. We suspected the Askirti were key to prophecy, and here was the last of you about to be exterminated. I did what I had to do to be where I could have access to you,” he said meekly.

  “More prophecy?” Jackie said in disbelief, shaking her head in disgust.

  “Others should explain that. I did what I had to get close, to rescue one of you. And one is all I could manage.”

  Jackie was on the edge of losing control. “Why didn’t you rescue Henry?”

  “Your husband was Askirti by marriage, not by birth. He did not possess your gift. But honestly, the opportunity never arose.”

  “And what about my children?” she asked coldly.

  “I tried,” he answered quietly, with sadness in evident in his voice and his eyes. “One day, I was supposed to escort them back to their cells, but I was ordered away. My only opportunity slipped out of my hands, and that position never opened to me again. Believe me. I would have taken them at the expense of leaving you.”

  Jackie took a few deep breaths, and said: “and what happened next?”

  “It was hit or miss, to get in the same room with you. It depended on if the General liked my form of entertainment.”

  The General. At the mention of him, Jackie’s blood ran cold. She calmed way down, taking the stare of a predator instead of a hapless victim towards this man.

  “I finally got the assignment, getting close enough to you, but your family was already dead. The General ordered me to take you back to your cell and clean you up. He said he got carried away with you, that you were his favorite and he wanted me to make sure you didn’t die. I carried you as gently as I could, your wounds were severe. I was in a near panic as I saw how much blood you lost. Once back in your cell, I stitched up your wounds and applied a generous amount of Quick Heal. I cleaned you up and dressed you, then snuck you out to a shuttlecraft and fled the planet. I brought you to Copus Prime, delivered you to their best hospital, and prepaid the bill. Then I left, such as were my orders, at which time I returned here and was arrested and imprisoned. I knew I would have to answer for my crimes. Running was never an option for me. Upon returning, I turned in my full report then turned myself in.”

  Jackie closed her eyes trying to process it all. One of the General’s men was her rescuer. Remembering where she was, and what was at stake, she knew she had to bring this conversation around.

  “I suppose I owe you my thanks,” she said quietly and calmly, though she did not feel calm.

  “I am truly sorry I could not do more.”

  “Your Eminence, why have you shown this man to me?”

  “So you will know we have a vested interest in your well-being,” the leader answered. “We tried to keep track of you on Copus Prime, but it was touch and go. We caught wind of you joining the military, but our information was very sparse at that point. It was not until you stepped off that shuttle…Have you heard of the Homem Empire?”

  “Many empires have come and gone, no, why would I, and why are we changing the topic?” Jackie responded.

  “Our archeologists found many ancient secrets. The Homem Empire is from a time when all of humanity was united. It spanned the entirety of our galaxy.”

  “That’s fascinating, but how is it relevant?” she asked, in an almost exhausted voice. First, they act in awe of her. Then she meets her rescuer who is a war criminal. Now they want to talk about digging stuff up. What was going on here? This is not how she imagined peace treaties working.

  “We have a cache of artifacts from them thought to be around fifty-thousand years old. Among them, we found a data chip. It contains video, believed to be the last leader of that empire, she was called the ‘High Queen.'”

  A chill went down Jackie’s back at the mention of her honorific title.

  “Much of it was recoverable,” he said, “and over the course of many years was translated. Look at this.”

  He pressed a few buttons, and a hologram appeared on the table. It was Jackie, only different. The woman looked exactly like her, only older, perhaps middle aged, which creeped her out in no small way. The woman even sounded like her, though she spoke in a tongue Jackie did not understand….it sounded so familiar. Seeing her, she was definitely Askirti. And so were the soldiers with her.

  The Askirti gift…they all had it! That language…. sounds so much like the unknown tongues spoken in my father’s throne room during our ceremonies where we conjure the sacred mists…

  Suddenly Jackie felt a connection to a history she knew nothing about before today. She was a descendant of this woman, a powerful one at that. And as far as she knew, she was the last of this woman’s bloodline.

  “We were able to interpret it. It was a warning. She was speaking to planetary governors. She said the war was lost. She would not give up and would fi
ght until the very end, but commanded the governments to prepare for the very worst,” said the prime minister.

  “And what does this have to do with prophecy,” Jackie hated to ask, shaking her head in exasperation.

  “Five hundred and twenty-five years ago, there was a prophecy here in the city of Tyre from one of our priests. The man who uttered it had prophesied major events, some of what were not in his lifetime. Including what is now called the first and second dynasty wars. He named who the players were, and what was involved. Our leaders at that time didn’t recognize it for what it was and plunged ahead. I guess it would change the prophecy if we could alter our destiny. Anyway, his last prophetic word was this:

  “In the last days, a time of war shall come, one that has not been seen in since times long passed. The Darkness shall return to visit destruction upon all the worlds of men. In that day the Abomination of Desolation, also known as Apollyon or the destroyer of worlds, shall be revealed, striking fear in the hearts of all. Fleets shall be crushed, worlds will be broken apart, and kingdoms shall come to ruin. In that day, even the strength of the mighty shall fail them as their hearts are gripped in terror of the destruction before them.

  “As children of The Light, you ask, ‘what will be the sign of these things?’ Know this. The High Queen shall appear in the city of Tyre, dressed in blood. She will measure justice by her own scale and will render due punishment with the sword of her vengeance. Know that her coming is not an omen of peace but of war. Mercy will not be found for those who stand in opposition as she unleashes the full fury of her wrath.”

  Jackie looked down at her crimson red dress uniform, then at the scales and sword she had placed on the table.

  “Well, crap.”


  “Commodore, you just can’t allow our negotiations to center around this girl!” their diplomat, Mr. Trahan said.

  Tabitha agreed to meet with him in private once the conference paused for a break.

  “I’ll concede, this is fishy, it is odd, and I don’t like it one bit! But they seem to consider her in higher regard than any of us! So why not use it!” she retorted.

  Tabitha was deeply concerned. These things just did not happen, ever! The talks have now centered over the Nemesis’ executive officer, whom the Commonwealth look at as some higher being.

  “Commodore, if you don’t do something, I will go over your head! Remove her from the negotiations before you end your own career! Or I’ll be the one to end it!” he threatened.

  “Do what you have to do, Mr. Trahan. But I don’t see things going forward without her. Have you looked at any of the news feeds? She has an instant following! These people will probably do anything she asks of them, for the moment. I intend to use that to get a treaty that favors us!”

  “Careful, Commodore, this girl may quickly become stronger than either of us. Then what use does she have for us when she has the Commonwealth?”

  “What you say may be true, but what will be the consequence of removing her from talks at this point? The Commonwealth very well may ignore us and send us away empty handed,” she answered.


  “Jackie, you could have told me,” Jeri said.

  “Perhaps,” she responded. “The truth, the past, is so scary. I lied to hide who I was somehow. I know I am only one woman, but justice for those on Earth burns inside of me. I felt knowledge of my identity would get in the way. I did not want people to look at me as that girl.”

  “Pain can easily become all-consuming,” Jeri said slowly. “And once it burns you out, how will you get the justice seek?”

  Jackie looked down, actually afraid to meet his gaze as she thought about the meeting, thought about her captain’s words.

  “What do you recommend, sir?”

  “I think events are unfolding fast right now. But through it, stay true to who you are, who your father raised you to be. Opportunities are coming your way, that much is very clear to me. I do not know about this prophecy stuff they claim, but I do know the entire planet, and many of their other largest planets, are in a frenzy right now.

  “A good leader leads from the front, leads by example. Words are powerful, Jackie. Stronger than that gun you set off earlier. Self-control, care for the innocent, adherence to the core of who you are. Do not forget these things.”

  Jackie blushed, embarrassed, not just at her bloody past put on display at the highest levels, but at the lack of control she shown in there. Attempting to murder a prisoner, speaking harshly to the leader of an empire. This behavior was not who she was raised to be. She had to regain control. She trusted her captain, he had never lied to her, misled her and always gave her sage advice. He was the closest thing to a father she had left in this life.

  “I think you are right sir. I will do better.”


  Back in the conference room, everyone was seated again.

  “Commander Campo, the Federation has indeed brought us prizes of great value. But before we start out our negotiations, and I cleared it with my cabinet members that I was allowed to do this, we have gifts for you,” His Eminence stated.

  “Gifts for the Federation?” Jackie’s curiosity was piqued.

  “No, gifts for you.”

  Holy crap!

  “Um, I’m not sure what to say, sir?”

  Just then two people came out, each bearing a priceless treasure from the Commonwealth people. Gasps and whispers were flying as Jackie recognized the items all too well.

  Her Scales of Justice, and The Sword of Her Vengeance. Worth more than a battle fleet.

  She was about to pass out.

  She coughed, “Sir, I am not sure what to say to this most generous gift! I am not sure I am even allowed this!”

  “You are indeed allowed this, Commander. I did check with your people first.”

  She glanced over at her people, Mr. Trahan had pure hatred in his eyes at that moment. Commodore Summers was wide-eyed but gave a small nod to Jackie.

  “Well, um, thank you! Thank you very much!”

  What have I got myself into! If these things don’t make me a target, nothing will!

  “What is it that you will have from the Commonwealth?” the prime minister asked, apparently opening the negotiating process.

  A mighty big question, and not generally how these things went. Jackie had to shake thoughts of taking advantage, which Mr. Trahan had wanted, and instead, choose what she believed to be equitable. She pared down the Federations list to what she viewed as a sure and equitable thing.

  “The Federation and the Commonwealth share many common values, the wars we have fought were not differences in ideology but the desire for territory and resources,” Jackie said. “A mutual nonaggression pact, along with limited common defense pact as well. The Federation would also like to engage in cooperation with your military, run maneuvers together and even cross train in certain disciplines. Beyond that, favorable tariffs and access to trade routes.”

  “Anything else?” the prime minister asked.

  “Technology exchange. We are not unrealistic as to ask for the specs for everything, but we have some stuff, you have some stuff, we can help make each other stronger.”

  “We have looked at the proposals put forth in advance, which is to say this seems like it is not as aggressive. Why?”

  “It is simple,” Jackie said. “Most negotiations dicker about details, coming to a middle ground. I think with the…up roar…at our arrival, it is best to sign something simple that accomplishes the most important objectives for both of us so we can both tout a quick victory.”

  “A fair assessment, and probably reducing weeks of negotiations to something more manageable. And we definitely would like to boast of an agreement with the Federation as soon as possible! We have just a few conditions.”

  “Such as?” This made Jackie nervous. While she had been trained in these sort of high-level discussions, she also knew the situation was fluid, and she had to think on her feet rather qu
ickly as the decisions here would be binding for many years to come.

  “You. As you pointed out, our planet and much of the Commonwealth is in a state of panic. I need you to make a public statement. It would calm people’s fears.”

  Jackie could understand that, though she shivered considering the implications.

  I am to speak before billions…

  “Second, we will sign a treaty with Mr. Trahan, who is authorized to speak for your government, but we want you to be the primary signatory on it.”

  History in the making, and his demand is I sign it and make a speech? That’s a lousy requirement on his part.

  “Third, and this is difficult to say, but much of our people, including most in this room feel this way….we want to put together a task force to hunt piracy down. We have been seeing a serious increase in frequency and magnitude of incidents and want to form a multinational task force to address it. You mentioned shared military maneuvers. We would like to take it a step further with an integrated task force. This task force would be authorized to go in either nation’s territory and will compose of ships from both our countries. We believe the piracy is organized and larger than we are seeing, and need to present a united and deadly front against it.”

  “Anything else?” Jackie reluctantly asked.

  “We want you to be the Federation liaison on this task force. Our people deal directly with you.”

  Didn’t see that one coming. Liaison? What? What will I liaise? Jackie thought quickly. These people seem much more intent on currying my favor than the Federations.

  She looked to the left where Tabitha and Michael sat, both nodding their heads in approval.

  She sighed heavily, “where do I sign?”

  Chapter 21

  Dennaway Star System

  The planet Wellington, city of Tyre

  The Federation diplomat and the fleet commodore helped Jackie put together a speech to help calm the populace. Much of it was what she recognized as flowery talk meant to appeal to people on an emotional level, which was needed. It affirmed a historic treaty had been signed between the two empires.


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